Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Opening Pantora's Box | TSE Invasion of Pantora (OOC)

[member="Vanessa Vantai"]

As stated in my post, I won't be fleeting in this invasion.

My plan is to engage [member="Kaine Australis"] on the ground. I thought I'd just reiterate that for your awareness as I know you're a regular fleeter yourself! My post has Veiere heading for Pantora's surface, the ship will just be background noise in the story, I won't be using the Judiciary from here on.
Hello all!

So, I am quite late to the party indeed, but would anyone be so kind as to quickly summarize what has been happening in the Space Engagement for me please? I am having trouble getting the resolve to read through every reply to insert myself into the invasion...
Terribly sorry for my slow posting. My Kids and Partner nearly lost their Grandmother/Mother two days back, and it's been a rough time lately. I've been feeling guilty a bit because I was ready to make up for a couple past threads where life circumstance got in the way of my availability.

[member="Kaine Australis"] (My planned opposition) and I are in contact regularly and understands my position. However for the sake of the invasion as a whole, I wished to express my frustration and disappointment for not being able to be more consistent.
Attention fleeting peeps!

Due to IRL reasons I'm in a bit of a time crunch, so I'm going to skip putting the fleet actions in my posts for speed and simplicity. For the most part, the UPDF will stay close to the main Golan VIII and defend the space above the Pantoran capital. ORC peoples, feel free to use the ships of the fleet for whatever you like, and Sith peoples, feel free to blow them up.

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