Alatar woke up the next morning, and seeing [member="Dillon Trask"] passed out cold beside her, decided it was fine to contact her contractor. She got up and put on her robe, leaving the man in the bed, and went to the cockpit, reactivating her mask and calling the contractor. A man in a cloak and a dark hood appeared on the hologram.
"Why haven't you contacted me, Ghost Soldier?" The contractor spoke in a harsh, raspy voice, making Alatar cringe inwardly, but didn't let it show through her eyes.
"I ran into some trouble after the target was silenced, sir. You never told me that the Rodian was wanted by Sempra the Hutt as well. His best marksman, Dillon Trask was there, too, and I managed to draw him into my ship and knock him out," She skated over last night's adventure thinly, "What should I do with him?"
The man looked surprised and disturbed at this piece of news, then seemed to make up his mind, "Kill him, I'll give you double pay."
Now it was Alatar's turn to disturbed, but she nodded and cut off the communication line. Only then did she let out a distressed sigh, wishing her contractor had said ransom, but duty was duty, and the Ghost Soldier always followed through on commands, even if she didn't like them.
Ghost crept back into the bedroom, a knife in her hand. Coming up to the bed, she whispered quietly to herself, "Dead men tell no tales, but I'm sorry it has to end this way." She quickly slit his throat so she wouldn't have anytime to think, redressed him as best as she could, dragged the dead body off of her ship, and left a note in his jacket pocket after taking everything out.
This is Dillon Trask. Return him to Sempra the Hutt.
The red star that was her trademark was stamped at the bottom.