Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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 One of those feedback threads

I've been writing Briana for about a solid month now and I've found her to be rather enjoyable to write but, that doesn't mean others necessarily enjoy reading her. Ultimately, I want my writing partners to enjoy the experience as much as I am. So, here I am, seeking out the advice of other writers on Chaos for some feedback, trying to improve in whatever ways I can. Does the character read well? Are her posts entertaining enough, or does she seem boring to read? Do I need to improve in my own writing somewhere? Add more details? Better convey the nuances of her personality? Let me know what you think. If you haven't written with me, but have read some of the character, feel free to share your opinion as well.
First off your art is on point. That needs to be said cause look at mah sig and it's gloriousness.

I truly enjoy Bri's story thus far! The fall of Naboo, the loss of her brother, you write it all out so well and I feel for her quite a bit. Makes me want to have Iris clue in and actually support her fellow Padawan. One day she will! I find none of her posts boring. Honestly, you write well as it is, so I can't think of too much for you to improve on! Maybe don't worry as much about the technical side of combat? It's more my own thing and nothing on how you write, but this is a feedback thread so I should give something! Enjoy the flow of the story, don't worry about positioning and such.

But yeah. I just wanna see more Bri and am so glad to be writing with you.

I agree with both Kyric and Iris on all their points. You're a fantastic writer and it's absolutely never boring to read Briana's posts. She's consistent with her strengths/weaknesses and has a really fun personality that works amazingly well with the characters around her. Whenever we write, I'm just really excited to see what she's going to do or say next.

At an individual level, I also love how she plays into her family, the situation with Naboo and her brother disappearing. You capture that amazingly well, and in a relatable way.

As for actual criticism, it's honestly really difficult. I have none to offer when it comes to the questions you mentioned — she reads well, is really fun, and makes me excited to write with her. So keep going strong, mah friend \o/

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