Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebellion Operation Beskar Falls


T H E __ R A G N A R __ S Y N D I C A T E
THE OATHSWORN // 104th BATTALION 'WOLFPACK' // RAGNAR SYNDICATE // MANDA'YAIM // Rynn Vizsla Rynn Vizsla // Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku //Maynard Treicolt
x12 10 NPC INFECTED // Grrwunhoooll Agaburry Grrwunhoooll Agaburry // Ra's Ra's // OPEN

Rolling shadows took the shape of bodies and grew and thrashed below. It was noisy and distressing. The undead didn’t seem to know basic, only communicating in gestures, groans, shrieks and rolling sounds that started somewhere in their bodies and purveyed the immediately surrounding area. In her helm, it sounded of conflicting static, like channels colliding over shared frequencies and loud white noise. It squealed loudly, chattering nonsensically and she turned down the external volume feed.

Maybe somewhere, coded in the neurons there was still grammar and language programs from the former soldiers the virus had attached itself to or eaten. Eaten, but not destroyed. Those that had found temporary solace in death were reainimated. And as decayed and mutilated as the figures were, they were still distinctly humanoid.

And humanoids were still flammable.

<"We're gonna move to envelop the horde...and we're gonna burn 'em out. All of them.">

Loske should have anticipated that sort of approach. It was effectively saying do both. They’d get to the source by reducing the perimeter so narrowly that anything that remained would only be credited to either their aptitude for survival, or the sheer power and influence over the horde. Beyond the vague modulations of his tone through his helmet, there was an irrefutable will behind his words. Thinly constrained fury for all the emotions this sector brought with it. Everything tied to the past and the future. As toxic as the tether could be if she gave it too much presence on her psyche, she borrowed the irrefutable purpose only.

At the General’s command, the outline of the encampment ignited in angry spouts of tunnelled orange, yellow and red. Superheated blasts channelled at the rotting flesh of the diseased. Rifles shaped like villainous metal equipped in the hands of the dedicated soldiers made their presence known in a spectacle of pyro prowess. The flames caught and leapt from body to body. Shadows consumed by the flames twisted and writhed, screaming in unaware agony while the fire consumed the bodies.

Companion to the flames, the Mandalorian legions commanded hellfire from above. Concentrated streams torn asunder through the undead army, scorching the earth beneath.

Far from the flames, deeper in the encampment, Loske’s HUD politely outlined a shape. The leader –– the thing from out in the vast dark –– seemed to brandish a single crimson saber, like a beacon. Then it disappeared, swallowed by the hilt and too, the owner managed to be overwhelmed by it’s companions. Despite reducing the volume on her receptors there was a distinct scream that unified from the throats of the creatures below,

There seemed to be a level of organization to them, maneuvering and pushing their ways in coordinated directions. Their musculatures compelled them to follow the directives of other infected soldiers.

Just short of closing her eyes, the Jedi paused her approach to get a feel for the virus’ reaction to the heat. A traditional method of extermination for eliminating unwanted pathogens. Tradition would have limited success here. While the rest of the soldiers pressed in to apply pressure to the rotting wound that was the encampment. She stretched into the invisible current of The Force and all it touched. There was a rage below them. A fury that belonged not to the horde, but to the infection itself. It went beyond the encampment, somewhere in the soil. Tunnels or other means of underground travel, she couldn’t decipher. Horrified, Loske realized there was a level of sentience in the reproductive plague. She dared forward, still keeping the concentration on the anatomic level of the plague. It wasn’t aware of her, it wasn’t that smart.

With the flames operating as a covering shield, she remained directly un-engaged and took the opportunity to immerse further. Even when she began to stretch out, plucking and picking at the atoms one by one and impelling an acceleration to her machinations, the virus seemed not to notice. Until she managed to understand it, and took a first stab at restricting its atrocious necessity to grow. In the physical world, it looked as though she might have been pushing together two sides of a small box, forcing the sides together fingertip by fingertip until they met. A small glow gathering around her hands, combining the purity of light and the ferocity of art of the small. In the metaphysical realm, it was forcing life against death in a peculiar twist of the light and affecting the growth patterns. Until she could figure out how they matched, all the cells tessellated and murky with desolation.

Beyond the wall of fire, two undead soldiers that were pressing in their direction dropped. Just dead. The aware pathogen vanquished. There was no look of triumph splattering across her face beneath her helm, just more concentration. The virus did not know basic, it did not follow the same levels of grammatical conduct as the woman who’d intervened with its build. But it did whisper. This small, surrounded by its structure, she could see it pulsing and permeating a message of warning through the infected. It felt urgent, angry. Deeply hostile. The muted soundwaves raced and travelled, and a part of the Jedi extended herself to latch on to them, as if riding the wave would direct her to the nucleus of control; if an origin or chain of command was possible to exist in this realm. If there was, she’d find and destroy it.

Beyond the typical onslaught of salvo after salvo, there was a disruption in their proximity. A large rumbling, intimidating creature grounded with a cacophonous orchestra of debris, groaning, and alarmed sounds. Around the same time, the Force swelled darkly. Where she’d detected the one Sith, there were now two. And one of their allies was in the sea of death below. Not just an ally, but armour she’d seen operating in reports on behalf of The Alliance before as well.

Altruism begged her attention, clawing to drag her into the infested area to protect and assist. She took in a long breath, and sharply exhaled to keep herself focused. If she pulled out now, she might lose the trace she'd detected. Stop the plague. Reduce it until there was nothing left to spread would be her objective.


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It was a shame, really. A shame that the might she had built across the Fortress Moon would need to be laid to waste, but this dark and horrible place hid secrets that the Sephi desired reduced to little more than ash and forgotten memories, well-hidden betrayals and violations that served not the Empire but only Lirka's all-consuming self-interests. But still. She had a planet to burn.

Dark figures surrounded the Sephi in her throne room, a clawed hand running across the mighty throne of dark metal, and the twisted bones of those she had slayed during the Mandalorian Genocide. Her accomplishment here thrown away into the abyss when Fortress Imperious titanic detonation would come, her claws clenched around the arm with a barely contained rage. Mandalorian Dogs. They just had to ruin it all, everything had been running so smoothly. Reports flooded the Sephi's comm channel, the chaos bellow, the statue of the Fortress Moon's systems, and the slow and methodological destruction of her beloved Fortress Imperious.

The Moff and her warriors spoke in harsh and alien words, the last of her Battalion to depart for the world below. She cared little, her beloved spite that she had held so close had quickly been running out of uses in her mind. There were far more pressing matters in her mind now. As the gaggles alien leader spoke once more, the Moff raised a clawed hand, turning to face him.

