Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Operation Return-MU Dominion of Wayland/Serreco


Kreslin watched the streams of data flowing across the holomap before him, displaying a zoomed out view of the system. On both Wayland and Serreco, small blue and orange triangles could be seen moving towards large concentrations of red triangles. There was no emotion in the display Kreslin was seeing, no true way to see the fighting that was happening even now on the worlds. He sorely wished he had taken part in the main assault forces, either of them, but he had been counseled to lead the diversion. The enemy would have suspected something if Kreslin himself was not part of the fleet that had stormed into the system, and his presence with the fleet had been made abundantly clear.

Watching as a small blue triangle vanished on the map, Kreslin cursed. A squad of his men had just been wiped out, their deaths dropped down to little more than pixels vanishing from a board. He knew why he was with the fleet, but seeing the fighting from a distance was driving him insane. Typing a few commands into the holomap, Kreslin watched as the image began to alter, large clouds beginning to appear above the battlefield. An officer standing next to Kreslin watched as he worked, taking notes of the battle constantly being updated to the fleet. "Mand'alor, the storm clouds are proving far more of a hinderance to our forces than originally anticipated. Several detachments of our warriors have become disorganized in the downpour." The officer highlighted several Mandalorian units on the map, isolated from the main advance force.

Kreslin nodded, folding his arms across his chest as his mind worked through the possibilities. "Send word to River Kyrze and Velexia to try and round up any stragglers she can find and regroup them into a secondary attack force. The Siren Corp should be able to coordinate the assault. There should then be just enough lost squads out there to make up solid strike force. Opening up a third front will aid the operation." With a small nod to himself, Kreslin turned and began to walk out of the bridge. Two Mandalorian Supercommandos, assigned as the Mand'alor's honor guard waited for him at the entrance, falling into step behind him. The officer stared at the holomap for a moment confused, before turning his head to call out to Kreslin. "But sir...even with River regrouping the others, there will only be two fronts on Serreco."

Without pausing, Kreslin called back over his shoulder as the automatic doors slid open before him. "I am going down there. I am tired of waiting."


The flight of troop transports tore through the skies of Serreco, all lights and outward signs of their existence turned off. Inside, Mandalorian Supercommandos ran final checks on their equipment, priming power cells and ensuring their combat knives were firmly secured. They would not have time to land the transports, especially with so many enemy defenders still on the ground. Instead, Kreslin had decided on a bit rougher of an approach. When the transport pod doors began to open, and rain swept into them, the attack force leapt out.

Kreslin took the lead of the force, made up of nearly four hundred Supercommandos all equipped with jetpacks. A moment after they had jumped, anti air fire from the surface began to shoot up towards them. One of the transports took three shots to its side, igniting the crafts fuel source and erupting in a ball of flames. A few Supercommandos too close to the explosion were taken with the transport, but the vast majority continued the drop. They plummeted through the air, using their jetpacks only sparingly to adjust the course, and relying on gravity to give them the speed and momentum needed to slip through the enemies air defenses.

They fell for over two minutes before the clouds around them opened up, revealing the first of the Death Watch orbital weapon batteries. All around the weapons, Kreslin could see weapons fire crisscrossing the entire area. Supercommando squads began to break off from the main descent group, angling towards pockets of Mandalorian Union forces, landing around them to provide support, while others shot towards enemy defensive positions on the ground. The rest, following Kreslin, began to land on the weapon emplacements.

Activating his jetpack a few meters before impact, Kreslin slowed his landing down just enough that when he struck the top of the weapon battery, he was able to tuck and roll across it, his boots sliding beneath him from all the rain. All around him, Supercommandos were making similar landings, coming up from their rolls with weapons blazing, cutting down Death Watch soldiers who had previously been out of harms way from the fighting below. Rising to his feet, Kreslin drew Oritsir, and charged into the heat of the fighting.

Little did he know, though, he charged head first into a trap.

River Kryze River Kryze Mig Gred Mig Gred Jan Tracyn Radon Krayt Radon Krayt Velexia Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano
Objective 1: Orbital Defense​

Only seconds after the scorched body of his attacker fell, was he presented with a new problem. He barely had been given any time to stand up, when a Mandalorian woman clad in gold and red came sliding in his direction. His gaze followed the woman until she came to a halt right before his feet. Radon kept his numb right arm supported by his left, staring at her for a good moment without uttering a word.

"A sight for sore eyes, isn't it?" Her former assailant shouted, dropping her rifle in the mud to draw a beskad instead. Even with the emotionless T-visored helmet, he could tell that the Dar'manda was grinning. "But then again, all of you are." Radon retorted by raising his left arm, wrist rocket visibly mounted on his vambrace. It earned him nothing but amused laughter, a noise he could sadly hear over the howling wind.

"You think that'll hit me, with these gusts of wind?" She had a point. Any projectile would just end up being blown off it's course. And yet, he didn't budge. "Yes." Before she could burst into laughter again, or move in with her beskad, Radon followed up on his curt answer. "It's gonna go downwind." It was the last thing the dar'manda heard before the small rocket shot from his vambrace and carried by the wind blew her to smithereens.

Radon would not waste any more time. His right arm would be useless for the remainder of the battle, and so was his right arm's vambrace. He immediately got to work, winding the whipcord stored in his right vambrace around his arm and shoulder to make an improvised sling. As he did, another Mandalorian demanded his attention. The man's most recent foe was surrounded by ice, something he would've questioned if this all was less... chaotic.

"Only one. We regroup, strike the nearest platform and hope it's enough to force them back." The white warrior drew his blaster pistol, firing several rounds at the many figures in the stormy sky. "It's either that or we're.... doomed?..." He couldn't believe what his HUD was telling him. He was gawking at the sky, like many of his brethren and enemies who fought for their lives on the muddy ground. They all saw the same. "Are those... Reinforcements?"

Taa Nul

CEO of Kamigen Incorporated
Objective: 1
Location: Serreco Surface

Setrus had been watching the rise of the new Mandalorian Union with great interest. Not only had they managed to liberate Mandalore from the Sith Empire, but they were now expanding their borders with impressive speed despite the looming Sith Empire nearby. While a Sith Lord himself, he had long been an enemy of the Sith Empire due to his "heretical" beliefs and prior actions against them. He relished the opportunity to punish those who had decimated Commenor, a world he had considered a replacement home for Serenno given his exile from there by rival nobles. The Mandalorian Union would be a great potential ally for his imperial remnant, his "Empire Reborn". If he could aid them against their present foe, it would go a long way in securing their trust and favour, and a new ally against their mutual enemy.

The storms were proving a hindrance for the Mandalorian forces assaulting the Death Watch as they tried to establish orbital defense weaponry. Setrus had come prepared, however. Shortly before the Mandalorians had arrived, he had used the storm's cover to land a Venator-class Star Destroyer a few short miles away from the where the battle would take place, unloading two full legions of his Reborn Stormtroopers supported by armoured divisions of AT-ST and AT-AT Walkers. They had trudged through the mud and stormy weather, and had finally reached the edge of the battlefield when combat was joined between the Mandalorians and their Death Watch enemies.

Setrus would not cower from behind the lines like some generals. He was up front with his men, ready to fight personally beside them. Such actions had given him the full loyalty of his men, and he didn't intend to disappoint his potential Mandalorian allies. Drawing forth his ornate lightsaber hilt, he ignited it's crimson blade, pointing it towards the enemy before giving the order to attack. "Unleash hell!", he shouted, a boistrous cheer erupting from his men as they began their charge, exchanging volleys of blaster fire with Death Watch forces while supported by their armored walkers.

