Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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One for the Money, Two for the Show(Open)

Dani smiled when Keira's voice called for her name, now that was an unexpected surprise. One that she could most definitely play to her advantage to get the shark to cooperate, she honestly didn't mind murdering the Herglic at all. He was still valuable dead and she still got a nice little set of beskar armor for his demise. That being said she'd rather take him alive, more money that way and you know it would be bad to kill someone else's character, most uncivilized.

"Mmm I don't think so fish face, did you hear that?" Dani said with a slight gesture to Keira.

"It's a work holiday today, bring your baby sister to work day. Now my baby sister just happens to be Keira Ticon, I probably shouldn't be giving out my name like that but I figure it will help you realize the gravity of the situation." There was a pause and the woman leveled her shotgun loaded with solid slugs at Herglic's kneecaps.

"Now my sister here is a TK master, TK standing for telekinesis. She could lift a corvette, so dealing with security and lifting your fat ass won't be a problem. Not to mention that I don't even need to be pointing this weapon at you right now. If she wanted to she could stop your heart with her mind, and that's if she's feeling merciful. She could play operation with your guts, make you beg me to put this slug in your brain. And of course me being the more generous of the two I'll gladly oblige you. So this time I'm gonna make it really really simple." Dani said with quite the intense voice.

"Step away from the sofa, get your fins up and walk your ass out that door before you become the next coat of paint for this building. You have three seconds." Dani said with deadly intent.


[member="Varro Shatterstar"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Sal Katarn"] [member="Ghorua the Shark"]

Ijaat Mereel said:
In no case is anyone to attempt to capture, harass, or kill Ghorua outside of Mandalorian space and then bring him inside our borders for the reward. Such actions will result in a forfeiture of contract reward, and possible actions against the fraudulent persons.

Ghorua noted her talk of her sister, and then the lowering of her gun to his knee. Unbeknownst to her, Ghorua's genetic modifications had enhanced his bones to the literal strength of durasteel. The Shark doubted an attack such as that would cripple him past the point of a minor leg injury. "I'm not telling you not to take the shot," the massive Herglic said, genetically enhanced tendons going taught with anticipation. "I'm just asking you to think about it. I got where I am from taking a Bounty. Then my career was ruined, by one of my targets." Ghorua stood up slowly, careful not to aggravate the hornet's nest. He made no moves to attack, he didn't even have a threatening facial expression. I was like this girl a few weeks ago. No regard for physical well-being, nothing mattered by preparation. His deep black eyes swam with a mix of pity and angry defiance.

"What I do want to know, is what kind of Hunter are you? Do you still have a heart buried under that armor of yours, or was it taken by our lifestyle? This job drains the soul, makes you hide under a helmet." Ghorua looked over to the dancers that had been watching him perform. They were talking in hushed tones to a squad of six bouncers, and pointing in the Hunter's direction. "Looks like you're about to have company."

"Now, you can either deal with me, and get them, or don't deal with me, and have a fun time at a club. As for me, I'm going to leave." Ghorua began to walk slowly towards the backstage staff doors, facing her. Hopefully, this [member="Keira Ticon"] wouldn't intervene. He didn't want to hurt anyone.

- [member="Sal Katarn"] - [member="Varro Shatterstar"] - [member="Eryn"] - [member="Jimmy Salts"] - [member="Aava Sasithorn"] - [member="Dani Ticon"] -
Eights strode into the club with urgency, ignoring the strange looks he got from patrons surprised to see a droid. He quickly found the trio he was sent to mediate. It wasn't hard, considering one of them was about three meters tall. The one who had commissioned him on this mission had been shady at best, and downright dangerous at worst. He had spun tales of the dangers of every bounty hunter involved.

Eights wasn't equipped to process fear, but he did experience caution. Lots of caution. The only reason he had even accepted the job was the providence of the small scale energy shield generator currently installed in his chest port. He had made sure that it could take significant damage at close range. Eights didn't want his fragile frame torn apart by bullets or dashed against the wall by a swipe of the massive Herglic's fist.

Trepidatious, Eights arrived next to the the three bounty hunters. The shotgun pointed towards the Herglic's knee didn't look very friendly. Eights positioned himself between them, a bit to the side so he wouldn't get caught in any crossfire.