"Leave. Hunt. Destroy, do as you please."

A less formal instruction than she was used to, but the Sephi had grown tired of it all. With a nod the dozen or so Children of Moridinae turned on their heels and left the Grand Moff's throne room for their gunship. Prey waited for the hunters on that chaotic world below But Lirka? She had much more grim tasks to attend to.

As the warriors finally depart, Lirka's comms buzzed once again: another alert about the fortress reaching her ears.

"Nearing completion, security systems are being deactivated within 5, defensive weaponry disabled and power-cells prepared to detonate at your command."

Moving away from the grim throne, Lirka's face beneath the helm grew dour: there would many secrets that would die with Fortress Imperious today: but they were secrets for Lirka's eyes only, and there were far too many loose ends to clean up before this moon was regulated to the burning cinder of the Empire's departure.

She entered what had once been her "quarters", though in truth it was little more than a training arena and the forge in which Lirka had crafted so many of her weapons. That clawed hand ran across one of the racks, clicking against her many masterworks until the Grand Moff deemed one suitably: heaving out a massive two-handed mace, a head that was an intricately sculpted and placed mass of jagged blades: she knew that this would work well for what needed to be done.


The gunship streaked through the sky, moving towards the northern chaos where the ruins of Sundari dominated. The craft jinked and weaved through the killing field the sky had became: it's pilot steely and unfeeling: the training of the Grand Moff had seen to that. There was but one goal: to arrive, to destroy, to burn away the few remnants of the past that remained. Other craft burst into flames around them, torn apart by the enemies relentless attack. Barbarian scum.

But the hunters were determined, the squad-lead had commanded his warriors here, and they would listen without question: for by the death of these Mandalorians they would find themselves ascendant, risen above the vileness of their past lives, living among the Mandalorian dregs they had once deemed family: once dubbed brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, friends and allies. To slay ones own blood was a honor that the Dark rarely gifted, and as the news of one Venku Bralor Venku Bralor entering the fray reached the leader's ear the opportunity could not be denied.

As the gunship neared the Mandalorian's position, wild weapon fire sprayed from it's hull: missiles flew wildly and cannons sprayed suppressive laser fire across the earth, it was as they had been trained to do, to arrive in shock and awe before reaping the bloody tally. The racks in which the Children of Moridinae sat deployed not long after, and their jump packs burst into life as the dark-armored warriors ferried themselves to the ground below.

They stood as some abhorrent mixture the Imperial Legionnaire and a Mandalorian warrior: hefting various repeating blasters and carbines, ready to spray down the Barbarian invaders with a slew of blaster fire. But it he who stood foremost among them that stood out the most, the squad leader: his helmet giving way to two long lekku that jutted out from the back of his head, heaving forward a large LMG in comparison to the rest of his posse. His voice crackled out from behind the helm, distorted, but inmistakable.

"You were stupid to come here, rat."

Rats. That's all these Barbarian scum were. Rats, lost and blind without their home to cling to. And he despised them for their weakness.


The comms buzzing in Lirka's ear had stopped, the systems within the station had made sure of that: torn asunder and shut down as the remaining station-crew would carry on their tasks with calculated solitude, finish their jobs, and either leave this system or go throw themselves into the chaos of battle. There was silence, except for the scream of metal against metal as Lirka dragged her brutal mace through one of the halls to Fortress Imperious's security center.

There was no emotion from the Sephi, merely thunderous footfalls as her armored form advanced. The glowing emerald lenses of her helm seemed to pulse with energy, a cruel gaze that would freeze the hearts of lesser men: for Lirka would have her blood today, though not as one would initially expect. The Mandalorians could do as they pleased, saving herself from the prying eyes of the Empire was far more important today. Two of the technicans scurried through the halls, stopping quickly and turning to face the Grand Moff in a salute.

"Ma'am! We are progress-"

The man didn't have a chance to finish his sentence as Lirka swung her mace in a savage and brutal swing, the blades digging into his flesh and tearing aside the weak defenses of the uniform as his body slammed against the wall and broke with a crack. The second barely had time to react before the butt of the weapon smashed into his skull with a wet crack.

She did not take the time to process her kills, merely yanking her weapon from her first victim as his body fell to the floor. A low growl humming from the Sephi's helmet, she relished their agony and surprise at the sudden betrayal. She let loose the bonds of loyalty and oaths as she thundered through the halls on Fortress Imperious: her secrets would die with this fortress, just as would all those who were unfortunate enough to be in her way.

And in the end, Lirka would relish every moment of it: the sweet ichor of her hidden betrayal would fuel her for years to come.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Rizûti Kûts, the Black Death - The Foundry, Mandalore
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x red blade lightsaber shoto | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Shield talisman | G1 OmniLink | BCR-X10 Sniper Rifle | Empyrean gland | Taozin amulet
Tag(s): Sidiqq Ordo | Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn

Background music:
Sabaton – Rise of Evil

Ingrid managed to do what she wanted and was left alone with the other, the other Mandos stuck outside. She had no doubt they would try to get in, but by then, hopefully, this fight will be over. In fact, thankfully, telekinetic pulling wasn’t one of the Forces that required a lot of effort, so Ingrid was able to do it. However, she already had doubts that the invisibility would have succeeded in the long run. Although her armour was closed and insulated, it was not perfectly closed. After all, it was a light one.

She felt her connection with the Force weaken, though the effect of the grenade did not completely cut her off from the Force, but it was still felt. But she tried her best to make her opponent feel nothing of it during the fight. Fortunately, military and assassin training took place when her Force Sensitive state was dormant. They trained her without Force to be able to kill Force Users as well. She didn't need the Force to fight. The red-haired woman was more than the Force, if it hadn’t existed - the way the Wardens want - , she would still have prospered perfectly.

Her opponent started firing, but the mandalorian didn't want to shoot at her, but at the light sources. Did he really think she wouldn't sense him without light? She might go nowhere with the naked eye and not take much advantage of the sensors because her opponent was a cold-blooded creature, but through the Force she still knew where the man was. As for the blind fight, she had no objections to it either, although it was not an explicitly fair fight.

Ingrid was patient and loved to think she could turn every fight to her own advantage, which is why she was just waiting patiently for the Mandalorian to finish what he wanted. When dark and dim light covered the whole hangar, she acted for the first time. So far, she was just waiting and watching her opponent, whose movements and actions revealed a lot about him. She didn't even try to find the man with the sensors, she did it all with the Force, but she showed up as if she didn't know where the other was, though she did.