Tags: River Kryze River Kryze Velexia Mig Gred Mig Gred Jan Tracyn Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind Radon Krayt Radon Krayt

Mandalorian Prophet



O B J E C T I V E : 2
T A G : Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla ; Kelborn Ordo Kelborn Ordo ; Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind ; Aerith Krayt ; Shai Maji Shai Maji ; Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla ; Kelborn Ordo Kelborn Ordo ; Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus ; Voice of Darkness ; @Other Nite Owl
L O C A T I O N: Above Mount Tantiss, Wayland
E Q U I P M E N T: In bio

All around the Nite Owls descended. In quick order they had taken the landing zone, and soon they'd push into the mountain. But that wasn't soon enough for Cleru. With the initial soldier resistance purged before him the Chiss disappeared from sight. The fractal pattern of his beskar'gam activated, his form flickering just for a moment. He could get deeper without needing force, and he'd find his targets. Quiet as a shade he made his way deeper into the installation, avoiding the growing forces of the Sith's troopers.

The Owls could handle them.

Inside was a different game. There was no sign of where the Sith might be hiding. He frowned behind his helmet before dipping into one of the rooms that looked like it might be a check point of some kind. He once more revealed himself, pressing the barrel of his blaster to the back of the officer's head within. "Sith. Where." Once more he asked the question that had been keeping him going. His hunger and need to slaughter those responsible for so much misery. And once more he was told deeper within.

A single shot killed this officer before the Chiss once more faded from sight. Panic settled in as the soldiers came to check what happened. No sign save for the dead body. Cleru had already moved on.



Jan Kryze


Objective: 1
Eqiupment: In bio + pistol
Tags: Velexia Mig Gred Mig Gred River Kryze River Kryze Radon Krayt Radon Krayt Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind Taa Nul Taa Nul

Jan mind was on fire and ready to just get up and grab her Beskad and gut this lady like a ghest. Though the weight of her shield and the wind was keeping her pinned as she could feel her left arm scream to her. It just made her even more incensed. Forced to lay this one this out she just watch the Radon and the Dar'manda exchange unsure what the kark the white mando was up to with that wrist rocket. If a Jet pack couldn't fly straight then that rocket was certainly going to do them any favors right? Only to then hear the calm emotionless words of Radon.

"It's gonna go downwind."

She saw the Mandalorian get eviscerated by the rocket as she processed that factoid of information. Seeing the fireball erupt caused Jan to start cackling away like a Shistavanen. That schutta had it coming. She continued for a few seconds before the laughter died down. "Nice one! ... Not that I needed your help or anything." Jan exclaimed to Radon before trying to get herself up. The shield was getting in the way and she needed to quickly move it. She twisted her body to her right side before quickly reversing and rotating left giving enough momentum to swing her left arm and shield off her chest. The body now freed from it's Beskar c'ilena she was able to claw her up. Feeling every joint in her body ache and her back giving her hell.

Standing and trying to capture one desperately needed breath she looked around as she heard Radon and Mig chat strategy. Her gaze placed towards the back of the battlefield. As she saw something emerge from the darkness. Then the ground tremored. Emerging from the darkness were mechanized beasts and lights of death on the ground as something anything was coming towards the Mandalorians. She outstretched her right arm and activated it's grapple gauntlet and her Beskad now returned to her hand as she stared in disbelief. She turned back to see Radon fixated on the sky.

"Nevermind the sky nerfherder, who the feth are those skugs behind us?! I thought we didn't have walkers? Are they more Death watch?"
I am Apollyon. And I bring war.



Rain. Thunder. Fire. Death. These were the sounds of a war that was just beginning. The war that she had wanted for so long, And at last, It had finally begun. Weakness would be purged from her people. Vengeance would be wrought upon Mand'alor the Reclaimer, And she would at last take her rightful place upon the throne of Sundarai. The trap would be sprung.

The rain gently pelted off her visor which shone a proud gold even in the dark of the storm as she looked into the sky with a smile, Watching her Death Watch duel the Union forces like hawks tearing at a flock of birds... And yet, Her men were dying all around. The union put up equal if not a better fight, And Death Watch commandos slowly dropped from the sky and into the mud, Corpses encased in iron.

Glorious deaths in battle all...

<"Matriarch,"> A voice speaks up behind her, One of her trusted lieutenants, Saluting her as he she turned to stare at him through her jagged visor.

<"He has come.">

Such simple words, And yet they caused a grin to form beneath her helmet. As sharp as knives and as demented as the sith who made her this way.

<"Leading from the front, Kreslin? As noble as ever....">

Laughing quietly to herself, She raises her bracer inches from her face, Clicking a button at simultaneously activated her commlink, And the loud speakers to the entire facility.
All around the base, Flood lights suddenly shone on the Union attackers, And flairs shot up into the sky above the muddy plains. She could see them... She could see them all.

:: Do you hear it?:: She began over the loud speakers, The battle still raging down below her, And yet her voice was clear as day over the magnificent chaos she had brought here today.

::The sound of War. The sound of Wolves among sheep...::

::Yet there are sheep in wolf's clothing among you. Among us. The strong among us both will weed out the weak, Until there are none left. Until only real mandalorians stand among either side. Until only the strong will rule. Clan loc learned the hard way what happens when you follow a weak alor...::

::And yet, Your Mand'alor the Reclaimer defeated ours. Mand'alor the Conciliator, Champion of sith loyalists. Champion of sheep... You've done us all a favor. Me a favor::

::Now comes a time of Wolves. A time of War. My time::

::If you are strong, This will be
your time as well. And if you are weak, You will die here. You will be forgotten. Your bones will be the foundations of a new mandalorian people, Feared once again. There is no growth without conflict. And our people have been stagnant long enough::

::I am Apollyon. And I bring war::

Ear piercing feedback screeches across battlefield briefly following The Betrayer's speech, Followed by the sound of a thousand voices... A warcry to be remembered for ages. All throughout the forests and the muddy field, Little trap doors opened up across the battlefield, Revealing the intricate tunnels and bunkers that had been prepared by Death Watch. Smoke grenades were lobbed, Blasters were fired, Men were grabbed and pulled into these holes and battered with knives and beskade. It was chaos as men disappeared and Thermal-visioned Death Watch warriors replaced them, The perfect ambush.

Soon even Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind was joined by these Death Watch warriors. But not just any, No. Apollyon the Betrayer wanted him all to herself. Just like old times...

<"Kreslin Westwind!"> Her voice calls from high above him, Followed by the roar of jetpacks and the humm of blaster and particle fire, Melting through armor and flesh alike as she and her men descended from the fog above like hawks, Taking many of the reclaimer men before the finally landed, Immediately locked in melee and firefights.

The betrayer walked with confidence through it all, Her men immediately killing anyone that even thought of challenging her. This was no longer their fight, But her's. And she was here for one man.

<"It's been a long time, My gladiator. May we dance, You and I? One last time..."> She says with mirth as she extends a hand towards kreslin.


