Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Open Hunting

Maverick Wallen

Maverick loves hunting, he grew up doing it and now found himself on a deserted planet. The planet was full of wild animals, and no human for a couple planets. It is perfect for hiding. He started setting up camp in the woods he went off to hunt for dinner. He sat there in a field with very high grasses he saw something coming, he fired a shot. Hearing the cry of a dying animal.

It was night and there was an open fire. It was peaceful out all that could be heard was the crackling of the flames. Over the fire was the animal, and upon finishing, Maverick put the fire out. He went to his tent in the stillness of the night and slept.


Space Mowgli
A very unusual presence would find way to the Hunter's camp in the middle of the night. Outside of the tent, a sound of rustling and foraging would be heard. The belongings in the camp were being dug through, ultimately food being the treasure that was hunted.

Digging through the belongings was perhaps the strangest creature on this planet. A small winged child with blue skin was digging intently through the hunter's belongings, almost wildly, sniffing at objects to see if they smelled like food. When they didn't he would simply toss them away and keep searching about.

The small blue creature seemed more strange the longer one would watch him. Tyde was entirely naked - like the rest of the animals of these woods. But this was no animal, he was a small S'kytri boy, of around 10 or 11 years of age presumably. Also, the force felt incredibly strong with this small unusual child. It seemed that Tyde was feral, and perhaps entirely alone here on this wild planet

Maverick Wallen

Maverick would come outside of his tent on alert. He had heard the rustling and was going to deal with it. Surprise filled him as he spotted the kid.

Pondering for a second he would say, “Eat, you need it more than me.” He was at a lost for words, he didn’t know why it was here, he wanted to learn more. He would motion for the kid to follow and pointed to the tent. Thinking what he was going to do, he decided to pull out of the remote jungle and get this kid somewhere. He slept outside the tent that night.


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