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Once every three hundred years [Silver Jedi Order Dominion of Caluula]

post 1/25
objective discovery
[member="Kei Amadis"]

She has left the tent only moments before kicking a few stones as if they were the enemy her mate was not healing as well as she hoped. She had sensed his displeasure at being trapped in a room. He was not one to sit still. No a man of action.

The red head shook her head if only she could give her blood to him. She smiled then he wouldnt have these problems or feel this way. She growled as frustration grew it clawed with a great hunger it wanted to unleash its anger on something. She sighed heavily it was not easy to know that the doctor said he needed the rest, and yet she knew how he felt about being trapped, or confined.

Elara rolled her eyes she needed to focus on what was around her. She stopped allowing everything to go silent as she listened. She heard something, a voice. But that wasn't possible.

Her own desires were now affecting her hearing. That's it I'm losing my mind. She shook her head and closed her eyes....focus Elara

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Objective: 3
Allies: [member="Sorel Crieff"]
Posts: 16/25

Krass was looking at her master as she remained quiet and bit her tongue slightly. To prevent from commenting on anything so that she could just give the small comlink to her master and had it ready with their own now. She gave a nod of her head though motioning for it and there was a free trey she could use of drinks on the table while using the force to distract the waitress and give her master the time. "Ah miss, can I get some service over here." She said it as the one waitress was looking at her and set the trey down before she waved her off to go. "You need to get some more drinks from the bartender and a new trey." She said it while the waitress was going off so that Sorel could go and move.
Location: Caluula City, Caluula
Objective: 1 - Winged Stars
Post: 4

The front desk of the Security station was occupied. Unlike the attractive assistant one might expect to find at a business, this desk was manned by a scrawny kid in a Security uniform, likely one of the rookies or maybe the equivalent of an intern. Not enough training to be out on the streets, but enough to help out here. There was intelligence in the gaze, and the flicks of the eyes that took in the blaster and lightsaber - then lingered for another second on the lightsaber - were only visible to someone looking for them.

The tension that the boy felt could easily be sensed through the Force, but to his credit it was mostly kept from his face. His hand moved to subtly grasp the blaster holstered underneath the desk, though his finger wasn't put on the trigger just yet. To boot, his voice was steady and polite. Maybe not so much a rookie then.

"Can I help you, sir?"

"I was hoping to speak to the watch commander if possible, officer."

"I'm afraid he's busy at the moment. I can schedule an appointment if you'll leave a comm frequency?"

"I'd rather see him now. I can wait for a bit if he needs a few minutes."

The kid wasn't used to this sort of calm insistence. He normally had people either yelling at him and insisting or those willing to leave their frequency to schedule a meeting. This Jedi - if he was a Jedi - was somewhere in between. While the watch commander was busy, he might be willing to speak briefly with a Jedi depending on the subject matter. After a few seconds' pause, the question was finally asked.

"On what subject?"

"The group trying to eradicate the winged stars. Again. I may be able to help."

Now that...that was a pain in the rear ends of the officers. They would likely accept any help offered. But there were rules, and the only exceptions were for officers. All other beings were required to be disarmed. Even Jedi.

"I can check with him. However, you must surrender your weapons."

"As long as I get them back."

At the boy's nod, the Jedi slowly and carefully pulled out his sidearm and set it in the proffered box, then did the same with his lightsaber. He didn't need either of those to wreak havoc if the situation called for it, and anyone who knew anything about the Jedi understood that. Formalities needed to be met though. Once the weapons were secured, the Sephi sat in a chair to wait and the assistant had a quiet conversation on his comm. Several minutes later, the visitor was being led back to a group of desks, then past them to an office with an open door. The office of the current watch commander.
[SIZE=12pt]Location: Caluula Station[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Objective: Gathering information.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Post: 2/25[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“You ready?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Makari responded to the question by shrugging with a look of disinterest. He didn’t care about busting part-time criminals. What they should have been doing was shaking down more people at the cantinas, but apparently violence wasn’t the answer. Violence, he wanted to laugh. He wasn’t even talking about roughing them up when he mentioned it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]But of course his team leader had took his words out of context.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Makari just let him have it. He wasn’t going to argue.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]By this time he had already figured out that his team leader just didn’t like him. Or maybe dislike was the wrong word. It was more like trust. He didn’t trust Makari. Probably because of what happened on the first day they went on a patrol, but Makari didn’t even want to think about it. It was a mistake. He had already apologized. What more did the man want? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He shook his head, mind coming back to the present. Rivaro had already arrested the merchant who was secretly peddling deathsticks. Makari just looked on with a blank expression.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He was tired of trying.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He just wanted to go home.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Kark this.[/SIZE]
Location: Delphin Class Frigate Norikura, Inbound to Caluula
Objective: ---
Allies: Arisa Yune's Party
Opposition: ---
Neutral: Silver Jedi Order, Chazrach
Posts: 4/25

