Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private On the Brink

Mia knew she should have chosen a different meeting spot, but there was some comfort in the simplicity of the old Death Watch camp on Zanbar. Granted, the last time they had met here, they had flattened most of it, but rebuilding such a simple structure had been therapeutic. something to focus on, away from the wars rising on three fronts, away from the questioning eyes that fell upon her. Where was their Mand'alor? Why had Ijaat vanished? Questions she did not have answers to.

Her ship rested on a duracrete standing a little ways outside the camp, she rested on a makeshift stool, one of Ordo's tea blends resting in a mug in her hand, steam rising from it slightly as she rested her back on the outside wall of the hut, eye closed, listening to the natural hubub of the swamp around her.

So much had happened since they last spoke. Elise had left, Liorra had left, Ijaat had left. She was alone, save for her brother and he still wasn't quite himself. That had always been her curse though hadn't it? For the people closest to her to leave. She tried to convince herself it was better this way, that the less people she had close to her, the easier it would be to make the hard calls. But even that iron logic couldn't shake the emptiness that sat heavy in her soul.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Thankfully, whether it was because his body knew not to embarrass him at such a critical juncture, the nosebleed had only begun after the meeting with the Imperial Sith War Council had concluded, and with the gap in time before... of all things, dinner with the Sith Emperor began, he had been able to occlude the blood that flowed freely out of his nostrils.

There had been quite a lot of it.

Such was the consequence he supposed of snapping himself from Alvaria to the Mors Mon, which then had been stationed all the way out in the Tingel Arm, such a journey would have taken... Bogan knew how long, normally. Yet doing it in mere moments? Bending that much space between oneself?


He was glad the consequences had only been a particularly violent nosebleed.

And such an intense burning in his chest that had threatened to throw him off his feet.

He knew, he very much knew that his Force Travelling was doing damage to his soul... after all, after the body withered and faded, what was left but the soul? Where the nose bled, and the heart burned, the Dark Side latched itself onto his soul, it gave boons so easily for the strong.

Yet, it was as his Mistress had always taught him.

Nothing came so freely, there was always cost.

Always sacrifice.

He would either become a master of this tool.

Or it would become master of him.

Alas, such would be concern for another day, as he breathed in deeply.

One moment, he had been surrounded by the depths of the Kainite war machine, preparing thankfully not, for a strike west, but a strike south. It had not been entirely his rhetoric and argument that had led to this outcome, that much would still be held to the responsibility of Alicia Drey, the potential traitor... or perhaps someone who played a game that was more dangerous than he could imagine.

Yet, he had played his part the very same, the Kainite, the Sith, effort would be against the Imperials this campaign, by necessity, strikes against the Mo- Mandalorians would be lessened. He had been hard restrained to tell Mia Monroe Mia Monroe the good news, yet the Emperor's words... the revelations that had come forth from that dinner.

Well, it had given him enough to consider.

One moment, he was surrounded by the Kainite war machine, the next... well, this was the one advantage of having come aboard the Malsheem.

Opening crimson orbs, here he was.


And with the closeness... he was confident he would not face a nosebleed, even if he felt the tremor beat across his heart. Resisting the wince, he gazed around, seeing quickly the ship he had once been inside, some time ago.

And then as his eyes shifted, he could not deny the softness that took hold of them, the glimmer. Oh, theirs was a relationship fraught with difficulty, yet... between their meetings here... their meetings on Mo- Mandalore... upon Ordo... upon Yavin...

...Well, he could not deny that he was growing fond of the woman.

...The one which his subconscious had seemingly considered...

...It did not bare consideration in the immediate moment.

Especially with the news he had heard, there was much more to discuss than simply the outcome of the Council.

A smile graced his features, as he offered a small nod of his head.

"It has been a while, M- Lady Monroe." He offered, hiding within him, the... thrill of all he wished to say.
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Sapphire eyes snapped open as she felt the shift in the force, a small smile tugging at her features at seeing him. She tilted her head at his greeting. "Too long, I've no doubt, Malum. There's no need to be so formal, no one here but us."