”I learned from my instructors that the Mandalorians are not cowards and they do not run away from fighting. It seems your generation is just a joke and old noble ideas have been taken out of your own kind. What a shame! I was hoping for a good fight, and then this cowardly kitten got in my way...”

She said in Mando’a language, though with an accent. Although she did not have a lightsaber in her hand, she did not need a lightsaber to use the Dun Möch, which was directly insulting the enemy. These were just words that hopefully affected her opponent.



Sidiqq Ordo

Location: The Foundry

Objective: Lead Clan Ordo and union forces to victory and capture the beskar mine

Auxiliary Objective: Give Sidiqq's dance partner, a "date" to remember


- Durasteel Armor: Nothing special
-Side Arm:
-Grenades X7 (currently):

Currently Outside and engaging enemy forces outside of the facility: Motorized tank infantry using this tank:

A more Elite Platoon under the direct command of Sidiqq: Made of mostly snipers and infantry, were assigned to assault the hanger and create a distraction. Now inside the facility they have split into three groups , one attacking the assembly area of the foundry, another attacking the terminal with Sidiqq, and the last one currently assaulting the generator. Tho the last group is struggling, and will need help to complete their mission.


Allies: A rogue mandalorian with big balls Siv Dragr Siv Dragr , Mandalorian Union, Mandalorians fighting for the liberation of mandalore, other allies

Enemies: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn , TSE conglomerate , Ragnar Union Darmada , Sons Of Mandalore Darmada

The darkness was an ally and tool that was one of the many arsenals in which the shadow warrior fought in, the other being silence. The mentor who had taught the young A'lor to fight, to be mandalorian, had always taught him that actions were the greatest words instead of a voice. As a result, the silent and shadowy figure would respond in the same manner after hearing the assassin mock the trandoshan in his language. The message was received in this cat and mouse game that was now being played, holstering his unfortunately useless blaster pistol in this fight. Both free arms would now throw with great speed two more forcebreaker grenades simultaneously, one to the right and left of his opponent. After throwing those, he would throw a third one in the middle.

The idea was to force his opponent backwards and to continue to spread this toxic gas around so that if the reptilian managed to shut off her systems in her armor, her sight in the force would also be forced to wane. The other idea was to also allow for the debris exhibited from the grenade to also damage more machinery and therefore create more open electrical sparks. Such an action would create almost a border of opportunities throughout their setting that they would be fighting in.

So far the plan was slowly coming together, one of the other advantages of fighting this way was that the scaled being also had more immunity to toxic gases. While not all gases mind you, the gas exhibited from the grenade was made to only effect force users and would not be strong enough to make the mandalorian concerned as result to its other properties. What many confused mandalorian bravery for was stupidity, but to be a true warrior of the galaxy, one had to fight smart.

However it is said that the more silent a being is, the more likely they are to be incredibly passionate when pressed enough. This was true of the ominous figure in the eerie environment that was being created for their duel to take place, on his terms. Hissing and seething the anger of the hunter would betray the stealthy attempt of remaining hidden, in a dark room like this that noise could easily be detected. While usually controlled and calm, the stoic figure was uncharacteristically affected by the mere act of her speaking his language and mocking his culture. Enough to allow him to betray himself with louder mannerisms that usually indicated anger and intent to kill. Under most cases, the sniper was trained to remain calm, to remain in control.

But this was different, his mentor and many others had died to keep him alive. This brief moment and break from what was normal of the usually closed individual would quickly be contained however. The T-visored individual now hissing and seething in the quite manner that he had been in before and was normally like. However should his opponent continue pressing him with such dark memories and insulting him in such a manner, the dark figure would likely lose it. Something that certainly would be in her favor, as there is always a saying about trandoshans when they get angry.

"When they shout and snarl, they're ready to kill. But when they whisper, they're ready to kill everything." - Boba Fett

The less control Sidiqq would have, the less dangerous he would be, something many would know about when facing Trandoshans. Even if they are now mandalorians trained under the mandalorian creed. Right now the thoughts coming from this calculated and cold predator were methodical and genius, but if she makes him lose his sense of reasoning. Then she could beat him, despite the sniper having a superior advantage in raw strength. While trandoshans may be tied for the strongest physically in the galaxy, that would not matter if he was not thinking correctly. This soft shell was well trained, and certainly more experienced then he was. All she needed to do was break his roots and rythm, and the orange eyed being would not let her if he could.
Active Member
Objective: Help the horde
Current action: Try to kill Bridger Axii Bridger Axii

As the battlefield soon turn in a wave of pure chaos and sound of war all around him the Sith quickly make the decision to focus on one of the opponents, the one which seems to be bloodlusted for battle himself. This Mandolarian which to be heroic ? Well Ra's is going to grant him quite some heroic end. As he rush at high-speed to reach the Mando direction passing in front of some of the "soldiers" from Grrwunhoooll Agaburry Grrwunhoooll Agaburry forces, Ra's using his left hand try to perform a violent
Force-Grip on his opponent and the drag him to his position in a brutal pressure as he prepare to impale him with his lightsaber. Dooku style

Allies: The Mandalorian Union
Engaging: Grrwunhoooll Agaburry Grrwunhoooll Agaburry 's Zombie Horde, Ra's Ra's
(x13 Infected Slain)
Location: Infested Encampment

The mass moving organism of undead acted as a hive-mind in their pursuit of the living, swarming like wasps as they picked off individuals, their screams being heard as they cried out for a miracle that wasn't to be found, only more death. It wasn't long until the undead had their eyes on Bridger, who fired several shots from his rifle into the horde to draw their attention from their prey. Their lifeless eyes honed in on the Mandalorian as they rushed forward. Clipping his rifle to his magnetized back as he extended his vambrace towards the horde, the spark of ignition soon exploded into a volley of flames as it casted itself over the encroaching mass of undead. The flames not only being fueled by the fluid, but also fueled by pent up rage and anger, fueled with the thirst for vengeance of his people.

The shrieks of the undead bounced off the halls in the encampment, the intense smell of burning flesh overpowering the stench of war that covered the planet. Bridger stared blankly into the lifeless crowd as they burned, clawing and gnashing wildly before being reduced to charred shells, dropping to the floor. The encampment was lit up brilliantly in bright orange flame as the desolation continued, eventually flickering out before stopping, his vambrace was out of fuel. Quickly drawing his MK-1 Scatterblaster Bridger continued his onslaught, blasting any undead that charged him as the bodies continued dropping at his feet, with his free hand he attempted to reload the fuel canister on his vambrace until he felt an overwhelming force overtake him.

