Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private One spar at a time


Location: New cov
Objective: introduce himself properly
Tag: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria


"One last thing, I've been saying this all lesson. What do we use to our advantage when it comes to bigger opponents?"

"Their momentum!" the group of initiates shouted back to him all at once, an answer that was replied to with a small nod of confirmation "Good, now all of you scram. The last person in my sight is going to get thrown off the balcony!" he said in a joking manner just before they all turned and ran with their laughs echoing throughout the upper training room. It had been a nice and relaxed lesson that provided some key knowledge of how to deal with opponents who were much bigger than you were. Nine times out of ten they were going to use this one day, so it was only right to plant it in their heads from the very start.

Now that was over and the distant murmurings of chatter had dissipated Silas was left by himself. It was the last of the lessons he had to teach and for the rest of the day, the knight didn't have too much planned. Maybe a gym session was in order before he turned himself in for some sleep, or possibly a little jog on the outskirts of the jungle that surrounded the temple.

Either way, the distant sunrise going down across the horizon had caught his attention on the balcony. The only thing that was missing was one of his father's smokes, which unfortunately was back in his room waiting for better use...

Location: New Cov
Outfit: Gym Attire
Tag: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

Visiting New Cov had been on Lily's agenda since she had gotten to know more of Master Valery Noble Valery Noble . She had wanted to see the temple that Valery was most known for and see what it would be like. The surrounding area was one filled with dangers and challenges but Lily enjoyed that, it helped focus the mind and ensured that one was constantly aware of the dangers that surrounded them at all times outside of temple life. She had found herself on plenty of missions where she was in danger and it was not always initially obvious.

Taking time away from Jakku, Lily decided she would spend some time training and reading on the Jedi that not studied here by what were things she could take away from her time on this world. While it was sometimes nice to just have a relaxing break or holiday, Lily was here to train and study just as much as she was to get away from the desert environment of her new home. It was nice to see colours other than yellow and it was pleasant to feel temperatures other than a blistering heat. Even if it was providing her with more human skin tone appearance now.

She was wearing her standard gym work out attire and was heading to her training session, she heard the dismissal of a class and saw a lot of younglings pouring out of a class. Grinning and clearly having a good time post class, it was good to see that the teachers here were kind and good natured. It was a positive atmosphere to see. Deciding to be a little nosy and see who the teacher was, she poked her head in and noted that it was Silas. She recognised him from their initial meeting at the Hapan ball.

Not a great first impression she garnered from him but she promised to give him a second chance and decided not to renegade on that offer.

"Greetings, seems your class went well." Lily called out as she slid into the room, standing comfortably and figured offering the kind opening that would help demonstrate she was giving him the second first impression that she had promised.


Location: New cov
Objective: introduce himself properly
Tag: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria


Not so surprisingly the silence didn't last long.

Looking back to the doorway, he soon noticed Lily who must have wondered in just after the students had left. Offering a slight smile to the padawan, Silas nodded "Indeed, I'm certain the initiates had pleasure in throwing me to the mats. I just hope they put it to good use when they are in need of it" the knight said with a small chuckle. He felt great joy and honor in teaching the future generation of Jedi, it helped take his mind off the pressure of being a warrior of peace. Especially with what had been happening recently...

Finally moving away from the balcony he stopped only a few steps away and calmly folded his arms "It is good to see you again, Lily. How has New Covenant been treating you?" he asked the padawan out of interest. During their first meeting, Silas got off on the wrong foot by making fun of one of her best friends. Now however there were no distractions, so it was a better time than never to finally get to know each other.

"What's the occasion, did you come here to teach or be taught?"
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Location: New Cov
Outfit: Gym Attire
Tag: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

"Let us hope they are never going to be in need of it." Lily mentioned, she dreaded the idea that they would one day have to fight as she was having to currently. She prayed that someday she would be able to see galactic peace.

So far, it seemed just some far off dream.

Nodding her head, "pleasure to see you again. New Covenant has been interesting, different to Jakku and Coruscant, which is only a good thing. Allows me to train in new conditions and find new ways to push myself." Lily was clearly keen on being the best that she could be in combat and determined to be one of the best fighters out there.

"Just here to train. New environments offer new opportunities and can't settle too long in one place." Lily mentioned, stretching her figure as tall as she could due to the fact that she didn't want to stiffen up before she was hitting her training session, "how about yourself? What has you on this enclave?" She was curious to see what brought Silas here, he was clearly training students but there was likely another reason.

