Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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On The Eve Of Battle, All Is Quiet [Gideon]

She had expected to hear the drums of war, steady on the breeze. Perhaps a carrion squawk overhead, or a distant tremor which told of their coming. But the approach of the Vinterbound, those terrifying ice-zombies, was silent.

Had it not been for the vigorous preparations, the feasting which would serve as many a man's last supper, and the presence of all of the Clan Elders, the night might have passed for any other. Tomorrow could have been like any other day.

But it wouldn't be.

Tomorrow Odiir would test them all... Helm give them strength, so that they might vanquish these most perilous of foes.

It had been several ticks since everyone had departed for the evening, leaving just her parents and her Grandfather alone in the Great Hall. Mysa should have been asleep, but instead she lay tossing and turning upon her bed. Sweat beaded upon her brow despite the chill of the air, memories of her last Vinterbound encounter racing through her mind.

She had despised those events, the taking of her very first life, though she knew it had been a necessary action. After all, she had been protecting children, youths who had yet to test their mettle, green as the grass of Tabaqui.

No more thought of that.

Shaking herself free from those terrors, Mysa sat upright and stared across her room. Midvinter was her home, it was her people she had protected, and it would be her people she would defend in the morning. She may not have been a Valkyri but in her heart she was.

And that was all that mattered.

Rising from the bed, Mysa's feet found their place within her boots and her beloved cloak her shoulders. It was a short journey from there to the door, and shorter still til she was at the main door and out into the night.

The air was so cold that it took her breath away, yet it was refreshing enough to rouse her into full attentiveness. All was silent now, though she could see the embers of a few extinguished fire pits in the distance.

Everyone had found their bed this eve'. Whether a lover's embrace awaited them, or simply the stark reminder of what they had to lose, they had found their place.

All except she.

[member='Gideon Crowe']

Gideon Crowseye

The fires were a dying light already when Gideon came within sight of the outskirts, a sled dragged behind him with a single carcass on it. Pickings had been slimmer then usual, and it was the only thing he'd caught on a two day trip of lurking through frozen woods. Still it was a decent catch with enough meat to feed his family for a days. A rather skinny Frir had attempted to scavenge it from him on his way back home, but it was too weak from hunger to fight for it. Pity had stirred in Gideon for the young Frir barely half grown and starved, so he'd cut a piece off his catch and left it for the Frir. After all did not Odiir breath life into them both? This of course made things a bit complicated as now the Frir was following him hoping for more, and as the outskirts of the forest came to an end he really wasn't sure what to do with the little guy.

It was this pause which made him catch the small movements in the yonder glade against a tree. With a quick motion he pulled out an arrow and put it to his bow as he watched for the movement again. With a deep breath he readied himself to let loose until he saw the shape more clearly, and as his eyes widened in surprise he returned the arrow to his quiver. Giving a quick prayer of the thanks to Éar for the blessing of clearer sight he felt a bit of shock fade at the realization of what might have been without that clearer shape. Pulling his sleigh along he slowly approached her from behind as she looked at the now dying embers of the night's feast. Home, so close now.

Not wanting to surprise her he grumbled and mumbled a few times as he approached her breaking the utter silence that filled the cold night. As he approached he gave her a friendly wave before stopping a few paces away. "Cold night for a stroll, more so with danger on the approach. Don't suppose you'd grant me the honor of escorting you back to town? I'd hate to leave someone alone out here on a night like this, by Éar I'd hate to be left out here on a night like this. Luckily, she's blessed my hunt and lead me home, if you're hungry you're more then welcome to share in her gifts?"

[member="Mysa Snowstrider"]
Her steps had taken her from Tháinbroek and toward the surrounding forests, an insatiable need to be among Éar and her domain fueling each frozen step. Mysa was no Valkyri, not in terms of physicality, so the cold hit her much harder than Midvinters inhabitants. No doubt her cheeks were flushed beneath the hood and her lips about ready to turn blue.

