Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation 'Hammer' [Sith Enslavement of Togorian Species]​

There were no signs of pain given by the Ashborn as he slumped to the ground after having been given the finishing blow; a lightsaber through his chest, plunged into him with great ease. Immidiately the flames were extinguished as his large and heavy body hit the ground with a drawn-out sign escaping his lips. His charred, ashen skin was now fully visible, and no longer were there any signs of fire and brimstone within him. He was now a charred corpse once again, yet this time he would remain such in a more earthly manner. There was no getting up from this, no version where he was victorious, and he had accepted his fate long ago. His mind went back to his days spent alongside his Queen, who he loved like no other; his little brother Sin, who he would give anything just to spare him the pain of knowing about his older brother's fate; even the droid Skydd, who had remained the most loyal of friends throughout their history. Lying on his back, he gazed up towards the Jedi. His wheezing breath made itself known as he managed a few last words. "I GIVE YOU THANKS, JEDI... YOU HAVE GRANTED ME THE SWEET RELEASE OF DEATH BY THE SWORD." Lifting his head ever so slightly, the Ashborn managed to get a glimpse of the woman who had remained at a distance throughout the fight. "IT'S A FINE THING, FIGHTING AND DYING FOR THOSE YOU LOVE, IS IT NOT...?" he asked of the Jedi while lowering his head back down onto the ground. "THIS... THIS IS GOOD."

Reaching out through the Force one last time, he managed a last few words for his Queen to pick up on. "KÄRA... DID I MAKE YOU PROUD, MY LOVE?" A last gasp of air was heard, before silence fell upon the Ashborn, who was no longer part of the land of the living. His otherwise glowing eyes had now taken on a hollow shape, equal to the rest of his ashen corpse. His head turned to the side, a single teardrop of molten rock left the corner of his eye as his conscious faded away. Thyrian the Ashborn was no more.

@[member="Vexander Graves"] @[member="Coci Sinopi"] @[member="Kära Vi'dreya"]
@Veino Garn

She had to give the boy credit for being sly, but not sly enough in this fight. When she turned to face him she used the force to choke him for a moment. It could've ended with her squeezing the life out of him, but that wouldn't seem very sportsman like to her. Instead Satine walked up to him before letting him drop to his feet, right before she gave a round kick to his chest to knock him back. Once he was down she leapt into the air and had both her sabers point at his arms to pin him down.
Veino paused as the choke wrapped itself around his windpipe, cutting off his air, and staggered as he dropped him, only to get knocked back by her kick. He landed hard, and coughed slightly as he did so. That was unexpected. But there was no reason why it wouldn't have been. This was a battle. Not a practice duel. He blinked, trying to refocus his eyes when he noticed the blades pointing down at him. That wasn't good. He gave a slight shake of his head, and then winced as fear washed across him like a tidal wave smashing buildings. A dark, panicky, smothering fear. Not his though. The Togorians. It was like being hit by a spaceship. Or being kicked by a Sith apprentice. He wasn't sure where it originated from anymore.

@[member="Satine D'nara"]
The blades fell right above his shoulders, grazing them with their heat. Satine landed with her legs to each side of his body, pinning his arms down with her feet. Her feline eyes stared into the padawan's as she gave a unsettling smile, her face nearly nose-to-nose with his. "I think you've been playing the wrong game, little boy. This is where the adults do battle." she chuckled in her throat a little before saying "Are you ready to surrender, handsome?"

@Veino Garn
Great respect and sadness fell upon the Jedi, both almost at the same time. The Sith didn't seem as darksider as he previously appeared... he was being fueled by the darkside of the Force, but his intentions were clear: he did everything he could and faced oblivion just to protect the one that he loved.

Vexander looked at Coci, the girl that the Ashborn thought that he was protecting... Could he blame the man? Were his words actually the feelings that the Padawan felt? Did he had a deeper relationship with @[member="Coci Sinopi"] that the one he previously thought? Only time would tell. However, at this moment, only one thing was certain, he was alive and the lady that had his back was also alive.

The tear that fell from the man was true... in the end, Vex managed to give the man an honorable battle and the privilige to die fighting with dignity. As a soldier, as former member of the military, he understood what that meant.

Although he was in deep pain, he tried with all his strenght to stand up, pay one last respect at the Sith... not many Jedi would do the same for an enemy, especially a darksider, but in the end, only one who had the chance to look at the battle would understand.