Mia rose smoothly to her feet, ducking inside the hut, with a gesture for him to follow. the lack of nosebleed told her a great deal. he had been close, and seeing as Elise had left the protectors, she knew it wasn't for her, which left only on other option. He'd been at the Sith State. Something she wished very much to eradicate, not only because of the continued assaults the Kainites kept launching, but because the sith needed to be gone from this sector for good.

the hut was simple enough, a single room, with a bunk and wash station on one side and a kitchenette on the other. The centre held a sunken pit in which a small fire was burning beneath a kettle. She collected another cup, lifting the kettle from its hook above the fire and filling a mug for Malum before passing it to him. "How is Elise?"

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
He silently chuckled at her gentle chiding, one could take Malum out of nobility, but never take the nobility out of Malum, instincts and teachings honed in him for years were hard to forget, even if... well ironically enough, by the very fact he had not drawn his Sithsword and attempted to strike Mia down here and now said...

...Well it said that he was at least forgetting certain teachings.

"Of course, of course," Malum answered, smile still graced upon his face, as he followed after the former Mand'alor... or perhaps the new Mand'alor, considering what news had been recently stirred out from Fondor and Mo- Mandalore alike.

He idly gazed around the hut as he entered, he had not fully considered it when he had arrived...

...But well, the hut certainly was not here the last time they had met here. He had imagined that it had been simple to have another meeting here. Yet, perhaps it had been to show him this.

That despite all that they did to this place, over and over.

Here still, could things rebuild.

A poignant metaphor for Mo- Mandalore itself.

He silently promised himself that this would not be yet another meeting that would leave this place ruined. Clearly... Mia Monroe Mia Monroe had put a good deal of effort into it.

He nodded gratefully as she gave him a cup of steaming liquid, tea he imagined, was not dark enough to be caf. Good, he preferred something sweet tasting, rather than the necessity of consciousness.

Blowing gently, he brought it to his lips, humming contently, even as her question was asked.

It was no true surprise that she would ask, indeed, he was glad that ever Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira remained her first priority. Even as likely, far more matters of galactic importance would soon be discussed in this tiny building.

"...She is well, she misses you, misses M-Mandalore, even if she does not admit it out loud..." Rubies left sapphires, as he looked away ever so slightly, "...I still do not think she should have left the Protectors, despite everything, she might be safer yet among the Protectors than on Alvaria," Naboo had been a mistake, a mistake he had wilfully taken, with no regrets, yet still, a mistake, "Some privately wonder if I might have some sympathy to the M-Mandalorians, I have fended off such matters for now," He wistfully shook his head, "Yet, perhaps, it seems I have not been subtle enough."
Mia settled herself onto the edge of the pit after refilling her own mug and shook her head at his words. "You and Elise were never subtle, so I'm not surprised. Her being on Alvaira will do you more good than her being here. She defected, therefore one could argue she is no longer a mandalorian, and your suspected sympathy can be brushed aside."

She pondered, for a moment, if openly declaring Elise dar'manda would help that, but she could not bear the thought of doing that to her. To do so would alienate her further, and if she ever wanted to come home? There would be may who would not allow it.

"Besides," she continued after a moment "Things are changing, if she were to come home, she'd be returning to a warzone. We've enemies on three fronts, our Mand'alor has vanished and tensions are running high. She's safer on Alvaria, less opportunity for her to run headlong into a fight without consideration for her own life."

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
He feigned a pout at her words, even as he quickly admitted to himself... unfortunately... that it was true, "We danced once upon Naboo, for all that the rest of the galaxy suspects it was simply that, a Sith Lord dancing with a beautiful woman... we were more than subtle for all the rest," His smile widened, "So much that you did not suspect for quite some time, yourself." Unfortunately, the smile had to fade as he fully registered the rest of what she said, "She... did not defect, she..." He was not sure what to say truly, she had left the Protectors, that much was certainly the case, but truly the reasonings for why she did it still eluded him as much as they had when she had turned up to Alvaria all time ago, "She faced Darth Carnifex and barely survived, she witnessed so much trauma and depravity, felt let down by those she trusted and loved... I am far from blameless on that front, she is as M- Mandalorian, as she was when I met her." To tell her that he loved her through a recording... when he had cared so much about himself to face death without regret... to then not be there for her, as the guilt whirled about him, and everything felt as terrible as it did when...