She couldn't help herself, though. She was far too anxious to return home and crawl back into bed, tail between her legs in defeat. Mysa needed to connect with her Gods, with Odiir and Runa, but most importantly Éar, it was she who gave Mysa the most strength, who had given her a sense of belonging from the moment she had arrived on Midvinter. It was her likeness she carried within the pocket of her cloak, her beloved Vhaanir.

Without warning there came a sound, which broke through the quiet. Mysa's head lifted and turned toward the noise, though she was not as surprised as she perhaps ought to have been. Weary eyes fell upon the boy, quite an odd sight to behold dragging his sled with the body of what looked to be an Älk strewn over back. The corpse looked fresh, though it was incomplete.

"Greetings" she immediately retorted when the individual spoke up, her eyes falling to the lost little kitten which followed hungrily after the sled. It was odd indeed to see a lone Frir kitten, especially so close to the City. In fact, the only times she had ever seen just one lone Frir - at least one so young - had been after the mother and other cubs had been slain. Had this one struggled with the same fate?

His words broke her from her thought, though she could not for the life of her recall anything he had said. He had mentioned Éar though, that much she was certain of.

"Éar guide you on your travels, stranger."

She felt bad for not having paid better attention, because she felt certain he was waiting for an answer from her.

"Be cautious on the roads this eve', there's a battle brewing... Best you find home before you're lost amidst the fray."

Words she ought to be following herself, no doubt. But Mysa felt certain she would know if the Vinterbound were near... She wasn't going to forget them any time soon.

[member="Gideon Crowe"]

Gideon Crowseye

He broke out in sudden laughter as he looked down on her cold form, it was clear she wasn't her child, but her height let him know she was no Valkyri. Still he was not about to be rude as he smiled widely letting go of the fact she'd obviously hadn't heard a word he said. Then again he imagined the cold was eating into her quickly. Removing the fur blanket from his sled he walked over and put it over her shoulders before pulling it around her and into her hands. It was far too long for he as it had been made for him to sleep in during the nights, but she looked like she could use it more. It was a good blanket, and would be hard to replace, however there was no way he was going to let her freeze out here.

On that note he threw out another mouthful of meat to the Frir, who would be fine in the cold night, but if he didn't learn to hunt by himself soon he'd never make it. Gideon knew feeding him wasn't helping, but at the same time he was pretty sure the poor thing wouldn't make it if he didn't. Sighing he turned back towards the girl and bowed his head slightly, "The Gods blessings upon you, traveler. I can't imagine what brings you out at this hour, but whatever it is I assure you it can't be as bad as the cold biting at your bones. Please, if nothing else come rest by the embers of the fire, they'll warm you before you return home. I promise no harm could come to you there. I'll even roast you up a nice piece of Älk for your troubles."

[member="Mysa Snowstrider"]
He laughed and Mysa instinctively shied back. The hem of her nightgown caught beneath her boot, thankfully hidden by the thick Älk fur which covered her, and she half-stumbled yet managed to catch herself before she fell too hard.

She might have turned and ran at that point, if not for the sudden show of care which came in the form of extra warmth. It seemed all Valkyri knew how to win over a cold traveler - Thrand had done so, Coci (though not a Valkyri) had too during their travels - and the blanket was in truth more than welcome.

With a slight sigh, Mysa gratefully accepted the blanket and nestled her face down into the fur. It was like she had two cloaks now, only one swamped her the way the still-too-large cloak had when she was a small child.

"Thank you" she muttered, as her gaze followed the chunk of meat which was swiftly gobbled up by the Frir.

Moving toward the fire, to the place which had been offered, Mysa settled down against the stump of an old tree and glanced to him over the fire. The little kitten, who would one day grow into a mighty predator provided he refound his pack, prowled over to her. It tried to look aggressive but in the end the look of it made her smile.

Reaching out, her fingers deftly caressed its fur; Mysa was a natural with animals, and it didn't take long before the little guy was curled at her feet and purring loudly.

