Alachei's target made off with the woman who stole them from her care. And they were now... flying? With a crash, the figure seemed to fly out into the air while the roof of the cantina crumbled under them. This really twisted Alachei's head, as she didn't think it possible before. Even if what she saw before her very eyes was the truth, and not a Dark Side illusion,
no one could get far that way being a mere mortal. They weren't leaving the planet without either Alachei sensing them out, or the cruiser and its sensory escort vessel picking them up. They could've spotted anything on one whole side of the globe and easily break into two individual unit to cover most of the other side. If needed, fighters could be called in for recon support.
"What in Masana...." she sighed,
"Deploy the fighters in flights. Have some ground troops land and secure the exits to this town and let nothing leave this planet's airspace without my personal IFF clearance. You are cleared to use lethal force if escort or capture is not an option. Be subtle; we do not want to invoke conflict with the locals. Have the Astra Nyx ready as soon as possible for me, if you may." Alachei stated firmly over the holocomm, through an encrypted and reserved channel.
"Captain," she said to one of the corpsmen whom she turned her attention to,
"Please get me back on my ship. I wish to meditate and mustn't be disturbed." she said disdainfully.
"Yes, ma'am!" he saluted and kneeled.
In truth, Alachei planned to simply meditate high above the planet while her carrier's forces did their duty. Hopefully, she decided, the altitude combined with the blood and tears crystal would help her detect the strange, powerful woman if they left began to leave the planet... or at least sniff out the innocent girl. With any luck, the marines would just find them if they tried leaving the planet in a craft, or anything metal. At least it bought her time, as the SEWAC covered a roughly 5k kilometer radius over the town, and flights of heavy fighters could travel almost indefinitely in shifts around the entirety of the globe.
Now, Alachei simply had to wait for her hireling, Gar, to arrive so she could discuss the situation further and invite him onto the Crown. Nothing was ever simple, was it? A small blast seemed to occur inside the already sabotaged cantina where Alachei slipped out the small explosive device.
"Well, there goes that," she murmured, inwardly laughing at the comical idea that someone really decided to press it after all that transpired. They'd blow themselves up.
@[member="Circe Savan"] @[member="Lyra Uporg"] @[member="Gar Tanaris"] @[member=" Tricia Kalamack"]
(((In all seriousness I am very much looking forward to seeing how you plot to escape this situation :>)))