"The two Misses Ticon. Mr. Ghorua. I have been hired to mediate an agreement here, without the use of violence. As you know, the bounty on Ghorua's head can not be collected outside of Mandalorian space. I believe that a conflict here would be mutually destructive, and lead to injury or death without cause. If all points are laid on the table, I believe I can facilitate an agreement that will leave all parties involved with what they want."

His words were a bit too late, as the Herglic began to turn and walk away. Eights saw grim determination in Dani's eyes as she leveled the shotgun on Ghorua's retreating form.

Noting the change in demeanor of her companion, Keira cracked a smile as he let his hand drift casually towards his weapon, arms crossed to better disguise the gesture. It was plain he didn't know exactly how the two women knew each other, but she wouldn't have expected to. The similarities became glaringly obvious only after you had known one of the two for a more constructive period of time. "She'd better not be packing chit." That statement made it plain that the two knew each other somehow, and before she made her way over to intervene she enlightened him on just that, "She's my sister. Shocking, I know." Except for it wasn't, given the attitude they both shared and their method of approaching these sorts of scenarios.

Not bothering to attempt any further explanation she maneuvered her way through the throngs of people present, elbowing her way through the crowd when it became necessary. At this point she was just as concerned as getting this over and done with as her sister was, but with a bit of a different outcome in mind. Everyone would be walking away from this, and for the simple reason that she wanted her peace and quiet for a little while longer. Looking between [member="Dani Ticon"] and [member="Ghorua the Shark"] for the span of a few seconds she pushed herself between them, gaze cutting briefly to @NG-888 "Eights". "I can handle this, don't worry. Nobody's getting hurt." Cooperation was key, of course.

Again she looked to the would-be combatants, her demeanor having shifted from nonchalant to ready for any sort of fight in the amount of time it took her to position herself between them. "The both of you are going to kark off. If anybody's going to shoot anyone it'll be outside, because I came here to avoid kicking somebody's teeth in for once. Dani, you know damn well what I'm capable of, and I'd rather not give you a personal demonstration. We're family, and I might have joined you had this been different, but for once let's live and let live." A beat passed, and she soon spoke again, this time in a sort of mockery of her sister's words mere moments earlier. "I'm giving you three seconds, and your time starts now."

[member="Sal Katarn"]

Sal Katarn

Force user? Sal's heart sped up, a quickening drum. He glanced at the woman who not five minutes prior he'd have labeled a surefire drunk and a non-threat. I'm out of practice, he realized. Nostrils flared. The old tremors came back. He ran a tongue along a canine's fine point. Eyes fixated on a tendon in the girl's neck, flicking up to meet her gaze only when she spoke again.

Both brows rose. Sister? Well now.

Of course, by this point discrete surveilling of Techno Union target was completely out of the question. The guy had either gotten the hell outta Eisley or decided to conduct his business at a later time and probably in a more secure location. Sal couldn't really blame him.

The man let out a half-hearted sigh through the nose. So much for that.

He decided to stick around and see how it played out - tracking the brunette with his gaze as she wove through the crowd - for more reasons than one. Not that he'd be getting involved. There were enough guns waving around. And he wasn't too keen on getting killed in a strip club over some half-rate bounty.

One day, Katarn thought, one day I'll settle down with a nice patch of land to farm. Somewhere far away from giant, singing fish.

[member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Dani Ticon"] | [member="Ghorua the Shark"]
"Keira, that's funny. Because I'm giving you zero!" Dani said as she lifted up her free with a quick draw.

Her hand lifted up the CZ Net Launcher which was a beauty for hunting beasts and bounties and fired a lightsaber proof net laced with stun beads at her sister. That would probably keep her occupied for a few moments, and give her enough time for the next part of her plan. Which in some ways could be considered a little low, but hey you had to break the rules to get paid. Wasn't like the whale was returning to mando space any time soon.

Now John Wayne would never shoot a man in the back, however there were a few key differences between Dani and John. For starters Dani was a woman and a bounty hunter, and secondly she had no qualms with shooting a man in the back. In fact that was the easiest way to get paid, all she had to do was make sure the shark was stunned enough to get him to mando space where she would just happen to stumble upon him then capture them. Not like anyone in a strip club on Corellia was willing to testify that they saw Dani grab and bag the shark.

