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Junction OOC sign-up thread for: [GA/NEO] Battle of Onderon [junction of Onderon and Vjun]

This is the OOC sign-up thread. Find your dance partners! We launch tomorrow, on the 13th of October 2024. Below, you will find a preview of the objectives, including a BYOO. Have fun, everyone!



A new Mandalorian threat has risen. The Neo Crusaders have established a firm presence in the outer reaches of the Mid Rim, centered on their ancient homeworld of Mandalore. While amassing their powerbase, the Mandalorians has acted with a forceful hand. Food and ships were seized during their raid on Contruum, large quantities of kolto was captured during the occupation of Manaan and raw materials was conquered from the fierce warriors of Umbara.

The Galactic Alliance had offered their aid against the Mandalorians on all of those worlds, despite resources being stretched between the Core Wars against the Dark Empire on one side and the War in the Rim against the Sith Empire.

In the distant past, the Onderonian moon of Dxun once served as the staging grounds of Mandalore the Ultimate's crusades. Now, it has caught the eyes of the Neo Crusaders once more. Conflict between the Mandalorians and the Alliance-aligned Onderonians has been brewing for some time. Finally, the Mandalorians has launched an attack to topple the Onderonian Crown and to reestablish their springboard into the core parts of the galaxy. Through increased war preparedness and good communications, the Galactic Alliance has been able to respond to the thread with both speed and force. Setting the scene for the Battle of Onderon.


The walled Onderonian Capital of Iziz, guarded by its powerful anti-air turrets, once used to ward its citizens against raids from the beast riders, has been beset by a potent Mandalorian strike force. The local military, scattered and slow to react, has been unable to offer much resistance against their attackers. Large and open plazas have been captured and narrow alleyways have been cleared as the Crusaders have carved a path towards the Royal Palace.

Elevated far above the rest of the Capital, the Onderonian Crown has one last line of defence: The Sky Bridge. A single massive bridge with a number of plateaus along the way, serves as the sole path to the top with powerful turrets protecting against those eager to take an aerial shortcut. Alliances forces have been able to land at the top of the path: An intense battle for control of the bridge is bound to ensue.


Beskar littered the palace grounds far below, but a small number of Mandalorians have made their way to the Palace - proving that even a powerful air-defence cannot provide enough cover against a determined and well protected Mandalorians. Quickly making their way through the wide open corridors of the Royal Palace, the small force of attackers have been able to push towards the Throne Room with surprising speeds. In the grand hallways of the Royal Palace and the venerable Throne Room, between invaluable artefacts and pieces of art, fights for the life of the Onderonian Queen are to take place.


Neither passive nor lacking in resourcefulness, the GADF and members of the New Jedi Order have launched a counter attack on what has been assumed to be the command center of the Mandalorian attack on Onderon. Deep in the dangerous jungles of Onderon's moon, Dxun, Mandalore the Ultimate created a stronghold from which he commanded Mandalorian armadas to raze planets. Now, four millennia later, a sect of Mandalorians led by Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl has renewed its defenses for the very same purpose, bringing with him support from the Crusade.

Once serving as a training grounds for new recruits and a communication hub for the war, it has been fortified with hidden traps, defensive turrets, and the ferocious inhabitants of the jungle itself - providing a worthy target for the Alliance attackers. Their true goal, however, can be found in the command bunker, where Rally Masters have gathered to coordinate troop movements and plot the Crusade's next steps.


Have fun! Feel free to bring your own objective

This thread is posted on behalf of Hakon Fett Hakon Fett and Valery Noble Valery Noble - I promise

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