He lost the strength in his feet from underneath him as he found himself being dragged down the encampment hall, the source of this power coming from a large and ugly Kaleesh, carrying the signature crimson blade used by the wizard order. If Bridger didn't want to become a shish kabob, he needed to act fast. The Mandalorian whilst being pulled fired his whipcord thrower as it latched onto the wall behind him, momentarily giving him the chance to fire a wrist rocket from his vambrace as it came whizzing towards the sith while the whipcord's strong connection struggled against the powerful pull. The sith would either have to either evade or block to not get blown into several pieces.


Allies: The MU
Enemies: TSE
Engaging: Riil ( Lirka Ka Lirka Ka )

Thoughts of hydras and battle strategies abandoned him. Replaced only with the thud of his heart and the repetitive thought of “you’re not dead, you’re not dead. My brother is alive.”

Something wasn’t right. Cannon fire harried his troops, missiles sent up sparks of fire and smoke upon impact. His borrowed helm did little to keep it out, and it scraped and clawed at his throat as he breathed. In all of this, his brother stood there, opposite him, hefting a gun. A gun aimed at him.

“You were stupid to come here, rat.”

“Riil…” his voice no longer lilted with joy. Instead it was quite, rough from the smoke and grief. His tail sagged, his shoulders drooped. What happened to his brother? To the kind boy that always listened to him when he started rambling, the brother he would wrestle with and laugh with. Where was the young man that helped him grieve for his mother, that taught him how to forge his armor instead of her?

Rats. That’s what he called them. The word dripped with malice and condemnation. How could this happen?

Soldiers died around him. He could barely hear their screams. He could barely feel the smoke ravaging his own lungs. His mind was trapped. Lost in the past, in memories of laughter and pranks and joy. A time when he was whole. Stuck in the present, with it’s burning city and ever rising death toll. A present in which the togorian was riddled with holes. The loss of his mother, the loss of his father and his many brothers, the destruction of Riil, his favorite brother. The one that picked up his pieces and put him back together.

Riil, the brother he thought was dead. This was a ghost. A hallucination. This couldn’t be him.

Could it?

Blaster fire flew thick through the air, smoke burned his throat, people screamed, a hydra roared its deafening fury, the rough stone beneath his feet felt as unstable as loose sand.

His ghost of a brother began to fire.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Rizûti Kûts, the Black Death - The Foundry, Mandalore
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x red blade lightsaber shoto | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Shield talisman | G1 OmniLink | BCR-X10 Sniper Rifle | Empyrean gland | Taozin amulet
Tag(s): Sidiqq Ordo | Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn

Background music:
Sabaton – Rise of Evil

The other's only reaction to what Ingrid did was to throw more grenades at her two sides and one in front of her. Ingrid only had seconds until they exploded. Since it was dark now, she didn't see what grenades they might have been, but since she had revealed that she was a Force User, she was thinking of at least one more Force Blocking Grenade. Ingrid would have done so, or not even thrown so much of these again at her opponent. Rather, she would have tried to trick him and attacked with a thermo-grenade.

Most people probably wouldn’t have tried to dodge after such an attack in the wake of the previous ones because shrapnel doesn’t do much damage to the armour. As a result, most would not have moved and thus exploded in the wake of the grenade explosion. Ingrid assumed so much intelligence for her opponent. If he didn’t have that level after all, it’s still better to overestimate someone than below. Such a mistake can cost her life.

This line of thought lasted a fraction of a second, so she still had some time to do what. In light of this, the other remained silent and still did not attack; not much can be done. She can jump forward to avoid this attack, although the jump or something is not far enough to get out of range of a possible explosion. Therefore, she had to throw both the forward and shooting plan in the trash. There is only one thing she can do while she is able to do it.

And the fact that she was going to surprise the man from behind, she didn't even have eyes there, couldn't tell she was coming there. Ingrid reached into the Force again and teleported a few steps behind the man completely silently. The explosion was heard at that moment from where she had stood before. Based on the sounds, she overestimated the man and he did not use an ordinary grenade. It’s unfortunate, though, that she hoped she got a smart opponent. Now that she had managed to get behind the man, it was time to end the fight as well.

She tried to cut the armour and back of the trandoshan with an X-shaped cut…


Allies: Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla | Talon Richwood | Darsch Vizsla Darsch Vizsla | Jaster Awaud
Enemies: Aerith Castiella | Sith
Equipment: Blitz'gam armour for this fight | weapons in bio | Mando vambraces in bio | Crushgaunts included | Jetpack included
Current objective: Survive

The next few moments were a blur to the Shistavanen. After she fired, the Sith soldier wrapped a whipcord around her arm and threw off her aim completely. In her injured state, fighting against the cable to try and get her rifle back on target was practically impossible. But her eyes went wide when the Sith's gun was raised at her. "No wai-!" she tried to shout but she was cut off when the gun shifted and the missile impacted the roof next to her. The next thing she knew, she was falling with the Sith into the building with rubble crumbling down around them... then everything went black.

She laid motionless, completely lost in the rubble until her eyes shot open with a gasp. Dust and debri shook off her as she tried to sit up, but she immediately stopped as overwhelming pain took over. Her one eye was stinging and her legs were trapped under some rubble. Outside somewhere, she heard the roars and screams of those monsters. She could only hope they didn't find her.

With a whimper she brought her left hand up to her aching head, wincing as she touched her brow. Her fingers were smeered with blood and dust that coated her usual black and brown pelt. Something must have hit her against the head in the fall. The thought reminded her of her current situation and with borderline hyperventilating gasps she drew her pistol and looked for her attacker. She quickly found them and took aim, but lowered it immediately as she gazed at their visor with her battered vision. "Aerith?" she muttered in shock.

Behind the broken visor was the very familiar face of the one person closest to her. "But... what?" she whimpered as tears formed in her eyes. All this time, she had been fighting her. "Aerith... what are you doing here?" she muttered with shock as the tears slowly ran down her cheeks, staining the grey dust on her face even further. This couldn't be right.