Tag: Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla | Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla | Cleru | Aerith Krayt | Shai Maji Shai Maji Kelborn Ordo Kelborn Ordo | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus | Voice of Darkness |
The skirmish continued as The Nite Owls descended, Like angels of vengeance come to punish Death Watch for their crimes against the union, For The Betrayer's massacre of clan loc only days prior. It was touching really, The thought of such proud vigilante warriors come to bring justice to the wicked and save the day from evil. It was... Cute.

But it wouldn't last long.

Apollyon wondered when Aloy Vizsla's Nite Owls would realize that they're been fooled, That the intel had been purposefully misleading and that Apollyon herself was on another world entirely. Wayland may have been the Death Watch fortress, But the majority of the watch were on Serreco, Ambushing the Mand'alor. That is not to say that the watch was no threat on Wayland, No. In fact, The Owls were about to meet the Hawks in plenty...

From the treeline and towers, Death Watch warriors clad in beskar and armed with repeating blasters, Pistols and blades all descended into the madness with their jetpacks, Beginning their attack with a volley of jetpack mounted missiles that began killing off small clusters of both the Owls and even imperial soldiers alike as Death Watch mounted the attack on their own fortress. The Nite Owls weren't who they were expecting, But they'd glady do battle all the same...




Location: Advancing Towards Death Watch Orbital Defense Installation - Serroco
Tags: Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind River Kryze River Kryze Radon Krayt Radon Krayt Apollyon The Betrayer Apollyon The Betrayer Jan Tracyn Taa Nul Taa Nul

It was a dogfight amidst a raging storm.

Mandalorian warriors clashed and dueled in the skies above, with many swooping down like birds of prey, seeking to strafe seemingly vulnerable targets via aggressive bombing runs.

“I’m with the Siren Corps.” Velexia answered the woman over the sounds of violence. Raising her rifle, Velexia quickly scanned the skies, seeking to pick off the Death Watch commandos in the air so as to cover the yellow-armored Mandalorian as she recovered from her fall. With many of the Death Watch making themselves relatively easy targets due to the lack of cover in the air, the Siren quickly set to work in striking them down. Drawing a bead on a target wielding a pair of pistols, Velexia held her breath and squeezed the trigger, her shot impacting the warrior’s chest in a fiery pink explosion before sending them careening to ground. Pulling the bolt handle, Velexia took aim and fired once more, felling another target in a similar manner, their body hitting the ground only a few feet in front of the diminutive Arsenian.

“I can cover you, but I think there are more reinforcements coming!” She added, gesturing lightly to the seemingly friendly formations of ancient Imperial walkers trudging through the mud on the approach to the orbital defense installation.

It was then that the flood lights from the base began to shine on the advancing Union and allied forces, followed by an ominous feminine voice that brought chills down Velexia’s spine. While she was not Mandalorian, Velexia knew by instinct that her talk of weeding out the weak and eternal war was nothing good. Nevertheless, she sought to ignore it, seeking to fight on in spite of what she could only imagine was an attempt to break her morale. A bolt from her rifle struck another flying commando in the chest, but the woman’s voice was seemingly inescapable. However, it didn’t stop Velexia from picking up on the sounds of rustling in the bushes, her sensors picking up multiple life form signatures from underground, suddenly manifesting within the Union lines as trap doors full of Death Watch Mandalorians popped open. Pulling out her SMG, Velexia didn’t hesitate to answer their assault, firing a barrage of six slugs into the upper chest of charging Death Watch commando, just as another one came up from behind and moved to slash his beskad into her neck...


Objective: Eliminate Weapons Platform.
Equipment: In Bio
Tag: Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind Jan Tracyn Velexia Radon Krayt Radon Krayt Mig Gred Mig Gred Taa Nul Taa Nul Apollyon The Betrayer Apollyon The Betrayer

Seeing the walkers being pointed out to her, River had to wonder if she was going half crazy, her mind trying to think of the memo that included Imperial reinforcements; truthfully, she was drawing a blank. "Doesn't matter, I got to get in there!" If she took a moment to realize the situation, River might have realized the folly in her plan; but ignorance was bliss.

Truth be told, she wasn't feeling so good, the world felt like it was spinning out of control. Probably didn't help given she practically slammed into the ground twice over. One the bright side, she could feel any new surprises awaiting her, as she trudged on forward; until her foot sunk into another mud pit and sent her tumbling to the ground. It was hard enough to move forward with blaster biting at your ankles, it was even worse to feel sinkholes opening up under your feet. What were they even trying to accomplish on this mud pit? Well, aside from the obvious, what was even here to take once the battle was won? Assuming they won to begin with. Still, she had the diminutive girl with the sniper rifle watching out for her, so that was certainly something. Siren Corps. She'd have to remember the name, make sure the woman got the proper respects once this battle was over. Pulling herself out of the mess, River's mind was starting to come back together, the pain starting to fade, the spinning sensation dissipating. It was probably her second dose of adrenaline kicking in.

What she heard next frankly threw her off. It was a communication officer from Liberator, patching in directly to her. Though the man's voice was slightly distorted by the storm, his words were every bit as serious as he got right to the point. "Kryze, Mand'alor wants you to rally the ground forces. You have too many stragglers all spread out. He's coming down with an additional squad to provide support." Her mind paused, trying to process what was going on. Was...Kreslin have orders relayed down to her? But why? She was the least qualified to handle this, and yet....well it didn't matter. Kreslin had asked her to keep his men on point, and that's what she was going to do. Finding a still steaming creator to take cover in, Turning back, still gripping her wounded arm, River flipped on her lights, making her a rather obvious marker in the darkness, as her voice would echo through the comms. "Words' come down from on high boys and girls, get yourself straightened out, rally up on the light show. We need everyone to punch through that line!" Flipping several dials on her suit, the bright lights on her pack began to pulsate, giving out a pattern that would eliminate any doubt on what she might be referring to. The voice from above returned, filling River's ears with Intel as she was working out the next step to her plan. "Mand'alor's leading his attack on the platform now, get your forces to-"

It was then that the guiding voice cut off, and all hell broke loss.

Unfortunately, the lights that kicked on over the base brought a sensation of fear over her. That couldn't be good. A voice blared over the speakers, a sound that forced it's way past the rain fall, blaster fire, and howling winds; seriously, their sound engineers should have been proud. A loud screech came over the comms, causing a sense of discomfort for the Mandalorian, as a wave of smoke kicked up. Immediately, River switched to thermal vision, the lights on her pack shorting out. Seeing the movement that flared up as Death Watch seemed to nearly double their numbers did little to bolster her morale; had they really been holding back that drastically? Seeing the unfolding chaos breaking out before her, she nearly lost herself to panic, the only thread of sanity that kept her anchored where the orders given down to her. Gathering everyone together wasn't going to work, and they were more than likely being jammed. You either adapted or died, that was how life worked after all.

Best thing she could do was get away from the smoke, try to get to higher ground and help Kreslin; obviously he was closer to the objective than anything. Flipping on her pack, River shot upwards, her jet-pack stuttering as it hurtled her upwards, blaster fire erupting under neath, nipping at the soles of her boots as she went. It was as she neared the platform that one Death Watch soldier struck her pack with an ion weapon, burning the device out, as River was sent into a tumble, her body nearly striking the side of the platform. It was only with quick thinking that her magnetic boots activated, clamping onto the underside of the platform, her body and mind reeling from the third near death experience she had today.

