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ORC Force Schools and Training

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.

Tradition: Warden of the Sky​
Denomination: N/A​
ORC Training Location: Transient​

Shift SenseTechnometry (Mechu-Deru)

Combat Styles:
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Various Disciplines)
Mandalorian Beskad / Warhawk​


As you can see, Runi is rather narrowly focused 'master', viewing the force as more of a utility than a cosmic mystery to be studied. Main objective with her in the coming months is to rekindle that side through exploration threads with a focus towards both WoS and other traditions.

Definitely not the person to turn to if you want the formal experience, but if you enjoy salvaging and exploration, and don't mind a teacher that will literally wing it...
Only a year late, but here goes:

Vorhi Alestrani
Discipline: Salai Kasi
Location: Anywhere, he tends to wander a lot.​
Friendly notes: Vorhi is rather playful and very rarely takes anything incredibly seriously. He's not evil, just...kooky. If you can't deal with being the butt of the joke, or replaying back sarcastically, you might not have the tolerance for Vorhi's unique training style. Almost all of his training centers on unifying the body with force, either through sensory alteration or further mastery of one's own body. Even his 'alchemy' is entirely focused on externalizing internal factors, as every artifact he's crafted has been steeped in his own personal essence. He's also a beleiver of Many Shades as a philosophy, so keep that in mind.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
(Ancoran Grand Master and Queen)​
Sanya Val Swift
Religion: Potentium
Denomination: n/a​
ORC Training Location: Ancora​
Lightsaber combat -

Force abilities -
Force blast
Force speed
Force jump
Force burst
Force heal
Force stealth/cloak
Force persuasion
Moving meditation

I'd link the powers and such but tired

Tradition: Jedi

Denomination: Traditional Jedi [80% Prequels Era Jedi 20% Luke's EU NJO]

ORC Training Location: Transient, Kal'Shebbol

Click for details
Mechu Macture/Ionize • Alter Environment • Force Barrier
Force Stasis • Force Valor • Force Blinding

Combat Styles:
Ataru • Shii-Cho


Ember's Force skills have developed thematically with his non-force skills such as his knowledge in electronics and slicing. He's a heavy practioneer of the Soresu form, his knowledge of Ataru and Shii-Cho are about as average as they get and are rarely used. The set of skills he has accumulated could classify him as capable in a support role due to his extensive combination of 'crowd control' techniques.

Due to his background, Ember also has a fair knowledge of starships and their operations.

Mishel Kryze

Here to get Mishel trained, as it stands she mostly knew dark side powers. Given that she's retraining herself into the way of the light (as much as a little scoundrel can get), she'll be needing some new teachers.

Already down to work threads out with [member="Ember Farseer"], but I'm also down to thread about with [member="Runi Verin"], [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] and just about every other person here.

Mishel's next arc is more than just 'becoming a Jedi' it's honing her style of combat and watching her mature into a knight.
Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
Hmm. Ruu's born Witch, raised neutral with crazy tendencies, been Jedi, been Sith. Now she's somewhere in the middle of it, open to learning fun stuff though her connection with the Force has been a little slippy since the Netherworld effects. Children of the Way don't sound too bad.

Religion: 40% Dathoirian 30% Sith 30% Confused​
Denomination: n/a​
ORC Training Location: Kesh works fine​
(more focus on powers and spells as necessity)​
Combat Styles:
With a swordship? Decent.​
WIth a Lightsaber? Pretends it's a sword.​
Blasters & Slugthrowers? Bestest friends.​
Hand to Hand Combat? Good stuff.​

(if you need some help with the witchy stuff, the writer can lend a hand even if the character can't too much, [member="Bryce Bantam"] )
[member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Dax Fyre"]
Y'all can add this one if you'd like.

Path of the Light Hand
The way of the Jedi is the way of the light hand, offered gently in friendship and assistance to those who need, and the hand held out in warning to those who strike at the defenseless. The hand of the Jedi is the hand of the Force and it is only upon the Force that a Jedi may trust.

Lightsabers draw attention of those who admire the Jedi and those who would hunt them down. Yet they also become the tool that a Jedi relies on most. In both, it slows the process of becoming one with the Force and can bring distractions. Like the Force, a Jedi can often work best when nobody knows that they are Jedi.

And thus, we rely not upon a lightsaber, but on the Force, and on ourselves. Only by mastering ourselves can be attempt mastery over the world outside, and it is through the Force that both are possible.

The Path of the Light Hand was rediscovered and further fleshed out by Tiland Kortun as an aspect of the Force Warrior tradition that utilizes the many forms of unarmed combat that he has learned in his centuries of study. It eschews the use of lightsabers or other recognizable weapons, relying instead of the Force to turn everyday objects into tools of defense, and yet relies most fully on the practitioner's own body. It synthesizes the Force, martial arts, and meditation into one continuous whole. Not so they might defeat the Dark Side, but so they can master themselves, which is the greatest of all challenges.

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