Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Open Club Thread

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
"Haha don't blame you, nobody watched the news" Iris joke, laughing as he did so. Iris felt the bump on the back of his stool, only half turning round he noticed it was the boy, Carden, from the incident earlier, Iris decided to ignored him. He turned back to Switch "you DID order that drink you know, and if you don't mind me asking, what drugs were those you took in the bathroom?" Iris was curious, the symptoms didn't look similar to him, and this might open up a business opportunity if they were popular in Coruscant.

[member="Switch"] [member="Carden Lorps"]

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
"It's fine, but remember, being disrespectful, like you were, out here can get you killed. So watch out" Iris warned the boy in reply to his comment as he walked towards the exit of the bar

[member="Carden Lorps"]


Don't make me bite you...
Switch averted her eyes. "Oh, that... That's just pleezer, you can get it anywhere, it's in most medkits. Makes ya euphoric for a bit. Good for pain and such..." She trailed off. Then all of a sudden there was name-calling again. She knocked back her drink quickly, pinching the bridge of her nose.

Fething testosterone fueled nonsense...

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
Iris would rather the boy would stop calling him scum, every time he said the word Iris just laughed at the irony, but he also found it insulting. But he didn't think it would matter if the boy was leaving... Instead of replying Iris just sat still, and looked towards all the drinks stacked up behind the counter, constantly looking in the mirror to see if the boy had left.

[member="Carden Lorps"]


Don't make me bite you...
Switch crossed her arms under her chin, leaning forward onto the bar. She figured she had probably drank enough, it wasn't meshing so well with the other stuff in her system. Closing her eyes, she began humming along with the tune on the radio, she recognized this one.

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
As he stared as the mirror Switch has replied to his question about the drugs, "oh, I've just never heard of it, but I'm no stranger to Medic kits!" Iris exclaimed, the amount of injuries he'd taken in the past few years had introduced him to many medical drugs, but surprisingly not this one.

"So" Iris started, trying to move the conversation from drugs "what do you do for a living?" He asked casually.



Don't make me bite you...
Keeping her eyes closed, Switch stopped her humming. "I don't really do anything right now. I made a lot of credits over many years, and I stockpiled it..." She sat up, looking over at [member="Iris Tyrad"] , "I guess you could say I'm..." Switch tried to think of the right words. "Temporarily retired." She gestured to him, "You?"

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
This individual seemed interesting, Iris would've pressed her for more information, but instead, she wanted to know about Iris' roller coaster ride of a life. "Well, I'm mostly just a merc, give me enough credits and I'll do anything" Iris started "for instance, one of my tasks was to assist in the terrorism at Alderaan, where I burnt down the forest." Iris didn't know why he felt like he trusted her with this information, for this could get him deep into trouble, however, he doubted she would remember anything from the night anyway. "But other than that, I've mostly been doing low pay jobs just to get by" this was the sad truth, Iris needed money, and quickly.



Don't make me bite you...
"Terrorism, huh?" Switch swiveled on her stool, directing her attention towards [member="Iris Tyrad"] . Without any warning, she burst into a fit of giggles.

"Well, you got me beat! I was a pirate for ten years, but I never burnt any forests down or anything." Switch thought it was funny. Of all the people to cross paths with, it was a terrorist, potentially an eco-terrorist if he just burnt a forest down. The galaxy was a stange and interesting place, indeed.!

Switch stifled her laughter before she drew any more attention. "What's that kind of work pay, anyway?"

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
Iris was slightly insulted by Switch's mocking laughs "The pay was great, actually, we could've got more if we robbed the bank as well, but I don't know what happened to that plan" Iris left out the part where he'd blown half his money in the first week from paying off debts and fixing his ship, but he wouldn't think she would be interested in that anyway.

Iris thought he would talk about the reason for this mission, incase Switch had the wrong intention "the forest burning was just a distraction while another team moved in to eliminate the VIP" flashbacks of the battle entered Iris' mind, explosions, death, the smell of burning bodies, this experience still gave him nightmares, but he could deal with it. "Besides, I was going through a rough time, I needed the money" Iris reflected on how his life was stuck in a cycle, always ending in him needed money.

"Have you got any interesting stories? Yanno, with you being a 'retired' pirate and all." Iris asked.



Don't make me bite you...
Switch thought for a second that [member="Iris Tyrad"] sounded almost insulted. She hadn't been laughing at him, but whatever. Cracking her knuckles, she gave each of her sleeves a quick tug, preventing them from riding up her arms.

"Well, there was this one score we were scoping out. It was a Hutt-owned luxury freighter, but it had been retrofitted entirely for goods storage. We didn't have much intel, but the Hutts don't lift a finger unless something is profitable. We got a few ships together, intercepting them as they came out of hyperspace. The attack was a cinch, the only protection detail on board was a handful of cheap mercs and a mouthy assassin droid."

Switch smiled nostalgically, remembering that day fondly. "After a bit, we cracked open the main hold. General thought was it was probably drugs, but blood diamonds were possible, or maybe even a Krayt Dragon. We had no idea what to expect."

Withholding a snicker, she continued. "Guess what we found in the hold." It was rhetorical, without giving Iris a chance to guess, she blurted out. "It was lined floor to ceiling, wall to wall, with chocolate! Legit fething chocolate bars!"

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
"Haha, what a crazy world! Me, myself am a more rock candy sort of guy" Iris laughed, he'd never had a score like that before, neither had even heard of one until this point. "Well I always wondered how Hutt's go like that" he joked, chuckling as he did so.

Before continuing the conversation Iris checked his holographic watch. "Jeez, look at the time, I'm sorry mis- ...Switch, but I'm gunna half to start going" he informed the woman as he stood up from his stool, as he stood his legs clicked, it must've been at least half an hour since he'd even moved them, they were stiff and ached.



A Rock...Maybe?
Jaime watched as Carden left to attend to his own business, leaving her alone at the bar. She gave a heavy sigh and took another drink. She watched the couples dance to the music until it faded into the normal club scene. Disappointing. She saw a man and woman conversing with each other at the other end of the bar. The woman seemed very much out of it while the man was doing his best to talk to her. Then the man began to leave. At least Jaime won't be the only girl left tonight.


Don't make me bite you...
Checking the time, herself. Switch dropped a handful of credits on the counter, rising from her stool. "You got a point, I didn't realize the time..." It's dark out...

"I'm gonna hang around a bit..." She slapped [member="Iris Tyrad"] lightly on the shoulder, "See ya around."
The incessant ramblings of his ambient surroundings buzzed with activity. Men and women dressed in scant clothing danced around poles which were extended over an aquarium which held a myriad of amphibious creatures. Upon walking up to the bartender he would note his rather agitated countenance. "One of your finest..." After these words were spoken he'd draw down hard on his cowl which proved to obscure his facial features with more efficiency. With his visage now completely obscured he'd look about the room. "Hmmm."


Don't make me bite you...
Switch rose from her stool, glancing around for... whatever distraction she could find first. Her eyes fell upon a woman in a white dress. She didn't seem to be having a good time.

Walking over, she plopped down into the stool next to [member="Jaime"] , "Hey... I couldn't help notice you sitting by yourself, and it kinda made me feel bad. Mind if I join you?" Her melancholy seemed to be over, and she was feeling sociable again.

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