Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation 'Hammer' [Sith Enslavement of Togorian Species]

To be Sith, was to take what was yours and to rule over the lesser beings of the Galaxy. For too long a key aspect of Imperial, and to an extension Sith life had been smothered by the horrendous mistake brought on by the former Sith Emperor, Tyrin Ardik. That mistake was the abolishment of slavery in the Empire, and while many had put up with that ban for so long, it no longer could be tolerated. Thus in the aftermath of Kaine usurping Dranok Lussk as Emperor, he had made it his goal to reintegrate the age-old practice of enslaving those that they had conquered, and there were many races that had been saved from the shackles of Imperial tyranny for far too long. The Togorians were the most recent species to be integrated into Imperial space, and thus were the first target on Emperor Kaine's agenda to enslave the 'undesirables' of the Empire. Now in the space above the serene world of Togoria, the Imperial Armada materialized...

Foremost among the warships assembled above Togoria was the Nihilus-Class Star Dreadnaught, the "Acerbitas", which happened to be the most heavily armed warship in the entire Imperial navy. It was commanded by none other than the Sith Emperor of the Sith Empire, Kaine Zambrano, as it had been by the previous Emperor, Dranok Lussk. Around it's massive frame buzzed a hive of various other warships, all patiently waited with abated breath for the word of the Emperor to descend upon the world with manic fury. Alongside the warships were hundreds upon hundreds of Subjugator-Class Assault Ships most with their hangers completely bare, and others filled to the brim with Imperial soldiers ready to be deployed in every major city. The Imperial garrisons established onworld have been notified of the operation, currently being code-named Operation 'Hammer' by Imperial Intelligence.

The signal was given, and suddenly hundreds of Subjugators descended into the atmosphere of Togoria, clumps of them detaching from the main cluster to reach every city on the map. Once at their destination they will land in the center of the city, and begin to unload mass amounts of troops into the city centers. From there squads would begin to raid nearby homes in the vicinity, shattering down doors and dragging Togorian woman and young children out into the streets to be herded towards the already landed Subjugators. Among the soldiers that had been deployed were champions of the Sith Order, ready to enact the will of their beloved and feared Emperor without hesitation or remorse.

~The enslavement of Togoria had begun~
  1. Land on the planet in any way. (I.E Personal ship or via Subjugator)
  2. Aid the Blackblades and the Imperial Soldiers in rounding up whatever Togorian you can find in the city.
  3. Subdue any nomadic males that come to defend the woman and children.
  4. Load them onto the Subjugators.
  5. Kill any Togorian that does not comply, don't be afraid to kill a woman or children to motivate them.
  6. Defend the Subjugators.
  7. Smack down any Army of Light hooligan that shows up!
  8. Have fun (You schmucks)
Among the many ships orbiting Togoria was a Zygerria Royal Class transport ship. The main occupant waiting patiently in her private chamber for the signal to be sent for the invasion to begin. Queen Satine D'nana had dressed herself for the occasion, wearing expensive looking clothing; among her wardrobe being leg and arm wrappings that covered all the way down to her ankles and wrists, a dark tunic and, of course, her crown that was secured on her head. When the signal had been given and the ships began to descend Satine walked towards the doorway out of her room, a servant droid standing nearby while holding a dark hooded robe and her two lightsabers. She snatched both of them from the droid as she passed and equipped both on her as she walked down the hallway towards the docking area and waited to land.

Once the ship finally landed the loading ramp lowered, revealing the city they'd landed in. Already the people were running in fear as the Sith forces were causing destruction, rounding up civilians for slaves, and everything in between. Satine took a deep breath, soaking it all in, as a smile began to grow on her face. She pulled her hood over her head before walking out and striding her way through the streets. The first Togorians she found were ones who tried to fight back, aiming their weapons at her. She didn't even look at them. All she did was raise her hand and let the force choke the life out of them before dropping their bodies and walking onward.

@Kaine Zambrano
Togoria: Orbit
Aboard the Judgement

Kara knew what she wanted here, and she knew how to take it. The Judgement lingered in space, full to the brim with fiercely loyal men, each hand picked by the Sith Lady herself for such purposes as this, and she knew that they would not fail her. Skydd followed her across the command bridge as she stepped up to face the men, eyes roaming across each and every individual in turn, or so it would seem to them. Not a noise was made, by now her men knew that if she stood they would kneel and listen or face the consequences; they feared and respected their leader both. With the behemoth droid flanking her she finally spoke aloud; "Focus your energy on acquiring the children, bring them no harm for now unless they struggle. Do not take a life without my express command." She needed each and every child for what she had in mind. With one last glance out across the well-ordered lines of men she stepped down; nothing more had to be said, they knew their roles.