Looking down at the chaos below, and feeling the storm gales trying to tear her off the bottom of the platform. The slice on her arm was apparently worse than she had initially thought, as the pain flared up along her entire arm now; it was getting difficult to just squeeze her hand now. River steeled herself, beginning the long perilous walk up the side of the platform. If she could just bring the platform down, maybe they could still pull out a win.


O B J E C T I V E 2

Tag: Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla | Cleru | Aerith Krayt | Shai Maji Shai Maji | Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus
Location: Mount Tantiss, Wayland
Equipment: In Bio

Aisha was no stranger to initiation. All her life, she had her resolve tested. She had been broken by the whips of slavery. She was molded by the Clan she was adopted into. She was forged in the heat of battle, when the Sith brought fire upon her home. Now she would be tested once again.

She was among the initiates that had joined up with the newest incarnation of the Nite Owls. She was inspired by this new Vizsla woman that took charge. In the back of her mind, she also thought of her grandfather. The great Strider Garon. She believed that he would support her move, as these owls had the talons to bring wrath on Mandalore's enemies.

She listened to the speeches given, the stillness before the storm. And then the order came. She saw her fellow sisters in arms flock out of the dropship. With a lump in her chest, readied herself.

"Okay. Solus. T'ad. Ehn!" She muttered to herself before launching herself from the ship.

She freefalled down to the surface. She could feel her adrenaline rushing in her veins as she and her fellow Owls were fired upon by the Sith resistance below. She turned on her jetpack at the halfway point, jerking her back into the air.

She drew her blasters and fired back at the Sith trooper who was giving her particular hassle. She rocketed to the ground, making herself not unlike a missle. Before the trooper could land his next shot, she used her momentum to strike his throat. She had sure broken his windpipe.

She gently lowered herself down onto terra firma. She looked at the trooper, slowly choking on his own air. She gave him the only mercy she intend today, placing blaster bolt in his chest.

"Aisha to Owls. I'm on the ground." She spoke via comms, "Seeking visual confirmation of nearby friendlies."


sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ


O B J E C T I V E - 2

Tag: Hastor Trosk Hastor Trosk | Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla | Cleru | Aerith Krayt | Shai Maji Shai Maji | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus | Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind |

Chit had gone from zero to one hundred real. kriffing. fast. What started as a simple surprise drop suddenly turned into a firestorm when Death Watch warriors suddenly leapt to the skies from the woodline outside, Spreading chaos among both sides as their jetpack rockets descended, Crashing down in small explosions that began cutting Aloy's men down in showers of fire and shrapnel. She was helpless to stop the carnage below, All she could do was comm in the threat as she raised a finger to click the commlink mounted to her helmet.

<"It's a trap! Out of the open and find cover, Move!"> There was no time to coordinate beyond that, She'd have to think quickly and regroup, Come up with a plan later.

It was right about then that various channels suddenly burst to life over the comms, And Aloy had to return to micromanaging her team as always.

: Aloy, I got a few thermite grenades in my pouch. You want me to take a few of these guns out or do we just push further in? : The voice of Shai Maji Shai Maji crackles through, Causing the Nite Owl commander to peek over the edge of her perch in search of her fur-coated vod.

::"Negative Shai, I want you to Take that gun! Turn it on the watch and unleash hell!":: She shouts into the comms just before something else catches her eye.

A single Death Watch warrior had slipped through in the chaos, Flying straight towards the tower where Aloy was perched. Without warning, The warrior's back-rocket shot towards her, The whistling of the missile being the only indicator, And the only trigger for a reaction as she instinctively activated her jetpack, The advanced ionic machine suddenly hurtling her to the side barely a second before the rocket exploded, Destroying everything atop the tower she'd been standing on.

The fiery cloud that would have been her death reflects of her visor, The flash coating automatically dimming to shield her eyes from the lightshow before fading back to normal as she turns suddenly, Raising her weapon to fire on the death watch warrior, But it was too late.


The Dar'manda tackles her mid air, Pinning the particle carbine against her chest with one hand, And thrusting a knife downward in an underhand grip with the other, Constantly striking in different places only for Aloy to block it by slamming her armored wrist against her opponent's as they spiraled down through the air.

Stab after stab she defended, Until finally one stray blow caught her under the left arm, Slipping through her flight suit and into her flesh, Causing the Vizsla to growl through grit teeth as the Death Watch warrior yanked the blade back out to go for another strike.

She had to think fast. The ground was rapidly approaching, She'd no doubt be crushed and used to soften the Dar'manda's fall if he didn't land a lucky hair first, And with her arm wounded, It'd only be a matter of time before he forced a blow through her weakened defenses.

Suddenly the idea came.

She readies herself to defend on last time, Activating her bracer's wrist-blades and catching her foe's own wrist as his knife came crashing down, Shredding his now useless wrist and causing him to howl in pain, Which was soon cut short as she let go of the carbine pinned to her chest, Freeing herself up to unload her wrist-slugthrower on the traitor...


The vambrace spews two bursts of caseless ammunition through the traitor's armor, And his limbs fall limp as his life slowly leaves his body mid air.
Almost near the ground now, Her jetpack wouldn't kick in time, She did the only thing she could; Soften the landing.
Turning all her weight to roll the body beneath herself, She came crashing down to the surface atop the body of her fallen foe.


Both she and the body crash right in front of Hastor Trosk Hastor Trosk , Who had just asked via the comms for confirmation of friendly forces.

<"Yeah, I got your confirmation right here...">
She groans, Rolling over on her back and giving the Togruta a thumbs up before letting her hand fall limp at her side while she caught her breath.

All around her, The Nite Owls and their initiates fought the traitors in symphony of chaos. Kelborn Ordo Kelborn Ordo set of explosives nearby, Killing entire fireteams of imperial troopers, The distant heat washing over Aloy like the engine of a ship overhead. Aerith Krayt was doing as Aerith does, Cutting down the enemy like a machine built for slaughter. Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla , Her love and partner, Was in the middle of gunning down troopers like a true gunslinging bounty hunter. And soon, Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus and her clan joined the fray, Descending like angels in the owl's time of need as Death Watch ambushed the warparty.

She was proud of her Owls, And grateful to have such strong allies backing them.

Standing back up, She activates her comms again, Drawing her pistol in the other hand and taking to the skies, Flying across the quartyard towards the entrance.

::"Nite Owls, Blue. Regroup at the entrance. We'll take shelter from the rockets inside and find a choke point. Funnel 'em in and wipe 'em out! You got this vode."::

It's time to turn the tables back in their favor.


Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Tags: Velexia Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind Radon Krayt Radon Krayt River Kryze River Kryze Jan Tracyn Apollyon The Betrayer Apollyon The Betrayer Taa Nul Taa Nul

Mig eyed the Krayt as he spoke. Well, not anything different than he had in mind. As an enemy Death Watch came close, the sword welding Mandalorian would pull them down with the Force, and quickly slash through a weak point. He looked back, nodding at Radon.

"Ok Vod. Best we got. Mitu, Ad (kid), be caref.... Osik...." He looked up, seeing what Radon was talking about. He used his eye to zoom in, smirking as he recognized the markings. "I think they are. Var? What do you.... Var?" Mig could tell something was wrong. He looked around, seeing many, many more signatures through his thermal visor. This wasn't.... then Jan spoke up. He looked around, seeing the massive walkers. Sith? No.... They didn't look right. They looked ancient. Not like Sith walkers, so he was pretty sure they weren't Death Watch. Then he watched them fire. They were going for Death Watch.

