Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Judah quickly made himself at home. In addition to the datapads, he had small coin shaped devices in a pile on the large conference table. All part of a larger plan, no doubt. Looking about the room he realized a key component of his demonstration was missing. Picking up the map and information packet, Judah studied them at length. There was no mention of not using any part of Sanctum space in the demonstrations or presentations.

He was going to have to borrow a few items found in the vessel.

Sticking his head out of the room, Judah looked about. Murmuring could be heard down the passageway and various attendants and assistants bustled up and down the hall. Eyes scanned various sentients for one that looked like it had some type of bearing aboard the Krayt Pearl.

"Excuse me, you are a crew member aboard the Pearl?"

A hesitant nod was a reply, as if the poor crew member was already frazzled by the days events -- that had really yet to begin.

"Great. I see there is a maintenance room listed on one level but a second closer to the hangar. Both contain various droids?"

"No. Only the one near the hangar."

"Then to the hangar I shall go. Thank you." Shutting off the conference room behind him, Judah went off to search for droid volunteers for his demonstration.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Danger Arceneau"] received a burbling Ithorian chuckle in greeting. "Mistress Arceneau, the Levantine Sanctum bids you welcome. I'm told the technocrats of Kyrikal await your presentation with immense interest -- to say nothing of the Corporate Sector Authority. Please make yourself at home; here's your orientation packet." His eyes tracked up and past her. "If you'll excuse me, I think I need to..."

When he encountered [member="Enigma"], he offered a polite bow. "Welcome to the Krayt Pearl, Mistress Savan. I am Boolon Murr, Priest of the Mother Jungle, and guarantor of the conference's security. You will find our accommodations both neutral and safe. Here -- your orientation packet, including maps and code of conduct." He pitched his voice just a little louder, angled his body just a hair, to make it clear that he was including [member="Anija Ordo"], who had just arrived. She, too, got an orientation packet from his shoulderbag. "Mistress Ordo, welcome. Mandal Hypernautics has been expected. I trust you're both clear on how the leaders of the Sanctum worlds expect to be swayed -- solid, reasonable business proposals, demonstrations, complete facts, anything you can think of that will not jeopardize yourselves or others, nor their work."
The Admiralty
Closely after Subach’s shuttle, a different one docked with the capital ship. Our ship, to be exact. A luxurious Santhe Challenger, the first in a new line of civilian transporters, never say we ain’t aware of what true style is. Eventually, when all the security protocols were adhered to, Sasha and me stepped out of the vehicle. She had her arm around my elbow, and just for the moment we looked every inch of a respectable CEO and owner of a galactic corporation. In my head the gears were spinning though, wondering when she would open her mouth and ruin the moment, would be soon probably.

We stepped from the ramp and were immediately blessed with the appearance of an Ithorian… Priest? Host? Whatever he was, I just barely caught his significant look at Cater and his not too many words with her Plantness Savan herself. Giving her back a steady glare, I then stepped up to the Priest and spoke.

“Master Murr, pleased to meet you. I’d like to introduce you to Lady Santhe, though you probably know her already, if so my apologies. Lady Santhe, Master Murr.”

I had heard a couple of stories about Murr. He had fought on Coruscant, around the same time I was there, though if stories were true he didn’t as much fight, as much as lay down the Law in his own particular way. I could respect that, not everyone had to be some kind of flying, skyscraper-throwing, lightning-chucking, Star Exploding False God.

[member="Boolon Murr"] [member="Sasha Santhe"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
The Starchaser smiled and nodded to [member="Boolon Murr"]. Really, this was something else. He could appreciate a group of this magnitude all working together. He was going to do his best to steer clear of certain parties, that included [member="Ayden Cater"]. Hopefully he could just not get into any form of conflict with the head of CEC. Marek didn't have any particular disagreement with anyone specifically, just kind of did what he did.

Then he heard about someone being chased. Right, see? That was why he did his best to keep at least neutral with all those around him. Unless he could be a friend to them. Like with [member="Danger Arceneau"], whom he gave a nod to and a once over. She always knew what she was doing, didn't she? He could respect that for sure. He'd make his round to her, but first he saw the Santhe Challenger. Such a beautiful craft. That meant a chance of two people. [member="Jared Ovmar"] and the ever lovely [member="Sasha Santhe"]. he nodded as he looked around, watching them approach.

He was so going to have to purchase one of those ships.

