Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[OPEN] The Moderation Form

These days, Jyoti wasn't one to lead very many formal classes at the Rest, preferring field work, but she had some time while she was back at the temple.

She hadn't been able to start her course over Niman during Josh's last class, so she would pick up from there.

The start of the Niman class was set to start early in the morning within the gardens at the back of the rest. It was a cool grey morning.

While waiting for the class to arrive, she sat with Charlie on one of the low stone benches spread out among the clearings of the gardens, enjoying a thermos full of warm creamy chicken soup.

She had shown up quite early, so it would be some time before the first attendees began to trickle in.

Occasionally, she would pause eating to great each new arrival with a wave, sometimes inviting a bit of small talk while everyone waited.

[member="Charlie"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Saka Amara"], [member="Jaräel il'Belaerys"]
Arriving early was something Charlie had gotten used to especially with Jyoti. The woman was punctual and it was a trait that was being forced upon the sometimes lazy padawan. She was excited for today, she had experienced some form training with Master Dragonsflame, but so had always been interested in her Master’s style.

Sitting on the stone bench Charlie, swung her legs for a moment and then began to open up her packed food. The rest of it was bagged up nicely and tucked under the bench for later. Sitting beside her was a pak’pah and in her lap was a sandwich of cheese. Happily the padawan ate the sandwich and soon moved towards the fruit.

Peeling it away she broke it into pieces and offered some to Jyoti. The rest would find its way into her mouth as she waited for the others. Tilting her head as she wiped the crumbs from her mouth with a small napkin, Charlie looked towards her Master. “Is Niman like uh the form Master Dragonsflame taught us?”

[member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Saka Amara"] [member="Jaräel il'Belaerys"]
There was a chance for a class, for her to roam around the temple and learna few things as the muscled body moved into the area. Coiling up with her long black hair trailing down her shoulders and back. THe oiled white scales of her underbelly gleaming in the light... eyes searching and bowing to the jedi master herself as she touched the saber hilt on her sash belt. She had small suspenders over her sholders to keep it in place so it wouldn't slip down her body when she spoke. "Morning master."
Why wasn't Kat any better at being on time lately? She had been so caught up in her latest ship maintence that the time just flew by and before she knew it, she was already late for the combat lesson that was meant to be happening today. Apparently, the tutor was not a Master DragonsBreath or something. Which was meant to be uncommon as he normally did all lessons on combat. However, Kat was intrigued to know this Master was another Echani.

Running through the Temple, she skidded past the room that they were meant to be in. Sitting there was two woman and a third was standing around. Kat groaned to herself, she was clearly late. Infuriating! Kat moved into the room before bending over to catch her breath. "Phew... Yeah... Not a runner... Wow, the hangar. Is so. Far." She stuttered as she tried to slow her heartbeat.

"Sorry, I'm late. Lost track. Of time. Did I miss it already?" She breathed deeply in through her nose then exhaled from her mouth. Now she could go for a glass of water or something.

[member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Charlie"] | [member="Yag'dril"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Jaräel il'Belaerys"] | [member="Saka Amara"]
Early morning, that perilous hour of the day when you couldn't be entirely sure if you should be awake or still safely tucked away in bed. In other words the perfect time for training. Asaraa's blue eyes twinkled with amusement, her mouth would have been turned up in a wry smile if it wasn't for the triangle of toast clasped between her teeth as her hands reached up behind her head, gathering her hair into a ponytail, the mass of her hair spilling down the center of her back.

The morning sun was just bright enough to force her to cause her to screw up her eyes, hopping slightly to clear the curb as she mumbled a greeting around her breakfast. It was the thought that counted right? People didn't need to really understand her did they?
The last thing anyone could call Padawan Amara was indolent.

It was an unspoken tradition, for pity's sake. Masters were always required to have a schedule for their padawan learners while at the Temple; they were, of course, still students and it was expected that they would fill their time productively. But everyone up to and including the same Council that required those schedules knew that by the time a padawan was Sakas age and level of advancement they were really in charge of their own education.

That didn't mean she appreciated this.

What woke her up was the loud beeping of her alarm that sat at the tail end of her bed; she had enough time to make a faint, unhappy noise and curl into a ball in sleepy protest. Sakas response was not among her more dignified moments; her alarms noise coupled with the sudden brightness from her window threw her into red alert with a jolt like a hyperspace jump. She scrambled upright fast enough that she managed to be out of bed before actually getting her feet under herself, and tumbled off the other side of the bed, yelping something foul in Mirialan.

Blinking rapidly and trying to shake off the mental cobwebs, she reached for the chronometer next to the bed. When she finally managed to turn it enough for her to see, her mind blanked at the realisation that she had a class to attend to.