Togoria: Planet
When the men had been deployed Kara too took her personal vessel, the Vhailor, down to the planet surface; while the men had their orders that did not stop Kara from wishing to be apart of the fray. The children taken here today, the children of a planet belonging to her, would be of great use to her, and she would oversee their capture and enslavement personally. Let the Emperor have the Women and the Men, but it is the youth who are the greatest source here, to raise them to be as you wish them to be, they are easier to break and rebuild anew. Of course, the Emperor would partly reap the benefits of her endeavours, for a percentage of those she trained would end up back in the Empire for his personal use.

Stepping from the Vhailor as it landed she roamed across the landscape, admiring the ordered panic which was spreading through the city. Her men had been dispatched right across the globe, ensuring that all the children would be rounded up to her cause, and the message for this to be carried out by those outside of her command, which truthfully was next to no one anyway, was also sent. Skydd followed her loyally as she wandered upon a group of individuals putting up resistance, a mother clutching at a tiny child, holding him to her breast. With a motion of her head, a very subtle gesture, two men stepped forth into the group, forcefully tearing mother and child apart. "No harm will come to those who submit, let it not be said that the Empire is unjust" she stated as the crying babe was carried away, the woman metaphysically in pieces on the floor. There would be no more resistance from this one, but the rest?

Stepping closer she waved a hand and more men came to split women and men apart from one another, forcing them in opposite directions towards the Officials Kaine had put in place. All Kara cared about was the children. "Fetch me three men and a dozen women, separate them aboard the Judgement and keep them from the children" she said as she walked through the city, ever alert incase of an attack by these lowborns. Oh, it was one thing to have children to train and another all together to breed them...

@[member="Satine D'nara"] @[member="Kaine Zambrano"]
Blessed are the peacemakers
There was a rocket-like sound from the edges of the city. Several people, and even Sith soldiers felt the very real sense of death coming towards them. As the silhouetted figure momentarily was lined with the sun, the person took the visage of a grim reaper, or worse. Tracyn Ordo slammed into the Earth, standing in front of a horde of civilians being approached by a group of Sith soldiers. He gave off no sound, and simply reached for his cloak, letting it fly from his body, towards the body of a Sith soldier. While he tried to remove it from his person, Tracyn removed his lightsaber, and went to work.

There were about six of them in front of him, and six would be dead in a manner of seconds. Tracyn went for the first two, shoving his lightsaber through the gut of the man he had blinded with the cloak, and then turning and grabbing one by his neck, and forcing him to his side, where he broke his neck. While the man was still falling from being stabbed, Tracyn went for another man, going for a horizontal chop that removed his head. Tracyn reeled back his crushgaunt covered fist, punching a Sith hard enough for his helmet to compromised to the point that it smashed his skull inward, bone shards flying into his brain and killing him outright. Tracyn turned to the last two, who had only begun to raise their rifles in the few brief seconds that Tracyn had moved, and sliced off one their arms, the singed and burnt skin filling the air with a stench that was less than pleasant. While the man wailed in pain over the loss of everything below his elbows, Tracyn turned to the last man, and shoved the saber through his throat. He pulled him all the way down it, and pulled the blade upwards to tear his head in half. He shoved aside his dead body, holding the blade up to his face, the green blade emanating a glow that few other things could."Shukur, dar'jetii..."He said, spinning the blade in a circular pattern, then holding it in front of him. He wondered if any other people would come to help the Togorian people.

@[member="Satine D'nara"] @[member="Kaine Zambrano"]
Olom Grihk sighed as he landed calmly on the planet, on a village near the statue of the man who was comitting to this plan--Lord, no, make that Emperor Kaine Zambrano. Of all the ghouls in all the hellholes in the world. Togoria. The planet he had helped win over with peace. With his voice. He shrugged as he walked up to the statue, troops following him. "Ladies and gentleman, I am the Sith Knight Olom Grihk. By order of the emperor, the populace of this planet is beign foricbly relocated for reasons of safety. We believe the Jedi aim to attack the planet, and we will begin evacuating. Men of age will follow myself to base alpha. The women and children will be led by our troopers to multiple Subjugator-class ships for safety."

