Worst Jedi
Cross Faction Post
Reply here guys so we can get some friends in too
Hey Guys,
As many members of the Silver Jedi are aware I’ve been slowly building up to a soft reset of Asaraa. However rather than just show up one day with her in a new body, I thought that I would do it in a way that would allow me to generate future stories and drama for myself and everyone while retaining her character. To that end, I want to run a Factionwide Campaign, a chance for us all to sit back, have some fun and tell some cool stories.
The Campaign
The territory of the Silver Jedi Order has been under a plague, pirate attacks are on the increase and no merchant shipping, no civilian seems to be safe. These pirates seem to have a plan, and no convoy seems to be safe. And now, they've made their most outrageous strike so far, hitting a Silver Jedi convoy, stealing way the latest assets brought by the Jedi. It was a chilling attack, a realization of how powerful the pirates have become, and a challenge the Silver Jedi can't let go unanswered. That wasn't the most chilling fact behind the attack though, unknown to the majority of the civilians within that territory was the fact that this was an unannounced convoy, one that the Pirates couldn't have hit without an inside man, a mole who fed them the information they needed to make that strike. The last person they would have expected it to be, the Padawan, Asaraa Vaashe.
Spoilers: The Mole (Only read if you want to know the backstory behind the mole.)
The Campaign Objectives
Spoiler of the ending (Ok, so the ending might be a little scripted here but well yeah
So that's my plan
Let me know if you're interested and what you wanna do. I wanna tell the best story we can so everyone involved can have a blast and get something out of the chance to just kick back and tell a story together without the pressure of a Dom or Invasion. If there's something you wanted to do with your character, or a Feat you wanna show, go wild.
Have fun all
Reply here guys so we can get some friends in too
Hey Guys,
As many members of the Silver Jedi are aware I’ve been slowly building up to a soft reset of Asaraa. However rather than just show up one day with her in a new body, I thought that I would do it in a way that would allow me to generate future stories and drama for myself and everyone while retaining her character. To that end, I want to run a Factionwide Campaign, a chance for us all to sit back, have some fun and tell some cool stories.
The Campaign
Pirates! Plunder! Grog! Booty!
The territory of the Silver Jedi Order has been under a plague, pirate attacks are on the increase and no merchant shipping, no civilian seems to be safe. These pirates seem to have a plan, and no convoy seems to be safe. And now, they've made their most outrageous strike so far, hitting a Silver Jedi convoy, stealing way the latest assets brought by the Jedi. It was a chilling attack, a realization of how powerful the pirates have become, and a challenge the Silver Jedi can't let go unanswered. That wasn't the most chilling fact behind the attack though, unknown to the majority of the civilians within that territory was the fact that this was an unannounced convoy, one that the Pirates couldn't have hit without an inside man, a mole who fed them the information they needed to make that strike. The last person they would have expected it to be, the Padawan, Asaraa Vaashe.
Spoilers: The Mole (Only read if you want to know the backstory behind the mole.)
The Back Story
(OOC: I’m building this off Asaraa’s backstory where she and her master were attacked by Darksiders just before she came to Kashyyk)
During the attack, her Master was killed, and Asaraa was nicked by a sith war sword as she made her escape. At the time she didn’t think anything of it, just a cut that soon healed over while she was recovering. It wasn’t until later, that things started to happen, that she found a rash over the now healed cut. It was odd but she put it out of her mind, too wrapped up in her training and work with the Antirian rangers. Unfortunately, the Togruta found herself losing stretches of time as if she were falling asleep. She’d nod off in the library, waking up outside the Ranger’s base, or in front of a Holocron, she didn’t know. The periods of blackout seemed to get longer and longer, the Togruta thought that she was failing, that she wasn’t able to keep up with the pace of the life of A Jedi. It was for that reason she hid what was going on, why she didn’t tell anyone. Maybe if she ignored it, kept at it she’d be able to get used to the pace, never mind that she’d done this all before, that it wasn’t anything she hadn’t been through, maybe it was something mental. It wasn’t until Yuroic confronted Asaraa that it was discovered something was wrong.
What’s Actually Happening
That little cut wasn’t actually a small thing to be forgotten, the blade that the Sith Acolyte was using was one linked to the Sarcophagus of a Sith Magi. That scratch, the blood was drawn by the blade created a link between the Togruta and the Sith in the Sarcophagi, one that the Sith could manipulate. Those blackouts, they weren’t blackouts but the Sith taking control. She’d been feeding supply routes and military Data to the Sith who had stolen the Sarcophagi. This allowed them to stage a series of raids on freighters and bases of the SJO, making off with several Military Supplies.
(OOC: I’m building this off Asaraa’s backstory where she and her master were attacked by Darksiders just before she came to Kashyyk)
During the attack, her Master was killed, and Asaraa was nicked by a sith war sword as she made her escape. At the time she didn’t think anything of it, just a cut that soon healed over while she was recovering. It wasn’t until later, that things started to happen, that she found a rash over the now healed cut. It was odd but she put it out of her mind, too wrapped up in her training and work with the Antirian rangers. Unfortunately, the Togruta found herself losing stretches of time as if she were falling asleep. She’d nod off in the library, waking up outside the Ranger’s base, or in front of a Holocron, she didn’t know. The periods of blackout seemed to get longer and longer, the Togruta thought that she was failing, that she wasn’t able to keep up with the pace of the life of A Jedi. It was for that reason she hid what was going on, why she didn’t tell anyone. Maybe if she ignored it, kept at it she’d be able to get used to the pace, never mind that she’d done this all before, that it wasn’t anything she hadn’t been through, maybe it was something mental. It wasn’t until Yuroic confronted Asaraa that it was discovered something was wrong.
What’s Actually Happening
That little cut wasn’t actually a small thing to be forgotten, the blade that the Sith Acolyte was using was one linked to the Sarcophagus of a Sith Magi. That scratch, the blood was drawn by the blade created a link between the Togruta and the Sith in the Sarcophagi, one that the Sith could manipulate. Those blackouts, they weren’t blackouts but the Sith taking control. She’d been feeding supply routes and military Data to the Sith who had stolen the Sarcophagi. This allowed them to stage a series of raids on freighters and bases of the SJO, making off with several Military Supplies.
The Campaign Objectives
- The Rescue: Driven by Yuroic's realization that something was wrong this objective is about a small group breaking through and engaging with the Sith on the base. The idea is for them to breaking through, engaging with the Sith who has fully taken over Asaraa’s body. Mythos of TAE has agreed to help me here, providing a second body to fight the Jedi pushing through this scenario.
Spoiler of the ending (Ok, so the ending might be a little scripted here but well yeah
At the very end, Mythos will turn on the Sith who seeing herself as being beaten will try to destroy her old body, that contains Asaraa's consciousness. By reversing the attack, the Sith is destroyed saving the life of the Silver Jedi Padawan at the cost of her old body.
- This is a standard storyline, an attempt to hit the pirates and recover the stolen goods, only to find it wasn’t everything. Dusaro has agreed to bring his TAE character in here, with the final decision to turn on the pirates here. Anyone who wants to bring a merc character as the enemy here would be great, or if you want to write a story against opposition. If needed I will also bring in my Merc to provide opposition
- Bring your own objective? Go crazy, tell the story you want to tell.
So that's my plan
Have fun all