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
The trip was quick enough, although Sasha didn’t care to be in such close quarters with [member="Jared Ovmar"] for such a long time. He had been a creeper, and the tabloids had made short work of their relationship. They claimed crazy things, and Jared wasn’t helpful in dismaying them. Not helpful at all.

[member="Marek Starchaser"] was there. He was a businessman, and Sasha figured he rather fancied her, for money or lust didn’t matter. That was useful. She waved a little wave at him and smiled with her eyes beckoning him over to Jared and herself as she walked with the older man.

Sasha extended her hand when [member="Jared Ovmar"] introduced her to [member="Boolon Murr"]. “It is a pleasure. I have met several Ithorians in my travels, your people are a peaceful and well respected. It is an honor to meet you,” She smiled at the Ithorian, the same smile that had made her the figure she was on Lianna. The same smile that made people believe she wasn’t capable of the things she’d been accused of over the years. No, they would say, she couldn’t have done that. Not that. It is just the tabloids picking up a story. Oftentimes they were correct, sometimes they were not. It didn’t matter, the smile had gotten her out of so much of it. She’s such a kind girl, they would say. They didn’t know anything about her. Very few people did.
The Technocrats of Kyrika and the Corporate Sector Authority. Danger took her orientation packet and gave a parting smile. It was then that the buxom Trade Queen's attention settled over a newcomer she hadn't seen in a long long while.

[member="Sasha Santhe"]

"Well I'll be nert-tied," she'd say in mild exclamation. "Sasha Santhe!" the girl had been off who knows where keeping to herself, with Lord Ovmar taking the reins as CEO. But to see her her now...

It was a good thing that her distraction prompted the woman to go towards Sasha, for at the very least she didn't hear the surname Savan. Things didn't go to well to say the least the last time Circe Savan and Danger Arceneau dealt cards years back. And Danger wasn't one to forget a wrong.

Wide hips would sway to and fro as the woman would go walking over towards the younger blonde, extending her hand out as she pulled out that familiar southern systems drawl.

"Well I'll be, figured that such a rodeo would bring you out and a bout finally Miz Santhe." she beamed with a dazzling smile.

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
"[member="Danger Arceneau"]," Sasha said stepping forward to the woman. "I don't believe we've ever met before, but your reputation proceeds you in every way." She pulled at her clothing smoothing invisible wrinkles in the silken cloth. The woman before her owned a trading giant, and there could be some benefits from getting to know her. "It is a pleasure to meet you."
"The pleasure is all mine, Miz Santhe." would come the throaty honeyed coo along with the firm shake of her hand. A gesture would encourage the younger woman to walk with her towards the various chambers assigned for the presentations. "It is good to see you out and about." Danger was 18 different kinds of brooding hen, and this was no different encounter. She had a way of wanting to ensure younger women were protected and given their due.

"I take it Santhe is here to bid on the shipyard permits?" she'd say in a conversational tone. Normally she'd have thought that Jared Ovmar would be here with the fireworks and gaudy displays he was wont to do to bid on a project. That Sasha was here meant that perhaps it would be something entirely different. Curiosity on what the younger woman would reveal piqued her mind.

They would continue to amble along, giving to small talk as they did so.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Jared Ovmar"] [member="Sasha Santhe"] [member="Danger Arceneau"]

Boolon murmured polite greetings to the Santhe/Sienar magnates, and as Sasha walked off with Arceneau, Boolon focused on Ovmar. He knew little of the man, all things considered, though some claimed he was a Force-used with the Lords of the Fringe. Boolon tried rather hard to not disapprove of that on principle.

"Lord Ovmar, I'm told the leaders of the Levantine worlds are looking forward to your presentations. Santhe/Sienar has something of a unique opportunity here; it appears you're a frontrunner for the starfighter yard permit. How do you intend to make your proposal? Demonstrations? Boardroom work? Both?"

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
Sasha looked at [member="Danger Arceneau"] and smiled. "It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Arceneau." She stepped forward and embraced the woman letting her lips fall to either cheek before stepping back. Oh what the tabloids would make of that if any of them were around. "Your reputation proceeds you," she said stepping back and taking in the woman, "You are every bit as beautiful as the scandalvids say. They like you almost as much as you like me."

And then the Itorian ([member="Boolon Murr"]) walked up to her and Jared and though he was talking to Jared she felt the need to but in. "We have a demonstration and I'll be making a presentation..."

