Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation Training Day (Havoc Squad)

Fourteen hours ago...
There was a sip of coffee and a furrowing of brow from the Admiral."Make it brief, Corporal." The corporal pointed to a radar screen."Outposts on Carida went dark. Six locations in total."The admiral glared at the screen, the dim lights of the command deck displeasing to his Coruscant-adjusted eyes."Recon teams found what?"He knew that the Republic wouldn't take this lightly. The corporal shifted in his seat at the next bit of information. The corporal knew the value of straight up answers with the admiral, especially in tense situations."Total annihilation. Surprise attack, guerrilla style. Knocked out communications first. They knew where to hit these places. These were training outposts, sir...They weren't prepared for this kind of attack. Total loss of forces. Unknown number of dead, presuming no prisoners."The admiral's stern face seemed to harden even more so at the news. It filled his ears with such unpleasant news, that the rest of his body shifted with it. He turned to the corporal."Any feeds on station?"The corporal nodded."Bring them up."The corporal tapped away on his console, sweating at this point. It was worse than he thought.

Scores of them. Mercenaries, by the look. Smugglers, salvagers, general scum of the galaxy. Scum working together. There was a Zabrak standing atop of the command building, lowering the Republic flag, and all of the unit flags that the outpost displayed proudly. Flares signaled from the other outposts of successful attacks, to which earned cheers from the horde of mercenaries below. Dead troopers, support staff, and trainees lay on the ground. They were pushed together. Mercenaries wearing Republic gear. Using Republic weapons. The admiral could only have thought of a few scenarios of what would happen if those mercenaries could gain control of the last few outposts."Son."He said plainly to the corporal at the console."Get me a line with Sergeant Rohn and the Chancellor."

"As you can see Sergeant, this is a very volatile situation and we're looking at every solution, but you have the call to make one of the solutions possible..."The Admiral glanced towards the Chancellor's holovid feed, before it cut off after the approving nod. The conversation had already been had. Kaiden looked up at the Admiral, slowly nodding."Good. I'll let you work the details. I'll give you the most details I can, Sergeant."Kaiden stood up slowly, adjusting the dress blues he wore to the bridge.

"Havoc will be on station."

@Kiyron, [member="Willa Isard"], and [member="Commander Sharky"] were somewhere off in the mountains. They had been dropped in separately from the rest of the team. Kaiden stood up, in the forests of Carida. It was a rocky terrain, but a lush forest had beaten the rocks in many places. Trees split rocks, and moss ate up the side of the hills. Kaiden stood in the clearing, leaning on his hefty assault rifle. He glanced around the group, and pulled out something that some of them may have not seen in a while- or ever. A map. A paper, laminated map. It was day time, so the lamination wouldn't be a problem for IR scopes or glints, for now. He glanced around the group. A gloved and armored finger pointed to a spot on the map, about two kilometers from their current position.

"As you all are aware, the situation is volatile, and has to be solved quickly and violently. I do not want prisoners. I do not want injuries. These guys killed kids, not even out of basic yet. They don't deserve mercy. They took our flags back too, I want those back. Whoever gets the flags, gets a special toy, courtesy of the Republic taxpayer."He tapped the spot he had his finger on."This is outpost gamma."He dragged his finger to their current position."We are between outpost Gamma and Hotel. Outpost hotel's comms are down, and the guys are scared. They won't survive this fight, and backup is too far away to deal with this threat. So, they called us."Kaiden, reached into his chest pocket, producing a red pen. It streaked on the map, in circles.

"We are going to ambush a large approaching enemy force. We'll have the terrain and surprise on our side. These guys are mercenaries and otherwise notable scum, the only advantage they have was numbers and fighting trainees and guys with their pants down. We don't have word of any heavy vehicles, but I do know they have some assault droids and heavy weapons. @Brill. I want you to set up some explosives. Those will be the start of the ambush. I want them to do damage, and cause confusion. [member="Captain Wells"], I want you and [member="Ori'Alor Tal'Verda"] to start laying down some suppressive fire once the explosions go off. As for me, [member="Luminous"], and [member="Fadeyka"], and everyone else, will start to rip into their backs once the shooting starts. Captain, I want you to really cause a scene, and then move if you have to."

