Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation: Silversaber (SJO/SE Invasion) OOC

Kaine in the invasion.​

Roona Osmari

Tabigarashu Madara said:
[member="Roona Osmari"] [member="Valkren Calderon"]

Already know it's okay with [member="Darth Saarai"] but do you two mind the addition of a mouse?
I think it'll be fine, come along! :)

(idk who this is anymore, but I'm tagging [member="Stephanie Swail"] and [member="Arisa Yune"] cause I want folks to know. This does *not* apply to [member="Zark"] or [member="Adriago Duilius "]who I *believe* are at the edge of the system?)

Anyway, me and [member="Morgan Vance"] got the Orbital Cannon up and running again- it's the objective we've been working on the whole invasion, but it starts to matter in this post cause we are firing on your ships. Weakness of the position detailed in post, but the short of it is the facility has a shield that must go down any time they want to fire the cannon- it can survive a straffing run or two, but cannot hold indefinitely, and is of course susceptible to troops landing! If anyone on the SJO side is still looking for someone to tango with or just folks to bomb the bejesus out of, we're your huckleberry!

Stephanie Swail

[member="Dante Sotari"] Sounds good - are you on ground? I mean I may need interaction if you want it for the final few days? Happy to hook up?

[member="Lord Ghoul"] I made an attack on you in my last post but don't know if you saw it; after my standing at the corpse, Stephanie launches at you. Feel free to react or bat her away so I can work with it. :)
[member="Stephanie Swail"]

We are on the ground, in a facility way north of the city. I have no issue with you 'skipping' into our scene if you want to, just be aware that we're not particularly close to the capital (didn't realize when we set up that *everyone and their brother* would end up there XD)

Stephanie Swail

[member="Dante Sotari"] Hmm ok. I don't want to try lose momentum and I'd like a final little push for Stephanie, so I can find a way there if you don't mind? I won't be out to derail any story you've been working on too, so I'll fit in with you :)
[member="Stephanie Swail"] like I said, you are welcome to. The story was us trying to get the orbital cannon in working order (success!) and now Dante and Morgan are going to be defending the facility and trying to make it *really* uncomfortable to be an SJO ship up there :|

Right now they are getting up the external defenses :D

Lord Ghoul

[member="Stephanie Swail"], I only read it as her charging at Ghoul, but didn’t see any specific attack. He wouldn’t have noticed anyway bc he was occupied with Trask

Stephanie Swail

[member="Lord Ghoul"]

"...she broke into a run, pushed down with her strength and boosted a jump with Force energy to launch herself towards Ghoul, saber pointed forward, shield up, and fire in her eyes and heart to take him down."

However, fear not, I will leave you to dance with Miss Trask and I'll start her Plan B. :)
[member="Darth Carnifex"] From my understanding, the agreement between the SJO and TSE was that we wouldn't jump into the invasion with massive fleets or armies, and I've been trying to honor that agreement on my end keeping fleeting to the background with small numbers, but you just deployed one of the single largest fleets I've ever seen in an invasion. Could you edit down those numbers to maybe a single squadron or something?

​As has been agreed to by SJO and TSE staff, the invasion will officially close for judging at 5pm EST time, tomorrow, 10/20/17

​You are of course welcome to continue to post if you have stories you wish to continue! Just note that only posts submitted before that will count toward judgement.

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