"They aren't enemies ad if that's what you're wondering, but we have bigger issues. It's a Osik filled trap!" He took a breath before looking at Jan, Radon, and Mitu. He sighed, focusing as he spoke up. "This isn't good." Electricity seemed to arc in the Mando's hand before he shot it out at one of the nearby Death Watch. This wasn't good though. Poodoo, poodoo, poodoo! Hopefully the reinforcements would help.


Aerith Krayt



O B J E C T I V E 2

Tag: Hastor Trosk Hastor Trosk | Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla | Cleru | Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla | Shai Maji Shai Maji | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus | Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind |

At first it was all going so well. It seemed the Death Watch Mandos were little more than paper soldiers, or at least that's what they seemed like to Aerith, as it seemed their bodies didn't hold up so well against her concussion rifle. Well, it was all going well until the world around her seemed to explode.

Missile Lock Detected: Evasive Maneuvers Advised.

Seeing a message like that on her HUD was never a good thing, as Aerith paused in her attack, and recognized that things were going south fast. Aloy's voice came screaming through the comms, indicating that yea, everything had just gotten fethed up. Turning to run, Aerith's jetpack flared to life, throwing her off the ground just as the missile was beginning to come down atop her; destroying the terrain where she had just been. Up in the air now, she found she had made a mistake, as blaster fire from the hidden Death Watch warriors lanced at her, pinging and dotting her armor, as she could only continue to try and evade. After several shots to her back and shoulders however, Aerith realized enough was enough, as she cut the line on her pack, letting the force of momentum catch her, and send her hurtling back down towards the fire of her attackers. Arching her back, she leaned back, nearly sending her body into a tumble, before reigniting her pack; turning into a Beskar tipped missile as she raced towards the most annoying cluster of fire fixated on her.

Deflector Shields at Twenty Five Percent: Recharge in process.

She ignored the message, raising up her arm as she cycled the rifle for full auto and rolled to her side, correcting her course as she arced above a cluster of Death Watch soldiers, opening fire into them from above. The rifle nearly exploded in her arms as she did so, as even with her enhanced strength, the recoil was immense, but so was the damage it inflicted. The blasts turned the branches into debris and projectiles, making short work of the squad. Unfortunately, for the Cyborg, there were more where that came from.

Missile Lock Detected: Evasive Maneuvers Advised.

The message displayed again, but this time the missile was far closer than the system had predicted. As Aerith turned to correct her course, a blast smashed into her from the back, knocking the air from her chest in the process. She felt herself falling, the world spinning briefly, before another harder impact followed.

To an on looker, the cyborg seemed to plummet about five meters from the ground, smashing down chest first, back smoldering as Aerith's jetpack was utterly destroyed by the missile.

As her eyes opened, Aerith found the inside of her helmet spotted with blood, and several notifications on her armor's HUD. Her side hurt, and her joints were certainly aching; but she was alive. To her relief, her servos still functioned, as she pulled herself out of the crater she had made, realizing just how bad the situation was now. She couldn't take another missile like that.

Deflector Shields Critical Damage Detected: Please Contact Mechanic for Repairs.

Hearing a voice calling to her over the comms, the cyborg mouth off to the new comer on the field. "Check your HUD. The ones clad in black and red are the ones you shoot at." She retorted, finding a nice hole in the ground to take cover in, as she swapped to her particle rifle, only to hear Aloy call for their squad to pull back to the safehouse. Yea, that wasn't a trap or anything. Coming up on the comms, Aerith wasn't about to question the woman here and now; after all, staying in the open like this would just get everyone killed. "I'll keep you all covered, follow Aloy!" Popping in a fresh energy cell, Aerith let her blaster loose, firing towards the advancing Death Watch soldiers, as blaster fire struck at her exposed armored half. Once she felt it was good enough, Aerith would withdraw towards the safehouse, her steps a tad slow as it seemed the servos weren't weathering the blaster shots all that well.

Objective 1: Orbital Defense​

It all happened so fast. The rude girl's comment made the white warrior snap back to reality. "What walkers?.." His HUD picked up on the newly arrived legions of stormtroopers. Storm. Troopers. His first instinct was to point his blaster in their direction but to his surprise, the Imperials did not fire at his brethren. Instead, the red blaster bolts flew past them and slammed into the defending dar'manda...

Before he could express his disbelief, another uncanny event took place. It was as if the overcast vanished in an instant, as their entire battlefield lit up. The activation of the flood lights was followed by a voice. An ill-omen, if you asked him.

Radon made use of the small but precious break the speech gave them to holster his blaster pistol and unclip a thermal detonator from his belt. Something was up.

He would be proven right moments later, when a bone-chilling scream escaped from a Mandalorian in blue near them. He jerked his head in the man's direction, only to see a vibroknife sticking out of his knee. A vibroknife wielded by a dar'manda covered in mud. Mig's warning followed soon after, prompting the Mandalorian to activate the detonator.

"Girl!" He yelled as a trapdoor opened near him. The first dar'manda to climb out of the little bunker received a spiked boot to his throat. "Cover it!" He couldn't do this alone. His shoulder injury had put his arm out of commission, leaving him as only half the warrior he was. But nevertheless, he would die fighting if it came to it.

The white warrior dropped the thermal detonator in the newly opened hole, hoping that the girl would be able to close of the hole in time. He swiftly drew his blaster again, ready to give Mig cover from their new opponents. Surviving right now required teamwork. Whether he wanted to work with a Force User or not didn't matter, for he had no choice...

Jan Kryze


Objective: 1
Eqiupment: In bio
Tags: Velexia Mig Gred Mig Gred River Kryze River Kryze Radon Krayt Radon Krayt Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind Taa Nul Taa Nul Apollyon The Betrayer Apollyon The Betrayer

There was just too much going on. blaster fighter, armored war beasts, rain, slowly sinking into the fething mud it was just too much going on the Jan's mind. She found her body locking now unable to know where to go as everything briefly bounced into and out of her head. She was given a reprieve and only now did it come to her that everywhere was death.


"Words' come down from on high boys and girls, get yourself straightened out, rally up on the light show. We need everyone to punch through that line!"

Jan's head shunted back to reality again as she finally regain control. She was still with Radon and Mig, though her mind had no idea what had just happened. How long was she dazed. Was it only for a few seconds or minutes? She didn't know her mind flaring up and her spine was now on fire as it primed her body again, shifting from deflated zombism to hyper vigilance. Her head now scanning around as she recognized the voice on the comms. River. Her mind called out to that name and was frantically searching the chaos for the one piece of familiarity she had to cling on to right now only to stop at the glowing radiance coming from the ahead of her towards the defense platform. Her mind was doing the work right now. Figuring out the route how to angle her shield for protection things she could use as cover. She could make it, Radon and Mig could too especially if she just made herself the target. She was getting ready to put everything in her mind in action. She had something in her chest now, a little warm uplifting spark different then the fire that burned. It just told her that things would work once they got to River. She turned to Radon ready to spout off her idea...

Then the lights came on​

Her body froze again, it was like being caught in the headlights of a CorpSec patrol car on Denon all over again. Her stomach dropped and she heard the speakers come to life. Her vision would have been blinded if her flash visor hadn't gone to work to quickly adjust for the sudden illumination. The speakers roared to light and soon a speech was given. Jan could feel herself begin to boil. So this was the voice of a sith slave. War and death, just to serve the ones that took so much from them? Her mind noting the Sith Dagger she carried, images of blood pouring out of wound as it stood resolutely inside her father. That was the Sith. If this one wanted to join them then so be it. She could get the knife.

