
Dromund Kaas
The wind was howling in the wasteland of the remains of Dromund Kaas, before a loud crack could be heard as a ship would enter through the clouds, and land in an opening. Steam would rise from the left side of the ship as the door would swing open vertically as it hits the ground, and the steps sling out from the inside of the ship. A bright light would emit from the ship, before the tall Nelvaan would take a step out of the ship, crouching under the door as he clearly to large to fit through the door, eventually stepping out onto the metal stairs.
As his large feet clunk down onto each of the steps and finally down onto the ground his head would twist in a 360 degree motion as he scans the horizon, he would flick his ears forwards as he emits a growl from his nuzzle. A crack from a firearm would be heard from the mist in front of him. His deep, masculine voice would quietly whisper out in the wilderness.
"Dromund... Kas-"
He is stopped as another blaster shot is heard, he simultaneously snaps his head to the direction of the shot, blinking his eyelids shut a few times, before unholstering his spear and making his way through the through the wasteland slowly. Every know and again stopping to take in his surroundings letting out a grunt, before continuing on.
OOC: Trying to use this as a way of getting my character into a faction, so if someone would be willing to show up and well convince my tough guy to come with you. I'd appreciate it.