Red eyes glimmered over his orbs, and he bit down on his own teeth.

The ever-present temptation to reach across to their bond was suppressed, he had already... already blemished so much... for them both.

It was the rest of her words, that elicited a slight nod from him, sighing in acceptance, knowing for the most part she was right, even if there was details he knew, and she did not,
"Our Elsie never saw a fight that she did not think she could win, if it meant protecting someone, has she?" Malum smirked, one of the qualities so equally endearing and annoying, that it twisted around simply to being something he would wistfully say he loved about her.

"Though on that front, I do have good news, though first... my condolences regarding Lord Mereel... I know you two were not yet married but..." What more could he say? He thought all his heartbreak had been agonising... and it certainly had.

Yet Mia and Ijaat Mereel had shared a bond that had transcended decades.

Who knew what they could have shared apart from themselves?

"...I hope he is found soon, safe and sound, yet, I do also have good news. The Imperial Sith War Council recently met upon the Mors Mon, there was much discussion on where the Sith should strike, M-Mandalore having been a very tempting prospect for many... yet, I believe through my efforts and others, for at least the foreseeable future, Sith efforts shall be focused away from the Protectors, beyond the raids from Kainite warbands you have experienced." Even that may have been reduced, with the Kainites mobilising against the Imperials.

Mia Monroe Mia Monroe
Mia could only smile sadly at Malum as he stumbled to defend Elise. He could call it what he wanted. Elise had left the protectors because she'd lost faith in them, she believed that they were heading in a direction she couldn't follow. Malum could colour her defection with whatever words her liked, it didn't change that that was what she did. It also didn't change that Mia had been unable to prevent it, to convince her to stay.

Her expression hardened at the mention of Ijaat and she looked down into the fire. "I am used to being left by those close to me. Wherever he has gone, he is likely to stay. The war will not wait for him to return and nor will we." Her tone was cold, and laced with underlying anger. They couldn't afford to have faith in a Mand'alor that wasn't present and she couldn't afford to pine after him either.

She looked back up at the mention of the Imperial War Council and frowned. "That is where you came from." It wasn't a question, more a statement of understanding why his nose had not been bleeding when he arrived. The fact that the Mors Mon was so close did not bring her any comfort. "Good, that should give us time to recover and expand our borders further. Who are you targeting instead? I've no doubt the target must be much more interesting to keep eyes away from us."

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
He hated how she looked so… well it was hard to truly describe how she looked, the unfortunate mix of resigned sadness mixed in with the simmering anger of… well quite a lot had gone wrong in the past few moons for the M- Mandalorian Protectors. Some of which he would need to discuss with her no doubt.

Yet first.

He reached out, placing his hand over one of hers, and squeezing softly, “We will not abandon you,” Malum began softly, rubies glimmering against those brilliant sapphires, “Elsie considers you as a second mother, despite it all, if you called for her, she would come… and though I never imagined I would have family among M- Mandalorians, such is the designs of… such is my decision, to stand among my family, future or not, on this side of the galaxy.” Such was a bold claim to make, and his breath grew ever tighter as he said it.

Yet, his grip firming, his eyes shimmering.

It was the claim he would make.

Not just for Elsie… but for the pact Mia and him had made… for the future they had seen.

He raised his eyebrows at the question, certainly there was little risk of the Imperials finding out, for after all there was already fighting between them and the Protectors.

Still, already Alicia Drey knew their plans, for Mia Monroe Mia Monroe too?

He had proven he could be trusted.

Did she need a similar opportunity?

“The Empire of the Lost has potentially been infiltrated by members of the Dark Empire, insult has been tabled, the Emperor has called for war against the Imperials… yet, we will still march for the Core.” Malum spoke, relaying all that had been decided at the Council, yet knowing this would be where the complexity would start, “I heard of what happened at Fondor, the breaking down of talks, I say good fortune for that… if you had made yourselves aligned with the Alliance, you would find yourselves at the frontlines against the Dark and Sith Empires both… I would recommend against such course, in the future, Mia.” Hopefully all he had said, all he could done, had bought some trust and consideration.
Yes you will.

