Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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OOC and IC character inspirations


What is/was your reason for making whoever it is you RP currently?

Darth Anarchis is based off myself and a real life friend, Xemnas is just the closest playby I would use for a multi-saber wielding sith lord based off a writer and his friend in the Star Wars world.

My IC drive/goal is to crush the Republic under my heel only to rebuild it like Palpatine did as my own empire
In a universe of ancient dragon lords, warring gods and powerful magicians, there once was a boy thief named Jimmy the Hand. I got my inspiration from him, for he was my favorite character in any given novel. He was such a vibrant and spectacular character, it was always a thrill to read of his misadventures, and later the political intrigue of his life. I molded a young thief for a fantasy role-play server based similar to Jimmy. Both shared traits that they were orphans, both had black hair, and so forth. But Lysle had his own twist.

I RP'ed Lysle for many years, and he soon became the 'Upright Man' of his own criminal empire known as 'The Master Thieves Guild' (MTG). The MTG was a prominent guild in the world and stole from many kings and built a reputation for itself. Lysle evolved, A LOT. There were many betrayals along the way, and Lysle lost many friends. He turned down a darker path, and as I changed forums, I constantly tweaked Lysle. After many years, I finally found SWRP, and ported him here.

To remain with his medieval ties, Lysle was raised on the Star Wars medieval planet of Kesh as a farmhand of his parents property. His parents were based off of the original Lysle, and original Lysle's wife, Lily. They were former thieves in hiding (as what had happened in medieval RP site), but were found and ultimately killed. Lysle, at the ripe age of thirteen, blasted off into space. And he is vastly different from how he started, but I wouldn't want it any other way. The more he evolves, the more I fall in love for the storyline of Lysle. He went from an orphan pickpocketer living on the streets, to a run-away farmers son in a big galaxy.

I don't think Lysle resembles Jimmy the Hand anymore, and has become his own character in every aspect.

One thing has always remained consistent with Lysle; he is fueled by his own greed. Do not underestimate what he is willing to endure to be the king of the economic hill.
my character has multiple IRL inspirations. Jareth, from labyrinth. A good bit of me, and my baby brother jonathon (who is really only a partial inspiration because he is dead so I really can't base too much off of him unfortunately)
Thanks to another site and doing a what would you be if you weren't your current race and it turned into a star wars cameo thread taking aliens from movies. For example Coneheads were Cereans. Flo from Futurama was a Abbysin/human. Stuff like that. So my mind just looks for star wars now when I watch a movie. I just so happened to be watching The Holiday on TV one afternoon looking at Jack Black and just thinking, "PORKINS. He could be Porkins." I came here told my friend I had a crazy idea for a character and after only a small Indian burn Lugus Porkins was born.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Back in 2002, I got my little sister interested in play-by-post RP. She later had quite a career on Harry Potter boards, but for a couple of weeks she played this little Jedi Padawan she'd created, a fourteen-year-old named Ashin Varanin. When she lost interest due to the obstinate karkwit running that particular Jedi academy, I took over the character. This was a board where big things happened pretty frequently, and I spent the next couple of years writing Ashin's reactions to those major events and how they changed her life. Eventually I made her a main character, as an experiment in shaping a character entirely through experience. My main influences for Ashin's story arc were definitely from Greek and Shakespearean tragedy, and in hindsight I think elements of Frankenstein were influential too. Quite appropriately, Ashin has now wound up without friends or political position. She's watching her life's work fall apart largely due to her own hubris. She made a serious try for redemption, but ultimately her addictions won. She's got a single lightsabre, a not-particularly-impressive ship, a serious limp and an ageing body. She's got her wife and kid, but they're the only worthwhile things left in her life. In a way, she's a has-been -- she's at the end of the Hamlet/Oedipus/Frankenstein arc, having lost everything due to her own flaws, and now she's just wandering.
Krest (Ferus) has been a character of mine from many, many different genres of RP. He started in WoW as a sword usng blood elf with no affinity towards magic. To make up for his lack of physical strength, he eventually started using guns. Then I got invited here, and as the blood elf had been changed several times, I changed him once more to a Zabrak swordsman.

I like swordplay.


