Keepin Corellia Weird
So... I just realized i've kinda fallen massively behind on replies with my characters. I'm putting below a list of threads I need to reply to and on which characters. I fell behind because of a situation with my daughter earlier this week, and helping launch a new Sub-Group for the GA. As well, i've started studying Cardiology early for Paramedic, and I have a knack for it, apparently, and so, I'm digging into things like ventricular arrhythmias waaaay ahead of when I planned to. Given my tutor is a work associate who I sometimes see and sometimes don't, I have to take the time when I can with him!
If i'm in a thread with you and it's waiting a reply from me, or we were supposed to launch a thread, PLEASE send me a PM or reply here and i'll add it to the list. All replies will be caught up to today.
Julius Sedaire:
As should be evident, I am really stacked and spread on threads. So if you have an idea or thread you wanted from me that never started, it's probably going to have to wait at least until after this weekend. I'm down to discuss and make plans still, but execution may be a while off. Don't feel afraid to ask, especially for Julius or Ostanes, but just understand it might be a minute
If i'm in a thread with you and it's waiting a reply from me, or we were supposed to launch a thread, PLEASE send me a PM or reply here and i'll add it to the list. All replies will be caught up to today.
- [member="Karen Roberts"] :
I owe you a reply on the unarmored combat thread.Post is up to you. Sorry for the delay!!! - [member="Aerin Akun"]:
I owe replies in Fondor and now Mustafar. You'll get at least Fondor today, and then we will plan Mustafar! - Mustafar up, Fondor is next...- Errything is replied to now. - [member="Ultimatum"] :
Our thread for Mustafar will be up today. Thank you again for playing along and being such a scholar and a gentle... errr... gentle-droid, is that the correct term?Thread up. [member="Rook"] : Yag'dhul Follow-Up is inbound.Done and up![member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] - Contract/Dev Thread for Firemane is due up... I'll catch you on Skype to discuss particulars, have it up by Sunday.Thread up!!!!
[member="Karen Roberts"] : Yes, I know, I'm a poor student/padawan. You'll have a reply from me today. Sorry about that.[member="Phylis Alince"] : I completely lost track of the Jedispawn thread... My apologies... Good job on getting it done!
Julius Sedaire:
- Blessedly? I think i'm actually waiting on replies for this guy unless I am missing something... If I am, please let me know! (cough @Meeristali Paedrun cough
- [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] :
You'll get a reply to the Genocide thread tonight.Reply up - [member="Darth Pikiran"] : Same with our Gala thread.
- [member="stardust"] : I owe you a thread where we make you a sword or other alchemical trinket... I'll get that up probably Sunday if that is o.k.
As should be evident, I am really stacked and spread on threads. So if you have an idea or thread you wanted from me that never started, it's probably going to have to wait at least until after this weekend. I'm down to discuss and make plans still, but execution may be a while off. Don't feel afraid to ask, especially for Julius or Ostanes, but just understand it might be a minute