Bowing deeply, with pain, sweat, and even blood falling through the veins that didn't resist the pressure of the man's fist, he payed his respect. Although Vex knew the theory and text related to the fate of those that died as darksiders... hope was the last thing that one would lose... and so, he pronunced his last words at the remainigs of the Sith: "May the Force Embrace you... always"

Returning to his position, and walking slowly through the alleys while he used the walls as support, he joined Coci...

"Let's get out of here... I can't stand anymore fight..."

Heading towards the dropship that brought Coci, he was decided to leave now and return to the Army of Light's medical facilities for treatment, while reflecting at the fight of Thyrian Ashborn, the Sith who dwelled in Ashes until the very end.

@[member="Thyrian Ashborn"]
Vulpesen growled, having no answer from Amadis. Thinking on his feet was one of his strong points and he used this to his advantage. "All Wild Cards, converge on my position and smoke the area. I don't want a single shot to get through that screen!" As he spoke, he could already feel the nearby men covering the distance. @[member="Vilox Pazela"] might have been a fan of slaughter but the Shadow's faith could be restored somewhat in the reluctance of a soldier. Everyone had some code of honor, even an obedient imperial.

However, he realized that he couldn't always rely on this and thus he followed the Army of Light soldiers when they hurled a plethora of smoke grenades into the air. Only a sith would be able to sense the Togorians behind the thick cloud and he handled that by increasing his force presence, creating as blinding a light as he could muster, using it to draw attention to himself. He wasn't sure how many sith there were at the square, but he was going to keep them diverted no matter how many there might be while the Wild Cards escorted the Togorians to safety, shooting down any imperials that might try to break through the fog. "I am Vulpesen Espadus Torrevaso, Shadow of Amar and defender of life. I will not allow these people to be snuffed out so easily!" His words were still quiet, but now they were powerful, fueling on his confidence and his presence as he worked against the odds to keep these people alive.
| @[member="Vulpesen"] |

Darth Vazela stopped half way up the ramp when he heard the deployment of the smoke bombs. Turning his hooded figure on the ramp leading up to the Sigma-class transport, he watched as plumes of black smoke began to cover the area before him. He briefly thought that one of his men had messed up somehow, when he felt a disturbance in the force. He felt several individuals move in and death. But not in the overwhelming, warm embrace that came when a hundred thousand or so souls expired. No, they were sporadic and random. "What is going on?" he thought.

His question was answered when a Stormtrooper near to him was taken out by a bolt of energy. Before the other bolts of energy met him, he drew his Lightsaber and pivoted his body to ignite the crimson beam in the path of those who were about to make their target, whilst the others sailed harmlessly by him, scorching the durasteel walls of the transport he was stood open. His hood fell off his aged, degraded chalk white face as he moved to kill the men that fired upon him. He launched a hand forward and Force Pushed two of them. The impact of their fall was so that their necks bent under the impact and so their lives expired as well. The other three were taken out by his Lightsaber, which was launched out of his hand in a circling, spinning motion in mid air. Guided by the force, the weapon met their targets, severing bodies apart before they began to fire upon him again. He caught the Lightsaber in his left hand and turned it off again for safety reasons before their bodies hit the ground.

Then he heard him.

"I am Vulpesen Espadus Torrevaso, Shadow of Amar and defender of life. I will not allow these people to be snuffed out so easily!"

The Army of Light had closed in upon his position and had struck with grace and efficiency. He had underestimated their number. Stormtroopers had begun to counter attack against their opposition, on the defensive. Vazela began to descend the ramp. He could no longer leave and return to the Obscurity, as he had intended. Vulpesen Espadus Torrevaso had interrupted the Imperial war machine and he could not allow that. Stepping into the fog, his senses attuned, he walked among the Togorians that the Jedi Knight and his forces were trying to save. A red line came into view among the fog, severing an unfortunate Togorian who came too close into his vicinity by the neck. Another and another fell as he pushed forwards, searching for his Jedi target.
@[member="Vilox Pazela"] didn't have to wait long. As Vulpesen had stated, he was a defender of life, even if it cost him his own. Of course, that didn't mean he was willing to simply die. With a quick order to have the Togorians led around this battle field, Vulpesen came towards his enemy, keeping his sabers connected at the hilts to hide their split nature. "And who are you?" His saber's were unlit but his thumbs kept against the activator. After all, Vulpesen was still a jedi at heart despite having forsaken the title for the time of this battle. "You've made a mistake Vilox. We are not here as Jedi. We are the Army of Light. Unsanctioned by the Republic and free to wreak havoc on the Empire." It was only right that he deflect blame from the republic. After all, it was likely that they didn't even know what was going on.