And then back to Danger. "I would love to do some business with you. But first let me get you a gift, you've purchased so much of our vessels it seems only right. Tell me," she turned to the Santhe Challenger, "Would you like to have one of your own?"
[member="Boolon Murr"]

Anija listened politely to Boolon Murr's instructions regarding the ship. It wasn't anything she wasn't expecting. When he'd finished, she accepted the orientation packet and tucked it under her arm. Excusing herself, she then slipped off down the corridor to find an unused conference room. It was strange for her to be attending something such as this without either Larraq or [member="Arrbi Betna"], and she was.. nervous.

To calm herself, she took a few deep breaths and then turned her attention towards the task at hand. Though, ANNE was trying to help Anija feel better and kept playing recordings of Arrbi's voice through the internal audio system. Chuckling, Anija shook her head slightly and ducked into a nearby room that was marked as vacant. Inside, she found a table with several chairs, and a computer terminal with projection capability. She wouldn't really need either the computer or the projector, as both were built into her beskar'gam, but it was nice to have a relatively quiet space to work in. Turning to make sure the door was locked from the inside, she marked the room as occupied on the door panel. Then she went to work.

Moving across the room, Anija dropped into one of the chairs at the table and fiddled with the controls on her gauntlet computer before she murmured a few commands to ANNE. Seconds later, the schematic for the Goten-class dry dock flickered into existence over the table, as projected from her gauntlet projector. She rested her left hand on the table to keep the projector steady as she began to expand the schematic here and there, making notations every so often. The design [member="Captain Larraq"] had was solid, and very functional, which was why Anija thought it was a perfect candidate for a summit such as this.
[member="Sasha Santhe"] felt the light press of Danger's lips in greeting against her own cheek as well. A wide smile and an appreciative gaze would go bathing her face along with the surprise at the gift.

"Well I'd never! Sure I would. " she'd say in pleasure, giving Sasha a light squeeze of a hug in appreciation. The bosom of justice and trade would likely meet Sasha's head 'pending on her height. Feel the smother. "You are by far too kind, Miz Santhe." she'd coo out, "Thank you so much." It was one of Santhe's newest design, and a sexy shiny ship if there ever was one.

A wink would follow "It's good to see you back in the thick of it all." They would continue on,

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
"Think nothing of it," Sasha said flicking her hand into the air. "We can Tomorrow there would already be rumors about in the tabloids about [member="Danger Arceneau"] and Sasha Santhe. There was no doubt in the young woman's mind that there was already scenarios being envisioned by the writers of those trashy articles. "Well its been awhile since I've been in the public light. I'm not a little girl anymore and although Jared has been doing a good job with the company I felt it would be better if I was seen. I'm sure you find yourself in the same position often enough."
“That I do,” would come her admission, full hips swinging in a slow provocative manner as they would continue down the corridor.

“But time and place Miz Sasha. Time and place.” a wink would follow. “Business is just like dealing with men -- gotta keep em on the edge just enough to keep them satisfied for more.”

“It’s why I’m here today. I’ve my eye on getting that transport permit for Arceneau Trade Company. Looking to make it big -- bigger than my daddy ever dreamed of making Arceneau Trade.” she admitted.

“I’ve my eye on a couple of expansions too. Might end up purchasing a small known trading company with some clout in tradition and history. Talks are going round, but if it goes through… “ she’d shine a smile over at Sasha, “Arceneau Trade will be looking to expand not just on fuels with Mara TibX ... but astromech droids too.”
[member="Boolon Murr"]

Anija frowned. She knew she should probably be mingling with the other invitees, but right now, she didn't feel in a very social mood. Keeping focused on the task at hand was hard enough with ANNE playing recordings of Betna's voice. While soothing, it was also somewhat distracting. Though, Anija supposed it was better than other things ANNE could be playing. Shaking her head, she turned her attention back to the floating hologram. The Goten dry dock was.. massive, and was designed for shipyards or for other large space construction projects. she hoped that the Levantines would find merit in it. With this in mind, she turned back to her work, but kept an eye on the door, to see if anyone came looking for her.
Well that was enough chit chat for now.

Arceneau would say her goodbyes to Sasha and in turn would proceed to her designated area. There, along with the shipwrights for Arceneau's mobile ship repair stations, began the set up of her presentation.