Hearing her being questioned on why she was so keen on meeting the Jedi, Akiyama glanced at her blade and back at Arisa. "I am interested so I can practice my own skills, especially my sword technique. You use lightsabers, which I could easily adapt to and mix in with my martial skills with a vibrokatana, in which I use." she said. "However, there is another reason. I myself, am a person who is not like the rest of my former order. I can use the force unlike the others. In a way, I do not know how to use my powers that well. Everytime I try to, they come out raw, and dangerous. I have no idea what is going on." Akiyama didn't really know that well that she had force powers, and she was simply an untrained force user. "In addition, I kept getting nightmares about my homeplanet being ravaged. And eventually, it did. My homeworld was destroyed, and now I am here." She also apparently never heard of the Mitsubishi order, but either or, she didn't really mind. "Ah... well our order was mostly patrolling in the fields of Atrisia anyways." she said to her. She looked at Wu and nodded. She looked back at Arisa and smiled. "You trained a good apprentice. I hope one day she will grow up to be something great." she said.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Objective: 3
Ally: [member="Krass Wyms"]
Post: 12/25

Sorel fidgeted as Krass took control of the situation. Finally her Padawan’s ingenuity paid off and she was presented with a tray and an opportunity to visit the criminal’s table with a genuine alibi.

She took the com link and held it in her hand and used the same hand to hold the tray. The outfit was too tight to even consider secreting the device in it, so it seemed the sensible approach.

Tottering in heels, Sorel made her way to the booth and leaning forward, she suspected that the eyes of the criminals was anywhere but her right hand as she collected the empty glasses and placed them on the tray — at the same time placing the listening device under the table.

She slapped one hand away from her derriere and ignored the comments about her ‘assets’ and with as much dignity as she could muster, headed to the bar and dropped off the tray of glasses before heading to the changing rooms to get back into her usual garb.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Objective: 3
Allies: [member="Sorel Crieff"]
Posts: 17/25

Krass remained where she was and got herself in a small area she could work on things, trying to set it all up here and there. She had set up to listen to them once her master had set the device under the tale when she adjusted the volume to be able to listen in her seat. Making it look normal but then she was thinking about what they might be able to do. She was going over to some parts but paying for a private booth she could work on and motioned for her master to be able to come and join her while she activated the privacy screen to dampen the volume of the bar, then the transparasteel that is there so she could be seen and have as others might do a private show. The do not disturb signal before she was laying it out so that her master would be able to listen and join her.
[SIZE=12pt]Location: Caluula Station[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Objective: Gathering information. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Post: 3/25[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Alright, so that’s the gist of it. Any questions?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The room was silent.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Alright, we’ll meet back this afternoon. Keep me up to date with your progress.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Makari and the rest of the padawans nodded. Finally they were getting somewhere, Makari thought. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The news had come in that morning of a team who had come into some information that an important figure of this mysterious crime syndicate was coming to Caluula Station for some unknown reason. While the Jedi knew he was coming to Caluula Station, they didn’t know what he looked like, however. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]They also didn’t have a name. That was where Makari’s team came into play. And not just Makari’s team, but several others on Caluula Station. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Makari was given the duty of searching Garray’s Retreat for any information. He looked at himself in the mirror and thought his clothes looked good enough. It wasn’t as if this was the first time where he had traded in his Jedi robes for more common streetwear. In this case, he was rocking a pair of jeans and a Red Wave flight jacket. The latter he had won in a gambling den a few days prior.[/SIZE]
Objective: 3 (Cameo)

The Force worked in mysterious ways. For a moment, her attention was stolen by some small disturbance she felt in the Force, followed by a mental image of Sorel with her usual serene expression, always so hard to read.

That definitely gave her pause, such visions rarely a good sign in her case. Briefly, she interfaced with the Norikura's mainframe to confirm the location of Sorel through the Silver's secured network. Caluula, just where she was heading now as part of the Silver Jedi's latest humanitarian mission.

Sorel always worked tirelessly while on assignment, and Arisa had imagined that she had started off on the ground running, just like she had during their first encounter on Klatooine. There didn't seem to be anything wrong with Sorel according to the system, but she would be sure to hit up her friend upon her arrival to the planet. It wouldn't be long now, the Norikura was less than a half an hour out, now.

[member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Krass Wyms"]
Location: Caluula Station
Objective: Gathering information.
Post: 4/25

When was the last time he had seen a cantina this live, Makari wondered? He slid into a booth and watched the crowd on the dance floor with a rare smile that he hadn’t had in ages. What were they doing? What were those dance moves? He ran a hand over his face with laughter as the song changed and the dance moves got even more ridiculous.

