Catalys Maijora

Image Source: CCP Games, Eve Online / Dust
Intent: To create a new set of standardized armour for the One Sith infantry.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: The One Sith in cooperation with the Primeval Fleet.
Model: New Model Armour Mk. I
Affiliation: The One Sith
Modularity: If you can strap it, weld it, or otherwise attach it to the armour; then it can be added.
Production: Mass-production
Material: Armorplast plating, Primordial Steel underlay, Armourweave Bodyglove, Transparisteel Visor
Classification: Multipurpose Infantry Armour
Weight: 7.5kg
Quality: 7
- Kinetic: 6
- Energy: 8
Special Features:
- Respirator (helmet)
- Night Vision & Infrared (helmet)
- Ocular Zooming (helmet)
- Digital HUD display with synchronization
- Mid-ranged Communications Transceiver
- Standard Encryption
- Climate Control
- Automated Injection System
- Jet/Drop Pack Mounting System
- Holsters & Ammo Pouches
- Utility Belt
- Shock Absorption (up to 10 meters)
- Magnetized Boots (source)
Description: As wars are being waged, the need for improved equipment is fundamental to anyone war effort. After many successful campaigns against the Galactic Republic, the One Sith finds itself now embroiled in conflict with a new contender on the galactic stage; the Alliance. Fighting tooth-and-nail in skirmishes across several systems, and with full-scale invasions looming over the horizon, the Dark Lord has commissioned the best and brightest minds to come up with a solution as past standard armours have failed to offer the Sith's Infantry an edge against those who would oppose the One Sith's goals. Many attempts to design a new and improved armour have led to one singular conclusion; a new model of infantry is required. Befitting of any new line, the armour these infantry will be wearing is simply referred to as "New Model Armour Mk. I."
With designs based off actual feedback taken from countless battles and invasions, the new line of armour is equipped with a number of improvements not utilized by One Sith Infantry. Namely, the need for fighting on a multitude of worlds--with a diversity of climates--has led to the incorporation of climate control systems normally found in vehicles. Although not as effective, the armour's climate control allows regulated temperatures inside the vacuum sealed armour granting the wearer some level of comfort outside of extreme climates. Taking advantage of this system, the designers also took the liberty of adding an automated injection system. Small tubes on the back of the armour allows combatants to insert vials of combat enhancing drugs, which can then be injected into the soldier at will for improved performance in combat situations. All these systems--along with any other electronics--are powered by a battery pack located underneath the jetpack mounting system along the central area of the back. Practically any form of battery technology can be utilized to power this armour, granting it potential upgrades in the future for prolonged use of electronic systems before needing replacement power cells.
Other electronic systems are located in the boots and helmet. Within the helmet are numerous features including a fully-functioning respirator as commonly found in most armours. As well there are more peculiar features such as night vision, infrared, ocular zooming for enhanced precision, and a digital HUD which can be synchronized with compatible weapons and vital display systems; allowing the solider to become one with his or her tools of war. The boots on the other hand are far more simplistic, although no less important. Based on more common technology, the infantry's combat boots can magnetize to surfaces in low-to-nil gravity environments for maneuvering purposes.
The rest of the armour is quite basic. With an armourplast frame, the plating can take significant punishment from blasters, slugthrowers, and even vibroblades. The Primordial Steel underlay improves its energy resistance, and although it cannot survive repeated lightsaber strikes, it does provide infantry with a greater chance of preventing laceration should they come into contact with the fearsome energy swords. Underneath all that is a standard vacuum-sealed, amourweave bodyglove to prevent exposure to hazards that would otherwise compromise less equipped infantry. Along the exterior one can find holsters, ammo pouches, and a utility belt for equipping gear and storing ammunition. Aesthetically the armour is designed for a uniform appearance, with a coating along the transparisteel to make the material one-way to further reduce individuality among its wearers. The armour itself is usually found in a monotone colour, although it can easily be repainted for use in battle where camouflage is preferable.
In all, the New Model Armour Mk. I is essentially designed for balance and has neither any significant strengths nor weaknesses when compared to other armours around the galaxy. However; due to a need for flexibility among its wearers, the armour does have a few gaps along the shoulders, arms, and legs where protection is reduced, making the wearer vulnerable to laceration or kinetic weapons. Furthermore its many systems are vulnerable to EMP attacks, which would limit their ability to fight. Despite these potential drawbacks, the armour is being mass-produced for use in combat against the Galactic Alliance and all other would-be threats that only manage to slow the One Sith's domineering armies.
+ Lightweight: Lighter weight than most standard battle armours; offering improved mobility to soldiers.
+ Balanced: Although it doesn't stand apart, and couldn't be considered state-of-the-art, it also doesn't have many significant drawbacks.
- Pretty basic: None of its features are something you couldn't find in other mass-produced armours.
Primary Source: N/A