So with the twelve gauge in one hand and the net gun in the other the woman fired off the remaining four nets in the semi automatic capture device at the Herglic, the net gun was made for capturing wild beasts as well so four nets laced with stun beads that could stop a saber would be enough to hold the shark if they successfully nabbed him. Now this was the cool part.

With the twelve gauge in her other hand she spun around and aimed it at the row of bouncers coming her way, and thankfully she was loaded with slugs instead of buckshot. Didn't want messy civilian casualties. The shotgun went off with a massive roar and caused her arm to immediately jerk up with the blades barely missing her helmet.

As for the two slugs they caused the guards to dive and take cover when they impacted the ground around their feet. So they would be scrambling for cover along with the screams of scared dancers running for cover it would give the woman enough time to get the shark into her custody.

"YOU'RE COMING WITH ME FREE WILLY!!" The woman said as she stomped over to her target.

[member="Varro Shatterstar"] [member="Ghorua the Shark"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Sal Katarn"]
Ghorua had been backing up cautiously, so he saw [member="Keira Ticon"]'s peace offering go sour. He appreciated the attempted help, even if it was only for them to get out of her hair. So Ghorua saw perfectly clearly when [member="Dani Ticon"] fired the net at her sister, and then turned the weapon at him. With faster speed and reflexes than a being of Ghorua's size should have any right having, the Herglic reached over, and pulled a table up and over his body, protecting him from most of the damage of the nets. One did manage to snake around the smooth surface, and slashed across the being's arm before wrapping around the wood. The scour left small white scars on his arm, but no permanent damage. Ghorua didn't wait to see what would happen next.

With little ceremony, Ghorua dropped his makeshift shield, and dashed to the staff door, flanked by two more guards, who were now drawing stun pistols. He dimly heard Dani call out, and sighed. Why does everyone call me that? Free Willy! And she was so good at name-calling a few seconds ago...

The Herglic made it to the door, and paused behind the wall to catch his bearings. Speeder is... THIS WAY! Heaving off of the wall, Ghorua tore down the hallway, leading outside, and hopefully sweet freedom.

- @NG-888 "Eights" - [member="Sal Katarn"] -
Both of her arms raised instinctively when the net was fired, her reaction time a fraction of a second too late to prevent its impact. The sheer kinetic force coupled with the electricity coursing through her body did nothing to help her stay on her feet, and she tumbled backwards, to her credit managing to turn that less than graceful fall into a roll that hopefully minimized any injury. Muttering a string of various curses and insults in both Old Corellian and Mando'a she slowly collected herself, hissing quietly in pain at the small lacerations that were scattered across her skin. After a few careful applications of telekinesis she was able to wrestle out of the entanglement, making her slightly shaky way to her feet. Fething hell.

As she rose she seemed to shrug the bleary-eyed and sluggish persona, it instead being replaced by that of the honed and conditioned warrior that always lingered beneath. She dreaded the simple idea of pulling her lightsaber in a place like this, and so let it remain in its pocket, turning her focus inward to her ethereal talents for the time being. Taking a few steps forward she watched [member="Ghorua the Shark"] escape out of the corner of her eye, satisfied at least someone was managing to leave all this behind them. It was more than could be said for her, as she still had her older sister and perhaps some others to deal with, if anyone else got trigger-happy and decided to join the fray.

Drawing on the Force she reached out, her attention solely on [member="Dani Ticon"], clamping an invisible vice about her form that would hopefully serve to prevent any further violent action being taken on her part. Never had she drawn on her ability for such explicitly peaceful intentions, but times were wont to change without the consent of any individual. "I said three seconds. Now, you going to leave, or am I going to have to kick your di'kutla shebs in front of everybody here? Your choice." Her tone was decidedly even, all trace of its carefree nature gone with the firing of the net gun minutes earlier. [member="Sal Katarn"] was in for a show, if anything.
Dani quickly dropped the spent shotgun to whip out her small blaster pistol, with it set to stun she quickly dropped the two guards rushing her way to the ground with a satisfying plop. Leveling her pistol she was about to fire upon the fleeing shark before she quickly felt the tug of the force on her body, her sister must of magic'd her way out of that net. So with the other members of the bouncers still working crowd control it was time for a very short conversation sister to sister.

