Always has to be a call in the middle of the night. Always has to be a killing. Always has to be someone uniquely 'creative', as well. Unfortunately for this guy, his gimmick had been used so many times before. If he was going for originality, he scored a one out of ten.
Yeah, this was her town--a lovely one, indeed. One of these days, she was going to call in sick and just sit by the beach all day long with a train of systematically emptied caf mugs surrounding her. But for now, this was what her job was going to be. Same stuff, different day. Lieutenant Spritejägare sighed as she pulled up to the scene of the crime. Four subjects stood about the maimed body, deliberating over some piece of cloth and the faded smiley face that was, of course, painted with blood. Sadly, the CorSec agent felt more annoyed by the perverse graffiti than distraught over the dead person, but that is just how things get when one spends a few years in any police force.
Ducking out of her patrol speeder, the blonde approached the congregation, keeping her hand in contact with the short variety of DH-17 hanging from her hip. She knew these three stooges were not killers--at least, none of them were the killer--since they would have run away by this time. But troublemakers come in all shapes and sizes, and none of them seemed particularly put off by the presence of a corpse. That was worth noting. "Everyone here's spent some time with a body before, I take it?" She raised her eyebrows and watched as one of the subjects conveniently had a bottle of whiskey to hand out to the panhandler. "Oh, I'm going to enjoy your explanation for that."
[member="William Seraven"], [member="Davdo Jongran"], [member="Malachite Avachei"], [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]