The pistol fell onto the rubble next to her as the will to fight left her entirely. She tried to move again when pain surged through her right arm and side, causing her to yelp and arch inward. "Aerith?" she spoke up as a sob escaped her. She didn't know what was going on anymore...
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Sidiqq Ordo

Location: The Foundry

Objective: Lead Clan Ordo and union forces to victory and capture the beskar mine

Auxiliary Objective: Give Sidiqq's dance partner, a "date" to remember


- Durasteel Armor: Nothing special
-Side Arm:
-Grenades x4 (currently):

Currently Outside and engaging enemy forces outside of the facility: Motorized tank infantry using this tank:

A more Elite Platoon under the direct command of Sidiqq: Made of mostly snipers and infantry, were assigned to assault the hanger and create a distraction. Now inside the facility they have split into three groups , one attacking the assembly area of the foundry, another attacking the terminal with Sidiqq, and the last one currently assaulting the generator. Tho the last group is struggling, and will need help to complete their mission.


Allies: A rogue mandalorian with big balls Siv Dragr Siv Dragr , Mandalorian Union, Mandalorians fighting for the liberation of mandalore, other allies

Enemies: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn , TSE conglomerate , Ragnar Union Darmada , Sons Of Mandalore Darmada

Sidiqq was beaten, handedly within seconds the orange eyes that were once energized during the fight were now widened. The blades were strong enough to cut through the durasteel and cut the young A'lor. Blood had splattered onto the stinging edges of the blades, had the scrappy individual not worn armor he likely would have had worse gashes. Hissing and breathing heavily the trandoshan would fall T-visor forward into the floor, with a loud thump. As the mandalorian saying went; a battle plan is always good on paper, until the first roadblock gets in the way. The plan of the bounty hunter was a good plan, making the fight long, letting the toxin do its job and finding a time to shove his opponent into machinery that could electrocute her. But, she was a force user, that could teleport it seemed. Such a roadblock was too much for said plan to be victorious, so far the odds were not looking good for the roguish individual.

Then, all the sudden the comms in the mandalorian's bucye began blaring with mandalorian voices again. "Shield generator secured! Shield generator secured! OYA!" . Seconds later a loud crackling and thunderous boom could be heard, the explosion obviously the shield generator. It seemed all the elite commandos needed were the men that the reptilians had sent away to turn the tide of the shield generator skirmish. With the combined reinforcments and Clan Ordo's siege force, the facility would fall within the day. Rather then the weeks it would take had the shield generator remained, such action would save countless mandalorian liberators from a pointless death. However such an assault was not possible without heavy losses, imperial comms that the attacking assassin could make out were that the entire team attacking the assembly area was wiped out completely. But such a victory and daring attack could not be made possible without sacrifice, once the mandalorians would learn of their casualties, a proper funeral would be given. Boots began marching and vehicles of war began advancing outside as the garrison of the facility began clashing with the siege force.

The leader and A'lor of Clan Ordo chuckled while bleeding slowly, he may have been defeated, but in the end his distraction allowed for the generator to be destroyed. Speaking for the first time to his opponent, the silent and deadly warrior who was dispatched rather quickly would roll over to look his likely killer in the eyes. "Hissssssss, the old generation of us was certainly brave." , the wounded individual would cough blood into his visor before continuing. "But, sthhhhhhh my generation is just as tough and smarter. If I was apart of the older generation, I would have stupidly attacked you while you were hiding behind that crate. sihissssssssssssssss But mandalorians are not brawlers that charge head first into battle like laser brains." . Proud and defiant, the soldier of the mandalorian union would take off his bucye. Revealing his pale and orange eyes that were glowing in the dark, as well as his scalely and yellow pale hard shell that his species called skin.

"Part of being a warrior is choosing the best situation for you to fight, seething and hissing breathing would be exhibited before speaking again. . I knew I could not beat you, my objective was complete here, better to fight you on my terms. The mandalorians of old have forgotten that lesson, and when you put me in a position not of my choosing, I chose to create an environment that I could win in. Our generation is made of equally capable warriors befitting our culture, and of better thinkers. That is why we wont forget the other tenants of our people, why we wontsssssssssss enter endless wars that destroy our allits(families) ability to grow and raise the next generation. That is why we wont fail in the way the older generation did when they failed to defend mandalore from you filth. The older generation forgot what made us great and only focused on just war. What makes us great is our language, our close familial bonds, our preparedness to fight for allit, our unity in a strong leader, and that as long as you are worthy and follow our creed. That even a trandoshan adopted into the culture, can one day become a worthy warrior, and A'lor. " . Chuckling and laughing, the towering figure however would still be on the floor, bleeding slowly.

"I distracted you enough to complete my mission for MANDA'YAIM! You may have beaten me, but my clan beat you! Even if you kill me, my sacrifice will not be in vein!Heh hissssssssss he hahaahahaahahaahahahahahaha! The Mandalorian Union will be a free and independent mandalorian nation, and theres nothing you sithssssssssssths can do now!" . Her instructor was right, mandalorians are not cowards, the only difference is that the sith lead genocide of their people created a relentless and more defiant generation then before. Quickly drawing his side arm yet again, while hopefully this agent was distracted he would fire a few bolts into the damaged light above. Should it fall, the electricity still contained within the object would be enough to shock the armor systems and the individual. Should it hit the defiant and young leader, it would likely put the being in an even more critical state. The rough skin was tough enough to handle a blow from a force user wielding dual swords, but against electricity now on top of that? There would be too much to handle, only by luck would he survive.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Rizûti Kûts, the Black Death - The Foundry, Mandalore
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x red blade lightsaber shoto | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Shield talisman | G1 OmniLink | BCR-X10 Sniper Rifle | Empyrean gland | Taozin amulet
Tag(s): Sidiqq Ordo | Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn

Background music:
Sabaton – Rise of Evil

Ingrid's endurance was great, but now this otherwise simple task was quite stressful for the woman because her connection with the Force had deteriorated. She was absolutely sure she would once again not be able to teleport. At least not for the next few hours until the toxin is excreted from her body. She still had enough strength to be able to perceive her surroundings, but she knew nothing more.

She succeeded in what she wanted, she heard her weapon cut through the armour of the trandoshan and wounded its skin as well. Heard the other's gasp as he gasped for air. She had not tested on herself the pain of devarionian blood poison, but the Overlord knew that the other could have very severe pain, not only because of the injury, but also because the poison had entered her opponent's body. A Mandalorian might consider the woman insidious because of her weapons, but Ingrid was also an assassin in addition to being a soldier and a recent regent.

When she would have struck down to end the fight at the exit of the hangar, Ingrid saw that the shield had disappeared out there. Although she did not hear the incoming message, she saw the shield fall apart, so she already knew that those whom the man had sent were a success. Soon the entire Foundry could be occupied by Mandalorian warriors once they have passed the guard. She didn't know how much force the Imperials were present, but thought it wasn't too big, because otherwise the Mandos wouldn't have attacked now.