"So it seems we're at a small predicament here, you are letting a wanted criminal to your new BFFs the mandalorians walk away right now. He tried to steal from them and more than likely killed someone in the process, so you're aiding him by impeding me." Dani said in a very calm and rational voice.

"However the bounty clearly states that hunters are not to approach him outside of mandalorian space, so far be it from me to speculate the future but you can call my nine hundred number and I'm going to predict he's not going back to mando space any time soon."

"Now I for one as a Ticon refuse to allow that, he's guilty and he needs to see justice. You would understand that more than anyone, so that being we have a few ways we can handle this. You can cut this amateur hour bull crap out and let me go do my job, or you can keep me here and let the shark get away, which then I'll be sure to pass that information along to your new friends that you actively aided one of their enemies. Or you can do what FAMILY would do and help me!" Dani said as she remained caught in Keira's stupid force grip.

The shark was still running towards the door and there was still time to catch him, it all really came down to what Keira wanted to do. Dani had made her case and she knew this wasn't the time to argue despite how much she wanted to punch her sister in the face right now. Which she gladly would.

"RUNNING MEANS YOUR ASS WILL ONLY DIE TIRED GHORUA!!" Dani yelled down the hall to the fleeing shark.

[member="Ghorua the Shark"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Sal Katarn"]

Sal Katarn

The room exploded into a frenzy of commotion. In Sal's experience, violence usually came that way. A panicked rush in between heartbeats, blood pounding in the head. Screams went up, people fled. Those who still remained in the club went silent in the wake, all eyes focused on the two women at the epicenter. Katarn mumbled a curse.

Hadn't expected the two sisters to start going at it, but the confrontation looked one-sided. Usually went that way with Force users. Sal didn't draw his weapon. In fact, he didn't do much of anything 'cept watch, just another bated breath amidst the crowd.

Not my fight, he told himself, and she looks like she can handle herself just fine.

Katarn glanced over at the glasses littering his table and hoisted a shot that the brunette hadn't finished. He downed the thing, liquid fire burning down his throat before settling in his stomach.


[member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Dani Ticon"] | [member="Ghorua the Shark"]
Like Sweet-Tarts Without The Sweet Part
If you waited long enough, an opportunity always presented itself, especially in crowded bars this late at night.

Eryn spent the first two shots plastered to the rafter on her back, debating whether or not to take this one by the horns. From the conversation below, there were at least two bounty hunters (one retired, maybe?), and that was one too many for her. Throw a space wizard in the mix and she had no desire to get mixed up in that.

The fleeing people, though? THAT she could make something out of.

With everyone panicked and distracted, stampeding over one another to get to the exit, Eryn shimmied her way over the beams and made for the service ladder, flipping options around in her mind like flapjacks on a griddle. She could head outside, wait for the crowd to funnel through the doors and pick what she could from their pockets, but by that time they'd be more spread out and it would be difficult to nab anything without problems. She could drop down and take advantage of all the chaos inside; the pushing and shoving would make for easy hunting grounds, but she ran the risk of being spotted so up-close-and-personal, although the two hunters (well, one now; the 'singer' had made a run for it) seemed preoccupied and everyone else was either focused on the scene playing out on the stage or hurrying for the exit.

She could also do both. Work the crowd inside, let them carry her outside in their mad dash for the door, rifle through a few more pockets, and then disappear into the night.
The fugitive found herself halfway down the service ladder before she'd made up her mind. She rolled with the whim, touching down on the catwalks and blending effortlessly into the roiling rapids of beings rushing down the stairways to the main floor.

Nice thing about strip bars? Pockets were always full of credit chits, waiting to be tucked into the bras or glittering garters of dancers that made an impact.

By the time her swarm had joined with the larger crowd on the ground, Eryn had two large handfuls of credit chits, a pocket knife, two lighters, a bejeweled makeup mirror, a half empty package of dewberry gum and plenty of lint. She kept to the middle of the bunch, smashed between various beings, deft fingers searching for other items. But the people were slowing down, and the terrified screams dwindled, and suddenly everyone was at a standstill as people paused to gape at the stage in curiosity.

Wiggling out from behind a sweaty Twi'lek, Eryn threw a glance at the front door. Still too far away and brightly lit, and now no one was moving. She'd draw attention if she made for the exit now.