"Do you live in Tháinbroek?" It wasn't a question she necessarily expected him to answer, many of the Valkyri she had met had been rather reserved until they got to know her, but at the same time she was worried at the thought of him having to travel much further than the City with the Vinterbound on the way.

"There's evil lurking out here, you know..."

[member="Gideon Crowe"]

Gideon Crowseye

He was quiet as they made their way to the fires, or at least what was left of them at this hour. He felt a bit badly at surprising her so badly in honestly, the poor girl had even fallen back before accepting his blanket. As they reached the fire he set a few logs to the embers knowing they'd kindle soon enough with all the heat buried within the still bright embers. Watching the Frir for a moment his hand moved down to a blade on his hip as it attempted a rather kittenish growl, but whatever gift the girl had with animals soon put it at ease and resting by her feet. Amazed he shook his head silently before cutting another small piece of meat off and handing it to her.

"Its hungry still, poor things just barely not a babe and hasn't much luck if it doesn't find it's pack. Perhaps Éar has lead it to us as a hunter of the wild in search of home, seems oddly comfortable around you. As for home, the hunt is where my heart is but the home of my father is here, and its to him I travel. Well that and the whole I haven't established my own hearth yet so I still sleep beneath his roof. He's a great man my father, or at least a good man."

Stepping back to cut off a slab of meat to roast over the now very alive fire he nodded as she spoke of the evil lurking about. "Aye, evil is always lurking, seems to be its great habit, but I think more because if fears the light of the Gods, and their wrath rather then as a true danger. Valkyri will always stand against evil, but never alone. Odiir will always watch over us, and see us through." As the aroma of the cooking meat filled the air he prayed softly to Éar thanking her for her blessing on the hunt. As the dripping fat sparked up a long flame inside the pit Gideon turned his face to his guest and smiled. "Forgive my rudeness, I haven't even asked your name. I am Gideon Crowseye, and you?"

[member="Mysa Snowstrider"]
Not wanting to push her luck, Mysa resisted the urge to bundle the little guy up in her lap and instead stuck to fussing him with one hand while her attention remained on the boy. She smiled as he offered another chunk of meat, and dipped her head into a grateful half-bow before handing the meat to the little Frir she was becoming rather attached to.

Its inquisitive head lifted, eyes shifting between the pair, before he once again wolfed it down. It did not take long for him to sleepily curl back up and resume its low purring.

The heat of the fire soon warmed her up, and Mysa found herself relaxing despite the knowledge of what tomorrow would bring. She listened as the boy informed her of his living situation, nodding her head slightly to the notion of living under someone elses roof.

"No doubt you'll have a fine home of your own, when you're ready."

Mysa could not imagine ever living alone. She had, once upon a time, but those days were horrible memories of an isolated room and the occasional scientist. Best she try to forget those forever. Now she had two huge families, two sets of parents, siblings. Quite the messed up family tree, but she didn't care. She viewed all of them as her immediate family, whether they were her parents by birth or adoption.

She frowned a little when he spoke of evil, and couldn't help but wonder if he knew what was on its way.

"The Vinterbound are marching" she informed him, her free hand lifting to trace a scar hidden beneath her shirt on the opposing arm, made the last time she had met them in battle, truly she had no fond memories of the ice zombies. "They will be at the gates come dawn. Please, I beg of you, make sure you reach the City before then..."

It did seem odd that neither had informed the other of their names until now, Mysa put her bad manners down to the cold. Though truly she had simply forgotten. "I'm Mysa, Mysa Snowstrider. It's nice to meet you, Gideon... Though I wish it were under better circumstances."

[member="Gideon Crowseye"]

Gideon Crowseye

As she spoke he stopped for a moment and looked up slowly before chuckling softly, of course she was, why wouldn't she be? Cutting a chuck off the cooked meat he offered it to her before cutting one off for himself, Vinterbound on top of it all, quite the news. He supposed he was lucky he'd chosen the direction he had to hunt then, either that or blessed by Éar. Moving his eyes towards the city he nodded as he chewed slowly considering the hour, and his company. She should be home herself, safe in bed no doubt there would be plenty for her to do before the dawn hours. It also meant his father wouldn't be home this morning either not with the Vinterbound coming this close.

