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Approved Tech One Sith AAA

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Image Source:
Intent: To create an armor for sith military units
Development Thread: If Needed
Manufacturer: Krayt Industries
Model: Aquatic Assault Armor
Affiliation: One Sith
Modularity: No
Production: Mass
  • Glasteel
  • Hybrid Plexisteel
  • Bodyglove
  • Diving Equipment
    Antigrav Belt
  • Wingsuit
  • Sealed Suit
  • Oxygen Tanks

Classification: Other
Weight: 17KG
Quality: 4
Special Features:
Designed for rapid insertion from drop ships above a planet to the oceans below. The AAA armor is created and crafted to be a cross between Seatroopers and high altitude insertion troopers able to quickly get to a planets surface from the air. The lightweight armor is protective against the cold of the ocean and the weight of equipment can be detached quickly allowing the breathing suit underneath to be by itself. The power cells to keep it converting and allowing the suit to work are located in the knee of the suit and able to be quickly changed out.

Using stormtrooper standard with a plate on the opposite knee for kneeling and protection. A dive knife and sonic emitter for defense underwater by sending out a wave able to ward off most creatures encountered. The wingsuit and anti grav belt are for the descent to guide the soldiers towards insertion locations and provide a low profile instead of a chute or maneuvering pack. When underwater the suits power systems maintain the ability to breath for five hours with cells able to replace quickly and an aquatic breather for emergencies providing a two hour air supply as back up.

High altitude insertion is dangerous and equipment requires a lot to be double even triple checked for pressurized seals. The dangers of a breech causing numbness in high altitude can cause limbs to become temporarily immobile for a time. When used with teams the first trooper out sets the course relaying corrections and plotting for the rest as he guides them down towards the target destination. Dropships are able to release troopers from the stratosphere of a world for insertion into enemy territory where gunships might prove targets or alert the enemy.
Primary Source: None
[member="Darth Praelior"]

How is this able to stand the friction of atmospheric reentry with such light materials and free movement when a Mandalorian is full beskar can barely stand the heat when they drop on basilisk? The source for my statement is the story by canderous ordo in the Kotor video game.
[member="Darth Praelior"]

That makes a lot more sense. Other than that the submission is actually quite well done. My only other issue is an out of character one. Before I say what the issue is I want you to know I in no way mean to offend or come off as harsh. My issue is that this raises metagamming flags for me. I have spent the better part of four hours double checking, looking up dates times, as well as asking admins and other judges for their input. The up coming invasion and this submission are terribly convenient. Am I accusing you of deliberately attempting to cheat, "stack the deck", or work the system? No I'm not. I do, however, want to go on record as saying with the unfounded complaints against the One Sith as a faction I would hate to add fuel to the drama fires that invasions tend to generate. The timing of this looks bad to me and I don't want that on you or the One Sith faction. That said, everything checks out and unless abuse of this occurs, I can't legitimately deny it.

I leave you in the hands of Spencer Jacobs with the request that this tech not be abused, please.

Pending Secondary.
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