Ever so slowly, the young woman sank towards the fringes of the still masses, relieving a few purses of their items on her way, making for the shadows by the wall. She couldn't help watching the stage herself when she paused.

|- [member="Sal Katarn"] -| |- [member="Dani Ticon"] -| |- [member="Keira Ticon"] -| |- [member="Ghorua the Shark"] -|
Ghorua vaguely heard meaningless insults as he shot down the hallway, his forward momentum doing all the work for him. In no time, Ghorua reached the end of the hallway, and blasted through the doors that led outside, bending them a little as he passed. He may have lied. He had no speeder. But her thinking that he had a speeder was an advantage. One he planned to exploit.

The Herglic had landed his ship in a secret hangar, an old underworld connection. The Hunter most likely had tracked him here via security footage. He had to dissapear. Strangely, the ten-foot genetic mass of muscle was pretty good at that. Sticking to the shadows, Ghorua took an immediate right to the bar, and down an alley. Bracing himself against a duracrete wall, Ghoura began to climb to the top, a journey that didn't take him long. The roof was barren, and held no security feed. From his vantage point, the Herglic could hop roof to roof, anywhere in the city. Exhaling through his blowhole satisfyingly, Ghorua began his journey to his ship.

- [member="Sal Katarn"] - [member="Keira Ticon"] - [member="Dani Ticon"] - [member="Eryn"] -
As the Herglic leaped from rooftop to rooftop, he would eventually he would pass the Nelvaanian as he leaned back in the shadow's concealed by the darkness of the night. The wall he stood up was scratched and had a few stains of blood all across it. Only his deep maroon eyes shined through the shadows. He raised his voice as he exclaimed.

"Stop, I can get you out of here."

He wasn't lying, his ship was literally twenty meters away, just a jump off the building and they would be on his ship. He grunts quietly awaiting the Herglic's response. Tapping his large foot off the ground growing impatient.

[member="Ghorua the Shark"]
After a moment's hesitation Keira released her sister from the invisible vice, giving her a telekinetic shove forward that would send her stumbling if she wasn't prepared. It was her own way of communicating that while she may have cared for the other woman, this was nothing more than a waste of both of their time. The bounty hunting could resume whenever Dani chose, but right now she wasn't in the mood for an extended chase and then a fight afterwards. "If he's so important to you, then get the hell out of here and go find him. This isn't my fight, whether I'm part of the Clans or not." That was the line drawn in the sand, the ultimatum she wouldn't skirt around or allow to be ignored completely. The Ticons were notoriously stubborn, and this pair were no different.

Without waiting for any kind of acknowledgement from her sibling she turned and meandered her way back through the crowd to sit at the same table with [member="Sal Katarn"], almost acting as if nothing had happened in that span of time. "Sorry about that." In comparison to her mode of speaking before she was much more alert and aware of her surroundings, eyes bright and focused where they had once been bleary and adrift in her own world. "I'll just tell you that family means something a little different to the Ticons, and leave it at that. We're not the best at getting along, let's say." That was the understatement of the century, but he didn't need to know about every little detail, as it stood.

"Hopefully you enjoyed the show, at least."

[member="Honas'di"], [member="Ghorua the Shark"], [member="Eryn"], [member="Dani Ticon"]

Sal Katarn

And there he goes. The retreating whale's hulk disappeared through a doorway, which left only the family feud. Keira loosed her sister from the grip and sent out a Force push that seemed to ripple through the air. Sal grunted as she turned and started stalking back toward him. Hopefully that'd be the last of it. He ran a tongue over teeth behind closed lips, gaze sweeping the remnants of the crowd.

Blast. Delam and his contact were nowhere to be seen. Well, so much for that job.

Ticon number one slid back onto her seat and gave an explanation in her Corellian drawl.

"You could say that," rasped Sal, voice rough as sandpaper.

Nothing to do now. And he didn't exactly go to strip clubs because he enjoyed the company. The whole thing had gone to ruin because of a koochoo murishani and the vaping Herglic wermo. Waste of my time.

His gaze tracked back to to the girl. Katarn scratched at the stubble on his jaw, eyes narrowing slightly. The lights still flashed and shifted in vibrant colors, despite the absence of the dancers and live singers, bathing the crowd in a dim, eerie, and ever-changing glow. At last, he shrugged one shoulder.

