Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Open The Doors .. [Shmi and Thurion]

.. to allow the dawn to come.

[member="Shmi Labooda"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
The time had come to renew old friendships. The Silver Sanctum Coalition and the Jedi Order, had formed a strong alliance under the leadership of Grand Master Corvus Raaf. She had become a great friend to the family, even took time to train Théo when he was on exchange through the Academies. After hearing about her disappearance, it had saddened them greatly as the galaxy had lost a true Jedi, and a true friend. But Corvus would not want us to grieve but to work together to get on with the fight against the tide of darkness, that much Coci knew of her friend. And yet, she is missed.

So, Thurion and Coci are to meet with the new leader of the Jedi Order, Shmi Labooda. A woman Coci had met but once a long time ago on Monastary when on leave, although they did not have much time to speak or get to know each other, Master Labooda gave the impression of strength and fortitude in her path as Jedi. It did not surprise Coci that she now stood tall among the leaders of the galaxy and within the Order. But times are hard for them, having been through much of late and so Thurion and Coci have come to see if they can help.

Telos once occupied by the Primes have all but set this planet to ruin, out of wanton lust for destruction. There is much work to be done, not only here, but in other planets once under their control that had tasted this evil, some close to home for SSC.

The Oathkeeper cut through space until reaching it's destination and Thurion at the controls would place the ship down near the Telosian Academy. Coci stood and straightened her robes with a glance over to her husband, she watched as his long golden hair fell about his face, he wore his beard a little thicker these days, his features so well known to her now never fail to draw her gaze and it is impossible for her not to smile. She loves him greatly.

She moves behind the captains seat and places her hands upon his shoulders as he works the controls, there is a playful mood on her mind, as she looks down upon his head, he looks to perfect. Her hands make their way upward into his hair and messes it up, a habit she does from time to time. "I love you, did you know that?".

"Come on slow poke, we have a meeting to get to". She leaned in to steal a kiss.
Recently, The High Council was reformed and have been convening often lately. With some of the administrative duties being taken off her back, she still spent what free time she did to make sure their future was secured. Her decision to relocate the order to Telos was for specific reasons other than just giving them a new home. They were closer to The Academy network located on Yavin and Dantooine...but more importantly they were closer to the Silver Sanctum Coalition.

In times like should be able to lean on a friend. Recently she had made contact with their leaders and arrangements were made for them to convene on Telos about this current relationship and them working together in the future. She sent word to those in the hangar that their ships were acceptable for docking and Shmi, herself, would be greetings them personally when they landed.

She waited in the docking bay when she was notified that their ship was coming in for a landing. There was a glimmering feeling inside her stomach, she wasn't nervous but she was hopeful...the doors opened when they sensed her presence and the cool air rushed past her face as she walked further into the large room.

She almost felt she was meeting royalty, (they might as well have been :p)

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
A laugh left Thurion before he looked straight up into her eyes, so full of love. "I love you too," he simply said, smiling as their lips met. Fortunately the ship was in the capable "hands" of R2-T2, his trusty astromech droid, which meant he was able to let go of the controls to instead grab hold of his wife and pull her down to sit in his lap. His arms folded themselves around her waist and his chin rested upon her shoulder as they embraced one another. "Now and beyond this life," he whispered past her ear just as the landing gears extended and the Oathkeeper reached its designated landing zone. "Let's continue this later..." There was a hint of mischief in his voice, all while trying his best to mask a smirk.

As the ramp lowered itself, atop it stood husband and wife Heavenshield ready to meet with the representative of the newly reformed Jedi Order, having left Republic space in favour of neutrality where galactic powers are concerned. At least, that's what Thurion gathered from what news that had passed his ears. Whatever the reason, it was a move he supported whole-heartedly; even as a young padawan he'd felt that Republic politics was far too prevalent in daily Jedi buisness. The galaxy is a big place, and the Jedi should not be bound to any one galactic power.

With Coci on his arm he strode down the ramp until he set foot on Telos soil, at which point [member="Shmi Labooda"] approached the two. "Master Labooda! It is an honour," he greeted the woman with a bow of respect, Jedi to Jedi. "I must say, the trip from Voss to Telos is far less tiresome than travelling all the way to Republic territory," he added with a chuckle.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
It was strange to be here, having had history with Republic as Jedi within the Order years ago, Coci had not believed the many changes that had fell upon this Order. The Jedi Order had always had a history that involved much turmoil and now was not different, but each and every time they gathered again and again to grow strong. This was to be admired and so they are here to help where possible.

