Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation "Gale Warning" - Levantine Liberation! - ORC Dominion of Hex K-58

[///Message Inc///]
[///﴾Sub-Space Carrier﴿ ₸954.F8 Via Quermia Junction I²///]
[///Bio-Met. Cert. : Approved///]
[///Passcode: xxxxxxxxxxxxx///]




We are setting off a fleet of 34 strong. I'm amazed how many still feel as I do, the burning need to explore and be free driving us. Spirits are high, holds are full, and discovery awaits us. May the wings of fortuine be at our back. We will keep in touch. Sanctuary out...

[///Message End///]


OBJECTIVE: 2 - Dokkalfarsed
Allies: [member="Elaine Thul"]
Enemies: Hopefully not...

Elaine Thul said:
Bryce So what do you think we find down there?

"In reality, nothing Elaine. This whole system doesn't make sense. This is still a young nebula by galactic terms, suns have just formed only a couple hundred million years ago. I mean how often do you come across a trinary system. No this is very unnatural. Who or whatever did this is either scary advanced or borderline magical. Not something to be fethed with lightly"

Bryce sat down in the command chair and powered up Zero to full strength. Those used to humming machines and roaring engines would feel a strange sense of silence as the organic ship had few of either. Instead like a dancer the smooth lined organic ship slipped effortlessly from the birth of the carrier housing it and into real space. Silently they raced into the gas and rocky void toward the system. With the skill of two made one Bryce effortless dodged the many rocks and debits of the system till the blinding light of the three suns came into view.

As he made a turn to navigate the spinning disks of soon to be planets that surrounded the blazing hot suns he could not help but marvel at the beauty of it all.

"Now there is something you don't see every day huh Dutchess, best make ready for landing. Remember whoever is down there I doubt we have the tech advantage on them, so a show of force is the last thing we want. Best not piss them off and all."
Objective: 2
Allies: [member="Bryce Bantam"]
Enemies: None

She raised an eyebrow, when he said in reality nothing, if nothing then why bother risking anything, she thought about asking, but did not. The ship soon came into the atmosphere, the world was beautiful, she could not help but marvel at it. Her eyes where wide open, looking at the planet's beauty as they navigated to the landing zone. Then he spoke again, he simply told her no show of force, they probably got better tech than them. She gave a half smile and said Then no firing unless we need to, but don't underestimate how far we come, in outer rim. Soon the ship landed, and they began to make the way off. Her housecarls where moving in front her, and behind her. As they made the way off the ship, she carried on talking to him, mostly inane stuff, but one was about about a social coming up in commonur space, she was hoping he come with her. Though he hardly looked at her, so she doubt he be interested, though she was not sure where it would be at the moment. No doubt her housecarls, where already getting jobs as waiters.
OBJECTIVE III: [member="Elaine Thul"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="John Shepherd"] [member="Janick Beauchamp"] [member="Jared Starchaser"] [member="Wyatt McLaren"] [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]

Jorus hit realspace immediately behind [member="Coren Starchaser"]'s Rassilon and the pair of TIE Exalts. Beyond them, the screens got messy and then got red. Ta'jar Blood Gang. Wasn't often a new and serious threat crossed Jorus' reticle. The dossier had been fairly brief but urgent: apparently other folks considered the Ta'jar to be new and serious too.

Beyyr howled back from the old Levantine fighter's gunnery seat. "Will do," Jorus said, and arced away from the ultra-fast fighters toward a cloud of light interceptors. Beyyr's composite beams slashed out in literally every direction; all Jorus had to do was fly. He switched channels. "Coren, Beyyr and I are getting to work on your left. Blood Gang trying to flank. We've got it handled, looks like."

The Terminus went into a corkscrew.

Objective 3:

Allies: ORC, [member="Jorus Merrill"]
Enemies: Pirates, Sith, Dark Siders, y’know, bad people.

Coren was in his element, it had been a while. The pilot had spent most of his time off on the fringes of known and unknown space, linking planets to other planets, and helping those he could, all while pursuing the dark side and keeping it away from the known space as best as he could. Then he came back to the galaxy, ran into Jorus, was told to help maintain the space in the Outer Rim, and was keeping an eye watching the Galactic Alliance.

Then the Silver Jedi Order began to consolidate, that meant there were people who needed helping, and that was why the pilot was here, in his Rassilon, flanked by two Exalts, and trying to contact his son.

