Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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OOC-To steal a man's tea (Invasions of Atrisia)

Well-Known Member
Oh great, it's one of those invasions. I love those kinds. They are just so great and really show an appreciation for the players involved.

Sorry, but this should just never happen. Ever.

It's inconsiderate and rude, but more importantly, below the standard of Chaos.

I apologize for my gripe.
Pretty sure from what I heard from Sargon and Jared that we were using the new ones @[member="Akio Kahoshi"]. Also I was given the go ahead from everyone that was spoken too, We did just start it today lol.
It was pushed back a bit due to a couple of irl related complications (mostly scheduling related).

I think the complication mostly came from a couple assumptions being made on both sides. It's getting worked out promptly.
The Admiralty
The Astral Horizon is just goin' to chill a bit, until Jared can get planet-side. Because I hate fleeting. :p

But I am sure there are other Fringers who would not mind fleeting with you.


I might pop in with Alachei to get that Atrisian Arctic Tiger I always wanted before the Fringe poach them all... *coughMagecoughnudgenudge*

And I might pop in with either D3 because badassery, or Aynea if her species is approved quickly enough. Both, Atrisian.
Edit: inb4 TGE*, they're literally from/live on Atrisia.
Please if you're from another faction make sure you check in with the faction heads and admins of the side you are joining. There is a help limit and if you're just a third party make sure you ask permission. Id personally like to keep this invasion as uncluttered and on topic as possible.

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