People always found themselves drawn somewhere for a reason.


Location: New cov
Objective: introduce himself properly
Tag: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria


"We can only hope..."

Silas shared the same thoughts on the whole ordeal. They did it out of premise, not out of worry that it was guaranteed to happen. Most Jedi keep to their lightsabers, but it helped Silas sleep at night to know they knew what to do if the worst ever happened. One day, he hoped that a lesson like this was optional in a time of peace.

"New Covenant is quieter, you don't have the hovercrafts making racket every moment possible at least. Jakku on the other hand is just too sandy for my liking" he said with a smirk as he watched her stretch off. The knight was curious about what kind of training she was here to do. From the looks of it, the padawan was going to be doing something on the physical side compared to the mental aspect.

Smiling in reflection, he couldn't help but remember what lured him to this sacred place "It's peaceful, and right now teaching the Jedi of tomorrow is helping bring that to me" he needed it more than ever after the disagreement with Valery on the way things had been on previous missions. The last thing he wanted was even more drama, something which Lily didn't seem to be giving off.

"Padawans like you are the ones who will be carrying our way of life forward. If I can help contribute to that, then that's time well spent"

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Location: New Cov
Outfit: Gym Attire
Tag: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

Nodding her head, she knew that Jakku was not a location she was likely going to stay forever, for now it was where Briana was and it was a good location to train. So Lily was content with where she was for now. "Coruscant traffic wasn't that bad... Well... where I was living, it wasn't that bad..." Lily mentioned, she knew she had a pretty luxury apartment on Coruscant when she was staying on the city world for her training. Something that her family could afford and she knew was not the general experience for those living on Coruscant.

That had been demonstrated when she tried to bring all her belongings to Jakku and had a rude awakening to how most Jedi lived.

"You say that like you are much older than me," Lily smirked, from appearances, Silas didn't look that much older than herself though looks were deceiving. "I am sure there are plenty of Jedi that see you as a representative of the Jedi of tomorrow." Lily mentioned as she smirked to him.

She placed her hands on her hips, "teaching can't be all you are doing here though." Lily was curious what else the Knight was getting up to around the temple, since it could aid her in figuring out what else she could get up to.


Location: New cov
Objective: introduce himself properly
Tag: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria


"For as long as I remember Coruscant has always had traffic issues. You must be quite lucky if you've found an area on the planet like that" he said with a slight smirk. Silas couldn't say too much, most of his time was spent living on Azbrian which was a stark contrast to the ever busy planet they came to study and visit. Thankfully, there was nothing in the pipework to suggest moving there anytime soon, or else he was scared of going insane from the constant noise.

Lily did make a good point, Silas was around the same age as her and still had a promising path ahead of him. The knight was only early twenties, only a few years older than the padawan who stood only a few steps away "It was more so the fact that you are a padawan and I'm a knight, but I see where you're coming from when it comes to our youth" Silas agreed with a smile "Along with that, we also have much more to learn"

Tilting his head slightly at her question, he couldn't help but see where she was trying to lead with her question "Believe it or not I wasn't planning on doing much after the lesson, so you could say my schedule is free for the next couple of hours" Silas replied, his mouth releasing small sigh and an amused expression.

"I sense there is more to me being free, correct?"

Location: New Cov
Outfit: Gym Attire
Tag: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

She nodded her head when Silas mentioned that she had been lucky to find a spot that was not traffic noise heavy on the city world. It was a fair assessment. Though she knew it was more monetary affordability over pure luck.

"And much to experience." There was battle experience that she was sure was on everyone's mind, however, there was just general experience as well. The ability to travel and explore. See new sights and be involved in cultures totally new to yourself. Those were chances few in the galaxy got to make and it was something that Jedi were capable of achieving.

It was just unfortunate that they were in an era of war currently.

She tilted her head at his question, she had merely been curious at what else Silas got up to on New Cov, just in case there were activities or training that she was potentially missing out on while visiting. However, his tone seemed to imply that she was going to drag him into something else. She shook her head, "no. I was merely interested in what else it was that one could do here. I figured that you were doing more than teaching since I didn't think you were someone simply here to just teach."

"However, we can train together if you wished." She looked at him with her steel gaze, an hint of teasing glinted in her eyes, "I could use a good warm up before doing more intense training."