13 years since Ashin was first created... huh. Might as well say something about Anarchis: Most of the crap he has is from his former master "Darth Chaosis", who was originally myself until I swapped his name for this one and remade the Anarchis image to fit my purpose. Even his best lightsaber was crafted and given a crystal by his master, who was insane for the rest of his life. Another fun fact: The crystal used for the black and red blade in his main lightsaber is made of some of his master's tainted blood crystalized by the man himself for the saber.
The inspiration from this character, came solely and totally from the sig you see below me.

There was a certain person ([member="Drapeam Nyx"]) who just really LOVED making sigs, to the point she was making sigs for characters that didn't even exist yet. So she offered them up to the community for us to make characters off of, as like, a little experiment.

I don't mean to brag or anything but I'm pretty sure I dead won since I'm stilling using mine, and I'm arguably the most famous out of that patch (maybe even the favorite? ;) :p ).

Essentially when I looked at this sig, the first thing I decided was that the name Triam Akovin was most certainly female. The face looked young, and there were various types of armor. Immediately I thought young up-and-coming Mercenary/Bounty Hunter type. Oh, and I also IMMEDIATELY decided that this was for certain NOT going to be a force user EVER. She also looked like a good guy, but she didn't look Mandalorian despite the armors, and it gave me sort of Republic vibe from it. However, there was a strong sense that this character, despite her call for war, was most certainly the most independent looking woman ever, so naturally she became faction neutral. I kept the Republic as an origin point, and from there decided how she set her life up to become a mercenary. I gave her a military background and a quasi-neglectful family, that way as she grew up she'd be trained in basic combat and inspired by the military, but given a VERY strong sense of independence due to having to essentially raise herself proper despite her wealthy background. However, a rich kid cutting herself off from money has to make money somehow, right? Oh look, that big list of restricted materials over there, but I could make a few shiny bucks if I got those and sold them. So that's where her entrepreneurship began. Also, it probably helped that in real life I've ALWAYS dreamed of being an engineer, and since it fit her entrepreneurship path it made sense to throw it in there somewhere.

After all, someone's gotta make all of those armor types right? Beside, the factory is great for that kind of thing! :D

So she, going A.W.O.L., she made a life long friend, acquired some Ultrachrome for an armor that she still uses, got her hand chopped off by a Jedi, and from there on decided she would never suffer from a force user again. She got better at acquiring and designing rare material equipment, and designed them to fail safe her from all sorts of Jedi related danger, then entered a tournament which REALLY skyrocketed her infamy as one of the most effective NFU's on the board when it comes to taking down individual Jedi/Sith Lords. I took a break from all of my characters for a while, and luckily I had already hinted that Triam wasn't feeling her greatest, and following that a six year time skip followed by the Netherworld happened, thus justifying her becoming a hermit for a long while. Then she met her old friend, and returned to the galactic stage. She was still in her prime after all, at only 27, and her six years of "exile" spurned on the creation of various ingenuity that have been serving her well since her return.

Basically, all it took was an image to give me a look at the first thousand words it was trying to convey, and it inspired me to make thousands of other words, easily shaped by the words of others. Her experience and resolve shaped by the individuals she meets, and not so much by what happens in the galaxy.

If I were female, essentially, Triam Akovin is the ideal person that I would want to be, if I were in star wars (though she has unique flaws that I don't share :p)
I decided on making a character that was directly influenced by previous events on SWC. Mainly because instead of seeming like me saying, "This is my Star Wars: Chaos character" it was more like, "This is a Star wars: Chaos character," because he's been affected by things that have happened, like the Clockwork Rebellion gave him a distrust of automated intelligence.

It's a bit complicated but I'm happy with the results.


Well-Known Member
My character honestly started off with me wanting to experiment with a plot device I hadn't tried before: Genetic modification.

Turns out that I was paralleling my friend's character, and as he grows he makes similar choices and grows to be a similar creature. It's really fun to watch happen, a little scary to write, but I enjoy it.
This is veryyyyyy long..


What inspired her? My goodness, where to begin?

I guess we can start with the name. I know I get teased about it every now and then, but I just thought it was a fantastic name for a smuggler.

Danger’s little known full name is actually Dangeruese Rose Arceneau; Danger for short.

Dangeruese came from a name of a novel, and I fell in love with it right away. I love that her name is Danger. You can have so much fun with puns in regards to that.