It was a simple lie, but this was not a village of political geniuses. "We will safely relocate you as time permits, to avoid endangering civilians. Please move quickly and quietly," he began, nodding calmly. He had already sorted out who was going to which camp. Someone else could bear the truth to these poor sods when push came to shove, eventually. Multiple Togorian men began picking up arms, following him loyally. Ah, the beauty of speaking through the dark side, persuading your enemies to kneel and swear while you played them like a musical instrument! He loved his job.
With the faithful Corellian Corvette Divergent in the atmosphere, a small shuttle screamed for the surface. Intelligence reports had come into the Rebel war room a few scant days ago. Sith were planning something on planet. What was the question. Normally not one to go in blind, reports had also came in the Army of Light had mobilized onto the planet. Many in the Alliance were not fond of the organization. Yet, should something happen there may be an opportunity to sweep in and come out the better/

Tugging on the straps of her armor, tightening around her form, Delila checked her weapons. A280 blaster rifle? Check. Protectorate bolter? Double check, as she had two. Vibroblade? Check. Extra ammo? Check.Explosives?Check. Everything else was medical related or communication arrays designed to keep her in constant contact with her fellow Rebels. The shuttle took a lurch as firing came upon their vessel and bumped everyone into the durasteel plating or one another.

"We go down quietly. Slip into shadows. Troops are en mass here so we can't go making a huge scene. Our job is to find out whats going on and if its of a devious nature, see if we can't blow it up in front of their faces."

The small shuttle landed them on the outskirts of a medium-sized village and the Rebels poured out. Time to get to work.
With a shuddered gasp and renewed vision, Disciple awoke. Standing in the center of a small forest clearing, staff in hand, the Sith turned his head from one side to another, drinking in the fact that the forest was so dense as to instill a sense that the sun was even now setting upon the horizon.

Perhaps it was, it was hard to tell. Taking a few slow breaths, tasting the air of this virgin world, he lets slip his control of his Force potential, releasing it into the noisy wilds around him. Within a heartbeat, every animal in the area ceased communication. The sounds of life disappeared.

"Wonderful, beautiful silence...", he breathes, voice the sound of decrepit air leaving a tomb.

Turning his head skyward and reaching out once more with the Force, he bends the branches of the great trees upwards, forming a funnel with which to view the sky above him. There, amid the stars, he could already see Imperial ships performing their delicate dance to make their way planetside.

Amusing. It explained why he'd been brought here.

As of late he'd had a habit of waking up on random worlds, usually standing, with no idea how he'd gotten there or what was occurring to warrant his presence. Reaching up and into the heaven's with his mind, the wood creaking around him as he expended Force energy to boost the telepathic signal... one man's name came to mind.

One that would certainly be here, now, observing and commanding whatever this was. But he couldn't find him, not amid the dense clusters of life that made up the many ships that were in orbit. So he settled for a more 'shotgun' effect... and spoke directly into the minds of everyone on the fleet.


@[member="Kaine Zambrano"]
| @[member="Tracyn Ordo"] | @[member="Kaine Zambrano"] | @[member="Kära Vi'dreya"] |

Vilox Pazela leaned back in his throne, resting his hands on it's arm rests. Purple luminesence made of hyperspace briefly illuminated his darkened robed figure, as well as the unnatural composition of the seat he sat in. It was one of his experiments into Sith Alchemy, the ability to shape and shift an inanimate object and turn it into something else. His time in Wild Space was finished. The Unknown Regions, for a more accurate term, had served him well. He had contemplated on the force, biding his time and inevitably, as he had foreseen in the very moment Mikhail Shorn had passed the mantle to Dranok Lussk, that he would not maintain his position as Emperor. He had returned to Dromund Kaas for the first time since the Throne breaker had toppled Tyrin Ardik and thus reclaimed the mantle that he had lost that day too. A true testament to what it meant to keep your allies close and your enemies closer. Kaine Zambrano had been deceived more than once in there last meeting a week ago.

He rose and became Darth Vazela, the character he played in this master game of galactic chess. This would be his first act since becoming a Sith Lord once more. He had been to Togoria only once. It was during that time that he had assisted in the dominion of the Togorian race. Back then, he had also thought that Tyrin Ardik was making a mistake in ending the enslavement that the Empire had ruled with for so long. But then the Umbaran had been a clever man and it had been revealed that ending the enslavement had in turn ended with an alliance with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The day after the alliance had been finalized, Mikhail Shorn and his entourage had arrived on Dromund Kaas to do what they came to do. Strange how events came along.