She dragged a brush twice through her hair before giving up on it and being grateful for Mirialan head coverings. The young Mirialan grabbed her hood from the small wardrobe and patted herself down, just to be safe. She seemed to be wearing clothes in the right places, her socks matched... shoes, lightsaber, comlink.


She broke a piece of crispbread in half, dipped it in her flask of tea, and nibbled idly at it as she strolled through the gardens to her lesson.
"Master Nooran, well met." Saka bowed as a sign of respect before turning her direction to Charlie and the others "Likewise."

Jyoti Nooran | Charlie | Yag'dril | Asaraa Vaashe | Jaräel il'Belaerys | Kat Decoria
Hmmm this could be interesting. Sarianna sat on a rock mostly observing through the force. The miraluka with her pale skin and blonde/white hair rarely really got to practice with others saber skills. Few wanted to try more exotic sabers or weapons as she wore her robes. The sky blue coloring giving her a more regal look, one fo the people she had taught battle meditation was there and she had been trained by Darron for a time as a battlemaster... thankfully in the seven forms and three new jedi order. Exotic forms were just icing as it were with her three fold saber staff that could telescopically shift into batons or polearm.

Allies: [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Charlie"] | [member="Yag'dril"] | [member="Kat Decoria"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Saka Amara"] | [member="Sarianna Misarr"]

He wakes up in a flourish, remembering there was a class set for early in the morning. Having a habit of waking up late, he had to adjust to the new schedule.

Thinking he's late for the session, he equips his eye covering and training lightsaber, then dashing through the corridors in a hurry. This is supposed to be the first class he's ever attended.

As he arrives at the gardens, he spots the other Padawans who already seem to have been acquainted. He sees this as the class has already begun and that he's likely late.

He walks through the garden, feeling the light breeze brush against his face. Distinguishing his fellow Padawans from his dull surroundings, he approaches the instructor, giving a modest bow as he perceives the environment around him.
Charlie ate with her, having brought a sandwich and some fruit. After a while, her apprentice tore off a piece from her sandwich and offered it up to share.

Jyoti raised an eyebrow, quite surprised by the gesture.

"Well, this is a change. Normally I'm having to fend for my food around you. Thank you."

She accepted the piece, then eyed the filling, only finding some cheese. Not melted cheese, just a just a warm block stuffed between two thick slices of white bread.

It didn't look very appealing, but she took a bite out of it anyway out of politeness. It was about as dry as she expected, but the ingredients tasted good, speaking of their quality. She finished the rest of the sandwich by dipping it into her soup. Each bite went down easier that way, and it all tasted pretty good after the bread had been soaked.

"Form VI is quite different from Form V - it's better in every way," she replied with a grin. "Form V, like all the proceeding forms, is just one piece of a whole."

As more students arrived, she finally put away her thermos and stood up to continue greeting. Just like with her previous class on Psychometry, there was a good mix of new and old faces.

A few people came up to her to ask if they were late.

"No, you all made it in time," she replied with a shake of her head.

Off in the distance, she thought she spied a familiar face (Sarianna) from her old life. In that moment, she was reminded of the now defunct Republic Order of the Galactic Republic.

It looked like everyone had shown up, so she figured she could finally start. As with all her classes, latecomers were free to join at any time as long as they didn't cause a disturbance.

"Good morning everyone," she said, addressing everyone as one and then offering a small martial style bow, one fist against and an open palm. "For those of you unfamiliar with me, I am Master Jyoti Nooran. I'm delighted to have you all with me today so that I may show you the finer points of Niman."

She began to pace, sauntering right into the center of the class until she was completely surrounded by her students.

"To start, I would like to give you all a live demonstration of Niman before I proceed with any formal instruction. In these instances, I always find it better to show than to tell."

She unclipped one of two lightsaber hilts from her belt, raising it straight into the air before flipping it on. The hilt flared to life with a snap-hiss, producing a brilliant blade of electric blue. Meanwhile, she crossed her free hand over her chest, assuming one of the classic opening guard stances of Niman.

Right after shifting position, her whole form had become enveloped in a protective cocoon of Force energy. A preemptive measure against shenanigans with the telekinesis or projection.

"Whenever you're ready, take a shot at me, if you dare. One of you, or all, it doesn't matter."

Hopefully, everyone had been wise to at least pick up a training saber on their way to the course, or this would prove to be a rather short-lived experience.

[member="Mutaak"] [member="Sarianna Misarr"] [member="Saka Amara"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Yag'dril"] [member="Charlie"]
The sandwich wasn’t the best, but it was the only option she had while she ran out the door. Little did Jyoti know that the rest of Charlie’s lunch was several pak-pah, berries, jaquira fruit, and a few mook fruits. At least now Jyoti would be busy with the class and having seen Charlie eaten a cheese sandwich, the padawan can eat like a fruit bat. Her sugar addiction at least moved on to the healthier side of things.