Arceneau came from the french overall meaning of “A family of gunsmiths” that’s what the Arceneau’s were on Tatooine -- gunsmiths. Gunrunners, traders and in my mind a bit of piracy in their blood.

I was on a major Firefly kick at the time, and my image and inspiration of Danger came from Christina Hendrick’s character Saffron.
She's so sassy!

Ohh lawdy, yes. I could totally picture Christina as my Danger. She had that vivaciousness, that sass, a bit of a flirt -- and a total firecracker. Red hair, full hips, green eyes, with a mouth that could cuss a blue streak and a gun hand that could shoot the shiv off a hand at 50 meters.

She was to be my girl next door half from a backwater planet looking to make a name for herself in her daddy’s trading company.

Hapan genes were tossed in because.. well it is Christina Hendricks. But more along the lines of the Lorell Pirate Raiders than true Hapen to boot.

So this was my first inspiration for her… that’s when I started to roleplay.. and ohh boy..

@Noxu Za’tire ruined her.

Danger started out friendly, open with a side of flirty and a golden heart. There was no mistaking who she was, she was loud and proud of it. Noxu Za’tire, being her childhood friend knew her well, saw her grow up-- at least until he disappeared when they were 14 without a word.

That was rather alarming; but a 14 year old girl can’t really do much in terms of searching.

Long story short, it wasn’t until about 7 years later that Danger stumbled across Nox; and let me tell you I’m sure you know how that went. TV tropes of “She’s all grown up” and “Will they won’t they” finally came to fruition -- and they had about six good months of finally seemingly getting the good life.

Then Nox went missing.

Either way, Danger wasn’t going to have it. She searched high and low, she was older now to do her own search. She refused to give up -- until her search ended up with her tossed in a dank underground cellar of a Hutt’s Palace alone and losing their baby in a horrible miscarriage.

Her daddy found her of course, his men having tracked her. And it was on that day,her daddy gave her the proof that Noxu had certainly up and disappeared willingly enough with enough credits to start up his own business venture -- Paid Noxu enough credits to hightail it out of Tatoine and leave Danger behind. See, Nox was a nobody; nothing but the deadbeat grime under August Arceneau’s boots. His little girl wasn’t going to get on with that kind of fool, much the less the one responsible for the death of Remi, his only son ( that’s another bit of drama… but it wasn’t Nox’s fault. Just circumstances)

Apparently -- he never looked back.

That’s the sort of betrayal that would feed like a dark festering pool of hate; for hate was just the other side of the coin of love.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and this is where Danger’s lockjaw, tunnel focusing, and infamous grudge and ire scorn would develop.


I learned here that Danger doesn’t forgive, nor does she forget. Every asset she had upon her Daddy’s death with Arceneau trade was spent on completely outbidding every bid against Nox’s company. Every connection, every bit of networking, contract, and what manner of sway she could use for the next seven years was done to bring a ruin to Fen’zati, Nox’s own trade and contract business.

She was feral and unyielding with her desire for vengeance. This is where i really enjoyed roleplaying her.. that “hell hath no fury like woman scorned.”

This is where she developed further. Where folk say the “Joan Holloway” of the Queen of Trade definately began to be molded. For her to rise up on top she had to use what her momma gave her; and in that was the hospitality and connections she could offer from her years of networking. Danger has pushed the economy of the ‘verse through trade and feeding those connections, bridging many deals, and becoming a sort of a neutral face of respectability.


For that she had to change. She had to become refined. So she did. Those finishing school lessons her momma, Colette Arceneau taught her made all the difference.

But with the more she had to focus on that refined southern charm and coy tease, the less and less the true Danger would be seen, until she was barely a memory at all.

Few ever really get to see that side of Danger; @Narevni Garret did. A Republic soldier with some PTSD issues that would settle along with Danger in this rather interesting type of relationship. The one thing that Danger always covets and will have regardless is her privacy.

A woman’s reputation is all she really has -- and in her mind she has to maintain that illusion of being just out of reach for those businessmen and women who enjoy the game she sets in play.

Needless to say, the two men in her life she let in, Nox and Nar, well.. ended up betraying her and leaving her for a Jedi female --- talk about a kick to the teeth.

For a woman who seemed to have everything and was ultimately desirable, those she let in weren’t the sort to actually stay. You can see where confidence issues start to come in and grow the more and more she realises that while the illusion of this would be bombshell business saavy woman is there -- the men she’s actually interested in and let in to get to know the real her ended up tossing her to the side and leaving her second best.

