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Approved NPC Order of the Wolf-Cat

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Intent: A different Knight unit for Alderaan's military
Image Source: Here | Here
Unit Name: The Knights of Alderaan
Affiliation: The Royal House of Alderaan | Specifically the Monarchy of Alderaan
Classification: Heavy Infantry | Heavy Cavalry | Starfighter Squadrons

Availability: Unique
Deployment: Limited
  • Well-Equipped: The Knights of the Wolf-Cat are very well equipped, each with their own suit of Phrik-plated Power Armor and numerous weapons that they meticulously maintain.
  • From the Best: Courage and skill are highly present among the Knights of the Wolf-Cat, chosen from the elite of the Knightly Orders of Alderaan. Selected from already experienced volunteers based on their existing deeds and reputation.
  • Life Given Freely: The Knights are volunteers, having willingly chosen to put their lives in grave danger to protect their charge and represent the throne. They have no qualms about sacrificing themselves to this end.
  • Honor Bound: The Knights are chivalrous by nature, and thus prideful and somewhat arrogant. They are unable or unwilling to participate in acts they consider dishonorable such as riding down a broken enemy, using traps or ambushes, and the like. In some cases this also means they will not support a ruler who participates in these acts either.
  • Bodyguard: The Knights of the Wolf-Cat are not a dedicated combat unit, never deployed in a large group. Their members protect the Royal Family, and on rare occasion act as generals or commanders on the battlefield.
The Order of the Wolf-Cat are a supplement of the Royal Guard, acting as bodyguards, representatives, and honorable counsels to the ruler of Alderaan and the Royal Family. These knights are selected from the other Knightly Orders of Alderaan for their exceptional deeds of heroism and virtue, taking a lifelong oath to serve the Order of the Wolf-Cat, thereby sacrificing any claims they may have to lands, riches, or possessions to the Throne. While service is long and arduous, the Knights place their lives in danger often, and a warrior must make many sacrificed to attain a position within its ranks, the Order is held in very high regard.

Combat Doctrine
Consisting of only Thirty Six knights, the Order of the Wolf-Cat is very small and not expected to be a battlefield unit but rather a bodyguard and representative for the Throne of Alderaan. When its members do participate in combat, the Knights shield their charges with their own bodies and quickly act to remove the Royal from danger. They are trained and expected to be able to perform their duties as Starfighter Pilots flying escort to the Queen's ship, as mounted Knights riding with the Royals in the skies of Alderaan, and in close quarters combat.

Occasionally, pairs or individuals from the Order represent the Throne as commanders seeing to the defense of the planet, overseeing command of a theater of war in their ruler's stead, or acting as officers under the guidance of their ruler. On occasion they will serve as guards for objects and monuments rather than the Royal Family and be posted elsewhere in the galaxy. Sometimes, the Knights of the Wolf-Cat will take on quests on behalf of the Royal Family, especially if the Royals are not known for the martial prowess.

Under normal circumstances however, the Knights of the Wolf-Cat are a ceremonial position wearing more ornate armor and colors, long ceremonial cloaks, and carrying pennants on their lances while riding large barded horses and standing guard alongside the Monarch.

The Kingsward or Queensward is the ranking commander of the Order of the Wolf-Cat in practice, the personal bodyguard of the ruling Monarch who oversees their protection and defense. They organize and converse with Palace security, the other Knightly Orders and any House Guards involved with the Royal Family in order to coordinate properly. The Kingsward supposedly is never to be more than fifty paces from the reigning monarch, however this practice has not been held to strictly in an effort to provide the Queen a level of privacy.

A Knight-Herald is a ceremonial position awarded to the Knight of the Order who bears the Royal Colors and the Sigil of the Order, carried on the same standard during parade duties. While not a battlefield appointment, the duty is considered an honor to represent the colors on such occasions, awarded by the ruler of Alderaan or by their Kingsward on a case by case basis.

In addition to protecting the Royal Family, the Knights of the Wolf-Cat are responsible for protecting certain monuments on Alderaan, relics that represent the planet such as Killik Twilight, and other important pieces of Alderaan's history. These things are protected by a small group of Knights lead by a Castellan, or by an individual Castellan depending on the danger presented or the number needed to provide a proper honor guard to the object.

The Knights of the Wolf-Cat, while the lowest rank of the Order they are considered experienced Knights by the time they are inducted into the order and provided with the ceremonial dagger, sigil, and epithet to their names. Knights who serve the Orders of Alderaan distinguish themselves as exceptional may have their names placed on a small list from which the Wolf-Cats are selected when positions become available. When a position is vacated, the Knights on the list are approached in secret, allowing them to deny the request or volunteer at their own accord without incident or judgement from others. Some refuse to join the Order, not willing to sacrifice their birthrights to their House or not willing to leave their Knightly brothers to such a ceremonial position. Most accept and are brought to the Palace in New Aldera immediately where they undergo the Rites of the Last Hunt, a secretive ritual which swears them to the Order through an oath, binding them for life, sacrificing any claims to lands or heritage outside the Order to be held by the reigning Monarch.

Retirement is not common by the Knights of the Wolf-Cat, though some who are injured severely and unable to fight, age to the point they are no longer able to participate in battle, or find themselves as the last living member of a Great House may ask the Monarch's permission to excuse themselves from their Oaths to the Order and retire. Traditionally, if the request is granted the Knight is excused with nothing but their armor, weapons, and mounts in their possession however all Knights who have retired with honor have been gifted comfortable estates and compensation by the Throne.
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