And so the return of Darth Vazela the ghost came to be as the Obscurity dropped out of hyperspace. No longer in hiding, no longer in obscurity. Moving forward to the transparisteel screen, he closed his eyes and felt with the force. Even from this distance, the Dark Jedi Master could feel the presence of Kära Vi'dreya and Kaine Zambrano, the most familiar of Sith for him. Then he frowned underneath his hood. He felt another presence.

A Jedi.

"Time to go..." Moving from the transparisteel screen and away from the observational deck, he made his way to a Dominus-class starfighter. He was the first of the Attrition-class Star Destroyer's complements to make their way down to Togoria to enslave the Togorians. But Vazela was not interested in the Togorians just yet, although he planned to subject a few to the experiments into midi-chlorian manipulation after he was finished. The ghostly predator had laid his eyes on his target. Tracyn Ordo would be his.
@[member="Delila Castillon"]

Chuck, the ysalamiri, was strapped to her back. Jorus' shotgun was in her hands. She had several blasters. The mermaid was locked, loaded, and ready to go. During this mission, she would stay by her best friend's side. More and more, she found being a rebel was forcing her to get used to the ground-pounding duties versus the well-known and experienced skies of a fly-girl.

Scale-speckled face gave a sharp nod to Castillon. "Let's do this thing."
Having once been a slave, one would expect Jek'ai to dislike helping enslave others. One would also think she would find the act horrible, and rather... disturbing. But she had spent quite some time with the Sith, and as much as she hated to admit it, she had started to think like them. So instead of shrinking away at the thought of capturing Togarians, she had simply shrugged and said better them then herself. A few days had passed since her recruitment to the effort, and today was the grand day. With a grin and a spark in her eye she stepped out of the transport, letting the troopers pour out around her. Approaching the gathering natives she raised her hand, motioning for them to silence.

"Ladies, gentlemen, and children, listen up! The wondrous and glorious Empire, your beloved rulers, has a request for you all. The-" She started before one woman interrupted her. "Jek'ai? What are you doing! I thought you were still enslaved?" She asked, stepping forward. Instantly Jek recognized the female, and felt a twinge of guilt. Last time they had seen each other was at an auction- a slave auction to be exact. Lying wasn't her best skill, but it was one she would have to use. Now. "I was freed, by the men you see around me. I see you have been released as well. Now the Empire is here to rescue you all! Previously they protected you from the so-called righteous Jedi and Republic, and here we are to do so again! They plan on taking this planet as part of their war against the Sith! But you see, they are not as kind as they want you to think. They will not care about killing natives in their conquest. I ask that you heed my words, only so you may survive the oncoming unslaught. Men, follow the commander, he'll lead you to the proper areas. Women and children are our top priority, and will be escorted onto the shuttles for immediate evacuation. Now hurry my friends! Go! Go!" Jek yelled, gesturing to the crowd and troopers. Quickly the cat people started moving, lining up or gathering around officers. The ploy had worked, but the agent knew that not all would believe. Lives would be taken...
Satine had still being walking through the town, encountering a few more natives hear-and-there and telling them to either stand down and accept defeat or to die by her hands in a fight. Most ran while others tried to fight back, only for her to use the force to either choke them or flatten them against a wall. Eventually she rounded on corner and found a girl speaking with the natives. She stood back and overheard everything that was said, how she herself was s slave, how there was the excuse of the Jedi being the real enemy, and how they had their chance of survival being to go with the Sith. When it was over and most of the cat people left Satine came out from hiding and started clapping slowly.

"Very nice performance." she said. "How well you did in convincing them we were more friendly then they believed. And that ploy about the Jedi killing them, I could barley keep myself from bursting with laughter. You've done well girl. What is your name, or should I just refer to you as servant, being that is what you apparently are."

@Jek'ai Cyin
Humorously, Jek almost mistook the woman who approached for another togarian. Once she was sure no actual natives were within earshot she turned to reply, stepping towards the fellow Imperial. "Some lifeforms will believe anything. Or perhaps they would just rather believe what I said then the truth, so they convinced themselves I was honest?" She said with a chuckle, smirking a little. Her own slave collar was around her neck, though it was no longer active. Jek wore it as a trophy of sorts, as a confirmation she was now free from her former living. "My name is Jek'ai Cyin. Indentured Servant of the Empire. The Empire freed me, so I am indebted to them. Eventually I might be given the... honor of being trained in the force. For now, I am merely a tool of theirs. Something to amuse them, I guess."
@[member="Satine D'nara"]
Aboard the Judgement
Orbiting Togoria