It’s really kinda depressing…

Then we have [member="Alric Kuhn"]…. ohhh boy.

That… that is like another seven pages worth of IC and OOC influences. How do you even explain the relationship that is Alric Kuhn and Danger Arceneau?

To a degree, they are both very much alike. They love to play the game, to see just how far they can go to push things, to win. It is all mental and in this I think is the reason why they got along -- granted to begin with, they really didn’t get along at all.

Long story short, their experiences and what they faced together ended up showing each other at their best and at their utter worst. This kind of revelation ends up building a kind of bond that the other didn’t realize they desperately needed -- both had no living family left and no true friends.

In each other, they found that bond. And perhaps in that… well.. neither was very willing to lose it.

Toss in another lost child, betrayal, and this quote pretty much sums it up:

“A woman can do everything a man wants, or thinks he wants -- but still not be what he desires.”

There is more to the story, but that is a thread with well over 500 posts and that is only the beginning. I am amazed and grateful for everything that has been developed for the character, but at the same time… i can’t help but go -- geezus.. Will Danger ever be happy? Will she always be cursed to be “second place?” I dunno.

Ultimately, Danger is who she is right now based solely on ic actions meet ic consequences all driven by PC interactions. I love that.

I really really do.

What will be in store for Danger?

I don’t know -- but I am certainly excited to find out. :)

I created my character Break on the idea not on that I wanted megaman but I wanted an HRD to be a force to be reckoned with. Whether it be good or bad would be molded by the site and the characters I RP alongside with. So Break was born! At first I had no idea I would be using megaman for inspiration and a playby but he fit so good with what I wanted to do.
Death's Hand was originally Darron Wraith, and I just wanted to make a cool star wars Jedi about 9 years ago on TGC. He soon turned into a very nifty balance between Achilles(his playby) and Mace Windu. The intent after I realized what he was was to just make a Jedi, who did everything he could to save everyone but himself and well that's how he ended up as a brainwashed assassin.

The way I write the character now was a challenge to see if I could make meaningful posts without dialogue or inner monologue.
Well, it all really depends on which character we’re talking about. So for that matter I took the liberty of spoilering everything about each character I write so that I... Whatever, just click the characters you care for or whatever.

My inspiration for Kana is mostly derived from myself. I don’t want to claim she is written as myself if I was a girl, but hey, we all live in denial every now and then. Kana is the result of a randomized table I found just before joining this site.

First up I knew that if I wanted to write something I would want to write a woman. I had written a character on another site called Michael (TWD-themed, he died from being bit. RIP in peace.) and so I figured the second ever character I write would be completely different. Problem being here that Michael was a depressed shell of the man he used to be and that is not what I wanted for this new character. No, for this new character I wanted a happy life.

But I have a problem. I can’t write perfectly happy characters.

Because of this I turned to the Lifepath Generator for answers and the roll gods do as roll gods did. Kana became the woman she is today, had this been a fantasy board I would have taken it all straight off the page and it would have been something like this:

Place of Birth: Major metropolis, Capital City (Coruscant)
Childhood Environment: Abusive
Caretaker’s Origin: Original Parents
Caretaker’s Background: Merchant
Caretaker’s Status: Alive and well

Siblings: 3 (One of which is [member="Elias Truden"])

Garb: Conservative
Hair: Short Hair (At first anyway)
Mark: Scar (Missing right shin)
Personal Treasure: None.

See, I wanted to write a character that was happy, but when I got these results I kind of felt obliged to do it. She was a perfect little disaster. A woman who was down on her luck and who kept on going despite just begging for someone to end it all for her.

At first I had her be a force sensitive little electronics shop worker on Alderaan. This was about a week before the first invasion took place. She was nineteen and the world sucked. She met a samurai named Kenshi, we never finished the thread. Eventually I was approached by a member of the Republic offering to discover her. I was ecstatic. Except then that person began waltzing around the subject. I was furious, he promised. A few days later I see it. He had taken another student in my place. Some doofus named [member="Corvus Raaf"]! I was so angry! I cursed both of their names before turning to a friend who in turn pointed me at Popo and Shaw McKeller.

