Not a Hero
Valkren secured a pair of headphones over his ears as he stepped down the lowered ramp of his team’s Luna transport. His gloved fingers fiddled with the headset to lower the microphone toward his mouth, on the other end of the transmission was the hangar officer in the observation area. Usually he’d be able to hear the communications from his earpiece, but it was a busy day in the hangars at Silvers rest. With several distress calls being received, and several units mobilizing for operations beginning today, the hanger area was deafening, the roar of some of their louder transports was constant as pilots brought big-bodied ships back and forth from pad to objective.
“Flight deck, this is Calderon. Our bird is ready to go, give the team the go ahead to load their gear.”
He could make out through the observation window an officer giving the ‘thumbs up’ signal to the colonel. Seemed like they were extremely busy today, so busy in fact that they couldn’t take the time to switch frequencies and give confirmation to the special forces officer.
Protocol and formalities didn’t really matter all that much to Valkren in cases like this, as long as the right people got the message to his current strike team, then it was all good in his book.
He turned back around just to trudge back up the loading ramp into the troop bay. His hands ran along the armored gauntlets of his katarn combat armor, fiddling with the edges to be sure the plates were locked in place.
Today would be a strange one, that was for sure. The team he’d be mobilizing with would consist of several rangers and jedi. Men from his usual special forces element were pulled for different missions, leaving availability for some changes in team structures. The brass above his own position saw this as another great opportunity to test the combat strength of their ranger-jedi strike forces, opposed to the single jedi to a large unit of ranger which happened to be the usually composition of their forces while deployed.
As long as each member of the team had the combat training suitable for their mission, there would be no trouble. Ofcourse, the team would receive their full briefing once they arrived to the transport, but Valkren still had to know what he was walking them into..So he had a conversation with the brass before this morning. Turns out a silver research station’s security had gone rogue somehow, their security droids and ranger biots showing no mercy to the staff and workers onboard the station. With no explanation and no way of escaping the space-born station, the survivors had barricaded themselves in any safe space in their work environment and sent for the cavalry.
They were the cavalry.
Valkren pulled himself into the troop bay, looking up to spot the only other ranger his own unit to already be ready. Specialist Lowder, or ‘johnny-boy’ in their books, was sitting against one of their seats, already sporting his own full shell of combat armor aside from the helmet. His patrol cap was pulled down over his eyes, and if it wasn’t for the noise in the hangars, Valk would be sure he could hear the specialist’s snoring.
He’d slap his hand against the specialists’ boots, stirring the operator awake.
“I don’t know how you can sleep with all that karkin’ noise, boy.” Valkren exclaimed, pushing the microphone of his headset up away from his mouth so he could speak freely to Johnny.
“Basic training taught me that with enough discipline, you can sleep anywhere!” Lowder said this and spread his arms out beside him like he was debuting some brand new, amazing idea to his superior officer.
Valkren just laughed, groaning slightly as he sat himself down across from the specialist. There was an awkward pause between the two before the colonel spoke up, raising his voice slightly so Lowder could hear over the multiple sounds in the hangar.
“Did Konrad talk to you?”
He could tell that Lowder immediately tensed up after the question about their teams XO came out. The specialist nodded, confirming valkren’s assumption before providing an explanation.
“Yeah..Old man told me to be careful on the station when we got there, make sure to check my weapons insertion, check the seals in my suit..You know, the whole nine yards.”
Johnny paused and reached up to rub at his stubble that was beginning to form on his chin.
“He also told me why he was thinking about leaving, something I should probably talk to you about at some point?” The look on his face held some confusion, but Valkren could tell why he had really asked.
The colonel offered a nod, pushing himself from the chair before delivering a pat to the shoulder plate of his comrade.
“We’ll talk post-mission.”
After this, Valkren moved to the ramp once again, patiently waiting for their strike-team to arrive.
(Open to all Silver-Jedi combat-types. Kindly asking everyone to message me once we get the thread rolling before joining. Other then that, approach the transport and we'll get started!!)