Yet those defiant thoughts ran in conflict with her body. Her hands trembling and her shield rattling as it felt like it was about to drop. Everything wanted to vanish into the mud. Then she noticed something. On her hud was the read out for her life form scanner. It was exploding as everywhere around her was completely covered in signatures. Jan held her breath as she looked around only to find nothing to justify this until her eyes drew downward she held her breath...

::I am Apollyon. And I bring war::

Immediately everything went to hell. An awful noise violated her. Trap doors began to open, smoke was now being thrown everywhere, and now the collective screams of those being dragged down and beaten to death were resonating in her ears. Jan switched over to thermal vision. She saw the battlefield was now covered with a haze of bodies.

Her minds snaps over to a voice. She see Radon fighting off an assailant from a trap door. Her body begins moving before she can even think. She sees Radon kick the Dar'manda down into the hole and prime an explosive. Jan already knows what to do. She drops her beskad in order to to hold her shield in both hands. She then slams the shield face up over the now open hole, the mud allowing it to sink into the mud and form a seal closely it off. She collapses on top of the shield puts her weight on it as she hears panic, and feels a cascade of blaster fire and crashes and more and more hands desperately trying to push the shield up but to no avail. Jan hears something that vaguely registers to her mind as run come from down below before she feels a shock wave slam into her body and the shield shaking her to bone for a micro second. Then it's silence. Her body gets up and only now does she realize how tense her body is, every muscle quivering as fast as her heart was beating. She looks around and in her vision she sees figures all over and in the sky. It was now clear. The under the ground was safer then anywhere else. She pulls the shield up her seeing the grizzly remains of those below her. Still that meant there was no one around. The only good idea to come to her head is brought to bear as she turns to Radon and Mig.

"C'mon! This looks like the only safe place we'll fething get. I'll cover you guys with the shield. Now get in!"

Jan would work to usher everyone into the newly cleared fox hole covering with her shield. She'll be the last one standing on the ground before her mind reminds her of something. River. She turns to look over to where she last saw her and sees a figure with the a jet pack given erratic heat readings take to the sky. Her mind already knows who it is. She sees a torrent of blaster streak up to the sky to try and swat her down. Her heart skips a beat as she sees her get hit by an ion weapon. Nearly crashing to her death before adhering to the side of the platform. Something in Jan shifts. Her mind locks on something as she turns back to the the trap door. She takes the shield and passes it to Radon. Thankfully the shield fits through the door when turned diagonally.

"Dammit. I got a bad feeling about River, I'm going to try to back her up. Take this and us it for cover. If you can shoot any fether that tries to kill me it's appreciated, but focus on yourselves first. Oh and, the Name's Jan. If I'm still alive after this you better return that thing or I'll find you." Jan muttered before turning, grabbing her Beskad and preparing to sprint towards the platform...
Objective 2

The Night Owls seemed to be fanning out. It made sense. Kelborn knew each of his painted comrades to be a force each and unto themselves. Trust was reliance. The others were doing their job so he could do his. The goal was the same, but with creative minds and good equipment, there were as many ways to reach that goal as there were individuals seeking it. A short term pursuit stood the aged warrior in the face as he borrowed time to search for a more effectual one.

The Death Watch came for him. Five members. Likely the bulk of whatever watch was on duty at the time. They had all the attention of the black-clad madman, but not an ounce of his respect. They were worse than code breakers. They were code twisters, obscuring the face of the mythosaur with with own paints and creeds. The faithful could go to them and feel at home, slowly being coerced to support something that was nothing more than a cancer in the side of the True Mandalorians. Kelborn had been tempted by their thinking before, ascribed to their martial ways. Now, he would turn those ways against them.

A quick scan revealed that their armor was durasteel, not beskar. It was an important difference. Five opponents would take speed to counter, and stopping to aim between plates of armor did murder to speed. They approached quickly, three on foot, and two in the sky. A burst from the verpine shatter gun broke the attention of the earth-bound defenders as Kelborn drew his Westar 44 pistol and rocketed up after the other two. Strafing wildly, he avoided the torrent of blaster fire sent his way by the flying cultists and met one of them in mid air, inverting himself so that the thrust of his jetpack countered the thrust of his opponents. Converging energy gave way to a spiral which prevented the other airborne trooper from firing in their direction. It was an intense brawl, there in the air, but fists could do little against armor and Kelborn ensured that neither party was able to reach a vibroblade. Eventually, he managed to rip away the fuel line for the other man's battle gauntlet flame thrower. Kelborn kicked away as the leaking fuel ignited on the jetpack's thrust and the Death Watch trooper was reduced to ash in a vibrant explosion.

Using th flash of the explosion as cover, Kelborn flew to the other airborne soldier, grabbed him, directed him downwards and held on as their combined jetpacks sped them to the ground. The enemy hit the ground first, snapping his neck on the corner of a building as Kelborn rolled to cover. There were still three to go, but at least the fire would come from predictable angles now.

And so, Kelborn assumed the advantage he had taken from his enemies. He took off into the air under a cloud of smoke released from a grenade he threw. As he ascended and found cover on a nearby rooftop, he let loose a gout of laser bolts from his blaster pistol. Two of the enemy were hit, one of them being wounded. Kelborn's HUD locked a target on the wounded man and, once he was behind cover, he launched his jetpack missile at him. There was no escape for the code breaker as he was sundered under a flash of white light.

From there, combat with two enemies, even Death Watch, was easy for the seasoned veteran. One of them was a fool, approaching close to the building Kelborn was on top of, close enough that a crate could be pushed down on his head. The armor couldn't stop the compression and the man dropped never to move again. The last man stood fast, firing from cover a ways off with a blaster rifle. Approach would have been difficult, but there was a power transformer near the soldier's position. A well-placed shot sent an electrical arc out from the box, paralyzing the man for just a moment. It was all kelborn needed to jet across the gap, punch through the man's guard, and snap his neck.

The first of the Death Watch had been dealt with. Now it was time to engage the bulk of their force. To Kelborn, a direct confrontation seemed futile. The ground the men stood on would be easier to unsettle, perhaps with a visit to the main power generator.


Fleet - Objective BYOB

C-046 Vehicle transports | Cabur | Cuyan | Corvettes

Bir kept tabs on what the situation was on the ground. There was no fleet action yet and he had confidence that the AA was either to distracted or was going to be over taken shortly. "C forty six pilots you have green light to begin deployment of mechanised infantry. Take precautionary flight paths." He said as he looked over the holo table. The display was in real time with a location of every friendly on the ground. A ping would be sent out for the location of the drop sight to the transports. "Alor, walkers will be on your position soon."

Cynthia - Objective 2

As the death watch began to launch into the air Cynthia would hold out her wrist towards one of them as a cable launched out wrapping around their ankle. The souls of her boots would grip her to the floor like a near immovable object. The soldier would feel the harsh tug making them turn to fire a volley of shots landing around her. She however squeezed the trigger of her shotgun. The flitches would scatter along the leg ripping through the plasteel armor and a few shards managed to hit the lower part of the jetpack. It would spark and let out a cloud of black smoke as the person fell back down.

