What inspired her?
My goodness, where to begin?
I guess we can start with the name. I know I get teased about it every now and then, but I just thought it was a fantastic name for a smuggler.
Danger’s little known full name is actually Dangeruese Rose Arceneau; Danger for short.
Dangeruese came from a name of a novel, and I fell in love with it right away. I love that her name is Danger. You can have so much fun with puns in regards to that.
Arceneau came from the french overall meaning of “A family of gunsmiths” that’s what the Arceneau’s were on Tatooine -- gunsmiths. Gunrunners, traders and in my mind a bit of piracy in their blood.
I was on a major Firefly kick at the time, and my image and inspiration of Danger came from Christina Hendrick’s character Saffron.
She's so sassy!
Ohh lawdy, yes. I could totally picture Christina as my Danger. She had that vivaciousness, that sass, a bit of a flirt -- and a total firecracker. Red hair, full hips, green eyes, with a mouth that could cuss a blue streak and a gun hand that could shoot the shiv off a hand at 50 meters.
She was to be my girl next door half from a backwater planet looking to make a name for herself in her daddy’s trading company.
Hapan genes were tossed in because.. well it is Christina Hendricks. But more along the lines of the Lorell Pirate Raiders than true Hapen to boot.
So this was my first inspiration for her… that’s when I started to roleplay.
. and ohh boy..
@Noxu Za’tire ruined her.
Danger started out friendly, open with a side of flirty and a golden heart. There was no mistaking who she was, she was loud and proud of it. Noxu Za’tire, being her childhood friend knew her well, saw her grow up-- at least until he disappeared when they were 14 without a word.
That was rather alarming; but a 14 year old girl can’t really do much in terms of searching.
Long story short, it wasn’t until about 7 years later that Danger stumbled across Nox; and let me tell you I’m sure you know how that went. TV tropes of “She’s all grown up” and “Will they won’t they” finally came to fruition -- and they had about six good months of finally seemingly getting the good life.
Then Nox went missing.
Either way, Danger wasn’t going to have it. She searched high and low, she was older now to do her own search. She refused to give up -- until her search ended up with her tossed in a dank underground cellar of a Hutt’s Palace alone and losing their baby in a horrible miscarriage.
Her daddy found her of course, his men having tracked her. And it was on that day,her daddy gave her the proof that Noxu had certainly up and disappeared willingly enough with enough credits to start up his own business venture -- Paid Noxu enough credits to hightail it out of Tatoine and leave Danger behind. See, Nox was a nobody; nothing but the deadbeat grime under August Arceneau’s boots. His little girl wasn’t going to get on with that kind of fool, much the less the one responsible for the death of Remi, his only son ( that’s another bit of drama… but it wasn’t Nox’s fault. Just circumstances)
Apparently -- he never looked back.
That’s the sort of betrayal that would feed like a dark festering pool of hate; for hate was just the other side of the coin of love.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and this is where Danger’s lockjaw, tunnel focusing, and infamous grudge and ire scorn would develop.
I learned here that Danger doesn’t forgive, nor does she forget. Every asset she had upon her Daddy’s death with Arceneau trade was spent on completely outbidding every bid against Nox’s company. Every connection, every bit of networking, contract, and what manner of sway she could use for the next seven years was done to bring a ruin to Fen’zati, Nox’s own trade and contract business.
She was feral and unyielding with her desire for vengeance. This is where i really enjoyed roleplaying her.. that “hell hath no fury like woman scorned.”
This is where she developed further. Where folk say the “Joan Holloway” of the Queen of Trade definately began to be molded. For her to rise up on top she had to use what her momma gave her; and in that was the hospitality and connections she could offer from her years of networking. Danger has pushed the economy of the ‘verse through trade and feeding those connections, bridging many deals, and becoming a sort of a neutral face of respectability.
For that she had to change. She had to become refined. So she did. Those finishing school lessons her momma, Colette Arceneau taught her made all the difference.
But with the more she had to focus on that refined southern charm and coy tease, the less and less the true Danger would be seen, until she was barely a memory at all.
Few ever really get to see that side of Danger; @Narevni Garret did. A Republic soldier with some PTSD issues that would settle along with Danger in this rather interesting type of relationship. The one thing that Danger always covets and will have regardless is her privacy.
A woman’s reputation is all she really has -- and in her mind she has to maintain that illusion of being just out of reach for those businessmen and women who enjoy the game she sets in play.
Needless to say, the two men in her life she let in, Nox and Nar, well.. ended up betraying her and leaving her for a Jedi female --- talk about a kick to the teeth.
For a woman who seemed to have everything and was ultimately desirable, those she let in weren’t the sort to actually stay. You can see where confidence issues start to come in and grow the more and more she realises that while the illusion of this would be bombshell business saavy woman is there -- the men she’s actually interested in and let in to get to know the real her ended up tossing her to the side and leaving her second best.
It’s really kinda depressing…
Then we have [member="Alric Kuhn"]…. ohhh boy.
That… that is like another seven pages worth of IC and OOC influences. How do you even explain the relationship that is Alric Kuhn and Danger Arceneau?
To a degree, they are both very much alike. They love to play the game, to see just how far they can go to push things, to win. It is all mental and in this I think is the reason why they got along -- granted to begin with, they really didn’t get along at all.
Long story short, their experiences and what they faced together ended up showing each other at their best and at their utter worst. This kind of revelation ends up building a kind of bond that the other didn’t realize they desperately needed -- both had no living family left and no true friends.
In each other, they found that bond. And perhaps in that… well.. neither was very willing to lose it.
Toss in another lost child, betrayal, and this quote pretty much sums it up:
“A woman can do everything a man wants, or thinks he wants -- but still not be what he desires.”
There is more to the story, but that is a thread with well over 500 posts and that is only the beginning. I am amazed and grateful for everything that has been developed for the character, but at the same time… i can’t help but go -- geezus.. Will Danger ever be happy? Will she always be cursed to be “second place?” I dunno.
Ultimately, Danger is who she is right now based solely on ic actions meet ic consequences all driven by PC interactions. I love that.
I really really do.
What will be in store for Danger?
I don’t know -- but I am certainly excited to find out.