The thought shot across her mind in response to Malum's gesture of comfort. It was the truth of it though wasn't it? It was her curse. She'd moved Ijaat into the position of power so that she would not have to bear that burden again, because in bearing that burden she become something her family could never bear to see. She would not call on Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira , not because she didn't believe that the girl would not come, but because she deserved far better than Mia would ever be able to offer her.

As for Malum...

There's was a relationship destined to end in suffering, one way or another. She could only offer a small smile in response, one tinged with sadness.

Her focus shifted back to the fire as he spoke of the Orders pans to attack the Empire, something they could perhaps use to their advantage. Though they'd not yet discovered the origin of the ship that had attacked the Hill tribes on Gala during the talks with them. Mia gave a snort of derision. "Senators never respond well to Mandalorians. Doesn't matter what banner they fly under. The last time I had a conversation with a senate it was the Republic, and I did so from a very large with with missiles pointed at them. Strangely enough, they listened." She smiled at the memory and shook her head. "I never expected our first talks to come to anything but angry exchanges, but unfortunately, Malum, we need their alliance. Between the Dark Empire, your Order and the Empire of the Lost we are surrounded. We need them in the coming war. As much as you hate it. Whatever agreements we make with them will end when the war does."

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
She did not believe him...

...He was not hurt by the non-verbal admission, for after all logically, she had much reason to doubt him. Despite their... strange relationship, he was still a Sith, and she still a Mo- Mandalorian, and though he could perhaps teach a masterclass on those kinds of relationships in particular...

...Well, it did not change the fact that they were at least during this era, rather strange.

Even in the days in which Sith and Mo- Mandalorians were allies, the levels of closeness, of intimacy that he had crossed, went far beyond what the ancient Sith and Mo- Mandalorians had been capable of.

And after all with Mia Monroe Mia Monroe in particular, she not only had much reason to distrust, even despise Sith, far more than simply his childhood raising to despise Mo- Mandalorians, she too simply had greater reasons to distrust in general. For, after all, even in the short time he had known her, how many had abandoned her? Elsie... Ijaat... how many more had abandoned her, in the life before this one?

Still, he could not deny the slightest twinge of disappointment, as his mind, as his heart, wondered how exactly he could convince her.

He squeezed her hand once again, "Perhaps next time I will bring Elsie here," She likely would deny that if he did not give a purpose... "We have never dueled since our..." He had the good graces to look somewhat abashed, "...Our first encounter here," When she had killed nine of his men.

It was a marvel in itself that they had overcome that start, yet... well, he had killed many a Mo- Mandalorian in his time.

Remissions needed to be given, especially when they were at war.

Sacrifices needed to be made, for the promises they made each other.

"...Perhaps we can teach her a thing or two... perhaps you can teach me a thing or two," He offered the reason, when truly, he hoped his intentions were not too brazen, it was clear that mother needed daughter, and whether daughter admitted it or not, she needed her mother.

He quirked his eyebrow at her words, feeling an uncomfortable knot tied in his stomach, even as he flashed a smile at her memory of her handling of the Senate, "M-Mandalorians are notoriously independent-minded, you need an alliance with Cor- Fondor? Your... adate," His Mando'a was still extremely rusty, and he had only slightly more improved from the day he had sassed that teenager on Yavin, "likely will not approve of such an admission," He spoke on, knowing such was far from an argument.

After all, when did the Mo- Mandalorians ever recognise their own weakness?

Alas, Mia was different, which was great when it came to working with her on shared interests.

Yet divisive ones as these... it was complicated.

"The Alliance is a viper, allow their fangs to embed themselves in you, and they will never let go. I will not ask if you know what you are doing, as you clearly do, however, that only means you have weighed the risks as worthwhile... so I ask you, what are your conditions for declaring this war at an end?" They had made a pact to each other long ago, but despite the bloodletting promised, it was one of higher ideals.

They had never discussed what exactly defined victory.

