To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
Griet and Janick ate whatever they could out of the meal, which was pretty salty and caused them to drink the blue milk to the very last drop. And Janick later crawled back to bed, still unfit for flight duty, still feeling too sluggish to actually be of any combat effectiveness in a cockpit; Griet was to lead the five squadrons if the need arose. Especially since Janick's vision was still somewhat blurred, both normal and Force-vision. That is, if the Dominion Remnant presence near Asop were somehow hostile. Meanwhile, in one of the mess halls, the damage control crewmembers whose turn to eat was underway were shown the holovideo of Janick prancing like a possessed bimbo cantina dancer in highly revealing, dark purple underwear, on the main screen of the divisional mess. The crewmembers' reactions were, as with all things of that nature, highly varied, as is expected of pooling hundreds of crewmen in one place for one of the shifts, of about two dozen species. Firemen, welders, spanner jockeys, all were to have one look at one of those people whose job most of them envied.
"That's our lead pilot? I knew she was alchemizing pilot seats, with Enchantress Actual enchanting drill bits" one of the damage control crewmembers commented.
"Methinks she drank one tihaar serving too many: it doesn't look elegant in the slightest" a Yuzzem commented on the dance.
"Sooo... beautiful! Does anyone have the location of her cabin?" one smitten damage control crewmember asked.
"Do you think that asking out someone, while having no direct authority over you, that is still several paygrades over you would be proper on duty?" one of the newly-minted officers assigned to the Verdict's damage control divisions reminded the smitten damage control crewmember. "That said, on a ship that big, the crews are highly compartmentalized, so I can't blame you if you envy someone that is normally posted where you're not expected to work in"
"That's our lead pilot? I knew she was alchemizing pilot seats, with Enchantress Actual enchanting drill bits" one of the damage control crewmembers commented.
"Methinks she drank one tihaar serving too many: it doesn't look elegant in the slightest" a Yuzzem commented on the dance.
"Sooo... beautiful! Does anyone have the location of her cabin?" one smitten damage control crewmember asked.
"Do you think that asking out someone, while having no direct authority over you, that is still several paygrades over you would be proper on duty?" one of the newly-minted officers assigned to the Verdict's damage control divisions reminded the smitten damage control crewmember. "That said, on a ship that big, the crews are highly compartmentalized, so I can't blame you if you envy someone that is normally posted where you're not expected to work in"