Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Once Upon a Time in Rodia (SO Binaros / HSC Teth /ME Lok)


Empyrean beamed at the mention of showing what the Sith were capable of. It was more than obvious they were all shrouding their presence, but collectively they were by far the most powerful Sith in the Galaxy - and together, they were bordering on a spacial anomoly befit a black hole. He wiped down the folds in his clothes as he too stood, and though his fake body could not give off the same metaphysical presence as his true form - it was nothing to frown at.​
"I concur. No matter who it is trying to stop our expansion, they will face an equally prejudiced assault."​
He bowed, unlike himself, to Ozzmo the Hutt - turning to the other two in the room after the hutt had departed the privacy shroud. His words lost that joy, their carefully crafted diplomacy - his eyes faded to the black of his true form, and his voice carried a hundred overlapping in a disturbing cacophony that contrasted the bright white of his hair and golden opalescence.​
"We must ensure the Hutt is not harmed or all this is for naught. Have the Frumentarii mentioned who it is attacking?", he said with a cock of his brow.​
Still, his mind moved in more perspectives than singular - and his overwhelming dominance began to usher its control over the local population. Cowering masses still stuck around the place had their own eyes turn black, and although they continued cowering as an act - Empyrean's gaze began to wash through them unto the world. He saw those in armor, those with weapons, those fighting and those waiting.​
"Mandalorians.", he said with a sneer.​


Aktur Seii

ᴀ sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋ


It seemed the meeting had concluded.

The departure of Ozzmo the Hutt, as well as the sudden explosion from further within the establishment, seemed to call an end to the festivities. A shame, as Aktur might have liked to speak more to the Sith, though it seemed today wouldn't be that day. An eyebrow raised when Darth Empyrean mentioned that the Hutt had to be protected, or the meeting and purpose would be for naught... and it became apparent the Sith didn't realize, as focus was on the large, slithering alien.

The Crime Lord chuckled to himself.

It didn't matter.

"And with that, departure seems appropriate," Aktur said simply, as he stood and buttoned his jacket. He nodded to the Sith, the glint in his eye one of amusement. "A pleasure. Good day."

Aktur walked from the booth, weaved between those preparing to fight whatever threat approached, and paused near the Duros.

"Assist our friends, but leave as you decide."

Without another word, Aktur walked further and promptly disappeared around a hallway corner; wherein he vanished from view and senses, seemingly gone as though he hadn't existed. And for the purposes of the meeting, he might as well not have, given Ozzmo's presence, but that was an interesting tidbit Aktur would mention to Gorba at a later time...


Aktur exits thread.

Varm Nul

ꜰᴀsᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅʀᴀᴡ? ᴡᴇ'ʟʟ sᴇᴇ

The explosion from further in the back of the club was like the timer for the meeting.

Varm Nul turned and had his Verpine Shatter Gun in hand with the same motion, the Duros' draw a blur, as he eyed the hallway beyond and kept a steady aim. It was no surprise that some began to leave, especially the Consortium members, as they tended to be less combatant-orientated. That was the whole reason Varm Nul was hired, after all.

The Crime Lord, Aktur Seii, walked past and gave some final orders, to which the mercenary nodded.

"You got it," Varm Nul muttered in a steely voice, as he began to load his gun with depleted Baradium slugs. "If it's the Mandos, like the Sith think, it's time to bring some seriousness."

The special slug variants would do a number on beskar; and that was precisely what was needed.

"Heh, didn't catch sight of you til now," Varm Nul raised an eye-ridge as he saw the hulking form of another Sith, one that had dropped from the rafters, stomp through the doorway ahead. "Seems good a time as any to check it out..."

With a grimace, Varm Nul followed after the eight foot Sith monster, feeling somewhat confident the Mandos - or whoever was starting problems - would have all kinds of trouble in store...


Iermin the Hutt



Ozzmo had just slithered out the front entrance when the fighting only increased as his Nal Hutta Heavy Cannoneers moved in front of him to fire upon the Mandalorians currently surrounding the establishment. The firefight was intense with each side fighting until the very end. Ozzmo himself disliked combat and slithered towards some back alley as a cannoneer moved to cover him from a stray disruptor round which distingreated him almost instantly.

A mandalorian came in front of him and aimed a blaster at the Gorensla Hutt. Who promptly reached out and grabbed the blaster in a very quick motion with his right hand before slamming them with his left into a building wall to incapacitate them. Ozzmo could see at the very end of the alleyway was his speeder which was driven by a nikto.

Slithering inside the speeder and zooming off into downtown to escape the club; having avoided becoming a prisoner of the Mandalorian Enclave.


ALLIES: ENCLAVE | Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla
ENEMIES: SO | HSC | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
ENGAGING: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
GEAR: In bio


While her hits and shots gained purchase, it didn’t seem to do much against the enormous Sith as he absorbed the punishment. But Shai didn’t let that bother her for even a moment. She kept pushing with her assault, intent on whittling him down with each shot. Every sith had their limits and she was gunning to find his.

"You fight well,"

"Perhaps if the Mandalorians fought as fiercely as you do, their children's bodies would not seed the starways."