When the woman stopped here for a moment to glance at the shield, her opponent took advantage of it and rolled away, then stood up to face each other. The man had been silent until now, but now he apparently had more to say to the red-haired woman. In fact, she had to give truth to some of the man's words, because that was the importance of the family and the clan, they were similar in this. But she will never say that out loud. But there was something the man was in very wrong about.

”What a pity you are wrong, but I help you not to die unknowingly. You have lost, for I am not a Sith and do not owe obedience to the Sith Empire. I have nothing to do with this Foundry, nor is it my duty to protect it. If you had let me leave, I would have done it because I was only here for business. So far, I have had nothing to do with your kind. Your death is completely unnecessary and futile. I know it is the greatest dishonesty for a Mandalorian.”

As the man raised his weapon to shoot at the ceiling, Ingrid did the same. With the sword in her left hand, she tried to cut off the man's arm, and the right one was trying to stab her at the junction of his neck and body to kill the other. Meanwhile, the electricity reached the ground. Luckily, the armour caught some of the electric attack, but from the shock all the muscles twitched painfully, her whole body screaming in pain. She was able to stay on her feet because she was trained to endure torture, did not make any sound, but it was not a very pleasant feeling…





The Wanica Coven are the departed ancestors to the Nightsisters, long despairing, lusting after life only magick could further grant. Their proposal to thrive again was immediately accepted through Pomstychtivé, while she entered the Bone Temple on Dathomir from inside the Netherworld, during the Witching Hour when the Sith experimented on the Warlock's Gate.

Arms produced from black energy gripped and coiled around the Matriarch to preserve not only her, but their own freedom to again join the physical realm. The twelve entities thrashed about just under the surface of the water in desperate attempt to recover dry land.

In a frenzy of fear and confusion the twelve crested the water repeatedly as might a writhing octopus, but their Matriarch drifting in their grasp remained unconscious. A blast could be heard from their position, and suddenly a copious amount of water lapped in upon itself. The Coven had just plucked their Mistress from peril. They would revive her immediately, elsewhere!


To my dismay EXIT 1 Nightsister for now.
RL imposition impacting my posting pace.
sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ



Equipment: Thousand Degree Blade(Beskad), "Hissing Ghosts"(x2), Modified NN-14s, "Banshee"(Sonic Disruptor Staff), TTOT Scatterblaster, Vibro Switchblade, Chainbreaker, Furies(X6) , " ", Beskar'gam(Ga'yusr'gam).
Forces: House Awaud Suppercommandos(x22) The Deathtroopers of Krieg(5x0)
Allies: True Mandalorians \\ Darsch Vizsla Darsch Vizsla Shai Maji Shai Maji
Enemies: The Sith \\ Dar'manda (Sith aligned or Otherwise)
Unknown: Aerith Castiella
Engaging: Blackwing "Zombies", ( Grrwunhoooll Agaburry Grrwunhoooll Agaburry ) Graug Forces.
(Be sure you loop this if you want it through the whole read ;p)​

With the roof suddenly crumbling, Joti has no choice but to dive out of the way, Crashing through doorway before the rubble ceals it behind her <"Agh!"> The strain sendt a sudden jolt of pain throughout her back, But it was manageable.
Standing, She dusts herself off and takes one last look at the sealed doorway before turning and picking up her weapon while leaving the alley at a brisk pace. Damnit... I'll have to find a way around and grab Darsch.
<"Commander!"> One of the Supercommandos calls out as he enters the alley. <"Ma'am, We thought you were dead!>"
<"So did I... Where's your platoon vod? Comms have gone silent">
<"We've been calling... You commlink must be dead, Take this one."> He tosses her his commlink, Joti catching it in one hand, Barely.
>"This is Red to platoon five, Give me a SITREP, How copy?<
>"We're f*cked as usual Ma'am!"<
>"Unknown targets mixed with the Graug, Surrounding our position! We've lost two already, More if we don't move soon!"<
>"Copy that, Reinforcements inbound."<
<"Where the hell is the third?! They should be here by now!">
<"ETA Unknown ma'am. We're on our own.">
<"Hmph. You know what they say, If you want something done right... I'm going in, You stay put and help Vizsla.">
She takes one look at the sky and then leaps up, Her jetpack hurtling her high into the air before she finally comes to a stop, Hovering high above the battlefield with a bird's eye view.
Below her is the sprawling city of Sundarai, Blasted to rubble and marred by craters, Imperial banners and the chaos of war spreading throughout.
Amidst the chaos stood two behemoths; The fearsome Hydra, It's many heads coiling to and fro as it created pure chaos within the city, And the awe inspiring Titan of Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud 's Clan Mortui.
She looks away in despair. Sure the titan gave them a chance, But nature always took it's due. She only hoped it wouldn't be this day.
A rift elsewhere had caught her eye, opened in the ground within the middle of a courtyard where the enemy AA had once stood, The Supercommandos and the Deathtroopers of Krieg under Darsch Vizsla Darsch Vizsla 's command having wiped out enemy positions while the she and Darsch fought the Graug Sniper..
In front of this rift were the remaining Supercommandos of house Awaud, Encircled by some kind of frenzied creatures that rushed them from within the rift, trying to claw through their lines from all sides as the Mandalorians gunned them down wave after wave.
Throwing her weight forward, She soars over the battlefield until she has reached the opening, Hovering just above it. She suddenly swaps her thrust to the repulsor boots built into her beskar'gam and tears the jetpack from back, Ripping the fool hose open and spreading oil across the opening before tossing the jetpack down into the horde.
* F w o o s h*
She activates one of her flame projectors, Igniting the hole and forcing anything else that comes out to crawl over the bodies, The sticky oil and the flames, Severely weakening them if not outright incinerating future targets as they shamble forth.
With her fire trap complete, She flies to the remaining supercommandos that are currently engaged with the previous wave, And lands in the center.
<"That'll hold them for now. We finish these shebuir and kriffing move!">
<"Yes Ma'am!>"
Despite her best efforts, The situation didn't look good. They were surrounded by these foul creatures, Locked in the courtyard by a wall of bodies between them and the gates, And Joti was the only one with a jetpack. Some had already fallen, Or so she thought.
<"Get up vod, We're not through yet-"> She says, Trying to pull one of her men up but suddenly recoiling when her turns to her suddenly, Screeching at her like some kind of creature, His helmet having been removed, Revealing the blackened liquid that gushed from his mouth with a gurgling scream..
Without hesitation, She shoves the creature away from her, Drawing her elongated beskad and pressing the activation button in firmly.
* V w o o m* The kyber crystal activates, Sending the lightsaber-like contained energy blade forming in a curved arc along the blade, Producing the very same hum as a lightsaber and causing some of her men to turn and look suddenly.
With a single swing, She cleaves the head off of the infected as easily as a feather glides through the air.
Looking up at the approaching horde with a newfound confidence, She draws her pistol in the other hand and dashes forward, Cutting another zombie down the middle and continuing her charge as the halfs part way for her.
With a series of well placed blaster shots and swings of her beskad, She spins from one direction to the other as she carves a path towards the gates, Desperate to see her men freed from their nightmarish cage, But it wasn't enough.
Out of nowhere, An enraged graug shoots up through the flames to her right, Charging at her and swinging it's arms wildly, Attacking anything and everything nearby. Joti is tossed to the side suddenly as it crashes through the horde, Beating it's head into the nearest wall until it had either died or been knocked unconscious in an effort to escape the unbearable pain as it's scales visibly rotted and then healed themselves in seconds, only to begin the process anew over and over in an infinite loop of decay and desperate repair.
<"Commander, What do we do? There's too many of them!">
<"Heavies, Concentrate fire on the gate! The rest of you, Cover the rear!">
Before she can act on her new plan, The sound of thrusters humms overhead, Causing her to look up suddenly as salvation soars down from the skies.