Following her husband's lead down the ramp, Coci soon found the figure of the master she had once met. A bow in unison with her husband greeted Master Labooda. "It is good to see you again Shmi", she addressed her dropping all protocols immediately. "I am looking forward to seeing what you have done here as well as speaking to you about the future of not only the Jedi Order but how we can help".
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Shmi Labooda"]
The Chalactan smiled when the two came into site, she rose her hand waving at them as they descended the ramp. She took her steps to meet them halfway. Besides all the work that still needed to be done, it pleased her that the leaders could communicate as they did it allowed her to believe that she had the support she needed. She was determined to put the Order back on track, she wanted that to be her legacy...

Still smiling at the two as they approached, she bowed almost in tandem. Turning her head to [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] "Aha, well I think it was time we officially became neighbors. It's my pleasure Grand Master Heavenshield." she said nodding and turning to [member="Coci Heavenshield"] "Coci it's always a pleasure seeing you, I'm happy you came. Come we can talk in the Grand Audience Chamber." she said softly, motioning for them to follow.

She began to pace up the ramp leading towards other parts of the Academy. "Yes definitely...given the circumstances created by the recent schism I had to make a decision on how to help the order regroup. I decided to move us the Telosian Academy for temporary housing. Not much renovation has been done with the exception of the Audience Chamber where we conduct all of the training. I was able to muster a few senior Jedi to reform the council...a decision was made to move, permanently, to Exis station." she said looking to them both as she spoke, she led them to a blast door which opened to their presence. A rap became visible, which led to a central building just ahead.
Once the greetings had concluded, they followed the grand master of the Jedi Order into the Academy. Once in the Audience Chamber they are free to talk and to find out what needs to be done to strength not only the Jedi Order but the relationship between the two groups. Strange, for the first time in a long time, the SSC leadership actually felt as ease within the walls of the Jedi Order and not view with eyes of judgement. And between Orders of Jedi, this is how it should be if the Jedi have any chance of forming as one regardless of banners.

"Thurion and I have come to see what we can do to help you, not only individually but as representatives of the Silver Sanctum. For the time that you will be on Telso you will be without protection in the sense of having the ability to defend yourselves if the need arises. We could help with this, and if you need to re-build this place I am sure the SSC will come to your aid as well", she said turned back to the two master Jedi.

Coci walked back to stand at the side of her husband, "You are to place your head quarters on the Exis Station? It is my understanding that that station has the ability to move, so you can change locations if and when you desire. This is a very prudent idea especially in the reformation of the Jedi Order, I know there is much opposition to this venture, that others believe the Jedi Order is finished, I don't believe so and nor should it be".

"If you require a safety net, for the station I am sure that the SSC would approve of you in SSC protected space".

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Shmi Labooda"]
Thurion nodded to confirm Coci's words. "The temple on Ossus remains untouched since we assumed guardianship over it to keep it from non-Jedi hands. If the Order wishes to call it home once more, feel free to move back in. Standing offer," he smiled before finding a seat in one of the many empty chairs, sweeping back his blonde hair with one hand. "Both me and Coci started out as members of the Jedi Order, growing up on Republic soil. It saddens me to know that there now exist generations of padawans who have never even witnessed the splendour of Coruscant and Tython." Such a long time ago, when he last sat foot on either world.

"Shmi, if you need anything - anything at all - the Coalition would be more than happy to help out in whatever capacity."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Shmi Labooda"]
She stopped to turn to face them, as their conversation continued. "Precisely, it's one of the reasons we've decided to move along with the idea. Exis will provide us...some security. I must admit these aren't the circumstances under which I would have taken such a role...but of those left it was expressed that this was a want. I've decided that I will do my best to build a foundation for the future, whatever that may be. She quickly nodded to the words of Coci, she had a a warmth about her; it resonated.

Her head jolted to the words of Thurion, a very noble man. "I appreciate you both for this, it helps to know that I have friends in such desperate times. I would be more than willing to move the station to Coalition space, it'll give us a much needed breather."

Well it seemed there would be hope for the future now, it just needed a push. "I want to organize a conclave on Exis, I think that would strengthen our ties even more. There are also other things I would love to discuss with you concerning the future when some of the other council members are present. I fear what we've encountered so far...isn't even the bulk of it."

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
"We look forward to the Jedi Order being closer to us and our doors are open to all Jedi if they wish to come and train within the walls of the Sanctum", she replied. "But in the mean time, what can we do to help with Telso? much had happened to this place while under the control of the Primes. How are the people of this planet? they must have suffered much and the planet itself".

They had stopped walking, "I am most interested to hear your plans for this Enclave. The cloud of darkness is only growing stronger and yes, it will visit our area here soon, there is no doubt of that and so we must be strong together as Jedi".
[member="Shmi Labooda"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

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