Kiff Brayde
The One and Only
I totally agree, at the most the Storm King can really only slow the descent of the Gehinnom, not stop it.
As Gehinnom fell, dragged down by the pull of Rhand on its tremendous bulk, there was one force buying it time: the mighty Storm King, locked on with the full power of its Hamada tractor beams, strained against the falling station with all its might. It was a noble fight, a bold effort to save the captives who had survived the Leviathan's torpedo attack... but one that even the Super Star Destroyer could not keep up for long. Indeed, if the Storm King stayed locked onto the colossal Holy City, it would be dragged along with it. The War Minister was playing a dangerous game indeed in his quest to slow Gehinnom's fall...
As per addressed in Discord changes are being made, nope didn’t see that response. Much appreciated. Edits being made!Aldo Garrick
Hey there! In my post here I detail the Storm King firing a Solar Ionization Cannon at the ships Bane and Sissiri. I don't believe I saw mention of them in your post, unless I somehow missed it? Either way, I'd appreciate it if you'd be able to acknowledge those attacks, thanks!
Zachariel Steelblood
Same thing. I had the Storm King fire:
I don't believe I saw an acknowledgement of those attacks, could you either show me where you acknowledged them or just edit your post to include that? Thank you!
- Port side (x4) Dual Orbital Autocannons targeting Final Order capital ships in orbit (x1 Supremacy-class, x3 Praetorian-clsss) engaging Confederate forces.
- Starboard side (x2) Solar Ionization Cannons targeting Final Order capital ships in orbit (x1 Sovereign-class)
- RMMD-M5 Mass Driver Cannons firing at various targets in the orbital fleet
Kiff didn't have time to finish his verbal reasoning of his commands when a large chunk of metal slammed into the front of theStorm King bridge and bounced away, shaking the the entire bridge. He saw Bragga loose her footing out of the corner of his eye, unbalanced from the impact, and she wasn't the only one who'd fallen. "What the feth was that?" Kiff immediately asked.
"Debris," the gunnery captain replied. "Our point-defenses intercepted two medium-sized craft headed for impact against the King. It made short work of them, but we have some debris impact on our hull. Minor damage only," he added, which Kiff could at least see for himself was true. Despite the jolt of the impact, the bridge remained more or less intact, and there was no visible damage on the hull.
Although the size is a huge detriment, the battery more than makes up for it in the sheer power that the RMSD-M11 can deliver. The solar ionization battery has the potential to deal out massive amounts of damage, the ionized light particles of the cannon being able to pass through most shields and deal massive amounts of damage. This is only coupled with the fact that the RMSD-M11 has extreme precision, especially over long-range, meaning that even distance cannot protect a ship from the battery.
While firing on the Bane, Sissiri and addressing the other fleeters you were dragging Gehinnom, the worldcraft. That’s more or less what I referred to. As for the weapon I see I see I’ll edit that on my end, that makes hitting the two ships at once a bit more confusing than even before. Can you address how it technically would be able to hit both vessels simultaneously? Thanks again!Aldo Garrick
Hey there. For the spider cruisers, I addressed them in my post here:
If you feel this was too close to "calling a hit" we can talk about making edits.
Also so for the Storm King's various attacks, for the most part it has enough weapons that all firing angles are open to the Storm King except for its ATK-19 Thandarian Mass Accelerator Cannon. The various technical constraints such as moving the ship to fire at the Prophet with the Thandarian and the strain of trying to slow the worldship's descent are addressed thoroughly throughout my post, and if you want I can delve further into exactly what they are. In addition, the Storm King in my latest post only has fired at the Prophet and the Gehinnom and its debris, so it hasn't been super extending itself for the duration that its been dragging at the Gehinnom.