”Maybe you should keep quiet ‘til your cult wins a war or two.” She cackled as she fired round after round at him. Once her slugthrower ran dry, she fell back and ejected the casings with a flick of her wrist to drop a fresh load in. He reached out with the Force before she could react, but his attack was not what she expected. Smoke and sparks erupted from her vambraces as she moved away.


"I will take your child away as well."

The already angered Wardog snarled as her crimson eyes fixated on him… only, he was no longer there. Despite her stalwart and cold demeanour, she wasn’t a droid. She wasn’t going to let him toy with her.

She holstered her slugthrower and reloaded her blasters as she scanned the area. She had two theories on what he was planning. She was prepared for the first option and a vibroblade extending from her right vambrace readied her for the second one.

She didn’t need the Force to read an opponent.

The moment he materialized to her right, Shai moved forward with inhuman speed to avoid his fist while she swung up, intent on severing flesh and bone through the gaps of his armour. She didn’t wait to see what happened as her jetpack came to life and Whistling Birds erupted from her boots. ”No wonder you lot got your asses handed by a bunch of stormtroopers and Galidraani tanks, you’re predictable as hell!” She called out as her blasters came to life once more with a volley of heavy bolts.

”Tell me, Carni, what’s the grand plan, huh?! Teamwork clearly ain’t something you’re good at, so how’s the sith resurgence gonna happen?” She taunted as she closed the distance once again to engage with her wrist blades. Her vambraces might be disabled, but she made sure to keep some mechanical linkages in place for situations like these.

Zlova strode into the room as the Hutt was making its escape. Her left hand swept a pitcher of water from the counter, and upturned it over her head. The cool liquid washed over her red body and carried some of the makeup with it. Not a great deal as it had to resist sweat from a good dance, but enough for some black markings to peek out from beneath it.

"Mandalorians?" the Twi'lek called out loudly. Zlova eased her Force Suppression to allow the Dark Side to roil about her person. "They might be around. Why don't you take a seat and have a word with me instead? I'll be better company than your leathery new friend."

A mask on a far wall shook until it clattered on the floor. The curved hilt of a saber shot across the distance into Zlova's awaiting, right hand. "But if you're spent on words, there's always a Sith's favorite pastime of slaughter and butchery. Any takers?" The pitcher previously in her hand shattered loudly on the floor as she cast it aside.

Iasha and Dayn would keep one another busy. Meanwhile, Zlova didn't want their nefarious friends to scurry away thinking their presence had gone unnoticed or unwelcome. No, they were quite welcome. So many Mandalorians had come eager to shake their hand -- of their stone-cold corpse. Meanwhile, Zlova wouldn't mind a little familiar company. She liked the beskar-fiends, but there was just something familiar about her twisted, philosophical family that couldn't be replaced in Zlova's heart. Or whatever a Sith had in its place.

Nearby: Dayn Wren Dayn Wren | Iasha Rha Iasha Rha
Party Favors: Ozzmo the Hutt | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | The Madclaw The Madclaw | Oceiros of Shor Oceiros of Shor | Shel Beroya | Hasina Khaa-met Hasina Khaa-met
Prophet of Bogan
Codex Judge


Carving into beast after beast was far from an efficient way of keeping them out of the city, but it certainly felt good to do. The thrill of dueling against unpredictable yet simple opponents, the sweet feeling of adrenaline pulsing as the swipe of a claw or a crushing bite was just barely avoided, and of course the satisfying sight of the beast going limp after the kill, it almost made the whole ordeal worthwhile.

Still it was far from a simple pest control or swatting, the beasts were seemingly unending and each seemed more ferocious than the last. Alisteri idly wondered what compelled them to keep rushing into the city at all, when all they would find is death sooner or later. Perhaps there was something outside the dome that forced them inside? But he didn't spend much time thinking on it, not when there was slashing and stabbing to be done.

The news of security forces showing up was very welcome. "About time, and here I was worried that they'd all run scared already!" He grunted as he threw the body of another beast off of his blade and turned to sink the weapon through another that was trying to bite at his knee.

But of course said forces weren't moving in just yet. Not while there was real work to be done anyway. What he would give for some air support right about now. "That is not good news!" So no reinforcements and no method of sealing the breach, essentially the only change in the situation was the amount of bodies being left behind in their wake.

"It doesn't sound like we have any other options. Even my swinging arm gets tired eventually." He could always just use his other arm if that happened, but it was more urgent than mere fatigue. Every moment more creatures were getting in and only so much could be done to stop them with the large breach still spewing them out. While Alisteri didn't much care for the idea of having to escort some construction equipment, carving a corridor for it was most certainly something that he could do.

The Sith caved in a beast's head with his fist as he pulled his blade from the body of its pack mate and finished off another with a quick bolt of lightning. "Let's get to clearing then! And hope that whoever they have driving that thing has a lead foot." He leapt forward in time to cut a pouncing creature in half, landing in a roll and decapitating another by the time he got back to his feet. They just had to keep pushing forward now, and that was exactly what he intended to do.