Still he let her eat in silence seemingly quite fascinated with the young Frir, perhaps she just needed a moment away from it all to think. Its the only real reason he could think to find her outside in the dead of a winter night with evil marching nearer every second. She was old enough he doubted she had to sneak off, so he wasn't in any danger from her decision, or at least he hoped not. Either way though he was damned if he'd stop a girl in the middle of a meal to march her home. "Vinterbound at dawn eh, and here I thought I was going to get a good sleep after being on the hunt. So whats your role to be in this fight? What keeps your mind so occupied you'd rather walk the frozen night then sleep?"

[member="Mysa Snowstrider"]
Gratefully she took the offered meat and ate it as she absentmindedly ran her fingers through the Frir's coat. She was doing her best to forget the impending battle, but every few minutes it would return without warning and she felt her anxiety begin to rise.

The only solace was the creature at her feet and the boy on the other side of the fire, though the topic of conversation wasn't helping her mindset. Still, it seemed as though he hadn't been aware that they were on the eve of battle... So she was more than grateful to have informed him. She didn't want someone's death on her conscience.

Best she stray from that subject matter all together.

"If you were to head home now, you might find yourself with enough shut eye before the warhorns call... Though I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to go back into the forest and forget about the marching dead." How could she? No man should have to face the likes of the Vinterbound. Mysa was obliged to, her Grandpa was the King and she had sworn to protect the people of Midvinter as their Princess.

Given the chance, would she have fled? It was difficult to say for sure.

She avoided his questions for now, she didn't want to think about it.

[member="Gideon Crowseye"]

Gideon Crowseye

He sat quietly for a moment before smiling at her comment as he rolled around with it in his head, was she out here in the cold of the night fighting fear then? Who could blame her? The Vinterbound were lost and cursed, frightening and relentless. "Aye, I could. Could even claim I was doing it honorably still hunting, and when the fighting ends I could slip back in for food for the warriors. They might even be thankful to see me and tell me I was unlucky to miss out on the fight. I'd know though, and I'd have to carry it to my grave, and the Gods would know forever. Of course, you'd know too. Never good letting a pretty thing like you think less of a man, bad way to start down any road."

Tossing her another small uncooked chunk for the Frir he set his eyes towards the horizon where he knew the Vinterbound were marching towards them. "Besides, if I wad one of those damned creatures I'd want someone to be brave enough to free me. The Gods did not make us to remain here forever, and only great evil can try to force us to remain when we should have gone onward. To free one of them is a deed worthy of blessing from the Gods if you ask me. Of course from the mouth of a man that has never had to kill one yet that may seem a bit much, but I know if i were one I'd want someone to put me to rest. Besides, if I don't kill a few how else am I going to impress the pretty girls?"

Ending with a wink he wrapped up his carcass and sat next to the girl throwing a last piece to the Frir, which by now he knew was lost to the girl. "So what brings a pretty girl out on the eve of battle to freeze? Trying to even the odds a bit? Make it a bit fairer for the Vinterbound? I mean its a noble thing I guess, and adds a slight challenge. Maybe though Éar just brought you out to be blessed before the fight, that's a mean little hunter you're turning into a companion there. Sometimes the Gods answer quickly though I suppose."

[member="Mysa Snowstrider"]
Her head tilted to one side, before she gave a nod in response to all he said.

"Good, that's good. Tomorrow won't be easy but we either stand united or fall alone. And I'm not going to let those things get the better of us." She may not have been a Valkyri in physicality but she was in spirit. She was more in touch with the Gods than many Valkyri her age, and she genuinely sought to do best by them as a people.

She was more Valkyri than Umbaran, more Valkyri than Jedi.

