Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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OOC for The Balmorra the Merrier (SSC vs OS)

I hate to be the den mother in this OOC thread but here it goes.

With respect to your fellow writers, please make sure you are tagging those you wish to engage with and waiting for them to appropriately respond. Some of us have jobs, pets, children and others are just slower writers. I happen to be all of the above!

I am more than fine taking the skirmish slow as I'm hoping everyone wants an actual storyline for their characters versus a cantina brawl. :)

I only say this because I was looking foward to having [member='Máni"] the thread, and not to single him out, but I can understand why he's hesitant as the Skirmish is moving at an extremely fast pace with no reason to do so.

Unless you are having a 1vs1 duel and you want to spam out your posts - go for it!

Otherwise, let's make sure we don't exclude anyone if they are posting slower.
Having skimmed some more of the thread, I'd also like to toss out a general request as a more-or-less impartial observer. I'm noticing some poor sportsmanship and mild godmoding of the 'here are fifty reasons you can't reasonably escape my attack' variety. That's a thing to tone down. Word to the wise.
yes it is an intreprtation of the force but it is also very different. That guide I linked you to states

What Is The White Current? Who are the Fallanassi?

To perceive the White Current is to be aware of the deepest currents of the Force, the kind that involve patterns of reality and planets and ecosystems and galaxies. Functionally, it acts almost like Vongsense: It can be compared to another part of the spectrum of the Force. The Jedi and Sith traditions can't detect the White Current in use, let alone interact with it. It can be used for illusions and mentalism, but cannot be used for physical enhancement, telekinesis, energy manipulation and so forth. A Fallanassi (the matriarchal though not wholly female organization that has a monopoly on the White Current) cannot 'use the Force' per se, but her illusions are second to none. The Fallanassi migrated from J't'p'tan to Pydyr eight hundred years ago, but in the intervening centuries many have returned. A small subset of Force users can be taught to perceive and eventually use the White Current (comparable to the 3% of Sith who can learn Sith Magic). Virtually all Fallanassi register as negative to most standard tests of Force sensitivity. To determine if one is capable of learning to perceive the White Current, a Fallanassi will use 'current-scribing,' by which they write permanent letters in the Current (within a wall, for example). If, after a period of special meditation, a candidate can perceive the words, they can begin to learn the White Current.
it is made with some balance in mind, pure users of it can't use the force and don't show up in tests as a force users generally having little talent. Je'gan himself had only one skill outside of it that was a force technique I believe but it was very balanced. Immersion which is how they go into the white current and why sensing them would be hard. Augment that with a Smokestone which makes projecting even stronger and that most aren't going to scrutinize.

As to her movements she didn't just go in a straight line she moved past the soldiers staying away from them while they were setting up. She was avoiding being close to them unless they were already distracted because of how the instincts can take over. Her time dropping and coming out of the immersion was to handle a soldier she could sneak past. Which she was already in the hall, when you said you were going to post something I was expecting actions of troopers in the hanger not teleportation back when I was already walking through the hall.

I am all for making it a good story and interesting to see. The whole goal was to get in there and duel Ax'no which is where we are at right now.

also likely dinner and some sleep.
@Jorus Merill

I've always given a reasons as to why dodging a pvp attack would be difficult. It can also help with people that walk away from attacks without being aware of what occurs, or just blantatly ignoring it, something that I have seen via my previous experience with other rp sites; I never state that they can't do it(or at least I don't believe I did after rechecking my post multiple times).

If this is really causing a fight, I am more than happy to remove the attack so that the thread can move on smoothly.

[member="Junko Ike"]
I am also observing this thread as one of the Admin of the SSC. As the others have stated above me, please be mindful fair play. There is simply no justification of bad manners in OOC threads, and for some reason, if you cannot resolve an issue. Then you are welcome to contact me and I will do my best to resolve the issue.
My advice? Don't be discouraged. [member="Grey Lunara"]

Keep looking for a dueling partner and work out the story ahead of time in PMs. That's what I did with Rapax, Junko and Aria.

Krayzen threw us a curve ball, but that's the beauty of dynamic role play. Sometimes you just have to improvise. :)
Krayzen Dratos said:
I've always given a reasons as to why dodging a pvp attack would be difficult; I never state that they can't do it(or at least I don't believe I did after rechecking my post multiple times). If this is really causing a fight, I am more than happy to remove the attack so that the thread can move on smoothly.
You came of age during the height of One Sith 'win at all costs' doctrine, so it's not all your fault, lol. Just know that giving a laundry list of reasons why an attack should hit isn't something that people can respect. One or two, sure, but it shouldn't be the focus of your fight-writing, y'know?
[member="Grey Lunara"] it's hard when there are a lot of people posting in one thread because everybody's just fighting to post first before somebody else accidentally makes their post irrelevant/invalid/etc. As [member="Darth Ax'no"] said it's slightly easier if you've laid out the main aspects of the thread beforehand but if not everybody was in on the PM then somebody will almost definitely get in the way. Just remember it's nothing to do with you.
[member="Darth Ax'no"] | [Member=Coci Heavenshield] | [Member=Jorus Merrill]

A deeply sincere thank you to the three of you for stepping in and calling out the issues that you have observed, or were being addressed in the OOC. Your advice is valued and taken note of.

In an aside, I will likely observe the thread from a purely OOC perspective as it is already progressed to the point where I feel like I couldn't realistically bring Máni into the fight with a valid IC reasoning. I do appreciate the fact that Darth Ax'no stepped in on my and Grey Lunara's behalf however.

Darth Ax'no, I apologize for my trepidation to join in on this Skirmish, however should you have the desire to RP with me in a Private thread on any of your current or future characters, feel free to discuss with me via PM.

Again, I will not be joining this thread but I do hope that the rest of you (yes, even you silly sith) enjoy the thread and as I stated before, the best of luck to the SSC members in getting the objective done!
Not to sound rude but also, pay attention to the posts too, I had been included in it so that way my character was no longer just a filler. Consider the possibility of another being able to do something when they are included especially when the other person was finally able to do something and not get overlooked (for the most part)
I was going to respond with some points(mainly about you moving all around, and the white current stuff), I am more than happy, as stated before to stop the attack, and completely edit it.

FYI, I'm not really sure what your talking about @Jorus Merill. Where I learned to get a midly okay base at pvp is from another site. I also believe I repeated some of the stuff I stated(which is completely my fault), but the reasons are certainly clear. I'm not really sure about this OS "win at all costs doctrine", but then again, I'm kind of a new member so you maybe right.

[member="Junko Ike"] /[member="Darth Ax'no"] /[member="Coci Heavenshield"] /[member="Grey Lunara"]
No need to apologize at all! And your offer to thread is very appreciated. When the skirmish dies down eventually, I will take you up on the offer - for sure! :D

And again, my apologies for singling you out.

Being overlooked is one of the biggest issues but unmentioned occurrences in large scale rps especially when everyone makes a competition of posting first rather than actually making a story (the whole purpose of rp in the first place)
[member="Krayzen Dratos"]

Ideally when you duel, you worry about what you're doing and let your opponent figure out what's up. There's ways to write someone into a doof without telling them that they're doofed. It's all about timing and using what's being done to the most effect.

Also, let's brainstorm this army encounter out.

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