For now, he had to clear the landing bays.

Engines to full, the Rassilon jumped forward, and his escorts kept to him. They were using a tactic that the Warbirds had stolen from the history books and kept using in the Unknown Regions of sharing shields. It was effective, even against non-Vong targets.

“Roger that, Jorus, we’ll go straight for the hangar bay, see if we can get some cover for the evac.” He grinned and gripped the yolk a bit harder, weapons warm, and suddenly bolts were flying from his fighter into the fray.

This was what he wanted.

Tapping to the onboard computer system, he got a message sent out in a repeating frequency towards his son, hopefully they’d be pouring out to join the fun.

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
[member="Jared Starchaser"]

Something about Oswaft Station made its architecture and atmosphere unmistakably familiar. For all his time at drafting boards and on space platforms, Connory had never been able to put his finger on it. He hadn't set foot here in a good five years, but still.

But still.

The place threatened to put him in a reverie, and that would get him killed. Ta'jar Blood were no joke, least of all now that they'd entrenched a foothold in the Academy. One Mandalorian could die as easily as the next man.

He turned a corner and raised his sonic carbine to the ceiling harmlessly. The men in front of him weren't Ta'jar, just a couple old Levantines and a guy in a TIE jumpsuit. The pilot snapped off a shot around another corner, and return fire splatted craters in the walls not too far from Connory.

Slinging the carbine across his back, Connory pulled out a sonic servodriver and began fiddling with a panel in silence. No comment required, at least so far as he was concerned. The others might look askance at a Mando using a sonic servo in the middle of a firefight; screw'em.
[member="Coren Starchaser"]

A Levantine Terminus was pretty much unique in history. It didn't rate terribly high for gross firepower, but the original design stemmed from the inimitable House of Cobb. Unmatched firing arcs, composite beam projectors, dual-crew design that treated the gunner as a focus rather than an appendage...

Suffice it to say, the Terminus cut through the interceptors before their flanking maneuver could get off the ground.

Didn't hurt, of course, that Jorus and Beyyr had been flying together for fifteen, twenty years on and off, or that both knew their way around the Force and these ships. By and large, though, the credit belonged solely with the House of Cobb and the gods of geometry.
Objective 3:
Allies: ORC, [member="Connory"]
Enemies: Pirates, Sith, Dark Siders, y’know, bad people.

Jared had no idea who these folks were, he knew they were between him and his fighter. And while he was a Force User of some decency, and could shield himself and a few others, he knew his skillset. He needed to be behind the stick. But there were two issues, one, that ship outside, and two, the pirates in here. Shaking his head, he wasn’t getting much in the way of communication. He pinged his commlink to bounce his prior statement again, while turning the corner and spotting yet another face.

Mando this time.

That was… troublesome.

Peaking around the corner again, Jared looked at the new face on the field. What was he after? And the servodriver? The Mando wasn’t shooting, so that was something, but he wasn’t quite sure how to handle it.

Then the commlink beeped.

Great, Coren’s here. He thought to himself, shaking his head. At least that’ll cover the freighter, now just to get through the pilots. And the Mando.

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
[member="Jared Starchaser"]

The access panel, once persuaded, gave Connory two things. The first was an overview of the docking logs for the past month, which he downloaded to a small drive in his bracer. The other prize, more immediately relevant, was access to the blast door system at an intimate level.

Doors slammed shut around the nearest Ta'jar Blood Gang members. A chain of three doors opened, venting them to vacuum. The outgoing air volume wasn't enough to suck them out of the station, but a glance through a blaster-scored viewport confirmed they were asphyxiating.

Connory sealed the access hatch and undid what he'd done. That left the pathway clear between here and the hangar.

"After you."
The Admiralty
Objective 3
Allies: [member="Jared Starchaser"] | [member="Janick Beauchamp"] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="John Shepherd"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"]
Enemies: Pirates

"Working as fast as I can, Pearl." Shout over his shoulder as he ducked and barely avoided getting blasted in half by a scattergun-wielding fether Wyatt had missed the first go round. A quick vault over a crate and the second burst of the gun didn't blast his head off, like the pirate wanted. Silence. Then the clinking of casings to the ground as reloading became a necessity. "Tough luck... friend." Eyes closed and then his fingers snapped into a fist.


