Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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On the Hyper-Brain-Waves

To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
"Even without runes, you would not need to sharpen the blade ever again, and it will be able to ground Force-lightning attacks, or even Electric Judgment. You should probably stay the night in the guest's bedroom, and rest for real"

Exhausting? That's what happens when you have a beginner using runes to 1) alchemize a songsteel blade using dark purple ichor and 2) make the final tempering. Even I don't exactly find it straightforward, especially not when doing crystallography, she thought, upon looking at the exhausted Hapan that was @Er'in Tenel. But she couldn't be more satisfied about an acolyte's work, especially since the rune-engraving process caused the supplemental blood to turn a much darker shade of red, almost black even. Weapons are usually straightforward to alchemize, but armor, less so. So the Hapan was being guided, presumably full of memories of multiple varieties, to the guest's bedroom, where she would be able to sink into a rather soft bed that was highly comfortable, much like Janick's own bed in the castle was. Janick knew that there was a lot of learning that was done and that, to properly sink into any Hapan's brain, that amount of learning required a good night's sleep, and that any expenses incurred from that visit would have to be borne from the Circle's pocket, and not the NIMB's.

"One last thing: if you wish for specific food to be ordered to your room, don't hesitate to call whatever delivery service in the city that might suit your needs"
And rest Er'in would do.

This might be the point where someone might talk about troubled dreams, of nightmares, of the power of the dark side of the force.

One wonders if it is better or if it is worse that Er'in slept soundly, not dreamlessly - although she would not remember the dreams of floating in dark, endless waters filled with roiling power. Or standing unburnt amount flames that could scar worlds.

Unburnt, but not unchanged, of course.

The following morning she would make an effort to find her hostess.

"Thank you for... what you have passed on to me." Er'in chose her words carefully. "I am greatful, of course, is there something I can do for you in return?"

Because on Hapes at least, everything has a price.

[member="Janick Beauchamp"]
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
While @Er'in Tenel was sleeping, she was busy alchemizing another pilot seat, using runes that she somehow had an idea of how to implement, but couldn't exactly understand their content so well. As much as Er'in will have lasting memories of my mind, my intellect and how it operates, I am having memories of hers, too. Stephanie is that one other person on whom I know I made a durable impression similar to this one, Janick thought, while realizing that the other people to whom she taught Drain Knowledge were bewildered by her own willingness to be their source of knowledge for a first try. For all the brainpower she had, she also needed rest like everyone else, especially when her head burned. And also, she has come to realize that any amount of fame she may well achieve for whatever use of high intellect she could become famous for, will come from its use first and intellect proper second. She might be a rising star in the alchemical world, sure, just that Dagobah might actually give her another reason to be under the spotlight, in ORC-land and perhaps CIS-land, in a different area. When next morning came, she answered Er'in's question:

"Perhaps if you had some money you would like to entrust to the Utai Magic Circle for investment purposes, you may invest in the Circle's trust fund"
Er'in nodded without even a second thought.

"I'll speak to the Vicelord and we'll see about getting an endowment made." She commented as if money were simply no object at all. "Do you do other custom or commission work? I was thinking last night, well... we've got our own alchemical resources, without being too blunt about it. But given the effort involved there's always room for more people in the field, and ORC and the CIS are in a position to open some trade relations if that might be useful for you?"

Er'in had been impressed with Janick's work - it wasn't the way Metus worked, but he was... odd, and too busy to teach. It certainly seemed to clash with whatever she'd picked up on Dagobah from that cave. But that wasn't a surprise either, it was obvious whichever force tradition the spirits that lingered around that cave had served, it was an old and bloody one. And with war coming to the galaxy, it was definitely worth making allies before thing really began to spiral out of control.

Because neither the Sith Empire nor the Galactic Alliance had much use for people like Er'in.
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
"Certainly, I do other custom work on commission. And, with the opening of Confederate trade to the ORC, I could expect some Confederates to place commissions here if they want stuff that differed from the Mandragora's offerings"

Janick was mostly interested in trade agreements only to the extent it mattered in her role among the NIMB, because a cottage industry like alchemical items only had so much capacity to go around, so her remaining alchemical clientele would change in composition but not as much in volume. But she wasn't involved in ORC politics at a higher level, just that she acknowledged readily the importance of seeking allies before the situation spirals out of control. Yes, the Mandragora had some stuff going for them, just that no single alchemical group could possibly do everything. No more than she herself can (and it's not just a Sithspawn issue either). @Er'in Tenel knew, however, that wartime demand for alchemical equipment was higher than would be the case in peacetime, and even more so the closer one is to the theaters where combat is underway. Prior to the Great Galactic War, it appeared that the Tingel Arm was the big war-torn area. Now she also realizes that Confederate companies are also being invested in by the NIMB, by way of futures or just plain old stocks. Just that Er'in was going to be invaluable to her own relationship to the Confederates.
"The Mandragora operate through a particularly... focused approach. I'm not a member myself, but from what I understand there will be a number of items or methods that they don't share in common with the circle."

Er'in smiled slightly, business was, after all, business.

"I doubt we'll see widespread trade, but with a third Galactic War looking increasingly likely if the Imperial-axis keep pushing the alliance... well, some of us will need every edge we can get. I'll see if we can have someone get in touch."

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