A Mo- Mandalorian-Jedi alliance... well, it was something that could ruin everything, it may draw the Emperor's eye away from Tion, to Mo- Mandalore.
Next time...

Next time they would likely be standing on opposite sides of a battlefield. Malum had bought them time, but she knew well enough Kaas would not go unpunished for long. the empire of the Lost would only keep Kainites forces occupied for so long. "That wasn't a duel," she mused "That was you trying to kill me and failing." She couldn't help the amused smile that crept onto her face. "If we'd been duelling, you'd be dead."

She took a sip of her tea, and shook her head chuckling. "You don't need to use Elise as an excuse to ask for training, Malum."

Mia shrugged on the topic of the Alliance. "You're not wrong, there are more than few who want nothing to do with the Alliance, but our numbers are too few to fight a war on three fronts, they understand the necessity of an alliance, and also its temporary nature. As for what determines the end of the war..." she sighed "We're looking at fighting in three different wars. All of them have their own terms for ending."

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Malum smirked at the words, not that he doubted any of them, however, he would not make a very good opponent, if he so easily gave up his poker face, "The purpose of battle is to remain alive, I have tousled with galactic giants, from Mand'alor the Liberator, from the Sword and Shield of the Jedi, from a Sith Emperor, and have killed the greatest assassin that has ever lived," His eyes glimmered with barely contained amusement, and the confidence that anyone else might have termed arrogance, while she stirred at the back of his mind, "If I did not hold some capability, some potential, I doubt you would make your pact with me... unless you simply wished me to be a useful idiot," He was not blind to the possibility, after all, she had gained much in allying with a Sith.

As much as he had found himself growing fond of the woman opposite...

...Forms and functions, would always remain the logical matters, and have to be considered and thought through.

He offered a smile breaking the tension he himself had wrought, "Are my intentions so brazen? I clearly need to develop that area," He japed, yet, to some degree clarity was needed. Both Mia Monroe Mia Monroe and Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira were too stubborn by half.

If he needed to make an excuse to bring them together, that was the least of the sacrifices he was willing to make.

He took a sip of the tea, as she spoke of the alliance, of the unenviable strategic dilemma the Mo- Mandalorians found themselves in.

He very much did not like it... but from what it sounded like, there would be no way to break her from this course.

...Which would only make them a greater target when it was made public.

He had only barely been able to drive the Sith Imperial War Council away from striking Mo- Mandalore.

And that only due to stressing himself to the limits, unexpected aid from the Kainites of all factions, and the surprise from Alicia Drey Alicia Drey .

If the agreement with the Alliance was announced.

That the Jedi had near unfettered access to the Daragon Trail and Hydian Way to strike the Old Sith Worlds.

Well... there would be no convincing the Emperor that the Mo- Mandalorians were not a threat.

He realised with a start, the silence was beginning to grow, "Any possibility that you can keep the alliance a secret amongst leadership? I was able to ward off the Emperor's attention for now, yet if the Alliance and Mandalorians become a combined threat, it will be one greater than the Empire." And if the peons were kept unaware, he would have an excuse to say why he did not know of it occurring, for after all after the Darth Ayra incident, and indeed after the entire Ouroboros Crisis, he knew suspicion was wafting over him.

Perhaps more importantly, if the pawns remained unaware, no love would ever bloom from this accord.

He quirked an eyebrow at the answer,
"Tell me then, for the Empire of the Lost, for the Dark Empire, and for the Sith Empire." Malum asked, intrigued, tapping fingers along the table.
Malum's skill in battle had had no real bearing on the potential she had seen in him. She had chosen him initially because of his position, he had been exactly what he'd said in the beginning, a tool for her to use. though even then there had been something more she had sensed in him. He had not been like any sith she'd encountered before, and now they had moved passed insults and built a relationship that surpassed that of a simple agreement?

What was he to her now? A son?

Her ancestors rolled in their graves, sending a shiver up her spine. that she would accept a sith in such a light after the war they had been fighting for so long....She shut down that train of thought and said nothing in response to the tension that was now thick in the air, levelling him with a calm but hard look. She snorted in derision at his smile and shook her head. "I prefer brazen." she commented "Subtlety is waste of time. If you want something, better to be brazen about it."

