"Acknowledged, General. I will be on my way now."
Saying his goodbyes with the rest of the crew and giving a small nod to the General, he left the bridge and headed out to the hangar bay.
Rushing inside one of the shuttles, he seated himself and replied towards the salutations he received with a gruff nod. He did not know any of these people, but he would soon enough.
It is the battle were you find your true self and most of these soldiers were still rookies. As the only veteran soldier in the neighborhood he took it upon himself to teach them the ways of the Warrior.
"Listen up , people. My position is irrelevant, my experiences are not. When we arrive, stay close to me and you will survive. I will make sure of it."
He noticed most of the soldiers did not accept his claims and ignored him, but some of them started to regard him with a bit of hope.