Kaiden glanced around the group for a moment, sizing everyone up. He tucked his rifle under his arm and between his knees, as he crouched down. He looked between them all, smiling. It was like Lan and Halik were right there again, and he could still feel Steph somewhere. However, he felt as though there was a familiar presence somewhere in the area, someone who liked to make things go boom. He shook off the feeling as nerves and anticipation for vengeance. He paused before he stood up.

"We have about twenty minutes until they reach us. Set up shop, explosives, machine gun placements, cover, whatever you so choose. I want you guys to hurt these assholes. I want you to make them pay. They killed kids who just got out of school to join the military, so they can make a few credits and prey on more innocent people in the next few planets. I for one, don't want a god damn pirate base so close to my home planet. I don't know about you all....but I'm pretty hungry for revenge."

Doc stood up, bathed in the sunlight, folding up the map and tucking it away into the pouch. If only the old squad could see him now. He used to be so weary of combat, but now, it was the opposite. Being a medic took a backseat, now, now he was a leader. He said something that he had wanted to say since Lan told him at the bar, what life really was.

"Havoc Squad. Move out."

Okay guys, here's the OOC bits that you need to know. The ambush squad (everyone who isn't on the sniper team, feel free to jump if I forgot to tag you)

I want you guys to be dropped in the mountains, drop pod, clearing whatever. Have a good time getting up to the top of the mountain, or a sniper spot where you can see the HVT. I want you guys to run into some obstacles, PM me if you guys need some suggestions or want something to do!.

That's EVERYONE ELSE. That's right, EVERYONE has something to do. I want booms, I want death, I want explosions. After the ambush has hit it's climax, I'll be advancing the firefight with a few entities that should make you sweat a bit, hopefully. Remember, you have a good amount of leeway in the first post, so feel free to really rip into these guys. I don't have an exact number, but I want you guys to remember:

WE'RE OUTNUMBERED. But not outskilled! Never are with Havoc squad! Really rip into them, you know? Okay, and remember: have fun! HAVE LOTS OF FUN! THIS IS ABOUT FUN! Go nuts! Be unique in fighting! Be yourself! Express yourself with death! I'll be guiding the thread along, so make sure that you guys really get into it. I hope you all have fun, reach me if you have any suggestions on the thread, or how it could be better!

Miles crouched in his Spectre armor and drew his Vibro-Battle-Axe. He was told to be vicious, so he would do just that. He was behind a tree waiting for the signal to attack. He was the newest member of Havoc but no where near the newest in terms of combat. He had his repulsor pack charged and linked to his HUD and his AXT5 slung across his back.

[member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"]


Carida. Again. He was developing an intense dislike for this planet. Hopefully there would be no pint-sized maniac to fire a proton torpedo at him this time. On the plus side, intel made no report of Sith activity. That made the job much easier. But to focus on that now. Not the past. He pulled the camouflage netting tight over the pod and hammered the spike into the ground with his boot. Most likely not necessary on an operation like this in Republic territory, but it never hurt to use caution. Especially when dealing with unpredictable situations such as these. He checked his equipment again, the new Havoc Squad armor, through stripped down for lightness and maneuverability, leaving only the most essential plates, one of the new Ambassador pistols, a Riposte pistol for good measure, as well as the new "Lance" sniper rifle.

He hefted his pack and turned to examine the mountaintop that rose above them. It would be an interesting climb, to be sure. Almost like back home on Kelchase. The thought gave him a smile. But again, stay focused. He adjusted the electro binoculars in his helmet, scrutinizing the mountainside. He found several suitable positions for a sniper team, and marked them on the HUD. He checked the chronometer. There wasn't a lot of time.

He turned to his team, "Anyone care to be a hundred credits we can reach the first location before the rest of the team starts blowing things up?"
Willa remained quiet, standing in the black gravity armor and adjusting it so the heavy gravity of the planet was like a walk on Datarr, she had a smirk though while she moved holding a sniper rifle on her back and pistol. A trusty backup while she moved hearing the orders and running a hand through her hair. The holopad display coming up as she spoke. "[member="Serenity"], you there I want monitored traffic and weather updates." Her eyes flashed as she went silent again focusing as she looked to [member="Kiyron "] and [member="Commander Sharky"] for a moment. She was weary more of the kid who liked to talk and her eyes flashed yellow for a moment while she focused on them both. "Stay low, move carefully and don't talk unless you need to understood." Her eyes flared again as she breathed in the air and waited before moving at a crouch letting the force and energies flow through her and she was searching for anything out of the ordinary. This was one of the better chances for enemy snipers.
Sharky nodded took his sniper rifle and aimed for the "nearest" enemy available with his silenced S7-400 rifle, he then shoots one bullet at the enemy, the silver bullet then penetrates as many enemy skulls as it can..Sharky then nods to Willa..then at Kiyron..whispering to them

