Dani Ticon
Dani smiled when Keira's voice called for her name, now that was an unexpected surprise. One that she could most definitely play to her advantage to get the shark to cooperate, she honestly didn't mind murdering the Herglic at all. He was still valuable dead and she still got a nice little set of beskar armor for his demise. That being said she'd rather take him alive, more money that way and you know it would be bad to kill someone else's character, most uncivilized.
"Mmm I don't think so fish face, did you hear that?" Dani said with a slight gesture to Keira.
"It's a work holiday today, bring your baby sister to work day. Now my baby sister just happens to be Keira Ticon, I probably shouldn't be giving out my name like that but I figure it will help you realize the gravity of the situation." There was a pause and the woman leveled her shotgun loaded with solid slugs at Herglic's kneecaps.
"Now my sister here is a TK master, TK standing for telekinesis. She could lift a corvette, so dealing with security and lifting your fat ass won't be a problem. Not to mention that I don't even need to be pointing this weapon at you right now. If she wanted to she could stop your heart with her mind, and that's if she's feeling merciful. She could play operation with your guts, make you beg me to put this slug in your brain. And of course me being the more generous of the two I'll gladly oblige you. So this time I'm gonna make it really really simple." Dani said with quite the intense voice.
"Step away from the sofa, get your fins up and walk your ass out that door before you become the next coat of paint for this building. You have three seconds." Dani said with deadly intent.
[member="Varro Shatterstar"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Sal Katarn"] [member="Ghorua the Shark"]
"Mmm I don't think so fish face, did you hear that?" Dani said with a slight gesture to Keira.
"It's a work holiday today, bring your baby sister to work day. Now my baby sister just happens to be Keira Ticon, I probably shouldn't be giving out my name like that but I figure it will help you realize the gravity of the situation." There was a pause and the woman leveled her shotgun loaded with solid slugs at Herglic's kneecaps.
"Now my sister here is a TK master, TK standing for telekinesis. She could lift a corvette, so dealing with security and lifting your fat ass won't be a problem. Not to mention that I don't even need to be pointing this weapon at you right now. If she wanted to she could stop your heart with her mind, and that's if she's feeling merciful. She could play operation with your guts, make you beg me to put this slug in your brain. And of course me being the more generous of the two I'll gladly oblige you. So this time I'm gonna make it really really simple." Dani said with quite the intense voice.
"Step away from the sofa, get your fins up and walk your ass out that door before you become the next coat of paint for this building. You have three seconds." Dani said with deadly intent.
[member="Varro Shatterstar"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Sal Katarn"] [member="Ghorua the Shark"]