Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Open to all] The Intergalactic Diner

Tengiz did a slight double take when Elbows recoiled in apparent horror. She did a quick glance over either shoulder, in case something scary was standing behind her, you never knew. Now she was just plain baffled. Maybe he was one of those humans afraid of aliens? Surely not though! I mean, she was fantastic when you got to know her! This did not compute, no sir. Too bad they weren't underwater, she could get a better read on his emotions that way. Alternatively she could go stick her tentacles on his face, but that tended to upset people and he'd already proved the jumpy type. Still..

She was brought out of this line of thought when he pulled a blaster. On the plus side, he did not pull it on her, so that was largely all right. She followed the path of the gun to see what the issue was. Some folks were mugging thuggishly outside the window. Well. That was one way to deal with folks making faces at you. Some younger guy went to get ready to hide, some other hardcase got all steely-eyed desperado hands on mah gun pardner.

The muggin' thugs were apparently not stupid, and or this was all a jolly good show staged by the diner and they beat feet. Elbows took off his helmet, yep human, and started having a conversation with himself. This diner was full of crazy, it was great, she was definitely coming back here in the future! She still hadn't quite figured out who he was playing though. I mean Space Cowboy was easy. That guy was great at his character, you looked at him and you just knew. He was some roughneck who flew around space and was maybe a pirate or smuggler in his off days but only against forces of evil or the rich. Often the same thing. Elbows though.. Crazy bounty hunter? THey were known for being a bit unhinged, she wouldn't say it was a well known enough role that she'd hire an actor to be one at a party but different strokes for different folks. She could always just ask of course. Even if he insisted on staying in character his reactions might be fun. Besides, the diner obviously wanted you to join in and really feel like you were part of the scene.

So she sidled up to him.

"Hey Elbows, you get a lot of work around here?"

There, she wasn't making him act out of character or anything. Some actors got quite titchy about that.

[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Zinboldo"] [member="Cambry Owens"]

Cambry Owens

A Pseudo-Mandolorian. Sort of.
Cambry just totally freaked the heck out. He had been looking in the opposite direction, she had basically snuck up on him and viciously...well, spoke to him, but that was pretty bad in his book. A sort of jerky recoil led him to take a step back, resulting in his meeting a table's corner and having nowhere really to go besides away from it.
So yeah, he fell over.
Immediately, he was scrambling to his feet, avoiding eye contact with the strange creature person as well as possible and trying to put space between them. "W-What is a work." He fumbled, clambering unsteadily to his feet.
Filling the airwaves? Hard to say; he's kind of just a moron sometimes. If Verne wasn't a droid, he'd have facepalmed.
"I uh." He nearly backhanded a man as he put a glove unnaturally on his belt. "I'm actually, uh, leaving..." Cambry jerked a thumb backwards, as if hastily apologetic that he couldn't stay and chat. Because that was convincing, y'know.
[member="Tengiz"] @Jorus Merrill @Zinboldo
@Tengiz@Cambry Owens

"Well that was half a step from memorable," Jorus murmured, hands off his guns. And of course, not a second after the thugs bailed, the kid had his hands full with a spastic, slinky Nautolan. He considered offering the kid a job, because he'd hired hundreds just like both of'em -- the kid and him -- but in the end the thing with the thugs leaving had been more about their discretion than the kid's judgment. Danger over, no reason for a wanted man to make any more noise than he needed.

"See you around, kid," he said, apropos of nothing, and tipped his hat on his way to the door. Sometimes moments like this changed lives; sometimes they just went nowhere. He was still on the fence about this Will of the Force thing, but destiny had never struck him as very probable.
"Oo, issit a philisophical question then? Like work is an existential crisis or somewhat? What is the true nature of work. Dunno! 'Spect I shall have to think about it."

This guy was hilarious! Hopefully he was getting paid well for this, totally deserved it. The slapstick comedy, quick improving, yep, Elbows should totally get nominated for some sort of prize or something.

"'Spose you're likely booked elsewhere, that's understandable! Werl, have fun Elbows."

She palmed a credit chit into one hand discreetly, before doing some more space invading to give him a handshake. This guy had totally earned a tip. Sometimes you weren't meant to though, so you had to be sneaky about it. Things you learned growing up on a resort world!

The desperado headed for the door, tipping his hat as he went. That guy was way too cool. Maybe he was a proper holostar? She did not keep track of these things, holos were good once in a while, but there were so many interesting things in real life to watch! Maybe that last bit was his catchphrase! Was it the sort you were meant to respond to? There were hypothetical questions, which she had trouble spotting, perhaps there were hypothetical statements as well? Learning to speak languages was easy, the details were hard. A kid was either a baby goat or a young human, sometimes extended to the young of other species. She was neither a goat nor a human, but she was relatively young on a galactic scale.

Probably she had waited too long thinking about it, it would likely be awkward if she responded now. She didn't want to ruin the show for everyone else, that would just be self-centred.

[member="Cambry Owens"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]

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