It would be another hour or so, before she would be ready. Perhaps some mingling now and there would suffice. Trade contracts with Mara TibEx & Fuels would be a great boon for the area. Already there were several of SSB and Arceneau Trade stations along Etti IV, but if she could get that into the rest of Levantine Space and beyond -- well now, that would turn a mighty profit indeed.
Judah led his little brigade of borrowed droids back to the conference room he had taken over. Various sizes lined up as he fitted them all with an odd style of restraining bolt and immediately went to work on his datapad. Blinking red lights soon changed to solid blue. Data scrolled across his screen as Judah quickly input some commands through the datapad. The software system was new and hopefully would remain bug-free during his presentation.

Darkening the room, he quickly went through his formal presentation to make sure everything was up to snuff. No issues there. The question would be whether the collection of planets would buy into a product that hadn't hit the market yet. Judah had extensively tested everything, so only time would tell if he could be persuasive enough to convince the assembled leaders.

Straightening his tie, Judah put in the final preparations. Within the half-hour he would start his pitch.
Ayden pushed the rim of his hat up and turned to look at the assembled entourage. "Good afternoon. For those of you who may be unaware, I am Ayden Cater, Chief Innovation Officer and member of the Board of Directors for the Corellian Engineering Corporation. I am also the Head Researcher for the Scientific Academy for Advanced Technologies. I am here today to show to you what CEC has to offer, and what we are poised to offer for the future." Pausing only long enough for the polite applause to silence itself, he turned to a console and began typing in commands. "In just a few moments, I will be signaling to my presentation team to jump into the system." He tapped the vidfeed controls and switched the monitor's image to the pre-selected field for CEC demonstration.

The first object to revert to realspace was a small, familiar outline. "For centuries, CEC was known as the premiere corporation for freighters of all sorts. While we never hurt for business on that front, when I came in as CINO one of the first questions I asked was 'Why not do more'? For a time, near the collapse of what is commonly referred to as the Old Republic, CEC was known for building larger warships, the likes of which could compare to Kuat Drive Yard's Imperator-class Star Destroyer. To that end, I decided to make an aggressive move into large, heavy capital ship production. The result was the first heavy cruiser CEC had developed in nearly a thousand years; the Warden." At that, a second ship appeared next to the first. Dwarfing it by several times, the Warden had many of the hard lines and rugged exterior traditional to CEC ships to keep it recognizable, but it was an obvious departure from their normal freighters. "While I cannot divulge some aspects of the ship's performance, as it is an active military design for the Protectorate, the Warden-class exceeded all expectations. Its combat performance at Eriadu is cited as one of the reasons the planet did not fall. Durability, even in pitched combat, is a staple of Corellian Engineering and something we strove to keep even as we began exploring new directions."

"While the development and production of the Warden was an exceptional departure, the development of the Ro-class Trade Station was something we more easily accommodated." The aforementioned station dropped into realspace, its hyperspace tugs flanking it on either side. It was only slightly larger than the Warden-class alongside it. "In cooperation with Fondor Shipyards, the Ro-class was designed in large part as a simple, natural evolution of a Corellian freighter. Its interior is highly modular, to continue on with the expectations of CEC designs. These two designs, the Ro and Warden, were instant successes. The Ro can be found in the Fringe Confederacy and Protectorate, as well as over Arceneau Trade worlds. The Warden was instantly adopted by the Protectorate military. With these our first uncertain steps secured, we could move forward with the next phase of my expansion plans."

