Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG OOC Discussion & Brainstorming: Secrets in Starlight - A Core War Story

You may have seen a little something about the upcoming Secrets in Starlight thread...

Mercury, a shadowy figure representing unknown interests, has invited the galaxy's criminal underworld to an exclusive auction for a chance to get their hands on this valuable data, and there are rumors that this is the first of many such intelligence leaks. No doubt the Strategic Intelligence Agency and other intelligence agencies in the galaxy will have heard the news and will be looking to infiltrate the auction.

The event will be held at the Canto Casino & Racetrack in Canto Bight on Cantonica, under the guise of an exclusive, high stakes, invitation-only luxury box at the evening's final fathier race. Individuals betting high that evening at the casino are sure to be invited to attend, and of course there should be opportunities to learn more about the prize (and possibly snatch it out from under everyone's noses) throughout the evening.

This will be an open thread and I invite anyone who has a reason to be there to attend, but be warned: a frontal assault or open violence will cause Canto Bight to go into lockdown, and the information will go back underground, so be mindful of how you proceed! Please use this thread to find writing partners, brainstorm, and plan.
Even though Matthias is technically working to forward the goals of the DE, I have been considering having him dip into the underworld as well. He’ll likely join as a freelancer trying to gain the info to either sell or use for his own purposes.

Alright yea, I’m in.

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