The Deathtroopers of Krieg suddenly decloak, The black clad Mandalorians bringing their Detonators, Flamers and Blaster Repeaters to bear in a show of explosive force, Wiping out the majority of the horde between Joti and the gates, Immediately making room for the withdrawal of her supercommandos.
<"Go! go! go!"> She shouts, Sending her men running through the gap. Her own weapons are turned to cover her men, Blasting and cutting anything that dared pursue them, While the Deathtroopers Burnt the enemy with their flamers, Blassted them with their guns, Or tore limb from limb with their forcepikes.
Backing up to the Deathtroopers, She turns to leave, But is suddenly stopped as the Deathtrooper's squad leader speaks up.
<"You are the Warmaster's friend. Aren't you."> He says in reference to Darsch, Who was Warmaster of his clan till recently.
<"Clan Naudir never forgets. This is the way.>" And with that, He turns back, Continuing to tear the undead apart with concentrated blaster fire, All of the deathtroopers concentrating on removing heads or legs, Reducing the risk as of pursuit or infection much as possible. She knew that he meant.
<"This is the way!"> Joti bows her head once and then runs, Directing her men through the streets and towards the rest of the Union forces, Not far away from her comrades, Her people. At long last.


(OOC: screenshot from the creator of the graug provided by carnifex. I haven't posted in a little cause of IRL and I was sorta waiting for a response to a DM. Moving on now)

They stood no chance against her onslaught, those who had bent the knee scurried like frightened rats against Lirka's advance: she sparred none, this sudden betrayal reducing the security wing into pure and absolute chaos. Black armored Legionnaires tried to make hopeless defenses against the rampaging monster of metal and wrath, their blasters filling the halls with blaster fire that harmless burned against Lirka's jagged plate. A snarl pierced from the Sephi's lips, and like a flash of dark metal and cackling energy she was upon the haphazard defense line in an instant.

With great swings of her mace the warriors were sent flying with shattered shards of their plate. The Grand Moff exalted in every treasonous kill: their misery fueled the Dark far beyond anything she could've done through the tendrils of bureaucracy, and whatever fueled the Dark Patriarch fueled Lirka. It was always such a shame these morons would never be able to see the truth, their minds so tainted by the Sith Cultists. Their weakness was disgusting. Repugnant.

And as Lirka worked to hide her many secrets under a growing pile of corpses, she could see why the traitorous Imperials to the north had been able to claim so many victories.

She barely acknowledged the slaughter now, it was little more than murderous muscle memory whilst her mind drifted to schemes and fantasies for the New Thustra: to cast aside the weakness that had sneaked it's way into her Fortress. Had festered in this Empire: and as Lirka brought a heavy footfall down on a Legionnaire's head as he hopelessly crawled away the Sephi let her convictions grow harder than Doomium: the new Thustra would have no such weaknesses.



The black armored warriors prowled like predators, impatient to pounce on their prey: all knew what was about to happen, and they all knew they could not interfere with the Commander. He had sworn to take the Blood of Kin, and to interfere with such a holy task was a fine way to find ones self getting filled with blaster bolts. They engaged those around instead, leaping to the sky with jump-packs and letting loose controlled bursts of heavy firepower from their various carbines and the like.

He-who-was-once-Riil spat out his words, each oozing with disgust and hate in equal measures.

"You and your traitorous ilk would've been better off staying down in the dirt where you belong."

The same carnal pleasures coursed through the halfbreed's veins as he pulled the trigger down on his LMG at Venku Bralor Venku Bralor , a spray of red laser fire bursting out towards the Mandalorian warrior. Riil advanced as he shot, letting his shots go wild: he'd have plenty a chance to kill a Mandalorian with his rifle, this? This deserved something with a special brutality.

Their Liege had taught them that, taught them the ways of the Dance. Of how to please the Dark whom watched over them all, and it adored it's bloody and brutal drama.

Location: The Foundry
Opposition: Siv Dragr Siv Dragr
Allies: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | TSE


Quick to thought and action the Mandalorian escaped from being consumed by the twisting maw of buckling floor, and the flash of a knife's metallic sheen warned Cara of his fanged descent. She wrenched her fists from the ground, snapping rough metal tendrils which had twined about the plates of her forearms, then squared her footing and bent her knees.

While he fell closer she patiently waited for the moment to act. As his boots came close to her chest she raised both arms upward with palms facing out, catching the gritty soles. Her elbows growled as they supported the impact and her footing slid with the sudden inertia, the Mandalorian proving himself a weighty projectile.

In a galvanic send off she propelled the Mando up and away, hearing fabric rending from her back as she did so. The knife had scraped upward against the trapezius, drawing a heavy line in the metal before burying its tooth in the edge of her scapula plate.

She reached behind utilizing her right arm's unfettered reach and plucked the damaged panel from her back. The internal mechanisms of her left shoulder were exposed: servos, rods, tubes, and smaller wires that ran like veins.

She dropped the panel at her feet and clicked her tongue, a bit more annoyance in her tone as she spoke, "I do hope you're ready to pay for that, vermin."