People arrived and Charlie shoved the rest of her sandwich in her mouth along with the rest of the pak-pah fruit. She cleaned her hands and her face then moved to close the circle around her Master. The padawan preferred form IV Ataru, but she was curious to see why the Jedi Master preferred form VI, thus considering it better. The training saber she had dragged along with her from Tython remained clipped to her thigh as she listened – she learned from previous encounters with the Master that this part usually ended with the padawan on her bottom.

Still, seemed no one was going to start so Charlie unclipped her saber and exhaled, she knew she was going to regret this in some way. Still, the thrill of the challenge fired her up. Her yellow saber ignited giving a warning to the Master. Charging forward, the small padawan used the force to fuel her short legs and jumped into the air. She was aggressive and she reached back with the saber midair, as she started the descent upon Jyoti, Charlie began the downward strike.

[member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Mutaak"] [member="Sarianna Misarr"] [member="Saka Amara"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Yag'dril"]
Pausing as she looked around at all the other Padawans wandering in on time, casually too, Kat cursed herself. She hadn't been late at all, and she did all that running for nothing! That was the worst part, she hated that running she did, it made her sweaty and out of breath before the training even began. Master Jyoti introduced herself and gave the briefest of explanations of what was about to happen.

Looking around, she wondered if any of the other Padawans were just going to jump in and attack head on, then one small Padawan nearby did just that with a yellow training saber. Gripping her Force Pike, she hesitated for a moment, this was a Jedi Master. While she might not be the best combatant, Kat knew that a Jedi Master was going to raise quite a challenge, even for an Echani.

Twirling her Force Pike in her hands, she assessed the situation and decided to go in fighting with more acrobatic movements. Using the power her robotic legs assisted her in the jumps and kicks. Leaping forward, she darted artfully to the side and went for a high stab with the pike at the Master's head before preparing to block oncoming attacks.

[member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Charlie"] | [member="Mutaak"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Saka Amara"] | [member="Yag'dril"] | [member="Sarianna Misarr"]

Allies:[member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Charlie"] | [member="Yag'dril"] | [member="Kat Decoria"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Saka Amara"] | [member="Sarianna Misarr"]

Luckily, he had brought his training lightsaber from his quarters. Curious as to the capabilities of Form VI Ataru, he then sought to participate even though it would likely end with him on the ground. Tulaak notices one of the students as she unclips her saber, seeing this as an opportunity to strike from multiple directions. He does the same as his classmate, unclipping his saber.

Having no previous experience with a lightsaber, he only sought to make a basic strike. He knew this was going to end badly as his adrenaline started to pump. Tuneel saw her charge forward as she jumped in the air for a downward strike. He took the chance to attack while she was mid-air so Master Nooran would have to take a priority on who to defend against. With his un-ignited saber, he charges forward to make a direct strike at Master Nooran, planning to ignite his saber once Master Nooran was halfway into the range of the blade. As Tuneel attempts this, he just notices another Padawan try to strike from the side...
Sarianna was looking at the padawans who were standing around and she was surprised with the come at me bro approach of the jedi master... more because it drew a small snicker from her as she pushed off of the wall and focused her thoughts. Battlemind was important but battle meditation and inspiring to keep their minds calm as she focused to give them a sense of emptiness and protection from force hoodoo. SHe moved quickly though around the room to encourage all fo the others to join in the melee.
[member="Jyoti Nooran"]

THe snap hiss of the training saber came, the white blade with a golden core was in her hands where she focused herself. Letting the jedi padawan push herself to move around as the others were attacking and she had the size and strength many of them didn't while she moved. Tail going to lash at and try to trip the jedi master when the other padawans were coming in to attack her. SHe didn't move toward Jyoti with her body but she stayed off to the side to wrap around and go at the back with her tail aimed towards the ankles.
“Hmm,” Saka muttered, in lieu of the more colorful options that presented themselves. Truth be told she was more happy to watch the others do it and take notes from the events as it unfolded on her datapad for studying purposes. Saka flinched at the sudden movements by the others, slipping a little to the side so she was out of their line of approach.

"Good luck." She said softly with an underlying hint of amusement to her tone, taking small measured sips from her flask of tea as she observed the proceedings.
Well, this wasn't exactly what she'd expected out of this lesson, far from the usual style of teaching but if Master Nooran really wanted to get beaten down by the Padawans, who was she to stop her. Asaraa gathered the force as she darted forward, using the energy that coursed through her body to enhance her speed, her lightsaber slapping into her palm, blade coming to life with a familiar thrum as she twisted. She could see Charlie bringing her lightsaber down in an overhand strike, the other Padawans taking their lead from her friend strike at the Jedi Master from all directions.

