Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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OOC and IC character inspirations

I've wanted to make a cyborg for a long time. Keep on coming to half-measures and not doing it, or running out of juice. I wanted to write something horrific from a character's perspective, like losing their humanity without having any agency over the situation. And, rather selfishly, I got tired of being unable to solve problems in my position as a purely OOC force, and decided to take a more active hand.

I could point to a few inspirations for where the concept of a mentally broken human weapon could come from, like River Tam or Laura Kinney, but to be honest I didn't look for inspiration when I made her. She's a reaction to my own cravings for cyborgs, dark storylines, and influence over the IC situation in the galaxy.

Cylus Jest

Servant of the Inquisition
The song "Down Once More" from Phantom of the Opera and my life-long obsession both with that movie and with masked villains. It also helped to have read multiple academic papers on psychopathy and being a big fan of history.

So yeah...i'm a geek.
Lily is... well she is a lot of things, or a lot of people rather. Sewn into one. Her face-claim is Triss Merigold, and I think I've been a bit into Sith magic with both (all?) of my characters because of how much I enjoy her character in the Witcher series. I haven't decided on a personality for her, but I'm thinking I'm just going to write her like how [member="Alric Kuhn"] acts in general. I think she'll be a bit neurotic, kind of like me.

Also probably really irresponsible and totally unorganized yet organized at the same time. Again, like me.

So... a really messy mix of Silara and Alric. And a little bit of me to make her mine. Or me her. Her me. It us. Whatever.
I'm fairly new to the franchise, and I wanted a flexible character to help ease me into the universe.

Amanda was mostly made on a whim; a character for me to rp with until my main droid/A.I. was approved.

Of course, her personality was inspired by Roxy Lalonde and Vriska Serket from Homestuck. Nothing too 'out there', but the skills and abrasiveness of the two served as the foundation for her persona.
Hm... where to start. I came to Chaos looking for something a bit different outside of my usual RP interests which mainly consisted of fantasy. I can safely say that Abraxas started as an inspiration after reading a small article about Eversor Assassins from Warhammer 40K; essentially they're individuals that are so heavily modified through cybernetics and bio-engineering and combat drugs that they go insane and have to be put under stasis to regulate these conditions. Long story short, they're meant to be perfect murderers.

I don't have much else in mind when it comes to Abraxas. I know didn't want to create a typical "bad guy" or "good guy". Call it silly or cliched, but good and evil aren't and shouldn't be labels. From either perspective, everyone thinks what they're doing is good because it benefits them and their future. But I just wanted to make choices that were going to be logical no matter how grim or dark the approach.

TL;DR I just wanted to make a monstrosity that develops more human-ish qualities as he goes on and learns about stuff.


Insert Hilarious Title Here
Well, Octavian is originally from one of my old novels; but even then, he was inspired by people like the Illusive Man, and Kevin Spacey's character in the Usual Suspects.
I like the concept of someone behind the scenes pulling all the strings, making things happen by setting up the dominoes, and knocking them down to ignite massive chaos. Someone who runs the world, who has their hands in every little thing; and almost no one knows they exist.

I think that's pretty cool.
Star Wars: Darth Plagueis was a big inspiration for the character. I liked how the Sith used business and economics to undermine and ultimately usurp the Galactic Republic, whilst hurting the Jedi Order at the same time. Been a big fan of the Rule of Two, going all the way back to the films and it is my opinion that this is how the Sith should always be. Two, a master and apprentice, no more, no less.

It's been challenging so far, but fun at the same time.
This alt's inspiration is my love of Soul Calibur's recurring bad guy (Nightmare), the various siege engines we could use, my want for a character's mind in a droid body, and the Vyperion Assassin Droid I made in May when I joined originally.

The last inspiration is because of how versatile I made it using human playbys like a HRD would.


Insert Hilarious Title Here
I like hearing about P.T. Barnum, and I like Zeltron, and I like weird colors on a character.
Those three things have the glorious Ringmistress into what you see before you.
Nyx came out of a mangled mess of things that turned out pretty chill. I hope.
Originally her character was a joke- she was called 'the only straight redhead on the site' (which changed when she was revamped).
Then someone brought up the idea of force-user hating people. I liked that. Hence Nyx's hatred of force users.
OOC, around the time I started writing her revamped bio, someone challenged me to write an interesting character... that fit under as many tropes as I could manage. So the forcie-hating-forcie with-the-mostly-dead-parents (and evil step-mothers) was forced into the army (this is your dream dad, not mine), got really drunk, and got really, really good at only one thing before nearly dying (but magically recovering to full strength), being sent to be turned into a super soldier, and ended up betrayed before going to her once-enemies, learning to love, and dying asleep while her killer stared her right in the face... also she came back as a ghost and revealed a different version of her backstory where she was actually a bad guy the whole time and tropes tropes tropes cigars not knowing powers tropes tropes tropes tropes tropes tropes tropes tropes.
I need to make a list of all the tropes and cliches she fits. Because it's a lot. And it's great.


The Darkness feeds me
I was bored and watching some movies like lord of the rings and star wars and then my idea pretty much came to me. At first I was thinking maybe some type of pure darkside user but then I turned it into a slave like Anakin and then he became a neutral padawan and then knight. Then, I took some ideas like darth vaders's origin with him being told that he killed pademe but instead Tyranus killed the person but it was quite different with a near death experience an all.

Then well, I came up with some big plans for Tyranus but that well be for a later time but let's just say........he will betray many along his way to power although this is gonna take forever
I don't recall where I got Asemir, but his origins started in 2001 or so. I was developing an original space-empire, more as a setting for a whole bunch of random writings I had done than anything else. Asemir grew from those random writings, originally as a side character to Nycha, the girl who captured his heart. But later on, I refocused on him and fleshed out his story.

His current incarnation didn't appear until the summer of 2008, when I formally introduced the Xedael Empire (and Asemir) to a SW RP community I used to frequent. Asemir got pulled into the machinations of that community, joined the Sith, and so forth, but he really didn't become who he is now until the Narglatch Cantina. [member="Ashin Varanin"] , those were great times, yes? :)

As for inspirations, I honestly can't remember. He's a mix of my first-ever original character, a Battletech character, and just everything else that was going on in life at the time. A mix of RL and what I wished RL was, I suppose.

Abbi Odell

Real Strength is the Most Gentle
I made this character because my first ever character was a Jedi also. I felt that my first character had reached where they were supposed to be and I wanted to start over with a new Jedi
I grew up with Star Wars. When I was just a wee kid, my dad decided bonding would be done best over the original trilogy. God only knows how much we watched them because he loves them too. And Han Solo was always my favorite character (he still is). I thought being a Jedi would be cool, but I thought it would be cooler to fly around in a spaceship and being a space pirate. So, when i went out to make an original character, I made what I wanted of a cracker jack, oddball cyborg captain of a scoundrel. the whole inspiration came from my love of Star Wars, SWTOR and the EU novels. You start out at a small bit of a character, and over time they just evolve further as they go. Basically, my inspiration was to make the biggest weirdo of a rogue pilot I could, slapped on a whole lot of cybernetics and gave her an even stranger personality. Those kinds of characters are just one in a million and super fun to play when you make them. But I WAS always a fan of Han Solo and his attitude over the idea of following the Jedi Code.


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