The ship lurched slightly as it decelerated out of light-speed, the hum of the hyper-drive lowered to an inaudible pitch, and the rumble of the sub-light engines could be heard even from the turret. The bluish streaks of stars passing at light-speed had been replaced by distant lights in a sea of black. It could have been a peaceful view, were it not dominated by the luminescent glow of Coruscant, Do I detect an extra touch of red on the surface?
Robb's thoughts were interrupted by Corvetta, muttering over the comm, "Frakkin' Sithspit, I've sniffed about five strobes to the ten o' and I don't know what that Krayt-sized son-of-a-banshee is to our two."
Robb blinked, paused, and blinked again. What? He liked his new crew, it had been a while since he found a group of people he could spend longer than a week with, but he was still a long way from used to Corvetta's particular way of speaking, her "space lingo", as she called it. Fortunately her message wasn't all that difficult to decipher, Five contacts at the ten o'clock and one big one at the two.
Though Robb hardly needed to understand her with the commanding view of the surrounding space granted by the turret's view-port. He keyed his headset to reply, "I'm not surprised, Coruscanti sky is far from quiet on a normal day, but the planet is facing occupation, we're bound to see some sith out here. From what I can tell no one's noticed us yet but I'll keep my eyes peeled."
He paused, considering their chances in a dogfight with a sith fleet. "I'd fly casual though, keep it cool, I'm not sure how much use this turret will be against anything bigger than us, especially with a cargo-hold full of Rhydonium."
Anything could happen here, we could land without any trouble, we could get boarded and inspected, which would not be good with that nautolan on board, or they'll 'vape' us or something... Robb did not like the thought of dying in space one bit, if he was going back to the mud, he was going to do it fighting. He realized he was gripping his hands together painfully tight, he took a deep breath and relaxed, he would need to remain calm if this got messy.
[member="Kohai Drenn"] [member="Corvetta Salvo"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Hasjo Hallu"]