Location: New cov
Objective: introduce himself properly
Tag: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria


"I'm afraid a session with me is more than a warmup Lily" Silas said back playfully with the same teasing look as she had "I'm always happy to get some training in while there's time to spare. The question is, what?" The knight grinned and slowly looked back to the mats that were still set up on the ground. It had been a while since the last time he had a spar, Lily seemed like a good person to do it with all things considered.

"How's your hand to hand combat? I've been meaning to find someone to spar with for some time, the only reason I haven't is simply down to the constant classes and routines I need to uphold." Silas stated at first as he casually began to make his way over to the area with two hands behind his back.

"I do warn you though, I'm not joking when I said it's no warmup. If you're doing a spar with me, I expect you to try your hardest. You will not get better unless you push yourself against more experienced opponents, especially if they are eager to win like I am" Silas smirked to the padawan and motioned for her to join him if she accepted.

Being competitive was always on the cards for Silas, he just hoped Lily would be the same to get the best out of her.

Location: New Cov
Outfit: Gym Attire
Tag: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

She giggled when Silas mentioned he was more than a warm up. For Lily, that was up to him to prove. She had no clue on his combat prowess so it would be good experience for her to fight a Jedi Knight, let her assess where his skills compared to her own.

"My hand to hand?" She tilted her head, "you know I am Echani right? My hand to hand is something I've been training since before I could talk." Fighting was her first language, Basic was her second. "I think you aren't ready for what I can bring to that particular style of fighting." Lily scoffed teasingly, stretching her muscles as she moved to stand opposite Silas.

She stood with her tilted puzzled at him, "people don't do their best in sparring matches? Sounds like you aren't prepared for how an Echani fights." Lily was a fighter, a warrior of her people, she always gave her best and her soul into every fight. Putting everything on the line and willing to win or lose, just as long as she knew she gave it her all.

"Well, let's see what you can do then hotshot." Lily called out, seeing if she could goad him into attacking first.


Location: New cov
Objective: introduce himself properly
Tag: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria


Silas tilted his head slightly and smiled "Who said I didn't know?" he said with a slight chuckle "I was only seeing how comfortable in you're ability you are. If anything is to go by, Echani are always good fighters" the knight explained as she questioned him on the fact that other people don't go all out. Some Jedi didn't like putting most of their energy into spars out of concern for their wellbeing. They had jobs to complete, the last thing they wanted was to be exhausted and not put their full effort into it.

"I'll be honest and say that I haven't fought one of your kind before, but that only makes things even more exciting"

Nodding briefly, he slowly shifted himself into a more nonchalant stance. For now, Silas had his arms down at his side but was more than ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. The knight wanted to keep the girl guessing as to what he wanted to do next, do something unorthodox was well on its way to that.

"By all means" Silas replied back calmly with a slight grin as he slowly walked around her on the mats. Keeping his eyes locked on her body, he suddenly shot out a low kick into the side of her thigh to warm things up. Slowly but surely, he was going to try and wear her down with his endurance.

Location: New Cov
Outfit: Gym Attire
Tag: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

"We are some of the best fighters." Lily stated, her eyes narrowed as she was wondering what angle he was possibly aiming for since it seemed weird to ask the question when the answer was something obvious to see. Not only was she Echani, she was a well built, physically strong woman. "Well, I will make sure you understand how outclass you'll be then." She smirked and poked her tongue out at Silas, more than happy to throw some jabs his way for this fight. Lily figured that he would enjoy that.

Her eyes studied his body, the way his arms were held and what he was attempting to do. He was appearing an easy target, or undefended but there was a speed in his body. It made sense in a way, it was an attempt to coax out attacks and surprise the opponent that what is assumed to be an easy target was far from that. For Lily, she was reading this less as an invitation to attack and more an approach to figure out his fighting style. Unorthodox styles were usually coming from a foundation of a mastery over another style.

That was how she usually understood it.

Breathing in deeply, she calmed her body and relaxed into her Echani fighting stance. Keeping light on her toes and flexing her body, before she shifted forward. As she closed in, her fists flung forward and aiming to hit square in the chest, a chance to demonstrate her strength and power. Lily was holding back on using her legs for now.