You idiot, what have you gotten yourself into this time? Of course the idiot was himself for he could easily feel the power radiating off of this new opponent. He was lucky to have survived Faust, this time his goal was to simply hold out and retreat when he got the chance. Still, he had signed up for this and until the Republic started doing something about corruption, this was his life and he would live it until he was either dead, or unwanted.
@[member="Vilox Pazela"] didn't have to wait long. As Vulpesen had stated, he was a defender of life, even if it cost him his own. Of course, that didn't mean he was willing to simply die. With a quick order to have the Togorians led around this battle field, Vulpesen came towards his enemy, keeping his sabers connected at the hilts to hide their split nature. "And who are you?" His saber's were unlit but his thumbs kept against the activator. After all, Vulpesen was still a jedi at heart despite having forsaken the title for the time of this battle. "You've made a mistake Vilox. We are not here as Jedi. We are the Army of Light. Unsanctioned by the Republic and free to wreak havoc on the Empire." It was only right that he deflect blame from the republic. After all, it was likely that they didn't even know what was going on.

You idiot, what have you gotten yourself into this time? Of course the idiot was himself for he could easily feel the power radiating off of this new opponent. He was lucky to have survived Faust, this time his goal was to simply hold out and retreat when he got the chance. Still, he had signed up for this and until the Republic started doing something about corruption, this was his life and he would live it until he was either dead, or unwanted.
Veino froze, head still befuddled, as the heat seeped through his clothes to his shoulders. He coughed slightly, frowning at the pressure on his arms. "I think you're standing on my arms." Actually, on reflection she definitely was standing on his arms. And saying something about surrender and adults and handsome. He shook his head head again, trying to claw through the emotions gushing over him from everyone around. "I am an adult in nearly every government in the galaxy." Oh, wait. She was asking for him to surrender. Could he? Would it be better than dying? Perhaps it would. Some good might still come from it.
"If it will save the Togorians, yes."

@[member="Satine D'nara"]
| @[member="Vulpesen"] |

He confirmed nor denied his identity as Darth Vazela. The wind around Lord of the Sith and Jedi Knight had dispersed the cloud of smoke by now. What was left was a blood stained city square, full of dead Togorians and soldiers from the Empire and Army of Light. Where there had been a hundred thousand or so kneeling Togorians, there were now just a dark robed figure and his challenger. The sounds of blaster fire were being exchanged around them as the Imperial troopers and Army of Light fought each other. Vazela had to twist his body to avoid another shot and then rebound the second fired by a man on a nearby balcony. The shot rebounded back into the man and he fell over the edge. For all his physical frailty, after nearly seven decades of life and delving into the dark side of the Force, he had grown powerful in the latter. It improved his reflexes and allowed him to get past the physical weaknesses that now held his body.

He was not a Lightsaber duelist in this day and age, although he aspired to be one in the next coming years if his experiments into ever lasting life came to fruition. What he was was an extremely powerful, well versed sorcerer. If Vulpesen had the advantage in Lightsaber combat, then he would have one in the force. Done with his short analysis of the Jedi Knight, with no word exchange between himself and Vulpesen, Vazela lifted his palm towards the man and emitted a torrent of Force Lightning from his finger tips towards the Jedi Knight.

And thus the duel between Vulpesen and Darth Vazela began in earnest.
She chuckled at his response and said "They're beyond saving at this point. They're ours now." Satine eyes then began to examine his face, even looking down at his chest as well. She looked back up with a smirk and said "Maybe I'll keep you for myself. Be my little servant. How does that sound, boy?"

@Veino Garn
Veino shook his head slightly, slowing his breathing to calm himself. "No, no one ever truly belongs to another or is beyond saving." He paused, matching her gaze. "Not even you." Perhaps it was not such a good idea to deliberately say such a thing to a Sith with two lightsabers near one's shoulder, but his life story could be described as one bad idea after another. If he lived long enough to ever create an autobiography or record for the Jensaarai records, that's probably what he'd name it. "Only if it would save the Togorians and others who may be harmed by Sith actions."
@[member="Satine D'nara"]
"The strong live off the weak." Satine hissed. "That is what the galaxy refuses to accept. Just like you and the rest of your so-called order. But you'll see soon enough." Her face came closer to his as she smiled fiendishly. "Now why don't you stop fussing and just be quite long enough for us to claim this planet." She ran her nose against his cheek, smelling him for a minute, before saying "In the meantime, I have some ideas for how to pass the time." Her feline eyes narrowed on his like a hungry predator.