"You mean the domino destruction squad?, not much to worry about they are our allies to remember and forget.."
"Mines are almost set," Riley said in a low voice to his fellow comrades as he was worried the enemy might hear them from a distance. The soldier was placing the anti-infantry explosions as if he was on the clock or trying to beat his record. He wondered how a squad could take on a whole army of mercenaries and other scum like them. Sure, they were commandos that do the job pretty well but an army of mercenaries? "Well, at least I ain't stuck protecting scientist on damn Korriban." He was almost done with placing the mines on the main path that the hostiles would be walking on.

"Would somebody mind placing the mounted weapons? I can't do everything ya know?"
Sharky looked at Riley and decided to help whats the worse that could happen?..

", i heard this sith was going rouge armed with a staff lightsaber that spins around with a touch of a button, this sith might also be an inquisitor, any idea that this sith could be the one?, if he is a rouge he might not be working with the intelligence anymore..if you know what i mean."
He whispered silently..


Kiyron gave a nod in response to [member="Willa Isard"]'s comments. He should have expected that. Most snipers were like that. He had a hunch it came from the amount of time they sat sitting alone waiting to kill. They didn't have the luxury of being too involved in firefights to think about the ramifications of what they were doing. Snipers did. They would sit and wait for the target, watching them live their lives before ending it with a trigger squeeze.

He uncapped a jar he took from his pack and smeared his fingers in it,mans then started smearing it across the white plates of his armor, mixing and swirling it until it turned into a mottled dark green. He paused to look back up to the potential positions, and then adjusted the design to make it match them even more. He removed his helmet, and did the same to his face, cloaking it in dark greens and browns.

Then he was off, ghosting from tree to tree, stopping behind each one to listen and observe before moving on. He was running purely on instinct now, and experience, gathering in the data from the scene as a whole, narrowing in on details, and comparing changes from other ones.

He paused to make sure [member="Commander Sharky"] was following.
Sharky nodded to make sure he was here, he then takes his assault rifle out and attaches a magazine hilt on the mid section of his rifle he then takes out a scope with a crimson dot coming out of the scope, showing the red in the glass of the scope, he then takes out his sniper rifle out and adds a new bipod to it and a new silencer for the rifle, he knew enemies were not around no where yet he just liked to prepare himself frequently..
[member="Commander Sharky"] [member="Kiyron "]

Willa turned her head when she heard shots being fired and stood very stiff, then there was more talking then she liked as she swiveled and was crouching low. "Hey kid." er hand came out more as she moved letting the gravity leveler counter heavily the worlds own gravity and she closed that distance. Her hand coming up to slap at the helmet. "Quiet or I'll cut your vocal cords out or do worse." Her hand came up and she flicked her fingers letting her eyes flashed yellow as she called from the goddess flame to her hand speaking low. "We don't speak, we don't shoot until the right moment, if you can't handle that walk away right now because I will not have our position compromised by a rookie."

Her hand came away and Willa turned bristling the hairs on her neck while she moved back into position by a tree and didn't leave room for a conversation. The bracers activating and a holomap showing of the area while she moved near Kiyron as she pointed speaking low and watching around them. "We'll take positions on this ridge and have a view of the facility, I'll go up here and cover the east, you take the west and we'll have him covering blind spots. Rohn said there might be enemy sniper teams out here, stay alert and move." She shut down the holopad and went quiet while moving towards the trees climbing up the mountain area and spreading out her senses with the force while her eyes flicked around searching.
The hit did not hurt sharky because his helmet was impenetrable to iron and bronze and maybe a head slap but not really to gold or adamamtium or silver bullets, he nodded although he knew people gave him threats like this only because they were pushy and had a tortured past maybe, he did not pay attention to his thoughts though only the mission, he follows them through the ridge and stays silent ..
"Mines are ready to go," Riley said to himself. Now he just needed to assemble the mounted guns and the whole team would be set and ready to take on the enemy force. He then contacted the rest of his fellow squad members and said via comm link, "Y'all would do me a favor if you don't screw up with the mines. And I need some assistance with the mounted machine guns cause I'm not a one man army," and the young commando began to mount and assemble one of the machine guns that they brought.