Two massive starships, dwarfing even the Ro-class, dropped out of hyperspace. These were clearly military designs, with an even larger emphasis on those hardlines and obvious durability than the Warden. "Phase Two began with the design for the Antilles and Indomitable classes of Star Defenders. These ships were designed in direct competition to the Star Destroyers manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards. They are, in every way, the equals to the ships designed by KDY, with one notable exception." A tremendous explosion, in fact three smaller explosions back-to-back, came from the bow of the Antilles and struck the port side of the Indomitable. The impact created an even greater explosion as slugs and deflector shields vied for dominance. "The JAVELIN system, a proprietary CEC design, was created as a deterrent to long-range bombardments." The fiery aura began to fade away, revealing an intake Indomitable. A moment later and an Invictus-E appeared from hyperspace. It opened fire on the Indomitable, leaving the Corellian warship awash with turbolaser fire. Yet, it did not move or show signs of trouble. As the firing stopped, it turned and faced the Invictus-E. A trio of explosions, even greater than the ones that came from the Antilles, erupted from the Indomitable's bow. The first slug struck the base of the bridge tower, producing a large explosion and a noticeable distortion of the ship's bridge tower. The second shot produced an even larger explosion as it broke through the shield and lodged itself in the heart of the tower. The third shot struck the Invictus-E's hull and kept traveling.
A split second later and it shot clean out the back leaving a fiery trail in its wake. Secondary explosions began to rip apart the aft of the ship before it exploded.
"Of course this is an older ship design, inferior by contemporary military standards. However, the results are undeniable. The JAVELIN system is a potent deterrent capable of giving even the largest ships pauce. However, while CEC is pushing itself on the edge of cutting military hardware, it is also innovating in other fields." A new ship appeared, this one obviously civilian by design. It moved into position near the wreckage of the Invictus-E and seemed to consider the debris for a moment before it began to expand. Thick metal cables kept the modules attached to the main body before a horde of tugs began to spill from the ship. "The Khandar is a mobile fleet tender station. Capable of supporting up to thirty-two ships simultaneously, it is a powerful tool in fleet support and can easily be made to accommodate salvaging operations, or even construction if given the proper material support."

A tiny fighter zipped out of the Antilles, soon to be followed by several more, while several dozen dummy drones zipped out of the still intact hanger of the Invictus-E. "Modularity is a staple of Corellian Engineering ships, particular those placed on the market. However, this modularity is difficult to replicate for weapon suites which is often a goal of private security and military goals. To that end Corellian Arms, a subsidy of Corellian Engineering, developed the Corell OmniPod. This allows for a fighter, in this case CEC's Wasp starfighter, to rapidly change its armament. Once a operation that would take days, these fighters can be reconfigured in less than an hour to a change in operation parameters. One fighter could launch with a large number of ion cannons, while still another could be launched with engine mounts and proton torpedoes."

As the applause quieted once more, Ayden turned to the assembled entourage while the Wasps displayed their varied weapon systems and remarkable effectiveness. "The Aurodium class of trade stations is one developed exclusively for Arceneau Trade Company's high profile needs." Though an example of the station did not appear in realspace, a hologram display of one did shine from a holographic projector in the floor. "These stations are being delivered to select ATC worlds even as we speak, with full deployment to all major ATC worlds projected in less than six months."

Ayden looked around the room and smiled genially. "It is in light of all this that I humbly submit to you Corellian Engineering Corporate for consideration for your contracts. We have a history stretching back millennia as a corporation that values rugged dependability and products that will continue to perform even centuries after the competition has failed. We are innovating, ever developing new technologies to protect and serve the galaxy, and with your blessing, we will do so for the Levantine Sanctum. Thank you."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
OOC/ Remember, this thread started/was set a while back; Boolon was still alive, [member="Rosa Gunn"] had not yet been captured, etc.

The dust settled from CEC's demonstration, arguably the most impressive of the presentations Boolon had seen so far. The leaders of the Levantine worlds looked suitably impressed, insofar as he could read the faces of Mon Cala and Krevaaki and other major Sanctum species.

"I think," he said quietly to his aide, "it is time to call in the other Levantines, so they may interact with these businesspersons and come to their own conclusions. The world leaders may value their input."

[member="Ilias Nytrau"] [member="Jericho"] [member="Jaxton Ravos"] [member="Judah Lesan"] [member="Maria Natalja"] [member="Masamune Tametomo"] [member="Michael Sardun"] [member="Quorl"] [member="Phylis Alince"] [member="Seydon of Arda"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Rosa Gunn

Rosa had never been one for technological genius, but she got by and while she had a vague understanding of a ships workings, but it was easy to loose her in the finer details. She was a people person, always had been and always would be. There was a ripple of applause after [member="Ayden Cater"]'s demonstration and the room became busy with the hum of chatter as world leaders fell into discussion about what they had seen.

Rosa took this as an opportunity to greet some of their guests, if any of them were going to be setting up shop in Sanctum space she wanted to know who they would be dealing with. Moving from her position at the back of the room, she laid a gentle hand upon Boolon's elbow as she passed him, dipping her head slightly in greeting. "Good to see you, Boolon." She offered before moving away to intercept Ayden as he disembarked from center stage.

"An impressive display, Mister Cater." She said as she approached him, a warm smile on her face. "You've set the standards high, I'm looking forward to see what the others come back with."

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