“You see this chit, man?” Koba slid in the opposite side of the booth and twisted up his face like he was seeing something demonic. “Man let’s get this over with so I can bounce from this place. I ain’t trying to stay here longer than I need to.”

Makari chuckled as he extended his hand across the table for their usual dap and handshake, and then they got right down to business.

“I need a name,” Makari started off.

As their conversation began, Makari wasn’t aware of a set of eyes that were watching them from a distance.
Location: Aboard a modified YT-1300 Light Freighter – The Tumbleweed
Objective: 4 – Seek repairs at Caluula Station
Post: 1

Valae Kitra leaned back in the pilot’s chair, her feet resting up against the edge of the console in front of her. With the coordinates to Voss set and the auto-pilot doing its job, she had been enjoying a bit of free time. For the moment, that meant amusing herself with some off-key humming and digging through her rucksack. Her hand went all the way to the bottom of her bag before it grabbed up a bag of snacks. She pulled the bag out and gave it a shake; the contents were a bit squashed – not that it mattered much to Valae. The brunette grinned in anticipation, popped the bag open and stuck her hand inside.

But at that exact moment, The Tumbleweed suddenly dropped out of hyperspace.

This unexpected turn was accompanied by rather urgent beeps and red lights aplenty. Valae jumped and sat up straight, her chestnut eyes were wide as they darted about. She shook her hand free of the bag of crisps, spilling most of the snacks upon the floor, and leaned forward to look at the readout flashing before her.

“Whoaaa-now!” She exclaimed loudly. “What’s goin’ on?”

Her index finger poked the screen, as if to make sure it was displaying the correct information. It was a problem with her hyperdrive, apparently. Valae was familiar with ship parts, and her past as a salvager was useful, to be sure, but that didn’t make her an expert. In fact, most of her knowledge involved taking parts out of ships, not diagnosing problems and actually fixing them. This was bad.

But all was not lost! Valae was relieved to see that there was a space station nearby – Caluula Staion, to be exact. It would be a good place to put in for repairs. She punched a couple of buttons to silence the alarms, and made haste for the station.

Once she’d docked in the station’s bay, Valae gathered her things. Now, she just needed to find a mechanic.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Objective: 3
Allies: [member="Krass Wyms"]
Posts: 13/25

Puttting her hood up, so as not to be recognised at the waitress that just visited the ringleader’s table, she made her way back to Krass.

“Well that was easier than I expected. And I managed to remain most of my dignity, although it’s fair to say my vocabulary has grown in the last five minutes. Some things they wanted to do I think I’ll have to check out in a dictionary.”

She cleared her throat. “On second thoughts, perhaps it’s best left unknown. Anyhow, to business, what have you heard so far?”

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Objective: 3
Allies: [member="Sorel Crieff"]
Posts: 18/25

Krass was still remaining quiet as she had been listening and letting her eyes watch her master mostly. "Well mostly a few ah comments after you had left about things but they have been looking to get back into business mode now that they have plenty of booze." She left out the details of the first part but was going with what she had written down in the second part. THe hanger bay on the other side of the station had what they were bringing in. Merchandise as well as something extra where they might have more security or something worse. "We should be able to listen in and continue over there. With a small team for ourselves as the jedi have een making a few things for progress here on the station."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Objective: 3
Ally: [member="Krass Wyms"]
Post: 14/25

Sorel was pleased that Krass did not reveal the comments and hoped any recording would be edited to just the facts that pertained to the case.

“We need to act quickly, so as soon as we have some hard and fast facts that provide a lead, we should act. Ideally we need some real evidence, so a shipment would be ideal. And if we could get one of the ringleaders caught in the act, even better.”

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Objective: 3
Allies: [member="Sorel Crieff"]
Posts: 19/25

Krass was looking at her master and she gave a nod of her head while she continued to listen in to what they had going. There wasn't a lot but they had a location for the hanger and a time, they knew there was a shipment there so they could head out and go check it out if all went well for them. "Well we can try, set up there and plant some more devices to properly observe then wait for the right moment when one of them is there." Krass had a few ideas that she would be able to try, she might have a couple of other things they could use until the other jedi arrived. She had a few moments though looking at her master with a look on her face. "And we'll be able to get you back into your robes master."
Location: Caluula Station
Objective: Gathering information.
Post: 5/25

“You need a name?” Koba repeated. “Is this about those syndicate guys you could keep looking for? If so, you need to leave that alone, man. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.”

“I know what I’m getting myself into. What I need your help with is pointing me in the right direction.”

“I already told you, I don’t know chit about these guys.”

“That’s fine,” Makari said coolly. “I don’t expect you to know the name of the person I’m looking for. But I know you have the resources to help me find him.”