She pondered his question about keeping the alliance a secret. "Not likely, if your intelligence is paying attention they will now simply by our actions. We're hitting Carlac with the Alliance. If that doesn't scream that we're allies I don't know what else will. It wasn't a fight I wanted to get involved in, but their getting too close to our borders to ignore."

What would be the end of that war? Would it be when their alliance fell through, there were enough people in the sensate that bore hatred and mistrust for that to happen. An insult to the wrong person and they would likely become another Enclave to the Alliance. Not that Mia would be so stupid as to allow the Protectors to launch an attack against the biggest governing body in the galaxy. Suicide was not exactly the way she wanted to die.

"The War with the Dark Empire will be decided by our relationship with the alliance. One of their number has already approached me to make a deal for us to switch sides. They were deeply disappointed when I said no. Perhaps the strike at Carlac will be enough to have them keep their distance. That war is...unpredictable."

"The Empire of the Lost is far simpler, that war ends when they surrender. We could have been allies, but their actions at Gala made it perfectly clear what they though of us."

She paused on the topic of the Sith Order...the war with his people. He was not going to like her answer. "As for your Sith State and Kaine. That war ends when he dies... and when the state is gone."

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
"Oh thank Bogan that you do, I already have to spend so much time keeping constant attention at keeping my face a mask, or risk revealing some dark truth to attentive eyes." Malum chuckled, rather attentive red eyes keeping a vigilance themselves on the hard gaze her blues were giving him, even as she snorted, smiled and shook her head, "I enjoy these summits, despite how destructive the last ones have been... I need not require the mask." Or so he said, or so he believed, or so... he hoped was the case.

He did want to trust her.

But could you trust anyone in this galaxy?

Especially one so...

...Their goals aligned thus far, the bond they shared far beyond simply... a bond.

But would that remain so?

He wished it so, but despite all the power of a Sith Lord, how could that compare with the will of one that was once Mand'alor?

He banished the thoughts as she continued speaking.

And her words made his heart miss a beat.

Nothing shocking per se.

Only disappointing.

His initial thought to mask his face to that emotion faded away, at the memory of all he thought only moments before, his lips were parsed, a brow raised if only slightly, and red orbs faded.

What could he say, it was not as if he could argue against the sense it made, he could only argue a factor that she had evidently viewed as of lesser concern than he did.

Still of all that could he said of Malum, that he was not stubborn could not be said, "Considering the beliefs which much of the Sith Order has of this so-called Dark Empire, you would be surprised how much they may actually look with eagerness at your strike against them, coordinated with the Alliance or not, it may signify you are allied... but if the exact terms were hidden, or at the very least the terms imply cooperation against only the Dark Empire, it may not draw the Emperor's notice." It was in his mind, a rather weak solution, but at the same time, it was a solution that gave him the political cover to do as their alliance had mandated him do.

If she could not grant him that much.

Well, it made things very difficult.

He quirked his eyebrow at the mention of one of their ranks coming to negotiate with her, a reminder of a certain events that he had orchestrated himself on Belsavis... could it be?

"Tell me was this representative perhaps, Lady Onrai Onrai ?" Malum asked, the woman had made quite the impression to him, though that was difficult all unto itself.

...For, after all, impressions were about first meetings.

And part of him had once met her, long, long ago.

What was rather more intriguing was the idea that not only had she met with him, but too the Mo- Mandalorians, was she the Dark Empire's diplomat to the rest of the galaxy?

An interesting theory.

A smile came upon his face as he heard the rest of her words, it was a true wonder, a marvel really, that despite the history of Mo- Mandalorian-Sith relations, as it stood, it seemed on the intergalactic stage, they held so much more in common than otherwise.

Indeed, if it was not for their historical enmity, it would have made so much more sense, to unite against common threats.

Was that still possible?

Perhaps, it was their shared dream after all.

And though that would take all sorts of effort all on its own.