He pushed himself off the floor fast and his revolver got the lad through the head, cutting off the screaming as his nerves were overworking to work out the sensation of a hand blown-up. It wasn't really fair fighting Wyatt once he got going.

Everything turned into a possible weapon for him once gunpowder was involved.

"We clear, go, go!" She bounded around the corner and two moments later Wyatt's barrel hit the pursuing pirate in the throat, before he would retreat himself. Down the corridor filled with deaders, then through the open bulkdoor that got them entry to the lifts. Fist slammed into the controls and it hisssssed shut. In the distance the Judge could hear sounds of battle. "Cavalry arrived, bout dang time. We go straight to the bridge, no stopping nuthin', they will be prioritizing our boys in the sky now."

The ascend was slow.

Enough time for Wyatt to lean back against the wall and sigh, before chuckling softly. "Who would have thunk I'd go from watching maybe five-score people in the Kathol Sector to... this." He softly touched the area around his bandaged shoulder.

Seemed to hold okay for now.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
On my six: [member="John Shepherd"]
In the tin can: [member="Wyatt McLaren"] [member="Joza Perl"]
some where: [member="Janick Beauchamp"] [member="Jared Starchaser"]
The bad guys: Ta'jar Blood Gang

The ships would dial back on the throttle to make a tight turn upwards to slip past two close ships. Once she had passed between them a cross of point defence fire began to narrow in on her. Each shot took its toll on the shields till finally they broke. She'd pull from out the cross fire but not in time for one of them to hit a critical shot on the wing rotor. "CHIT!" she said in the spur of the moment. "I've lost wing rotation control. I can't take much more out here."

With what manoeuvrability the ship had left Sanya had no choice but to try make it to the safety of her allies. It was in that moment the colossal ship and supporting vessels came out of hyperspace. "Sorry we are late my queen. Deploy all fighters and engage hostile ships. We will take it from here mi'lady." The admiral said while handling several conversations at the same time. "I will be coming in for a hard landing. wings are stuck diagonally and i may be loosing fuel so I'm on the clock." The woman opened the com's up to john. "Mark the ship Joza is in for the Libita. If you need cover group up with them." Everyone on the battlefield would begin to see torrents of ion and red lasers pound into the enemy's larger vessels. with a combined effort the Ta'jar would go into retreat or lose their life's although she was hopeful for a surrender.

Incoming fleet (arriving) -
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
Objective: Fight pirates
Allies: [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Wyatt McLaren"] [member="John Shepherd"]
Enemies: Ta'jar Blood Gang

"Pull back! We are to fly a fighting retreat!"


"We have a better chance to defeat them under the cover of MIRV fire"

While the captain of the Verdict ordered the launch of MIRVs, fired at the incoming enemy fighters, in hopes of taking down as many as possible, she hoped to lure the enemy TIEs into the firing range of those MIRVs as well as more point-defense implements, such as missiles and quad-lasers by ordering a retreat. In so doing, Janick brought her own craft towards TIEs to her port, her ten, so that she could attack a TIE fighter and then loop around to attack another one, while, of course, getting close from being hit on multiple occasions. But some of her wingmen were not so lucky in their attempts to flank the enemy in an oblique pass. She counted her stars that there were no fighters attempting to fight her from above or below. In the meantime, Sanya's fleet and escorts made it on-scene, a little late since the enemy pirate ships were already under fire: five of the eight big 240mm guns were trained at the Xo'Xaan and one each on the remaining cruisers, with the Verdict's own long-range turbolasers being trained on the other ships, while the enemy was closing in on heavy turbolaser range of it, oblivious to the arrival of the Libita and the others. Given the heavy enemy guns, and the limited amount of enemy long-range firepower, the objective of the Verdict's captain was to prevent the enemy cruisers from closing in, hoping that Sanya will flank the enemy.

Capital ship: Verdict light shield damage

Attack craft: 56 Alakaha elite fighters
Behind the controls of a ship was one of the two places she felt this strong connection to everything around her. She could say the ship to the left and then to the right. Power dive down, or spin until she was sick. Thunder bolts and lightening very very frightening !!!!! Rekha Kaarde was on the loose and following the ORC ships to....she looked at the map. Oh yeah ...OK! she kept the course!

Singing loud enough that the ship vibrated with each and every beat.