After a month of slowly going back and forth I decided to skip ahead of the thread and just make myself known to the Republic anyway.

First person to bite the bait: Corvus. Raaf.

I was hesitant at first but I accepted it and what would you know? The girl was totally alright!

And so Kana set out on her journey. Self-doubt? Check. Emotional distress? Double check.

She was ready for the jedi life!

Together with Corvus and a few other assorted jedi Kana made her way through both life as a Padawan and a Knight. She let go of her anger and hate, at least most of it but every now and then her temper still flares up at the one name she truly despises more than any other.


For the longest of times Kana (I) was unsure of what she (I) would do with herself (her.) I always wanted her to be a healer, but they were all dead or gone, probably both. Eventually I found [member="Cira"] and [member="Adele Adonai"] (same person, apparently) and they helped me. Okay, I was well aware at this point that Cira and Adele was the same person, but it doesn’t have the same dramatic flair to it.

Point being, Kana at the moment is still in the process of truly growing up and becoming a proper ‘jedi’ and it is all thanks to her friends and most certainly also her student. Damian Starchaser.

Other than that, well, we’ll see what the future holds.

Sena Lassiter was the brainchild of a conversation I had with [member="Cira"] a very long time ago about how I had no sith character, or similar. The details are a bit fuzzy but I remember the words Sith, vahla and support being tossed around. I think this was around the few days before the Kashyyyk/Prakith Invasions.

Sena too was the result of a random generator:

Birth Location: Palace
Childhood Environment: Owned
Caretaker’s Origin: Master

Siblings: 1 (By chance turned out to be [member="Velda Nar-Donna"], as of writing this she has been gone for a while.)

Garb: Chameleon
Hair: Short
Mark: None
Personal Treasure: Body Part (Picked her face)

Sena became a vain vahla, there may be another vain vahla around but until the two meet she will not be aware of this. Her first thread ever was the Invasion of Prakith where she encountered Darth Nephthys and Carach. Nothing really happened because the invasion was over before we got there.

Now, I might be good at depressing, but Sena was meant to be ‘the evil one.’ The character that would prove the biggest challenge to me as a writer simply because, well, I really like writing the good guy too.

Sena is a murderous little thing struggling to come to terms with the more sane part of herself and the part of her that thrives off of ‘the hunt.’ She finds joy in the small petty things, a kleptomaniac who wouldn’t ever want to change her ways. She likes attention and she wants nothing more but to every man and woman alike to adore and be jealous of her. Problem is that as an acolyte to the One Sith you are in no position to demand such things.

Which is why a lot of these things changed. Through blog posts and minor dev thread Sena turned mute. She no longer speaks unless she absolutely have to or if she has a purpose. A trait she picked up from her master, Nephthys. Though unlike her master she can actually speak. Unless her master can also speak, really I don’t know this.

My plan for Sena is to take my time. I don’t want to rush her into knighthood as my plan is to write a character that slowly comes to term with who she is. At some point when she truly knows what she is doing and is truly committed to the One Sith I’d let her be promoted but that doesn’t seem like something that would happen any time soon.


24 Hour Party Person
Darth Anarchis said:
What is/was your reason for making whoever it is you RP currently?

Darth Anarchis is based off myself and a real life friend, Xemnas is just the closest playby I would use for a multi-saber wielding sith lord based off a writer and his friend in the Star Wars world.

My IC drive/goal is to crush the Republic under my heel only to rebuild it like Palpatine did as my own empire
To be honest, I love antiheroes. That's why my two new characters are based off of the protagonists from Hotline Miami.


Disney's Princess
Karen was just another femme fatale in a long list of female characters I tend to create. Brave, rebellious, modern, sexy, and unceasing in her objectives. A monk Jedi after the style of Chinese Wushu Legends. I joined early threads looking for action, gun fire, and explosions. Not much has changed. Her hair color came at a time when Gorrum Resbians and red hair was a thing. So I liked to laugh at her having blue hair and being sexually straight. It just stuck.

Depth of my PCs has never actually been a thing. My NPCs get the exotic stories, great rides, and all the wildest character traits. Alas, my PCs are just humans who need to get shaped and molded by the adventures they go on. At post 1, all my PCs are boring. At post 2000, all my PCs are wildly unique.

Karen is no different. But the more things change? Well. The more things stay the same. :D :p

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