"Pretty sure we'll decimate them with one of these," Riley said as he patted on the machine gun and began to assemble another machine gun on another location that would be nearby where the mines began. "It'll rip their backs apart, no doubt."
Sharky passes some mines to Willard making sure it doesnt explode like it's suppose to..
"You could have these mines, if you like, we just need to save some for Riley when we are finished."

Malik Rodarch


The least imposing member of Havoc Squad was found kneeling upen the ground, rummaging through his specially made, custom order BOMBS AWAY backpack. What do you mean, where's the factory submission? It's a backpack, it doesn't decimate Force Users or turn into a jet-pack. It's literally a bag lined with pockets to keep explosives in. You can't just throw a bunch of incendiary devices in a bag and rattle them around like it's th e lotto balls. No, it's compartment city, keep it secure, safe and most importantly not detonating on top of your spine.

But enough about the bag itself, it's about what's in the bag, y'know?

A veritable pick 'n' mix of dangerous goodies. Frag, CryoBan, plasma, ion, flash-bang and a cheeky thermal detonator with a very fidgety timer and an unknown blast radius. That wasn't even the full selection, of course, but there's only so much you can take with you. He'd crafted them himself, of course, this you could tell. Given that the casings of the explosives had that unique home-made feel. The scavenger's touch. Of course they had been designed to fit perfectly into his own hands, but the design was just for fun. Grunge meets chaotic neon. Die in style.

“Yo, I'm ready to go,” the smirking Cantrosian said, slotting a couple of frags into the outer pouches of his backpack. Ease of access, y'know? Ziiiiiip. “Let's blow this scene.”
Sharky uses his thermal vision to scout out any enemies nearby, he instead sees a Contrasian creature talking to his team mates..

"Well i guess we arent the only one here..."

Captain Wells

'Til the Bullets Are Gone
Wells nodded once and hefted his VLR-5. He stood in simple fatigues of muted, woodland colors with a nylon carry-rig over the fatigue blouse. Armor was all well and good, but it slowed you down. In his time of service, Wells also knew that armor made you feel unbeatable. He'd once had a running joke years ago that each pound of armor was an IQ point lost while wearing said armor. He wore his armor to be fast, agile, mobile, and alert.

When the only thing protecting you from injury or death was a thin layer of cloth, you made sure you were highly aware of your surroundings.

Rohn gave out the orders and Wells complied. He was, technically, outside the chain of command here, but he knew his mission for Havoc squad was to make sure they were cohesive. To make sure they were the type of unit that was needed. So until he found something out of line, he'd follow the orders as they came and help where needed.

The Spec Ops Captain gave his gear one more review and made sure everything was secured and ready to go. He checked to make sure his Riposte blaster was still in it's thigh holster and headed for a rather sturdy rocky outcropping that would work perfectly as an overlook. Hopefully, the woman that was assigned the same task would follow suit.

[member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"] [member="Ori'Alor Tal'Verda"]
[member="Commander Sharky"] @Brill @Riley Stryker [member="Willa Isard"] [member="Captain Wells"] [member="Kiyron "][member="Miles Varden"]​

The ground began to shake, as the hordes of the mercenaries descended into the attack zone. Kaiden gave the signal for all to be ready, as the forest grew quiet. The birds had left with the intruding soldiers and the mild disturbances by Havoc, but mostly due to the large amount of soldiers and droids moving towards Havoc's positions. Droids. DROIDS. Intel had said nothing about droids, about the possibility of droids either. No wonder they were able to conquer the bases so quickly- the mechanical beasts must have torn a swath through the poor training ground's defenses. No way the place could have prepared for this. Kaiden gritted his teeth, tightening his grip on the assault rifle. He cracked his neck, and looked around at his comrades.