Severous Augustus

Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud

Severous heard the man reply to his offer. It was the man that had rammed the enemy. Ironic, Severous had already moved his fleet into position to help. However, it wasn't without error as several barrages of laserfire hit Severous' fleet. One ship had taken several direct hits and now had no shields. They would pay for that one.

"I copy you admiral. We were already enroute and will arrive shortly. I have 5 Star Destroyers to offer. Sending info now."

He then typed in a few quick commands and shot the schematics to the Admiral. No point in explaining the three ship types when he could send a very quick summary. There was also less chance of the data being intercepted if he sent it rather than using the Comms.

Suddenly the ground shook, forcing Severous to fall back into his seat.

"What was that!?"

He looked down to see the overview. Shields were at 74%, one engine had been damaged and was now unstable. He assumed it was a lucky missile hit, though he stayed on edge in case it was something more dangerous.

"Repair crews, get on that engine! All power to the shields until we reach the allied fleet!"

He had a bad feeling about this.



Objective: Avenge Clan Dragr
Allies: Sidiqq Ordo
Enemies: Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

As he descended, he saw the woman's hands prepare to catch him, and a moment later they did, stopping his feet just short of impacting against her chest. Knowing he had a window of opportunity less than a moment, his hand flashed out with the knife, finding purchase on the woman back. A second later, the woman springboarded him backward, the motion dragging the knife through her back before it broke through once more as Siv tumbled back.

His fall was less elegant, and without any way to write his trajectory, he was thrown into a pile of debris. He stood up, shaking slightly in his legs, recovering from the sudden impact and dusting off his cloak. "I do hope you're ready to pay for that, vermin," the woman called as she ripped a damaged panel from her armor and threw it down to the ground.

"You'll have to add it to my tab,"
was Siv's retort, spoken through gritted teeth as he smoothly unsheathed his blaster and fired it at the exposed point one, two, three times, each crimson streak hurtling themselves towards the woman. Not waiting to see whether they had found their mark, Siv flicked his wrist and let the Tarka'yayr electrowhip coil out. Pressing another button on his gauntlet, it began to crackle with electricity, and Siv grabbed it with the same hand it was attached to, confident that his gloves would diffuse the electric charge. Stepping into a more optimal position, Siv's back muscles strained as he whipped the electrowhip backward, then forwards, sending it out to coil around the woman.

Hopefully, it would be able to give enough shock to at least stun the Sith lackey. From there, he'd have to improvise on what to do next, as the sounds of marching clangs drew ever nearer.


Talon Aegis



Tags: Jaster Awaud Shai Maji Shai Maji Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Darsch Vizsla Darsch Vizsla

Equipment: The H1 ; Orcrist Swords (Beskad) ; HX Revolver ; Beskar'gam (Wrist flamethrower and wrist cable variant) ; Jetpack

(Tip: Don't piss off the admins :D)

Talon ran through the streets with his men, Talon's goal was to regroup with his men. Looking down the street it looked clear, so the five super commandos started to move down it. Walking closer to the intersection he motioned for them to move right, "<Someone take point.>" As the man moved up a blaster shot coming to meet the man, it hit him but didn't kill him through the armor. Talon caught the guy as he fell.

One of the men called out, "<Ambush!>" Causing the commandos turn seeing the men flanking them.

Talon pointed to an alley and started to run towards it, the men in tow. Pulling a pistol out he shot one of the pursuers in the head, the body dropping to the floor. While in the alley they continued until one of the men stepped on a landmine the legs below the soldier disappearing, his upper half hitting a wall.

Shrapnel hit another one causing him to fall over his head landing on another. This only killed the man, injuring no others. Three commandos left under him Talon shook his head, he had always worked alone for reasons that he didn't want to be liable for other's mistakes. "<So we're stuck, between mines and a group of soldiers.>" Talon heard the sound of boots on the ground as he motioned to the wall firing a cable into it and climbing.

The other three had followed suit climbing the wall shots being thrown at them by the alleyway being filled with soldiers. As they peaked the top Talon walked over pulling one up the man saying, "<How'd you even get your beskar?>"

Rolling his eyes, Talon released the man once he had sure footing on the roof. "<I wasn't given it by choice.>" It had been a while since Talon had led men, yet still it seemed to be going better then that time, at least no one was shooting each other.

The men sat there for a minute before Talon motioned for them all to stand as he hopped to a lower roof being cautious about what was around him and his men.

Last edited by a moderator:

All around, the fires of war waged across Sundari, and at the heart of the city, the quickly-becoming epicenter of the ravaging, stood the hydra, malignant, malevolent eyes scanning the horizon of ash and stone for the prey of its hunt, the rapture of its courage, one head holding fire in preparation for what would come from the unknown, as it continued to slowly carve an arena around itself of destruction and desolation, its tail swiping through the rubble of the buildings that now surrounded it, a monarch in its own right and a tyrant in a thousand rights more.

The behemoth set its sight upon the destruction of Sundari and all within, indiscriminately, save for anything Sith. All would be burnt to ash and rubble by the Emperor, and once more Moridinae would belong to the Sith and the Sith alone, devoid of invaders and barbarians and petty warlords. It would continue to rule alone as the true lord of Moridinae, and none would be suffered to compare to it. As it reared itself to strike once more against the city, suddenly from skyline came a sound of hailfire, and without warning, Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud fired upon the beast, merciless artillery of rockets against the thick hide of the hydra.

Unable to dodge or even avoid the attack, the hydra was struck by the series of missiles, explosions blooming and blossoming against it’s ashen, emerald hide, a jet stream of fire releasing from its maw and onto the city below in surprise. Rearing its body to the side, it’s long tail snapped out behind to smack at the assailant, the pain coursing through its body as the ash and smoke settled from the assault, new cracks in the scale but nothing truly broken. If anything, it only seemed to have served to make the beast angrier, as it tried to drive its tail into Adenn in fury, roaring a howling chorus across the city in response to the attack.

As Adenn charged up a second attack, though, the hydra sought to lunge at the mech, crashing through whatever buildings stood in its way, spraying stone and glass and rubble into the streets below, as it tried to grab the Mandalorian mech in two of its jaws, its heads snapping forward like snakes and trying to bite down with enough force to turn walls into broken shards of brick and mortar. It moved in an almost serpentine fashion, slithering yet lunging like a cat, the weight of it as it landed causing the ground to rumble and shake, blinded by fury and hunger. Adenn would be the first of its feast, and the Emperor, with its beady eyes, as it looked into the mech, seemed to silently promise to Adenn that they would be the first to be consumed.


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