Back in black
I hit the sack
I've been too long I'm glad to be back
Yes, I'm let loose
From the noose
That's kept me hanging about
I've been looking at the sky
'Cause it's gettin' me high
Forget the hearse 'cause I never die
I got nine lives
Cat's eyes
Abusin' every one of them and running wild
'Cause I'm back
Yes, I'm back
Well, I'm back
Yes, I'm back
Well, I'm back, back
Well, I'm back in black
Yes, I'm back in black.
Goddess help them alll
Objective: III
Allies: [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Wyatt McLaren"] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Janick Beauchamp"] | [member="Jared Starchaser"]
Enemies: Ta'jar Blood Gang

He continued to pound the enemy ships with his laser fire, and tried his best on the Firestorm to clear out some of the smaller fire with his AA guns. The lasers seemed to be of all different colors on the battlefield as they continued to pound each others shields, some ships having explosions along their hulls as the shields failed or something else happened in the chaos of the fight.

As the battle raged on her the fight seemed pretty well balanced, but someone would have to give sooner or later and that's when the tide of the battle shifted and a fleet of ships appeared off his starboard side and he chuckled, It was time to rock and roll with the massive increase in firepower the Ta'jar didn't stand a chance, they began to pound on the enemy ships with everything they had. He heard Sanya's voice come up over the comm system and he sent a message back. "Thanks for the advice, I think we'll be fine here, me and the crew of the Firestorm are putting up a hell of a fight." He told her over the comms before turning back to look at some of the men on their posts, they were all holding well and made sure their jobs were being done, everyone was doing what they were supposed to do. Gladly, nothing too serious had hit the ship so all they needed to do was keep the fight going.

Sor-Jan Xantha

Objective: Remind the Outer Rim Coalition that their Corellia Digital gear is still under warranty
Secondary Objective: Kick ass and take names
Tertiary Objective: Buy [member="Bryce Bantam"] a beer

The young Anzat stood on the bridge of the star destroyer.

It was all so familiar to him. How much of his life had been spent staring out of view ports like this? Commanding ships in battle. Sending men to fight and die for no other reason than because he'd been told to. Fighting to uphold ideals on behalf of a Republic Senate that had betrayed them all.

At least now, the boy need not send men to battle any longer.

"Commander, you may launch when ready."

To his right, a false color rendering of a disembodied head floating amid holographic scan lines was the virtual representation of an artificial intelligence. A visual interface for communicating with the command circuit for the droid starfighters that how began lifting from out of the star destroyer's fighter bay.

It was a lesson taken from the droid armies he'd faced during the Clone Wars. Along with taking nothing for granted. Case in point, he trusted [member="Jorus Merrill"] and the others that had come out here to the wilds of the Kathol Outback. But this... Outer Rim Coalition. These judges. The potential for abuse of power seemed like it was just waiting for someone to take advantage of the lawlessness out here on the frontier.

Turning his head, the child looked over to his left. A former Levantine FrontierCorps officer was standing there. As a former Levantine himself, Corellia Digital's fleet had benefited from the diaspora created when the Silver Sanctum had dissolved the last vestiges of the Levantine Sanctum and re-branded itself the Order of the Silver Jedi. "Captain, manuever the fleet to block the most readily available exit vector."

As the man gave a nod, the young Jedi made his way along the bridge catwalk to look down into the pit below. "What's the status of the Blackout?"

The technician at the com-scan terminal looked up. "Standing by, sir."

"Tell them to jam all frequencies not used by the Coalition."

One of the benefits of being in the telecommunications business. Corellia Digital had worked with the Underground for years. They had the frequencies used by the Runners, the Underground, and the Coalition. Which meant anyone not using any of those frequencies was about to get an earful of some rather nasty static.

Corellia Digital Corporate Fleet (2,582m)
1x Venator-class star destroyer
1 squadron multi-vector self-propelled battle droid, mk I
1x MC42 Ruisto-class frigate
2x Jast 1st Rate frigates
2 squadrons multi-vector self-propelled battle droid, mk II
1x Jast Blackout support frigate
OBJECTIVE III: [member="Elaine Thul"] \ [member="Bryce Bantam"] \ [member="John Shepherd"] \ [member="Janick Beauchamp"] \ [member="Jared Starchaser"] \ [member="Wyatt McLaren"] \ [member="Joza Perl"] \ [member="Sanya Val Swift"] \ [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]

GOAL: Board the Patrol Frigate: Rescue any prisoners.
Location: Approaching Frigate
OOC: Not exactly sure who's on it. Could you guys help me out?

