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Diarch Reign
I think we are getting closer to wrapping up. Very welcome to drop a ship in to help with the evacuation, run the blockade, or some clever way to lead civilians, refugees, etc away into the shadowlands. Might make for a fun risky post or two. Be a good way for me to introduce Sera to the faction.
Thanks for the thread Kei Amadis
I know you didn't plan on getting this going (you were inspired by someone else's article) but you took that ball and ran with it. I wish the story had a happier ending, but this isn't necessarily "The End".
Thanks again to all for some truly great postings. OOC all the respect for the Mandalorians, your war posting and the battle of ideologies was chefs kiss. The Jedi fighting, and Rescuers that showed up awesome stuff, really gave us some legs.