The Ashborn had remained aboard the Judgement during the inital landing parties, although out of public sight; he was decaying from the inside, and did not have long to live, this he knew. He was unsure of whether his master had grasped the finality of his condition, remaining stern and cold to those around her, as if she was shut off from her private self when in the presence of her subordinates. Thyrian had spent the last week soaking in a bacta tank, in an attempt to prolong his existence. While the fluid successfully managed to regenerate his outward appearance - or lack thereof - it did not stop him from further decay once of the tank; also, his spirit was fading, and rapidly at that. His strength was seeping away, as if the Force itself leeched him of his soul, if he had one to begin with. When word had been sent the operation was to commence, lead by the new Emperor of the Sith Empire, his Queen had expressed her disliking of him accompanying her, yet he would not buckle under her authority; he was her loyal servant and subordinate into the last, and as such he would follow her anywhere for as long as he was able to, even if it would kill him doing so. It seemed her stubborn nature had rubbed off on him. Better late than never.

While she made her way to the Vhailor, the Ashborn was getting ready to follow; stepping outside the bacta tank, he painstakingly applied his trusty armor, which had seen better days by now. Dents and scratches from his many previous campaigns and battles now started to show on his belongings as well as himself. Grunting in pain with every step he took, he journeyed down to the hangar bay, where his master and her retinue of loyal troops awaited lift-off inside the Vhailor. If this was to be his last mission under the banner of the Empire, and more importantly beside his Queen, he would be there in person alongside her. Stepping onto the ship, he had to pull himself aboard upward the ramp. Once inside however, he almost immidiately assumed a more stoic stance, so as to not demotivate the troops, as well as his master, even though she was well aware of his condition. Taking a seat as close to his Queen atop her throne as possible, the ship took off, flying down towards the planet of Togoria.

Once on the ground, Thyrian followed behind his master as always, even though easily falling behind the brisk pace of the retinue. The loyal Skydd would gaze back at him as he struggled with keeping up, on several occasions offering to aid him with quiet gestures, to which the Ashborn refused with a shaking of his head. If this truly was to be his last time on the field alongside his master, he would carry his own weight, and not become reduced to a liability. Witnessing the despair of the mother who was torn from her child, he could not even muster to feel any kind of compassion or sympathy, something he would otherwise express even without the consent of his master. This time he merely glanced to the distraught woman before finally catching up to Kära and Skydd, attempting to catch his breath as he did. A metallic hand belonging to his robotic friend found its way atop his shoulder as a sign of support and comfort. Curious how this one droid managed to conjure up more sympathy than most mortals he knew. Mustering his fleeting strength, he spoke to his master from behind her back. "MY QUEEN, WHAT... W-WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE ME...?" His words were fading away before able to finish his sentence, yet his message was no doubt clear nontheless; he wished to serve her still, even though his entire being protested. It was his one purpose in life, and he would see it through to the end.

@[member="Kära Vi'dreya"]
Ah Apprentices, playing their little games with the local populous that was to be enslaved. It almost mad Marcus laugh, almost. Stepping forward and into the view of @[member="Jek'ai Cyin"] and @[member="Satine D'nara"], Marcus looked down on both of them disdain in his sickly yellow eyes behind his mask. In a perfect world, these people wouldn't need to be lied to, the Sith had the potential to bring about order and peace, but squandered it time and time again in quests for meaningless personal gain. But the galaxy was far from perfect, this he knew all to well.

