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Invasion [OOC Sign-up] Battle for Balance — GA invasion of DE held Tython



After months of brutal conflict and the devastating invasion of the Galactic Core, the Galactic Alliance is finally ready to strike back. The Dark Empire's forces have claimed several key planets within the heart of the Alliance, including Tython, a world sacred to the Jedi. Tython's fall had been a harsh blow to the morale of the Alliance, but after their resounding victory defending Coruscant, the tide of war is starting to shift. The Alliance now stands united, determined to reclaim lost planets from the shadow of the Dark Empire.

The Core must be freed once more.

The liberation of Tython is to be the first step in this counter-offensive. Once a symbol of peace and balance, Tython has been corrupted under the enemy's rule. For the Jedi, the liberation of the planet is more than just a military victory — it is a fight to restore the sanctity of a world deeply connected to their history and the Force. Now, the time has come for the Alliance to strike, and with their victory at Coruscant fueling their momentum, they have now turned their full might toward reclaiming the lost world of Tython. Fleets are mobilized, strategies finalized, and the resolve of the Alliance and its allies has never been stronger.

The battle for Tython is about to begin, and the galaxy will once again witness the relentless spirit of the Galactic Alliance.


Objective I — Akar Kesh
The Galactic Alliance and New Jedi Order have mobilized to liberate Tython from the grip of the Dark Empire. One of their primary targets is Akar Tsis, the newly constructed Sith Temple built on the ruins of the Temple of Balance, a site once sacred to the ancient Je'daii Order. The mission aims to infiltrate and destroy the Sith stronghold, defeat the Imperial forces and Sith defending it, and reclaim the shattered ruins as a symbol of hope and balance in the Force. Success would deal a devastating blow to the Dark Empire's grip on the Deep Core.


Objective II — Portal
The Dark Empire's invasion of the core began with fleets emerging from a portal over Tython, created by the wound in the Force left behind during the Maw's invasion of the planet. Now, the Galactic Alliance is determined to secure the portal to prevent further incursions and cut off the enemy's assets in the core from their main cloud.

While Alliance fleets engage Imperial forces in a massive space battle, attempting to control the area around the portal, Jedi who traveled along with the fleet focus on controlling the unstable rift. Their combined efforts aim to sever the Dark Empire's link and secure Tython for good, and potentially offer Jedi a way to use the portal to strike into the heart of Imperial territory. But be aware — The Empire's forces have had time to prepare and fortify their positions. Expect heavy fighting, and potential boarding attempts to neutralize the Jedi who were sent to take control of this vital portal.


Objective III — Bogan
As part of the final push to liberate Tython and begin a new front within the Galactic Core, the Alliance military and Jedi launch an assault on Bogan, Tython's darker moon. The Sith have fortified the surface with heavily defended positions, including dark temples, sanctuaries, and entrenched strongholds where they practiced their darker arts. To add to the chaos, the Sith have unleashed terrifying beasts and twisted Sithspawn during their many experiments with the Dark Side of the Force, turning Bogan into a nightmarish battlefield.

The Alliance forces must navigate these dangers, break through the Sith defenses, and reclaim the moon from the clutches of darkness, all while Jedi confront the sinister energies that pervade the terrain.

Do you have a different story you'd like to tell on Tython? Bring your own objective!

This is the OOC Sign-up for the invasion! The invasion itself launches on October 4th!

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Well Katherine isn't likely going to be healthy enough to be fighting this soon, so I'll gonna have Alex here get armoured up and ready to blast some Sith. So he'll either be assisting in Objective 1, or on the ground fighting in Objective 3.

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