The Bonanza flew into the firefight like a floating box. That's what it was, his daughter Hala's attempt at new Freighter with ultra defensive capabilities. Of course that left Terrik with not much more than a few odds and ends with weapons. The real beauty of his vessel was the crew. A diverse bunch of spacers.

He chewed on the end of his cigar, and peered over Sanders; his pilot's shoulder. Immediately they rumbled and alarms beeped on the console. Sanders snuffed them out grunting.

"Seem's like a suicide mission Cap."

"They need our help, and we were local. Whoa!"

A blast of laser cannon smeared multi color across the forwards shielding. Terrik glanced down, noting that they'd almost spent their first shield generator. Not a good sign.

"This rust bucket will hold up boys. Fly her in there Sanders, full burn!"


The engines burned as hot as the reacotr would allow. They weren't fast, but they were heavily defended.

Beside him HK 134 voiced his disapproval.

"We should have a heavier armed ship Captain. Moving into a heavy combat zone with minimal weapons does not compute."

"Just Compute getting your gun ready HK. You finally get to do what you badger me about all the time, and murk some folks," Terrik shot back, shreds of his cigar falling into his beard as he chewed faster.

"Get a team ready with EVA in the airlock. Sanders, dock us as soon as we make range."

"Where at?"

"Preferably underneath."

HK spoke again.

"Captain your current course of action does not compute with this units Moral Parameter Matrix which has been constructed from my memories of your prior conduct."

Terrik furrowed his brows. He wasn't about killing anyone. He didn't like violence, and he could hardly stomach combat. His skills with a blaster were sub par at best. That's what his son Drake excelled at. Except he was off somewhere doing dirty deeds to earn his pay, besmirching the Jast name...

"This is a search and rescue mission. Not an attack."

"What are we, a search and rescue tug nowsa?" His Gungan Medic Nar Nar Commented.

"Be quiet you. I'm upset as it is."
Location: Coming up from behind
Objective: Catch up, help where she can, defeat ebil!

There was some chatter on the box sounded like her group. She leaned forward turning the music down and putting everything away as she listened. Static at first filled the air there beneath it low level murmurs.


Not an attack, was she close enough. She pulled up the navcomp and scanned her location to where she needed to be. On a low band frequence using old Corellian she radioed [member="Terrik Jast"] on a tight beam hopefully he'd get it that she was on her way and would help where she could. She had no idea what she was getting into.

She was just the type that got pointed in a direction and moved to the direction. She followed more than led and liked it that way.
Objective 3
Working With: [member="Wyatt McLaren"]
Enemies: Pilates

She nearly body-slammed the back wall of the elevator, thrusting her arm against the side to brace herself. Head injuries were a big no-no during a ship siege, not if you could help them.

Soon the only sounds that were left were their heavy breathing and the muffled din of battle elsewhere in the ship—a good thing. The Coalition was ordered chaos and they like that just fine.

“Now you’re stuck with me.” She responded distractedly. “You can tell me your life story over drinks after we’re done here.” Zeltrons were high octane in a fight. A pause or two to catch your breath was alright, but anything much more than that and the adrenaline crash would start to pull her down. She glanced to the side, doing a quick body check to make sure he wasn’t bleeding profusely or missing any limbs. “Your shoulder ok?”

Adrenaline did wonders for masking pain, it wasn’t unheard of to see someone fight on through a grievous wound only to drop the moment the fighting was over. So far Wyatt looked alright on that front.

The doors of the lift creaked open, slower and more labored than before given the few hits it had taken during their advancement, not that it had been pristine when they’d gotten there.

Creeping out of the lift with her weapon drawn, she was surprised to find…nothing. Not a single soul, nothing so much as a cabin boy trying to beat them away with a mop. With no guards, no pirates, no anything to get in their way, her suspicion went through the roof.

“Could be an ambush.” She murmured. “Could’ve known we were on our way.”

That would be until they made it to the bridge and were welcomed with the sight of about two dozen or so slaves—kneeling, terrified and each wearing a collar fitted with an lethal shock detonator.

