Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public [OOC SIGN UP] - A New Order Rises - Diarchy Grand Declaration Ceremony

All the galaxy's coolest people in one place?

Well, I am sure they would allow a humble protocol droid to wonder inside with a holoprojector, the diplomatic emissary from Asation just submitted a late request saying he may not be able to make it, reports that he is missing may only reach the Diarchy after the event, but that would just be, unlucky.

If for some strange reason, the entity on the other side just happened to be a Super Tactical Droid bent on galactic domination using an advanced vocoder... that would just be, unfortunate... wouldn't it?

But hey, a major trading port wouldn't be denied their seat to discuss matters with the high council of the Diarchy they border now would they?

TLDR: Sign my protocol droid up for objective two, by extension me.

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