"Want to kark?"

[member="Keira Ticon"]
"Thank you." Dani said as she was released from Keira's force grip.

Taking her shotgun the woman opened the breach then loaded up two new shells of buckshot before running towards where her bounty had left, she was going to find him and make him pay for what he had done. Well that was until she heard those three little words, three words that changed the course of this entire event.

"Want to kark?"

And it looked like the whale was going to be making it out for another day of freedom, make no mistake Dani was coming for that ass, just not today. So with the sound of a shotgun breach closing the woman turned around and from behind her visor she glared daggers at the man next to Keira.

"What did you just say to my sister?" Dani said with a very deadly voice.

Well she knew what the man said, it was more of a rhetorical question really. And if there were two things Dani didn't like it was sexist pigs and people who talked to her blood without showing the slightest form of respect.

"Keira, sweetheart. I know what you're thinking and no, he's mine. No one talks to my baby sister that way, well no one who wants to keep their manhood at least." So with the sound of two hammers cocking back the woman bared the double barrel at the man and would wait for Keira to scoot aside.

[member="Ghorua the Shark"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Sal Katarn"] [member="Eryn"]
For a few long seconds Keira merely watched [member="Sal Katarn"], head cocked slightly to one side as if she was considering his general worth as nothing more than a fellow sentient. Those final three words on his part seemed to diminish what respect she had reserved for him, and now he was just another individual that didn't know their boundaries. "You know, I really thought you weren't that stupid. If that was what you wanted, you could have at least attempted to class it up a little." Not that she would have been any more impressed, but it would have at least done the justice of making him look a bit better all around. It wasn't her thoughts or feelings that mattered here, because her mind was already made up.

Her fingers twitched, ethereal tendrils wrapping themselves about the back leg of his chair and pulling it forward in order to send him crashing to the floor. Regardless of whether that endeavor was successful or not she would smile as if nothing had happened before pushing herself to her feet and moving to stand next to her sister. "You know I can handle myself. The last guy that said something like that got three broken ribs, so I don't see why this should be any different. You don't need to babysit me." Truly it did mean a lot that [member="Dani Ticon"] cared, which was why she was willing to step out of the way and allow her sister to handle this one, if only just this once. Here was sibling love at its finest.

Sal Katarn

Katarn, both feet propped on the table, eyed the menacing shotgun. Sal wasn't big into threats. If you were going to shoot someone, you shot 'em. End of story. Threats were just a bunch of hot air that gave them more time to react. But he still wasn't in the mood to get ventilated, especially not by a scatter gun. Those pellets would take hours to fish out, provided they didn't just cut right through him.

The drifter shrugged a single shoulder again. "Well, I reckon-"

The chair fell over, taking Sal with it. The ground was littered with the filth and debris 'civilized' society shed in places like this. Sal got back to his feet and quirked an eyebrow. "Was a fair question, but a no's a no."

He reached down and picked up the chair, then seated himself, once more throwing up his legs on the table. His arms crossed lazily. A steady gaze regarded the two women. All very cavalier, considering he was facing 00 buck and a telekinetic.

"Not about to argue over decorum in a strip club."

[member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Dani Ticon"]
"I changed your diapers, I did your hair before the tutor came, and I dressed you for parties. Whether you like it or not you are my little sister and I'm going to hold your hand." Dani would then watch the scum bag get back up and sit his ass back down.

Did this guy have any idea of what respect was? It wasn't something that Dani found attractive in a man but she did fancy his calm and collected attitude in the face of sheer destruction. So you know there was that, and he was rather handsome. But those qualities weren't going to save him from his screw up.

"I think you owe the woman an apology, and my friend here would happen to agree with me. So if you would please do so I think we can call it square and move on with our lives." Dani said with a very calm yet deadly tint to her voice.

After she had spoken the woman simply shifted the shotgun down south at the man's junk. She had an idea that the man would enjoy apologizing to her sister and probably be an ass about it, but hey at this point she just let two million credits get away for the sake of her sister's honor. So damn right she wasn't walking out of here without an apology or Sal was gonna miss Mister Johnson and the juice crew.

"Or we can do things the fun way."

[member="Sal Katarn"] [member="Keira Ticon"]

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