Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Open Lessons

Dopi had decided to have his door open for some public lessons. He was willing to train younglings, knights, padawans and even Masters in abilities they may need help in. He was in a rather large room on Kashyyyk, one with a beautiful view of the beach out of his window, many many holocrons on shelves around the walls. Both kinds, Jedi and Sith Holocrons are in the room, as Dopi is willing to teach anything he has either in a holocron or in his own training and experience.


This is mainly an open training sesson, open to any one who wants to have a training session with Dopi. I don't mind who comes through or what they want to be trained in, light or dark. This is mainly for some fun open classroom setting rp.


Came in like a wrecking maul
Pop... pop pop she stood there for a moment looking at the room of the ship. Her own personal Ru class for training purposes was welcome and docked here she could easily check out and see the different areas of this new temple. "Hmm not as good as the one Selena recovered but guess it does." She started walking up and over with the skylar gleaming when she focused the force on it. To protect herself where needed and offer her boots plenty of protection.

The mutakai baton on her hip as the twin rods gleamed with the crystal bands. Heavy by design so only the likes of herself and Fabula would be able to really lift and use for any sustained amount of time. Where she was able to go as well was different once the fingerless gloves were on and her saber. Thick beskar colored like silver, a heavy lens and the crystals keeping it in place. She had different things, for different purposes as it were though.

"Master Saki." The voice was there and it was one of the students, she didn't call the matukai padawans, they weren't realy. Instead focusing on physical aspects while she was walking through the ship and got a small top to wear. her freshly shaved head displaying the tattoo's on her head, neck and her shoulders going across her body and arms. Everywhere she could fit something there was something with different aspects and meanings.

THe list along her ribs from previous battle on Korriban, Dac, Kashyyyk, Manaan, Metalorn and over a dozen other battlefields throughout the galaxy. For the order and with some of the older masters who had trained her as she finished up. Veins like thick cords from her muscles that are cut, she was still muscled everywhere but it wasn't to a bodybuilders level. She spoke though wit a look at him. "Yes what is it?"

She had some curiosity but after helping get the heavy stuff out of the temple and getting a number of things into the library itself she had moved to really test out the waters and see what they could do. She had gotten a small message about a padawan wanting to learn form vii which struck her as dangerous and foolish. Thankfully she wasn't the girls master and one of the few in the order who had been trained by Darron Wraith the master of the form.

"There are some classes being offered, I know you wanted us to inform you of such things." There was a small look that passed and then the teenager gave a nod letting them go off and handle things in the ship. "Alright, I'll head out, you lock up the ship when I am gone and I'll open it when I return." She got a nod while tapping the chevron pad that was near her wrist and she never really had to take it off while she was going to do things.

She walked down the ramp and went through the halls, getting one or two looks but not really caring as she left her case of equipment behind. All she needed was the hip case and her belt, easily giving her the equipment and supplies she needed before walking around and into the one room. She didn't say a word just moved letting herself be known, heavy footfalls and few things bothered or scared her. She would be able to figure out some of the others who came.

Hmmm she said it in her head while looking to the wall and leaning against it with her arms crossing over her chest. Seeing these holocrons and she was reminded of Aika's room on Telo's where she had collected dozen's from the Coruscant temple before it fell. Even more over the years as they had went through, she had helped her but there were a couple other things she might be able to do if they were lucky. Keeping silent and looking on to see who else mgiht show up.


Disney's Princess
One of the great blessings of having so many Masters around was that there was always somebody who could teach you something.

Jessica walked in the the room only a few moments behind [member="Saki"] and [member="Mr. Bones"] . Quite anxious to see if anybody could help her with Force Sight. She was wearing her teal colored Gem's Coat. Helm underneath her arm. A classic winter fashion that doubled as a grand adventuring space suit. Perfect for any Rebel Alliance or fashion-minded Force Adept, like herself.

"Greetings." She smiled with a nod of her head, "Anybody teaching Force Sight here? I'm... Well. I've got an invisible android I'm suppose to find this week and I fear my Force Sense just isn't up for the job. Hehe."

She shrugged. Invisibility was such a bother. Poo.
Dopi was in the center of the room, eyes open, since his blindness didn't matter wither his eyes were open for meditation or not. He heard a woman speak up when she stepped into the room.

Jessica Matthews said:
"Anybody teaching Force Sight here? I'm... Well. I've got an invisible android I'm suppose to find this week and I fear my Force Sense just isn't up for the job. Hehe."
"Hello there, Master Jedi. I would be perfectly happy to teach you Force Sense...even if it is to find an android...Is it a male or a female?"

[member="Jessica Matthews"] [member="Saki"]


Came in like a wrecking maul
She raised an eyebrow at that question. "Ah don't think the programmed gender matter as much as knowing how to sense the electrical signatures. The miraluka we have know how to sense droids like that." She said it leaning there before she was looking at Jessica and pushed off of the wall for a moment. The tall hapen was prepared for anything that might be there though as she stood next to [member="Jessica Matthews"]. She crossed her arms again squinting a little though at [member="Mr. Bones"].


Disney's Princess

Jessica smiled at the both of them. It appeared she'd found just the people she was looking for.

"Ah. And if introductions are in order? I'm Matthews. Charmed."

She nodded to both of them.

"Of course. Master Bones your reputation proceeds you. I would be honored if you would help me better hone my Force Sense. Yes. ...And, no. I have no idea what sex the machine is. Sorry."

She shrugged. She'd never actually seen the thing. The only important part was that it could achieve invisibility through the Force. A rather common stumbling block to any unfortunate hunter these days.

"This specific machine however, can cloak itself visibly using the Force. Which, is rather different from optic cloaking in some small fashions. Alas. I've never really practiced finding such things. Mm."

[member="Saki"] [member="Mr. Bones"]
"My name proceeds me? That's new, Ma' for the sex of the droid and the fact it can make itself invisible with the force is...interesting."

He got down from where he was, and started walking over to one of the holocrons. He started feeling around the shelves, touching each and every single one, looking for the right one. He soon found one that he needed; A Jedi Holocron, with dust packed onto it like all the others.

"Are you more of a Verbal Learner or Holocron Learner, Master Matthews?"

[member="Jessica Matthews"] [member="Saki"]
"Ah, I see...And what about you Miss? What are you here to be trained in? A verbal Lesson or are you seeking a specific Holocron?"

Before he began his verbal lesson with [member="Jessica Matthews"], he asked [member="Saki"] what she wished to be trained in, as she was here, but didn't exactly tell him why or what she wanted from him.


Came in like a wrecking maul
She looked at him and raised an eyebrow as she stood there. "Oh I came to see some of these new masters. Been awhile and all of them are new and shiny." She had a grin but stood there with all of the confidence she had in her own abilities. From smashing through bases to just plain being able to hold her own she doubted many wihtin the order would really be able to outpace her. "Though if you are teaching, then lets see what you can do in regards to some matukai."


Disney's Princess
Jessica raised an eyebrow at [member="Saki"] 's reply. The Silver Jedi was an older Order of these modern times to be sure. But she had figured much of that history would disappear post Voss migration. Huh? I guess not. New Masters... Interesting.

Oh. And what was Matukai? Hopefully [member="Mr. Bones"] and his collection of Sith Holocrons knew. Because she had never heard the word before. Huh.


Jess had to take a phone call. So she nodded to the group and took her leave.

"Ah. Excuse me. Something just came up."


*exit thread*

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