The ugly trandoshan captain looked rather pleased with himself.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
On my six: [member="John Shepherd"]
In the tin can: [member="Wyatt McLaren"] [member="Joza Perl"]
some where: [member="Janick Beauchamp"] [member="Jared Starchaser"]
The bad guys: Ta'jar Blood Gang

The ship came into the hanger scraping across the floor. Sparks would kick up from behind and boxes would be knocked out the way. Others in the hanger stayed clearly out the way from the hard landing she was forced to make. About half way through the long single hanger the b-zero came to a stop. Fire control crews stood by as others began to cut through the cockpit. Sanya could feel her face hurt from smacking it against the dashboard although the safety belts had stopped her from flying around inside.

As they managed to get through the cockpit a rush of cold air filled the inside as her hands unclipped the belts. "Thanks guys." She said standing up and climbing out. "Now let's get this moved out the way of the other pilots." Sanya ordered the crews wiping the blood from her nose. Sanya had no intentions to wait around. Everyone had a job to do and they had to do it. As for the woman herself she had allies to aid.

"Ready me a shuttle and send my guards. You and you ready your starfighters." She pointed to two of the pilots that where looking her way although her words quickly put them in action mode. There was many inside running about as starfighters left the hanger in squadrons. It was both a strength and weakness of a singular hanger. While it was harder to infiltrate the deployment was slower. Still joza was inside enemy territory, and no word had come from her in a while. At least now sanya was in some sort of a position to join.

Incoming fleet (arriving) -
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
Objective: Fight pirates
Allies: [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Wyatt McLaren"] [member="John Shepherd"]
Enemies: Ta'jar Blood Gang

"Finally, Sanya has arrived!"

"Good. Now that the enemy has split up, we can now start engaging the enemy fighters"

"This is Wololo: I've got one behind me, do you see it?"

"Yeah, I'm on it"

Wololo, wololo... that pilot reminded her of a song in a clip where the uniforms changed colors and the person whose uniform changed colors betrayed their original masters. The cover of the Verdict's point-defense and of the MIRV fire allowed the ORC fleet to thin the herd of enemy TIEs to about two-thirds of its initial size before the enemy cruisers actually made it within heavy turbolaser range of it. Fortunately, the heavy fire sustained from the heavy turbolasers made the enemy sustain some firepower kills, but there were still six enemy squadrons around the battlecruiser. Janick then turned around in an attempt to cause another TIE to crash into the Verdict's hull so that she could come to Wololo's rescue, taking a laser cannon hit in the process. And then the enemy cruisers continued to take hits from the broadside turbolasers while the hypervelocity cannon hits tore off elements from the Xo'Xaan's hull. Meanwhile, another TIE attempted flanking Janick, that Griet shot down while being in a near-miss against her own commanding officer. And yet, Wololo is now shieldless; she let loose a single three-second volley of electromagnetic plasma, which caused the radiator panel to be torn off and the cockpit ball to lose control, sending it crashing into the battlecruiser in an exploding ball of flame.

"Thanks, Alchemist Actual"

Capital ship: Verdict moderate shield damage

Attack craft: 53 Alakaha elite fighters
The Admiralty
Objective 3
Working With: [member="Joza Perl"]
Enemies: Lizardman.

"I got a three-thumb size hole innit, whatcha think?" Wyatt grumbled amusedly before binding down the shoulder just a touch tighter. Sucked that he was allergic for bacta since that nasty stint on Ryloth, but nothing to be done about that. So without that miracle drug, he was stuck with just sucking it up and doing the thing old-fashion way. "Nah, I will tell ya about the time I got shot in the arse if we get through this. Now that was a schutta to fight through."

Moment for jokes was over though.

The liftdoors slid open and allowed them entry into the hallway adjacent to the bridge.

It was all silent and that made Wyatt wary. Things were never this easy, there were always complications. "My thought too- you watch my arse, I watch yours?" Acknowledgement or not the duo finally entered the bridge proper and that was where the Judge blinked. "Chit." His revolver was already trained at the grinning Trandoshan, who didn't seem all that intimidated by that. No, instead he started laughing a bit, while waggling the death-switch in his claw.

If he died?

The thing would go loose and they'd all blow up.

"I wonder if we can still take those vacation days from Merrill." Wyatt mumbled over to Joza while staring down the Trandoshan. Just anxiety, really. While trying to figure out what the feth they were going to be doing about this.

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