Location: New cov
Objective: introduce himself properly
Tag: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria


"Outclass? Come on miss, you don't even know the meaning of it"

Sticking out a bit of his tongue to the lady as well, the fight appeared to get underway. Compared to Lily, Silas wasn't as stocky. His body was very athletic and lean, something which suited him more than being ripped from head to toe. It allowed him to move faster and have a bigger energy tank when it came to high energy conflicts, perfect for when it came to fighting or traveling long distances without break. That was the reason why Silas was known for his endurance, if needs be he could at a decent pace all night.

When his kick landed on her thigh, she seemed to brace it by tensing her thigh muscles. It didn't do much damage right now, but the more kicks landed the worse it would get for her. At the same time, she tried to move forward and slam a punch straight into his chest to make a statement, an attack that Silas was expecting.

Quickly rotating his body, one foot shifted back while his arms lifted to suddenly push away her arm from the side, allowing it to just miss him. In return, the leg that was shifted back swiftly raised once more to slam a sharp knee into her stomach to try and catch the ever game warrior off guard.
Location: New Cov
Outfit: Gym Attire
Tag: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

"Seems you really don't understand Echani culture." Lily smirked. It was a matriarchal society and this tended to mean that the women were stronger fighters, it wasn't always the case but a lot of the greatest Echani warriors in history tended to be female. Though she was sure that there was some bias since she focused a lot of her history sessions on the female warriors to take inspiration from. She also knew that she outclassed him in nobility but Lily did not enjoy rubbing her wealth and nobility in other people's faces.

"I doubt you could keep up with me in the gym doing weights. Sure some would say I outclass you there." Lily added with a giggle.

Her strike was dodged and he attempted to counter with a knee strike. Lily noticed the leg shifted in perfect position for a knee strike. Lily slapped with her left hand to push the knee away from her core. As she did so, she realised there was an opportunity since he had forced himself to balance on a single leg. In a fast spin, she crouched into a low angle to sweep the remaining leg and knock Silas onto his arse. Lily was thinking she could make things quick.

Currently she was still learning from Silas in terms of how he liked to fight so she wasn't trying to win. Just pushing to see what he would reveal about himself in terms of fighting abilities.


Location: New cov
Objective: introduce himself properly
Tag: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria


The knee shot up to her stomach but was blocked quickly by her hands, leaving him open for a counter. His eyes snapped to the sudden movement of her body which went low, her feet aiming to sweep the remaining leg he was standing on. Acting instinctively, Silas hopped backward and stumbled a few steps before regaining his balance. She was fast, that was for sure. He needed to keep his distance and be more careful from now on, the last thing Silas wanted was to be on his ass.

"You think that means anything here?" he said while taking steady breaths "You could be the strongest woman in the galaxy and I'd still have a chance at beating you on the mats" Silas winked at her with a smirk and slowly walked around with his arms still down, studying for any weakness or opening that could gain him the advantage.

"We'll just have to see how you do when you hit the deep end"

Deciding to raise the pressure a bit more, Silas walked forward a few steps but began to finally raise his hands in a boxing like stance. Using smooth footwork, Silas feinted a few punches before suddenly leaning forward in a moment to deliver two lightning fast jabs straight into Lily's nose to send her backward.

It wasn't a style he normally used considering he'd be trying to down his opponent as quickly as possible. However, since it was a spar he'd have the opportunity to try something different.
Location: New Cov
Outfit: Gym Attire
Tag: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

"I never said it did. Just that I outclass you in many ways." Lily smirked, she wasn't usually one for lots of talking but she had a feeling that Silas enjoyed their exchange of words. It felt like a verbal battle was mixing with their physical one. Which had Lily intrigued since she had not really found verbal battles interesting since they were usually something that fell into petty insults and hollow threats. This was much more friendly and teasing in nature, something she enjoyed.

When he attempted to jab at her nose twice, Lily blocked with her left hand and dodged her head out of the way. They were fast strikes but she would have had to be having a rough day to not see them coming. It was the boxing stance that Silas had adopted that revealed the likelihood of his next move, and jabs to the face seemed highly likely to her.

"Deep end? This is so far very leisurely." Lily giggled.

After his second jab, she used the opportunity to get in his guard, uppercut to his jaw. She followed that up with a hard shoulder barge into Silas to push him backwards and unsteady him. Which led to her final move in the quick succession of strikes, she jumped, spun in the air and aimed a roundhouse kick towards his head. Showing off how fast and strong she could be without getting a sweat going, this was her zone and she loved to fight. Her body language and facial expression showed how much fun she was having with this.

Encouraging Silas to show off everything he had to offer her in terms of a spar.

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