@Veino Garn
"Ashborn, no..." Marcus froze in place, he felt the death of his ally in the force, his pupil, his friend. Yet another casualty in the war for peace, one that these damned Jedi in sited on continuing so chaos could thrive. Marcus' face contorted in anger behind his mask, he'd make them pay for that. Bolting towards @[member="Thyrian Ashborn"] and the Jedi around him. Rushing past them he skidded to a halt next to the fallen Sith. He hung his head, Marcus was one who rarely made allies, let alone friends, this was a deep blow to the Sith Knight.

Kneeling down, he waved for stormtroopers to join him as he picked up the titan and placed him onto a stretcher. Solemnly, they carried him to a transport amidst the battle. His master, @[member="Kära Vi'dreya"] would hear of his death soon he presumed. He knew not how it would affect her, she'd always seemed static and emotionless, but this man had devoted everything to her, without exception, surely she would feel something. Laying Thyrian's corpse down on the floor of the vessel before walking away, looking back over his shoulder one final time before stepping back onto Togooria's surface, eyes glowing yellow with rage as he looked for something to kill.

He'd avenge his fallen friend.
Veino held still, not wanting to add any giant cat-scratches to his new collection of scars. "Not sure which order you're referring to, actually." The burns came back into his consciousness, unfortunately, like streaks of fire. His breath caught in his throat, almost a wheeze, until he could use the Force to push it away. He gave a fake-naive smile. "Philosophical discussions by any chance?" Technically the advantage should be his. Rage and hate and whatever else fueled the Dark Side didn't last forever. Actually they burned out quite quickly. He should probably stop provoking her then. H e went back to her first statement. "And then the strong die, having accomplished what?"

@[member="Satine D'nara"]
One of Satine's hand let go of the saber, while it was still pinned in the ground near the padawan's shoulder, and trailed her claw against his cheek. She didn't scratch merely glided it along. As she did she answered his question with "Setting the stage for the next generation to take command. Until in the very end there is only one thing left in the galaxy." She leaned forward and whispered "Power." Her hand trailed from his cheek across his mouth. "Don't worry. I don't want to harm the pretty face of yours....yet."

@Veino Garn
Vulpesen's sabers ignited in a moment as he leaped sideways, twirling his blades to form a shield against the stray tendrils. He was glad that he had learned deflection over blocking, otherwise the weapon would have been on ripped away from him, leaving the shadow vulnerable to the remainder of the attack. "How rude!" Calling upon the force, Vulpesen called up force, splashing up the dirt towards his enemies' eyes. Tactics. If your enemy bests you in most every way, then lower his factors. Lower his abilities until either you can run or win. That was how Vulpesen worked. He would lower his enemy to his level to win through any odds. As an ancient jedi had once said, "I always fight fair, just as fair as my enemy."

With the mood of his attack set, Vulpesen finally leaped forward, following the dirt in its assault with a swirling slash from above. His enemy was obviously older which had finally set Vulpesen at the plus side of strength, something he now added to with momentum from both his descent and the power gaining spin. He aimed to bash through @[member="Vilox Pazela"] defenses before the sith could host a proper counter attack. He didn't know who this man was, but there was no way he was going to let him continue these treacherous ways if he could find a way to put an end to it.
Veino glanced sideways at the lightsaber apparently standing by itself, or something like that. He hadn't realized that was possible. Shivers ran down his spine as the cool claw chilled his face. Perhaps this was far more dangerous than he had anticipated. "Entropy will be final thing in the universe, before it too dies." He grimaced at the movement from cheek to mouth. "Is my face pretty? Can't say I noticed." Maybe he should just stop talking. This was going to end badly whatever he did, no doubt.

@[member="Satine D'nara"]
"Then you don't get out enough." she purred before, suddenly shoving her mouth onto his for a kiss. She hummed as she locked their lips, her hand grabbed his head to keep him from struggling. Satine had always been this way about men who weren't Sith, always trying to tempt them in one way or another. She enjoyed it. Even if they didn't turn she loved teasing them as much as possible. When she finished she pulled her head back and licked her lips before looking back down to him. "First time for you?" she asked coyly.

@Veino Garn

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