[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]
I'm gonna say this as respectfully and politely as I can, from a former major Faction Leader to a current major Faction Leader. Your people are seriously out of control. [member="Strider Garon"] has been spotting people godmodding as have I. Folks are powergaming and handwaving around, using the excuses of lack of resistance to justify their actions. The Black Suns are scrambling, not because of the force of the Red Ravens' attack, but because for every OOC fire that is put out, two more spark up. It's at the point where, and this is just my take ([member="Mr. Ash"] may have a different take on it), the Black Suns are done with this RP. I know for a fact that very few of us will ever RP with your group again, Strider and myself included. This is not the first time issues with the Ravens have become known. I was in the Stygium thread your people started. Granted, that was not a faction pushed event, but nonetheless, similar behavior shown here was shown there. During a public thread at your casino, my alt (Vassago) showed up to try and boost activity, give a challenge, and generally poke the bear to spark some tension in a neat thread between New Style Gangsters and Old Style Gangsters. The response was, in a nutshell, powergaming that resulted in a baseless report that wasted Staff time.
You need to reassess what your faction is doing and you need to get your people back on their leashes. This is getting ridiculous and I will be speaking to Mr. Ash when I get the chance to help determine the proper response from the Black Suns, both IC and OOC.