It seemed they were both lost on the same account, two souls unsure or unable to know where to go from here on out. It would have been funny if it wasn't so tragic. "In case you are wondering, I would like to see you once again. Perhaps next time I can take you on board my ship instead." Mal suggested, though Void might find the confines of a Star Destroyer a bit much compared to the quaintness of the Ghost. She could only speculate that Void carried the same concerns that she herself held, about being discovered, of having their connection revealed. In truth, Mal was prepared to deal with it as it came, but given the fact that they were both Darths....well, any connection they had was a vulnerability. Void had shown her own weakness, willing to throw her life away just to protect Mal, and perhaps having taken on the mission in the same vain belief.
The silence that followed was telling. It was nice to know that they were both equally confused about all this. Nothing made sense anymore, though Mal could only hope during their retreat here that perhaps things could be made clearer. The warm sensation of Void's hand slammed into her, as the sensation played with Mal's heartstrings, her hand tightened around the grip of her fellow Sith. Void was with her, at least for now. They would have the planet to themselves for the time being, and it was best that they make the most of it.
Being lead towards the door, Mal couldn't help but smile, feeling a sensation she hadn't felt in almost a decade, a sense of adventure. It was strange, like being brought back to life after nearly having died. She was aware of the pounding of her heart against her chest, this strange sense of nervous that gripped her stomach, and the dizziness that filled her head. She felt young, and it was the most peculiar thing. She had gained someone new in her life, though where that connection would end up...well Mal frankly didn't know, and it seemed neither did Void. They were fond of one another, that much was clear, but how much could one Sith truly share with another? At least they didn't seem to be posed to stand as rivals. Void seemed to be focused on her pursuit of life, and Mal attended to duties of the Empire; they would likely need to solidify a partnership to see each other more often. As the pair began to depart, Mal just had one thing she wished to have addressed. "DuCray, I have to know, why did you wait for me, on Dromund Kaas, in the training room? You hardly knew me, yet you was part of the reason I came to you to begin with." Mal inquired, hoping to get an answer from the woman before they were to depart. Florn was a jungle world, a slightly dangerous one at that, perhaps to anyone that wasn't a Sith maybe. Mal was going to need her boots before they departed outside. If the cold surface of the ship was giving her a sense of hypothermia, then the mix of grass and rock on the planet below would do far worse; she'd either be crippled by ticklish sensations or having to stop every step to pull out a nonexistent pebble, neither of which she wished Void to see. There were still chinks in her armor she wished to remain hidden, and she was sure that Void was the same way. Perhaps in time they could learn how to unravel their facades from their person, but that would take time; thankfully they had a little bit of time to spare for now. When the proper preperations were made, Mal would arm herself with her boots and saber before setting foot on the planet below, with her new found....partner in tow.
Darth Void
The silence that followed was telling. It was nice to know that they were both equally confused about all this. Nothing made sense anymore, though Mal could only hope during their retreat here that perhaps things could be made clearer. The warm sensation of Void's hand slammed into her, as the sensation played with Mal's heartstrings, her hand tightened around the grip of her fellow Sith. Void was with her, at least for now. They would have the planet to themselves for the time being, and it was best that they make the most of it.
Being lead towards the door, Mal couldn't help but smile, feeling a sensation she hadn't felt in almost a decade, a sense of adventure. It was strange, like being brought back to life after nearly having died. She was aware of the pounding of her heart against her chest, this strange sense of nervous that gripped her stomach, and the dizziness that filled her head. She felt young, and it was the most peculiar thing. She had gained someone new in her life, though where that connection would end up...well Mal frankly didn't know, and it seemed neither did Void. They were fond of one another, that much was clear, but how much could one Sith truly share with another? At least they didn't seem to be posed to stand as rivals. Void seemed to be focused on her pursuit of life, and Mal attended to duties of the Empire; they would likely need to solidify a partnership to see each other more often. As the pair began to depart, Mal just had one thing she wished to have addressed. "DuCray, I have to know, why did you wait for me, on Dromund Kaas, in the training room? You hardly knew me, yet you was part of the reason I came to you to begin with." Mal inquired, hoping to get an answer from the woman before they were to depart. Florn was a jungle world, a slightly dangerous one at that, perhaps to anyone that wasn't a Sith maybe. Mal was going to need her boots before they departed outside. If the cold surface of the ship was giving her a sense of hypothermia, then the mix of grass and rock on the planet below would do far worse; she'd either be crippled by ticklish sensations or having to stop every step to pull out a nonexistent pebble, neither of which she wished Void to see. There were still chinks in her armor she wished to remain hidden, and she was sure that Void was the same way. Perhaps in time they could learn how to unravel their facades from their person, but that would take time; thankfully they had a little bit of time to spare for now. When the proper preperations were made, Mal would arm herself with her boots and saber before setting foot on the planet below, with her new found....partner in tow.
Darth Void