Alora Vizsla Alora Vizsla / Warmaster Nyâsh



While Shai fought the dark Sith, Gwyneira was shocked to see that physical attacks did not work on the flaming Mandalorian. She used her jetpack to fly backwards, lightsaber deactivating. Her own armor saved her from being burnt, but how long could she survive something that could still physically attack her?

She had to be smart.

The shade drew closer, using the blade in its gauntlet to attack her up close. Gwyn dodged. Then, another strike. This time, she used to Force to move the strike in a slightly different movement, missing her. As the off balanced fire spirit flickered in the flames, it hit her.

She put her weapons away, then extended her hands. Wrists pressed against each other, she outstretched her fingers and exposed her palms. One of the most advanced techniques she knew was pyrokinesis. She remembered all the medical scans of injured people in med days she happened to glance at through the years. Even more, she remembered her own scans during the months her father expiramented on her.

Gwyn reached out, gripping the "heart" of the shade with extreme pressure. She squeezed, then, she flexed her fingers as she pulled away. The Force being used to its fullest, she shredded and tore the wraith from the inside out, removing its body and refusing to let it reform. Problem was, she had used pyrokinesis like this. Did it work? Smoke covered her sight, refusing to let her see for a moment.

Had she done it?

Tags: Shai Maji Shai Maji Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex


The Wardog's blade nicked part of the Dark Lord's armor, rendering what could've been a dismembering strike into a deep slash across the Sith's olive skin. Blood, black as night, slowly oozed to the surface. Carnifex did not seem perturbed by His wound, watching the Mandalorian rise up into the air with a burst of flame. A dozen projectiles rained down towards Him, but a concussive gale caused them to detonate prematurely before they could reach Him. His command over the Force appeared effortless, the culmination of many decades of intense study and communion with the Dark Side.

"An Empire falls, a Brotherhood rises, woe and triumph."

He reached out with His right hand. The blade tethered to the wall burst into a geyser of green flames, disappearing entirely before reappearing in the Dark Lord's extended grip with another shower of green fire. The blade angled to block the Wardog's wrist blades, the connecting causing a spark of energy to scythe through the air and rend the ground near their feet. Now the Dark Lord resumed His offensive, wielding the large sword as deftly as if it were a smaller and less weighty weapon. Screams accompanied the blade as it sang through the air, momentarily silence with every clash and clang of metal on metal.

"We never left."

It was then that the fiery construct was felled, its power stripped and the spirit hosted within it scattered to the astral winds. It dissipated utterly, disappearing as its flames were snuffed. A cry was carried upon the air, a mournful dirge as another soul of the Manda was annihilated. Now it was the Dark Lord against two once more, blood dripping in slow methodical drops from the wound upon His arm. Where the black drops landed upon the metal ground, they began to congeal and crystalize into shard-like growths. These growths pulsated with the Dark Side, horrid aberrations born from the black blood of the Tyrant.

"All history dances in concordance to the will of the Sith."


The Dark Lady turned her attention to one of the glass windows separating them from the rest of the club, and with less than a thought made it shatter. Her dark form stepped up into the jagged frame to get an overview of the pandemonium below. The molten irises cut through the chaos, separating ally from victim from foe.

While the Consortium's delegation was scattering under the cover of their well-paid protectors, Ophidia could not help but sense the emotions in Aktur Seii Aktur Seii as Empyrean specified that the Hutt should be protected. There was ambition in this human, she could tell. He had been an active negotiator and she would seek him out in the future. Focusing on the Hutt had been a mistake. Aktur would be a far more beneficial ticket. Two patrons moved to follow Aktur at a distance. While in civilian dress, they were capable agents of the Sith. Their goal was simple: Make sure the delegate got to his ship safely and intercept hostile tails.

This meeting location was always a risk, but it was a calculated one. Now she knew how close on their trail the Enclave really was. Furthermore, she got a chance to inspect the strength of their enemy.

Her shadowclad form dropped from the window and landed among the rubble. She did not brandish the twinned sabres, but tucked her hands behind her back in a gesture of nonchalance. Those patrons not already fleeing the scene pulled away from her sight as a cold tendril grasped their hearts and instilled them with fear.

"You have one chance to vacate the premises."

Her voice cut through the din, somehow sounding far and close at the same time.

"-Or die here in vain."


Zlova rolled her head to the right and then turned it in Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia 's direction. Her right hand lifted with silent end of the curved saber pointed in the assassin's direction. "Aren't you dead yet? You were old the day I was born." No one told her to run away or die and got off without a rebuke. Obviously, the woman was trying to address the Mandalorians present. Must have completely missed the red woman covered in (mostly masked) tattoos with a lightsaber -- otherwise she should have known 'flee' wasn't an option.

Strategic retreats were options. Run at the first sign of danger? Not an option.

Besides, Zlova was far too confident in her own skills to even entertain the notion.

"Still," the emitter spun a circle in the air, "with the whole scare them to death aura?" Poor saps. Should have fled from the club faster. Not that Zlova actually cared -- them not being there simply removed impediments. Being frozen in fear was another solution. They'd make good meatshields if someone decided to pull a repeating blaster cannon.

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | The Madclaw The Madclaw | Shel Beroya | Hasina Khaa-met Hasina Khaa-met

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