Koba raised his eyebrow with a look of interest. “What do you mean?”

Makari began to remind Koba of all the connections he had throughout Caluula Station. If there was anyone on this station who had a wide web of contacts, it was the person who sitting right in front of him.

“I need you to do a few searches for me.” Makari pulled out his datapad and slid it across the table. He tapped the holoscreen. “You know people who work at these places, right?”

Koba took a few moments to scroll through the long list. He nodded. “More or less.”

“Well, here’s what I need.”

As Makari laid out his plan for how to identify this mysterious syndicate member, he slowly became aware that something felt off around him.
Location: Caluula Station
Objective: 4 – Seek repairs
Post: 2

Valae hovered impatiently, watching the mechanic at work on her ship. He aimed an irritated glance her way as he maneuvered about the cramped space. The man worked silently for a few moments, but it wasn’t long before he spoke up.

“I see your problem, miss.” He said, wiping his hands on the front of his work clothes. “Your ship’s hyperdrive has a cracked charge pane.”

With her lips pressed together into a tiny frown, Valae stepped aside so the mechanic could move out of the crawlspace. Even she understood that this problem meant that she would not be able to enter hyperspace again until it was replaced.

“Do you have a replacement?” Valae asked, tilting her head to the side.

“I’ll have to check, but I’m sure we have something. It’ll likely take a better part of the day, we’ve got a schedule to keep, you know. Best make yourself at home here at the station for now.”

The two walked down the ramp of the Tumbleweed, and Valae watched as the mechanic added her ship to his to-do list. With a final nod, she gave him her thanks, and started to walk away. Valae sighed and glanced over her shoulder at her ship. This was just a minor delay, nothing more.
Location: Caluula City, Caluula
Objective: 1 - Winged Stars
Post: 5

"Sir, this is the person I told you about."

"Thank you. Sit, please. How do you think you can help? And what was your name?"

Audren sat as he was bidden, studying the man as he did. Human, and even with the Sephi's problems determining age in other species he could tell the man was around the middle of his life. There was only a slight thickening around his midsection and gray was just starting to touch the edges of his hair. He wore what appeared to be a standard officer's uniform. In other words, he was a career officer. He wouldn't like his toes being stepped on.

"Audren Sykes. We heard of the issue and I'm here to help with it. What can you tell me about the situation?"

The man gave a little half-grin and shook his head.

"Doesn't work like that. I can't divulge information on an ongoing investigation, if there is one. Besides, I thought Jedi didn't get involved in local affairs. If you're a Jedi."

"I have documentation."

"Which can be faked."

"Would you like me to make your desk levitate, or should I carve it up with my lightsaber?"

"Doesn't mean you're a Jedi. And I still wouldn't provide information into the investigation. Like I asked, how do you think you can help?"

Audren leaned back in the seat he'd been given. There was no sense of animosity in the man, so it was unlikely that he had it out for the Jedi, personally or professionally. It likely meant that he was just holding to policy, which made this all the more difficult. Some members of law enforcement, recognizing that the Jedi operated outside the establishment to a degree, were a bit more lax. Others didn't like that fact and went out of their way to make things difficult. This man was neither, he was just following the rules. So he would be told the truth.

"I was going to talk with whoever it was. Convince them of the error of their ways."

"What, no lightsabers? No slicey-dicey? That doesn't sound like you Jedi."

"We do try to avoid taking life unless it's absolutely necessary."

"Hmm. And who were you going to try talking to?"

"I was hoping you would give me a place to start. But the fact that you have officers monitoring an informant who's digging for information makes it seem like you don't have that information. Would have made things easier if you did. Thank you for your time."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Objective: 3
Ally: [member="Krass Wyms"]
Post: 15/25

Sorel nodded at the last comment. If there was one thing that was paramount, it was getting back into her formal Jedi robes as soon as possible.

“Good idea. You never know how crafty hangars can be and I suspect I’ll catch my death if I venture outside the cantina wearing this.”

Wearing felt an odd phrase, the lack of material made it feel as though it was more about what she wasn’t wearing. “If you make the arrangements for the devices, we can make our way there quickly.”

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Objective: 3
Allies: [member="Sorel Crieff"]
Posts: 20/25

Krass looked at her master and she could start that while Sorel was getting changed. She was uncertain about what it was that they wanted to do here, she was going over at all of it in her head motioning her master off. The AI was getting the information from them so they could have it be sent around with one fo the droids who would be able to deliver it. "You go and meet me outside, we'll be able to move and get everything that we need for the services." She was allowing the force to guide her and would rather remember mentally for herself instead of trying to capture the memory. there would be something about it in the report as they said Master Crieff went undercover of course... Krass got up and moved leaving a tip for the others there and moving to get outside before she could snicker.

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