It only made sense to join in with the others, combining her own attack with the others to attempt to overwhelm the Master. But she didn't want to make it too easy after all, Asaraa moved to the opposite side from Kat, holding back her attack for the merest half a second before she extended her blade in a thrust towards the woman's side. If she wanted to defend then hopefully that time skip would be enough to force her to choose to attack from one side or the other, letting someone's attacks break through the defences.

[member="Saka Amara"] | [member="Yag'dril"] | @Sarianna Misarr | [member="Mutaak"] | [member="Kat Decoria"] | [member="Charlie"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"]
Jasper didn't know any of these people in training to be a Jedi. He did, however, know the one who was teaching the students in this class. He met with her previously and learn a bit from her but knew it wasn't much he had learned. He knew about the class she was teaching and what she was going to teach but didn't want to get too involved with the other students. It was not like him to talk to others unless he had no choice but to. If then he would make sure that no one would know much about him and knew his personal life. He also wanted to get any information on the force out them whenever he could.

He waited for the class to start by laying on a wall taking in his surroundings and making mental notes of the people around the area. He stayed silent. Only his breathing could be heard from him and nothing else.

He wondered how long it would take for the class to start and thought about what he was going to learn. He knew some information on Niman from a Jedi cube he received from a Jedi but he didn't know anything more on the six form of lightsaber combat. He could have he wanted to but he knew he knew he was still new to the force and how it worked. While he was more focus on the force itself than lightsaber combat he realized he will have to face an enemy one day and wanted to be prepared as best as he could.
Jyoti wasn't the slightest bit surprised as Charlie accepted her invitation to attack. In fact, she had been counting on it, as her aggressive apprentice appeared to spur the others into action.

Now she had Padawan all around her charging or trying to strike from all angles. When facing multiple opponents, the worst possible position to be was in the middle of a mob, but it had been a calculated move on the Echani to bait them into an attack from a false sense of security.

Now the lesson could truly begin.

First, she had to break out of her cage. She focused on the weak link of the bunch - the Miralukan - becoming invisible in the Force just before flipping right over his head, landing right behind him after a single rotation through the air. She counted on her stealthy state in the Force to disorient the man, trying to use him as a stumbling block for the rest.

She made no motion after that, standing straight with her saber raised chest level in a guard position, while she awaited the ensuing pile-up of all the reckless Padawan that had converged on her at once.

Her attention didn't end with them, though, keeping track of a few others that had kept their distance. The Bodun (Yag'dril), in particular, was one to watch out for with her sly attempt at a sweep earlier.

She could feel something else at play here. The other Jedi Master (Sarianna) that had kept to herself was now working to influence the Padawan to boost their performance.


<Don't interfere.> she told Misarr telepathically. <You're only hurting them.>

It wasn't Jyoti being cheated, but the Padawan. If coddled, then they would never grow.

[member="Jasper Candos"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Saka Amara"] [member="Yag'dril"] [member="Sarianna Misarr"] [member="Mutaak"] [member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Charlie"]
Jyoti was full of surprises. Frowning, she watched as the woman made her move and snuck behind the other padawan. She hadn’t learned his name just yet, but he would probably get rather familiar with her foot. Her Master wasn’t going to be getting away from this, Charlie was going to get the first strike on the Echani woman. Determination was something that the young padawan was not lacking.

She twisted her legs to move forward and her saber turned off. The last thing she needed was to chop off the head of the other padawan. Using his shoulders, she bounced off of him and ignited her blade once more.

The saber was set to stun, she actually was quite fond of Jyoti. A downward slash would follow as she used the boy as a platform.
Seemed everything went chaotic as Master Nooran made her move. She had used the physically blind Miralukan as a shield against the other Padawan, making space between them. Kat happily leaped over the boy with ease, her powerful legs lifting her higher than the average person. Kat smirked as she noted Charlie stomping on the poor guy as she made her way to the Jedi Master.

Apparently some of the other Padawans had a bit more sense than to just race in and get beat up. "Smart choice, but who wants to be smart!" She called out to the other Padawans who were standing back, not taking part in the fight yet. Twirling the pike in her hands, she raced forward towards the Echani Jedi Master.

Sliding on her knees, she shifted the pike to hit the back of Master Nooran's knees before leaping up to full height and attacking where the head should be once she crumped from the knee blow. As long as everything went to plan of course.

[member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Charlie"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Saka Amara"] | [member="Mutaak"] | [member="Yag'dril"] | [member="Jasper Candos"] | [member="Sarianna Misarr"]

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