"Get back to work." He ordered bluntly, being straight and to the point as he always had been. The two apprentices, one some former slave, the other and over privileged queen of another feline race, were not earning points for the assassin's favor, but he supposed that wasn't really all that important right now. His position in a certain shadowy order gave some privileges when it came to cutting out the numerous cancers that populated the Sith Order, and he'd use them if need be.
Veino took a long, slow breath, trying to calm his racing heart. A battle. A real battle. He'd never seen one of these before. He had hoped he wouldn't. But, here it was. The time for battle. Hopefully what little training would allow him survive. Butterflies raced through his stomach, accompanied by a adrenaline. He ignited his lightsaber, relaxing as familiar hum helped him calm down. He reached out tentatively with the Force, and recoiled in horror. Dark siders everywhere. He could feel its corruption all around him. Plus one Jedi. If it was who he thought it was, he'd be staying away from him too.
He deactivated the lightsaber and started sliding along the ground towards the nearest village, masking his Force signature and profile from electronics. Hopefully he could sneak in and secure it so it could be used as a command post by @[member="Kei Amadis"] and the other leaders. He stopped, catching the gist of @[member="Jek'ai Cyin"]'s speech. No wonder there was no fight, especially with this other Dark SIde user @[member="Satine D'nara"] supporting. He blanched as he felt @[member="Marcus Faust"]'s intimidating presence. So much for this village. He started sliding backwards along the grass, hoping to not be discovered. He really, really, really wished he'd kept up with his training more.
Turning to the SIth night Jek eyed him over, wondering who he was. Deciding not to disagree with him (as she did indeed need to continue working) she moved to leave. There were still many to trick, many to beat down, and many to enslave. Within a few seconds she was several meters away. Being over six feet tall had its advantages. For one, it made getting around faster due to longer legs. It was also useful for intimidating pathetic lifeforms. Soon one such lifeform appeared, a Togarian resisting several troopers. Others were watching with concern written all over their pitiful faces. Stepping forward Jek pushed the troops away and reached for the cat man. Holding him by his neck she raised him up until their eyes were level. "Glory to the Emperor."

With that she squeezed his throat, crushing his windpipe and deciding his fate. Then she dropped him, motioning for the other natives to keep moving. Resisting was futile, she didn't understand why they tried so hard.
@[member="Satine D'nara"] @[member="Marcus Faust"]
"You may call me Queen Satine. Or your majesty if you..." she began to introduce herself to @Jek'ai Cyin before being cut off by @[member="Marcus Faust"] when he ordered them to get back to work. If not for her rank and her agreement she'd made with the Sith she'd tell him to frag off, in a more royal fashion of course, before letting him speak to her like that. Still they did have a greater task to uphold. By the time she turned round and looked back Jek'ai was already walking away, making her follow only for the sake of conversation. "Brutish swine." she said so that Jek'ai could hear. "When I become a knight I'll hae a few good words to carry with him for such arrogance."

Then came when Jek'ai had killed the togorian who resisted, Satine watching with a smirk. She waited until the life was gone from him before saying "Strong. Good. Good servants need to be strong. Though I prefer the more conventional method of choking the life out of someone." she said, holding her hand up and meaning she'd use the force.
Veino froze. @[member="Satine D'nara"] and @[member="Jek'ai Cyin"] were only about ten meters away now. This was not a place he wanted to be. Where were real Jedi when you needed them? Even that super-orthodox Jedi master would be nice to have here. Or really, anyone that wouldn't try to kill him right off. Now granted, being a Jensaarai could earn some wiggle-room for some spare time, since it was a Sith word and the original teachings were Sith teachings. That was centuries ago, though. He doubted it'd count for much now, though.
He paused. They did just murder an innocent. Could he really let that pass? Even if it didn't violate the code, his conscience would hardly allow him to try that. Maybe if he jumped as quietly as possible and ignited the saber before the strike, it would work. Maybe take out one. Probably get stuck in a duel with the other. Then get killed by the Sith knight. But it'd be worth a shot, anyways.
At first the servant didn't respond, to busy instructing a trooper to start piling corpses up. Returning her attention to the Queen she opened her mouth to speak, tone neutral. "Using your hands is more personal. Though the force conveys power, doing it my way let's them know we can do more then 'magic'." She explained, choking a nonexistent being with her hand. Next she gestured for Satine to follow, starting to walk towards another gathering group of natives. They were talking in low voices, to distracted to notice the Sith approaching. It sounded like they were planning on fighting back against the Imperials. Frowning Jek moved forward, quickly grabbing one of them and pulling him back. The others fell silent, staring up at her with wide eyes. "Shuttles. Now. Resist and die." She said, pointing towards a few troopers who would guide them.

Something rustled nearby, quickly catching her attention. Swinging around she scanned the area, looking for anyone who was hiding. Gently she reached out with the force, probing the space around her. One hand stayed on her blaster, ready to defend herself if need be.
@[member="Satine D'nara"] @Veino Garn
Veino caught his breath, noticing @[member="Jek'ai Cyin"] spin around to scan the area around him. He focused on remaining absolutely still and silent, hoping neither one was advanced enough in their training to see through his rather shakily hidden Force signature. That'd ruin his attempt surprise. His finger twitched at his lightsaber hilt. Not yet. He had to stay focused. Do nothing to give himself away. Time seemed to crawl along at a snail's pace. Stay calm. He did not want to die here. Stop. He had to attack soon. Too much time thinking was bad. Attack first and always. Be aggressive. Then vanish again.

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