He tapped the throat communicator on his neck."Havoc, standby for ambush. Guns, ready. Explosives ready. Fire when explosions start."Kaiden closed his eyes, and breathed in deeply. Explosions. So many, shook the lines of the mercenaries and droids. Bodies were thrown into the air, trees fell down on troops, and dirt showered the area. Kaiden didn't move, as the explosions continued to rip the earth around them apart. Flying rock shards scraped into the poorly-armored mercenaries, and droids fell apart when the mines exploded.

Good gods, that little furball really, really knew how to make things go boom. Really, really well. He was happy for that. Kaiden was the first to stand up, and fired a single blaster bolt towards the chest of a shocked mercenary. These guys weren't regular troopers, so they were more akin to unconventional tactics such as this, but the expectation of such a retaliation was not high at all- if at all. They were expecting a fight at the outpost, not en route to it. The droids held no fear, so they immediately opened fire on Kaiden. Kaiden slid back behind the rocks, and removed a single thermal detonator. Slapping the top and tossing it over his head, the grenade rolled beneath a mercenary's foot, and sent him, and the droid beside him, into a fiery ball of death. Kaiden popped out, and returned fire with his blaster rifle.


He knew, all hell would break loose on the enemy at that point. And on them, in a few seconds.


"Do you see them sir?" A sniper asked his commanding officer. The officer turned to the young sniper and nodded."I do."The sniper turned his head back."Can't make them out after the shot. Estimated range about two kilometers."The sniper turned to the officer. The office grimaced, but rolled his neck slowly. They drew their camouflaged ghillie suits over their heads, and moved against the rocks, settling into a bush."I want you to watch them. Switch to electrobinocular scopes. I don't want them to see us before we see them."The third sniper, slowly began to set up and set the ranges on his high-powered rifle. The Republic sniper team that was going up the mountain, were about to be in for a bad time."We weren't hired to take prisoners, boys. I want that other sniper team dead."The other two grunted in response. They split up, while the third, readied his first shot....
Sharky looked at everything and everyone wondering whats bound to happen he had his gear ready explosives guns and other equipment, he spoke to Willa in a calm voice..
"Something doesnt feel just feels too quite."
[member="Commander Sharky"] [member="Kiyron "]

Willa kept moving and heard the kid as she stopped crouching low near a tree and under brush. Eyes flicking back and forth while she focused on the team. Hearing on the coms and looking at the small indication flash with her bracer. She could hear the others speaking when they did while she spoke. "I know the feeling." Her hands went to the rifle and she motioned towards the trees as she jumped up quickly getting onto a thick branch. The worlds heavy gravity was important to training soldiers with its heavy gravity providing teams with challenges as standard gear was dangerous. She was planning on that weighing down most enemies that might be coming after them. Her gravity leveler counteracted that to keep her the most mobile on the field. Bringing the rifle to another branch and she started looking with her eyes and the force. "Shhhh"


Kiyron tilted his head, and swallowed a comment. Of course it was too quiet. They were snipers. It was their job to be quiet. The mercenaries had set up enough of a disturbance in the area to squirt the entire area. This was what battlefields sounded like before the shooting started.

Faint explosions reached his ears, there was a small tremor beneath his boots, not the armored ones, but soft leather ones he had made himself, just for occasions such as these. He gave a curt nod.,the ambush had begun. Looks like he owed himself a hundred credits. That was convenient.

He froze, and lowered himself to th ground. There had been a flash up ahead. Quite a distance ahead. Barely noticeable. But not a natural glint like sunlight off of water. That glint had more of a curve to it, if that made sense. This was more mechanical. Like something off a scope. He flashed a warning hand signal to the other two, and gestured for them to spread out and take cover. Then slowly, ever so slowly, he removed his heel,t and set it beside him. It would be a hindrance from this point on.

He looked around with his eyes, no longer making any motion, barely even breathing. Willa seemed to have gone up into a tree. That was good. He returned to scrutinizing the area the flash had originated from. It was definitely in this new rifle's range, but firing it involved a sustained laser. That would completely give the position away. He'd have to check to see if hey could switch it to one of those clear lasers. No time for that now.

He closed his eyes, listening, waiting for the blood in his ears to grow quieter as the ears readjusted to compensate for the lack of sight. Nothing yet. Too far out, he reopened his eyes and settled in to wait.

[member="Willa Isard"] @Commander Sharkey

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