The cable would retract just as she let off a second shot onto the death watch soldier creating a spray of blood. Rava was already taking charge of her group which was the team to take the shield generator. She took note of their positioning quickly as they moved up the sides and down the middle. "MY GROUP! ON ME! " She yelled out as the woman moved out into the field of fire. Her shotgun would find its way on her back again and swapped out with the Alor's reach.

As her group charged down the middle in a loose arrow like formation. As she ran Cynthia would would begin blasting the partial blaster into the enemy. each spot the shot hit a explosion of energy would flair out. "Once we get through them we cover our own till they make it." The courtyard was ablaze with blaster fire. Unlike the sith death watch real mandalorian armor was much more protective. "Copy that Bir." She said in response before turning to Aloy who was in the door way. "ALOY! Heavy support incoming. Clan Kandosii will─" Cynthia would quickly turn as a death watch soldiers body flew to her feet . An circular orange glow would be viable where a portion of the visor would be and smoke rising from out of it.

Cynthia would look out to the distance with a quick casual two fingered salute. "Anyway Clan Kandosii will be down shortly with walkers. They will help mop up the rest of this trash out here. Till then I will hold the door way. I believe you have more important things to attend to." Rava's group began filing past. As she did the taller woman would pat Cynthia's shoulder as she moved through the door way.

"IG, Sab, Cinder, Cas, Dume, Kad, Jaick you guys too. Rest of you follow Aloys orders." To many people holding a door way would be a waste of man power only so many can get a clear shot.

Clan Solus + Clan Kandosii - Objective Mixed
M30-S Krayt Gunships

Rava's squad - Take down shield generator
Bit by bit Rava's Team inched forward through the courtyard. The middle would move up then the sides. The tactic was effective keeping the enemy suppressed. Snipers would keep them safe from those above trying to flank their positions. From behind Rava began to hear footsteps charging from behind and in a matter of seconds she saw Cynthia's group rush past blasting a path through. "COVER THEM!" Rava shouted as her team focused on covering the charge. She somewhat knew this would happen, it was a tactic Cynthia had used or similar to those that she had done in the past. Sometimes Rave thought Cynthia had to much faith in her Beskar'gam to keep her safe. Even though the plating was impervious to shots the gaps between was not.

Once her team reached the other side they began to suppress the enemy from behind creating an opportunity. "MOVE FORWARD DOUBLE TIME!" As Rava rushed forward she began to shoot targets trying to find new and better cover. In her sprint she counted at least three of her own kills. She could feel the sweat on her brow, her heart rate sending a fast pulse through her body. She missed these intense situations deep down. Her team began filing into the large doorway and as she passed Cynthia her hand patted the woman's shoulder as a thanks for the cover. "Come on team we have a job to do."

AA acquisition teams -

Moment by moment the push became more intense from the side they was there was less cover compared to near the AA. Delphine quick looked over the side to see those on the ground level was already advancing. However there was more down there than there was up here. The woman peeked from cover and let off a few shots missing her target as they shot back into cover. At this rate they'd take to long. Delphine hoped someone from the other side was watching as she gave a signal for them to flank from below. She peeked from cover once more keeping the enemy in cover. Every few moments another would be hit by the sniper fire. Although it was mostly at the ones that was trying to supress her support. Three people would jump over the railings and jetpacked closer from underneath before swooping up and throwing some detonators down. Even with blaster fire she could hear the rapid beeping before the explosion happened. With a hand gesture she signalled to move up.

As she moved from cover the woman received a shot to the shoulder finding its way past the plates. "Ahhh!" She let out feeling the pain, her free hand clutching the spot. Still she kept her blaster up and fired away. As they began to crowed around the AA. "RIP THAT DOOR OFF! Get someone inside and target the enemy jet packers. We hold here." A medic would run over to her with a Bacta spray as she watched the other side still struggling with their fight. Shed look over to the three still flying. "Help the other side out then come back." She said as they moved across. "One AA under control. Second not long till capture and two left to deal with. Delphine remembered on her approach there was less on the upper levelled ones. Most of what they was dealing with was those using their positions to shoot at her vod on the courtyard. The medic would finally finish up with her shoulder and Delphine could feel the imitate relief, she knew it would leave a burn mark but for now that was not something to worry about. "Eight with me lets move on up." She said as her jetpack lifted her.

"AA two taken moving on up to our next position, thanks for the aid." Her other team leader said.

Clan Kandosii -

The news came over that two AA's had been taken. It was not all of them but that was half on the direction they was coming in. Even the pilots knew half was better than nothing. The place was a fortress and it was always going to be hard to take the position. The transports flew in low from a distance bearly scraping the dead burnt trees. Although as they got closer the AA began to target them. At first the shots was scattered and off target as the transports began evasive manoeuvres, however one had been hit as it dropped and crashed to the ground. "Medical gunship needed. One transport down. Did not look to bad but they will need an urgent rescue." The pilot reported in. As they now cleared the trees and was above scorched ground where grass slowly grew back the transports slowed down dropping their walkers, artillary and other vehicles. House solus was yet to develop their own mechanised infantry there was things in the work. However Clan Kandosii was thankful that the alor of clan solus was able to secure these vehicles for the clan. Once the vehicles had been dropped along with their crews the transports fell back to where the hammerhead was.

Medic's and engineers -

Corl and his team had set up the beds and supplies in a workable station to quickly treat those that would be shortly coming in. However some equipment was reliable on power, they was hoping to get that from the ship as Cynthia believes it still had power. The team could work without it although diagnosis could take moments longer and makes their jobs harder. Blaster fire was dangerous. If hit on bare skin the heat would expand blood vessles till they burst. In many cases it could lead to amputation if not treated quickly. Even with armor weaves on the burns are bad. Corl could hear of a gunship already leaving meaning there was a pick up about to happen.

Jayda and her small team began with astromechs that came along the way. As she turned the corner she would find another and turn it on. "Hey little friend, I'm of clan solus. I need your help getting the power back on line and getting your friends turned on. If you see any turn them on for us." She said to the astromech as it beeped with joy and its head spun around it had woken up. Jayda would pat the droid on its dusty head as she moved on towards the reactor to get the place powered up.

Tags: Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla River Kryze River Kryze Cleru Jan Tracyn Shai Maji Shai Maji Raya Krayt Kelborn Ordo Kelborn Ordo Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla Radon Krayt Radon Krayt Aerith Krayt Mig Gred Mig Gred Velexia


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O B J E C T I V E 2
T A G: Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind | Kragr | Shai Maji Shai Maji | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus | Cleru | Kelborn Ordo Kelborn Ordo | Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla | @Any Nite Owls or those interested
L O C A T I O N: Mount Tantiss, Wayland
E Q U I P M E N T: In bio
The beginning of the assault had gone surprisingly well. Maybe too well, if one just stopped and thought about it. Soon after Blue had swiveled the blaster back into the holster, she heard the sound of jetpacks in the air and rockets being fired above them. Looking up, they all could confirm that they had walked into a trap which only the Sith could be villainous enough to conjure. Those cowards aimed to finish them off in an artillery barrage!

Activating the rocket propulsion system in her boots, Blue was just able to escape the explosion and fire ball that erupted and spread itself beneath her. The chaos down below taking all her attention, the ''Dream Sight'' giving her readouts of the damage and searched for injured Night Owls, she didn't see or hear the Death Watch warrior rushing towards her until it was too late. The dar'manda flew at her and tackled her into the rock wall behind, the surprise and force of the impact made her groan before both she and the dar'manda tumbled along the wall and down to the ground.