"Amusing is it not, that apart from the Alliance, it seems we have no shortage of common enemies... perhaps as enough time passes, and those enemies fall, you will turn towards a new Crusade," Malum japed, not truly believing such would come about... though a man could hope, and considering the antipathy that the Alliance and the Protectors showed each other.

Perhaps it was not as much of a pipedream as one might initially think.

"So do you intend to bring yourself to the gates of Lianna, and make their Emperor beg for mercy? I did not expect hardline peace terms, Mia," Malum continued chuckling, truly, what could they not accomplish if they simply were able to put aside such things.

It would not be easy, certainly.

Especially when memories were not only long, but too born by those who refused to die, or indeed returned to life.

Still, what good was born out of a lack of effort?


The last of her words was easily able to take the wind out of his sails.

Red orbs narrowed.

Lips parsed.

"For one that puts such importance on ancestral home, your inability, or perhaps more likely, your unwillingness to allow us to place a similar importance upon our ancestral home, is rather disturbing, the Stygian Caldera means as much to us as the Mandalorian sector means to you and yours," Malum spoke lowly, spoke seriously, a quiet hiss dripping into his words, "Kaine will die, that much we agree upon, but if you believe the Sith will ever forgive if they are once again purged from their hearths and homes, then I ask you what our agreement, our promise, our dream, meant to you. You will repeat history again, and will it be another century before another Sith and Mandalorian will attempt to clean and heal the wounds?"

The Force was buzzing about him, not in any manner that implied an attack was imminent.

But it crackled and popped, his emotions being made manifest upon the metaphysical realm as much as the physical.

Mia Monroe Mia Monroe
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Mia's expression darkened at the mention of Onrai Onrai . She had come portraying herself as a false god, one of the many reasons Mia had turned her generous offer down. Such attempts to belittle her people were not exactly a solid ground upon which to start a negotiation. She'd wanted their services, and Mia would not commit them to anyone. They needed to remain independent.

"If that's what it takes, then yes." Mis was serious in her response about the Empire's surrender. "They will surrender, or we will eradicate them."

She realised that Malum's surprise was born out of naivety. They had had their clashes, and he had seen her fight against Kaine, but he had not seen the true ruthlessness that lay beneath her exterior, a ruthlessness born out of necessity, out of prolonged experience in an endless cycle of wars. His reaction to her statements about the Sith State were to be expected.

"This is not up for negotiation Malum." she replied simply. "When you are truly in a position of control, we can talk about your people returning, but while you are a mere child standing in the shadows of self proclaimed gods, I cannot afford to let the sith remain close to our borders. The Sith State will fall."

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
It seemed they both had similar opinions of the woman who called herself a God, though no doubt the opinion was born out of very different apertures, for very different reasoning. For however human they both were, the truths and familiarities that may have bound them, they were radically different people.

Of people with extremely dangerous perceptions of the other.

At the end of the day... that difference, and familiarity, was what bound them.

Even as Malum's eyes remained ever narrowed, ever parsed, even as his hands were gripped into tight fists, nails biting skin, the Force still whirling about him, and orbs glimmering dangerously.

"If you think the Sith State will fall, you are more naive than you think I am," He hissed out, his words more animalistic than man, "The Sith Empire remains ever divided amongst multiple... pillars..." It was hard to resist that particular jab, "Even with an Emperor at our helm, division remains, do you believe an attack upon the singular place which has the potential to rally all the Sith, is in your interest? Your foolish attack upon Dromund Kaas almost achieved that all by itself, it was MY effort, MY struggle, which led them away, to focus upon the Jedi and Imperials," His breath was heavy, his eyes shaking, all the memories of that immense stress upon the Mors Mon, of the betrayal and intrigue, of the grandstanding and speeches, all coming back to him with the strength of a hurricane, "Make yourselves a threat to the Empire, and the Mors Mon, and the Malsheem will stand united against Mo- Mandalore, do you truly believe you can stand against that?"

For all that he had risen high among the Sith.

He was still not yet the power.

Only a power.

A reminder, that even now, even with one of the greatest Sith the galaxy had ever seen swirling at the back of his mind.

He was not enough.

Mia Monroe Mia Monroe

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