Zion Mirtis
Sophie Gustav
Darth Raven was dead. Slain in a final confrontation against her former master and Sith-turned Jedi Taeli Raaf the woman formally known as Sophie Gustav was finally one with the force. Even in death, however, her actions had proven to echo throughout the galaxy. Her fight had caused the broken will of Taeli's niece, Morgana Forceborn, and even destoryed her lightsaber. And in her dying breath she had seen her work accomplished as Morgana had taken a dark step towards the path not of the Jedi. Even in death Raven could still have a laugh. But now it was time for her final will to be done.
Upon her death a message had been sent out by a servant of the Sith sisterhood, the Covenant of the Black Rose. She was an apparent secret servant for Raven personally, and the news of her death had set her into motion for instructions given directly to her. The first was to find where Raven's body was, still lying in the dirt and dead remains of a village on the planet Altier. After that a wide-spread message had been sent out to members of the Covenant, and some of the One Sith as well. The message was clear that these people were chosen to come for a reason, and that they would be allowed to bring anyone with them if they chose. But they would be bound to secrecy if they did accept her message.
And from there the slave, a Sith purblood known as Kanariri, waited for them to arrive. During that time she'd prepared Raven's body. A small alter with her body lain atop it. Ruins and old sith markings carved into it before being painted around on the floor. A small clear admits all the dead villagers. And finally a small black candle lit at the base of the alter.

[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Darth Rapax"] [member="Solan Charr"]