As Blue found herself underneath the traitor, she was quick to wedge a foot in under the warrior and kicked him off with all of her might. The dar'manda flew backwards and they both hurried themselves to their feet.

''You're a long way from home, twi'! Where's your slave collar?!'' the red and black clad warrior spat, as he drew his kel dagger. One that prefered to make it up close and personal? interesting! Not that she would mind!

''Heh... Never had one!'' Blue snorted at the sith-spawn, as both of them impatiently walked back and forth not letting eyes off each other, knowing that only one was going to leave this fight. ''You want me to show you why, dar'manda?'' she retorted, glaring at him through the t-visor. If her face wasn't covered by the buy'c, one would have seen her show her fangs to the guy. If the mother karker wanted to fight, he sure as hell was going to be given one.

Like it was a yes to her question, the dar'manda sat off towards her at full speed. She hissed from behind the buy'c and was not late to mimic his move. The two warriors collided with Blue blocking the stab attempt from above, activating the wrist blade in the vambrace in the last moment. It cut through and stuck to the Death Watch warriors wrist, an opportunity she used to pull him in, grab a hold of his throat and give him a keldabe kiss, a head-butt, he would have a hard time to forget - if he was going to live to see another day, that was. Blue tightened the grip around his throat and begun to force him down onto the knees.

''No, I never had one and I will never have... But word is, this is what it feels like to wear one...'' she hissed, furious when thinking of her less fortunate kindred that wore one every single day. The dar'manda desperately tried to bend up the shock gaunt that threatened his life. Seeing that it was more or less impossible, he reached for his blaster and... crack, his body went limp and hit the ground.

The world around them erupted as Night Owls and the treacherous Death Watch clashed, before Aloy called on her warriors to regroup at her location. Igniting her boots again, she took an assisted leap through the sky and landed behind Aloy. The ''Dream Sight'' warned for activity from behind, an enemy tried to reach for his blaster and Blue made short work of him by putting a blast through his broken buy'c.

''One more time into the fray, huh love?'' Blue uttered as she walked up beside the woman wearing her all new blue beskar'gam. She had good tastes, that beloved redheaded mandalorian. Those cute perfect shebs made themselves realy good in that undersuit.

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O B J E C T I V E 2

Equipment: Armour in bio | Ripper pistol and particle pistol | EE-5 Particle Rifle

Tag: Aerith Krayt | Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla | Cleru | Kelborn Ordo Kelborn Ordo | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus | Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla

Before Shai could get her answer, they were set upon from the skies by Death Watch. It took her a moment to register, but when it clicked in place her muzzle curled into a snarl. She fired a few rounds at them but to no avail. She glanced up at the AA gun and an idea came to mind. An idea that was confirmed by Aloy as she gave her orders. "Kark yeah!" she shouted as she swung her carbine over her neck and jumped into the seat of the weapon.

After a second or two of fiddling with the controls, the gun came to life and swung around to take aim at the Dar'manda in the air. A maniacal cackle bubbled from her as the gun lit up, knocking a number of the warriors out of the air. Anything that didn't have the Nite Owl emblem or armour was torn apart by the laser cannon firing at ludicrous speeds. Though it didn't take long for them to realize where the fire was coming from and soon Shai was ducking behind the controls to avoid getting hit by their weapons. She didn't want to find out if those were normal blasters or something stronger. Despite that, Shai felt nothing but a sick joy seeing their black forms dropping from the skies by her hand. Her concentration was broken when her commlink chimed, playing back Aloy's words in her helmet. "Really?! Aw come on!" she retorted, but relented and slipped out of the seat. As she ran she tossed a thermite grenade into the weapon's systems and watched as the grenade melted down any chance of using the weapon again.

She drew her carbine and fired as she backpedalled towards the entrance. She stopped next to Aerith as she fired at one of the troopers, knocking him out of the air and into the ground with a hard thud. "Come on, let's go!" she shouted to her before launching herself over the distance with her jetpack. Touching down by the rest of the group, she took a moment to catch her breath. "Either I'm out of shape or this armour's terrible for running around." she grumbled as she stuck close to the group of warriors.



Mandalorian Prophet



O B J E C T I V E : 2
T A G : Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla ; Kelborn Ordo Kelborn Ordo ; Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind ; Aerith Krayt ; Shai Maji Shai Maji ; Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla ; Kelborn Ordo Kelborn Ordo ; Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus ; Voice of Darkness ; @Other Nite Owl
L O C A T I O N: Above Mount Tantiss, Wayland
E Q U I P M E N T: In bio

::"Nite Owls, Blue. Regroup at the entrance. We'll take shelter from the rockets inside and find a choke point. Funnel 'em in and wipe 'em out! You got this vode."::

That's not what he wanted to hear. Cleru paused where he was in the facility. He'd made it pretty deep inside for his hunt. The Sith had to be close by. Those he truly wanted to kill. That alert truly couldn't of come at a worse time. Frustration and anger built up in the Chiss as he stared at the elevator doors to the laboratory. That's all it was, a short elevator ride down and he could have all the Sith he could ever want to slaughter. And he would have, too. Prioritize his mission, as he was taught by Chiss Intelligence.

But he was different now. These were vod. He took a calming breath before turning his helm up. If the Owl's were going to make their stand at the entrance, it'd pull these dar'manda's attention there.

::"This is Cleru from within the base. I see a way to get up and above the enemy. Will proceed to take a sniper's watch and look out for you down below."::

His com clicked off. This was his life now. The fractal coating turned off as his jetpack activated, earning a couple surprised gasps from nearby stormtroopers before he took off and headed up. He'd protect his own.


Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Tags: Velexia Kreslin Westwind Kreslin Westwind Radon Krayt Radon Krayt River Kryze River Kryze Jan Tracyn Apollyon The Betrayer Apollyon The Betrayer Taa Nul Taa Nul

Mig looked at the massive group of Death Watch. How had so many decided to follow these dar'manda? He closed his eyes, focusing the Force around him as they started to come closer. He looked at them all.... No better then then demagolka they served. He made a quick note of where Jan and Radon were. Even if they didn't trust him, they were his vod. He had to focus and get this right....

A ball of electrical energy seemed to form in his hand before he jumped and threw it into the ground in front of him. He smirked under his helmet as he landed closer to the others, only just hearing the explosion. It was hard to hear anyone right now with those speakers screaming! He did notice that the kid was blocking a trap door. Mig switched his Trayc'kad to it's blaster mode, firing it into group of Death Watch.

"Any plans?" He then finally heard Jan. Get in the hole. Good idea. He stepped back, continuing to fire before jumping into the hole. He landed quickly, looking at the aftermath of the detonator. He watchs as Jan almost seemed to fall down the hole after Radon, sighing a little and looking around.

"Nice work down here." He looked around, trying to figure out what to do next before hearing Jan. Osik. He quickly tried to stop Jan, yelling at her and trying to get her into the trap door.

"Jan, stop and get down here!" He grumbled, looking around as Jan fought off his attempt. "We have an advantage here. Want to help River, then use ever advantage you've got. Fight with your head for a second. Look for any pathways we can use to travel down here, get behind their line, then hit them where it hurts!"


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