Taking the offered meat she handed it down to the little kitten and petted all along the back of his neck. The resulting purr let her spirits soar and brought her a moment of peace. She had made a friend this day, possibly even two. She only hoped that they survived the morning.

She had never been one for doing lots of talking, so she sat staring into the fire for a few moments after he had finished speaking. She wasn't used to being talked to like that, like just another girl out in the world, in Thainbroek she was well known as the High King's Granddaughter. So she didn't know how to respond to the wink and the like.

"I needed to clear my head" she confessed, "this land is my home as much as it is yours. And tomorrow I'll be at the front of the line, alongside the King and his sons. The last time I fought a Vinterbound I was just a child, it's not a memory I wish to repeat."

Sometimes confessing your fears wasn't necessarily a bad thing, right?

At the mention of the Frir she couldn't help but smile. She had grown rather fond, and he seemed to have grown attached. She did hope her parents didn't mind another Snowstrider in the household.

"I do wish you all the best for tomorrow, and hope to see you again after all is said and done. Don't die on me, okay?"

It was supposed to be some lighthearted joke, but the execution wasn't so smooth. Instead she just looked down with a quiet sigh.

[member="Gideon Crowseye"]

Gideon Crowseye

With a small grin he listened to her confession, "You know, you're never really brave in life till you've tasted fear? I know a few, my brothers included who will walk on that field tomorrow, unafraid, but foolish for it. They've never had to fight a Vinterbound, or perhaps they'd temper their bravado a bit. Fear brings wisdom, and the opportunity to be brave. Great gifts in truth no?" Personally he couldn't claim to have ever fought a Vinterbound either, he'd faced plenty of dangers on the hunt before, but had always been spared this particular one. Thinking it over for a moment he was neither excited about the prospect, or frightened enough. Tomorrow he supposed he would know the truth of where he stood on the question of bravery.

Growing quiet as she spoke of dying he looked over at her as she sighed, and laughed heartily. "See me again eh? So you can steal another fluffy friend from me, eh? Yes well, see if I let more go so easily." Scooping up a handful of snow as he jumped to his feet he stood in mock indigence as he lobbed a handful of snow at her creating a shower of flakes. Only the Gods knew if tomorrow was his time, and he'd be damned if he spent time worrying about it. More so when he could tell someone just needed to smile for a minute, and forget tomorrow's woes.

Watching the flakes vanish into the snowy ground he shrugged at his ill executed attack and simply turned and walked away head held high. "Yes, that will show you to steal a fluffy companion's heart. I knew her all of four minutes you know!" Looking back he gave her a cheeky smile before nodding his head towards the castle. "Come on, I'll walk you back home. You've got a battle to win tomorrow after all, and I've got," pausing for a moment he looked left then right as though searching for a thought. "Well, something to do I'm sure."

[member="Mysa Snowstrider"]
Mysa only smiled to his accusations. She was exhausted at this point, and the warmth of the fire was causing her eyes to feel heavy. It didn't help that the little Snowstrider had made its way into her lap and was yawning and padding itself to sleep with a humming purr. Yes, she was more than ready to get out of the snow and back to bed, but she still felt anxious, trepidation rousing through her.

There were questions left unasked, and for all she knew she would never have the time to hear the answers after tomorrow.

When he said he'd walk her home Mysa gave a nod of her head and joined him as he began to walk down the rough path back toward the gates. She was covered in snow no thanks to him, but she had retreated into her own mind and didn't think much about retaliation. Maybe next time she would show him what she was capable of!

They walked in silence for the rest of the way, passing the forest then the City gates and finally the streets by without much thought. Or perhaps too many thoughts. And as the Great Hall loomed ahead of them Mysa finally halted. The cub was in her arms now, fast asleep against her furs.

"Sorry about the Frir" she murmured, before moving to hug the boy. She hoped he didn't mind, she meant nothing by it... But with the battle on the horizon who knew when it would be anyone's last chance at a bit of comfort. "And thank you. I'll see you again, Crowseye. I promise you that much."

[member="Gideon Crowseye"]

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